Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 58: their respective contributions


At that time, the two brothers were still young, and the awakening of power did not succeed, and their grandfather passed away shortly afterwards. Although the family did not lose their noble status, they lost their titles and titles, and their status was similar to that of a commoner with a good family background, except that they did not have to pay the taxes of ordinary commoners.

Theoretically, the two brothers could practice divine arts, but after losing their titles, no priest in the temple would continue to teach them. If they awakened their power back then, they could continue to practice, which is not illegal, but it is difficult to achieve higher achievements, not to mention that the power awakening ceremony was not successful.

Cain whispered in Abel's ear and reminded: "My brother, don't forget that our names have been registered in the ritual records of the city-state temple. If we learn the magic, it is completely legal. If there is another chance Becoming a mid-level magician can fully restore the titles of our ancestors, and our family status can be more glorious than before. We don’t have to guard this farm and be farmers and shepherds. Now there is a rare opportunity in front of us, you can request Amon awakens our power and imparts magic to us."

Abel didn't ask for anything from Amon, but Cain finally convinced his brother after talking for a long time. For ordinary people, being able to master that magical power is as obsessed as an old madman wanting to unlock the secrets of the gods. Whether it was Medanzo, who was not qualified to learn divine arts, or Link, the patriarch of the savage tribe in the deep mountains, they all asked Amon to learn divine arts when they saw the opportunity, not to mention that Abel and Cain were qualified but had nowhere to go. What about the declining nobles who study

The two brothers discussed until midnight, and decided to make a request to Amon early the next morning and present their respective gifts. Amon heard what they said in the field, and decided to agree to the request of the two brothers. These two brothers are qualified to learn divine arts, so doing so will not cause them any trouble, and it should be the best reward.

Early the next morning, Amon left the farmhouse to go for a walk in the pasture, deliberately going to a place away from the eyes of everyone. As he expected, the two brothers followed with presents. They knelt in front of Amon and said: "Honorable benefactor, please accept our most pious offering. Although this gift is not precious, it is obtained by our own hands and represents the true heart."

Cain offered a bunch of golden ears of corn. He is a farmer, and sometimes he goes to work in the field himself, so the millet can be regarded as planted by him. Abel slaughtered the first lamb born this year in his flock, marinated the mutton into dried meat, boiled mutton fat into mature oil, and presented it to Amon.

Amon looked at them and smiled, and said with a twig staff in his hand: "Your hospitality is already the best gift. Since I promise to agree to your request, I will naturally keep my word. I know your purpose of coming, I want to Let me hold a power awakening ceremony for you and impart divine spells, that's totally fine."

Cain exclaimed: "You have seen our hearts before opening your mouth. Are you the messenger of the gods? No, in my mind, you are the symbol of the gods who give power!" He was afraid that Amon would be taboo As a magician, he deliberately said such a thing. In fact, Amon had heard the same thing from Link and Medanzo, but Cain's tone was not so frank.

Abel also prostrated and saluted: "Thank you, honorable benefactor! I will always remember in my heart that it is you who gave us life and miraculous power!"

Amon waved his hand and said: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I promised to hold a power awakening ceremony for you, but whether you can succeed or not depends on yourselves, not everyone can pass the test and learn divine arts. Get up first! Tonight at the foot of the mountain behind the farm, I will make preparations for the ceremony for you, but you must first promise me two conditions."

The two brothers nodded together and said: "If you have any conditions, you can just say it, benefactor."

Amon thought for a while and said: "First, you can only cultivate according to the way I taught you, don't take other paths, have a firm belief, and regard it as the only source of strength. Second, you can't draw Take my likeness or make a statue of me, and show my face and name to others."

The reason why Amon put forward the first condition is very simple. What he wants to try to awaken for the two brothers is the power of one body and two sides, and he will only teach them the cultivation path that he himself has confirmed. He also said the same thing to Link. As for the second condition, it is also easy to understand. Amon himself is a magician, and his "deeds" on the ferry have been made public by the city-state of Uruk. Naturally, he would not want anyone to know his appearance and name.

The two brothers immediately nodded and agreed. Although Amon's first condition was special, they had no other place to learn it, so there was no need to consider other options. When returning home, Amon took Abel's gift and said, "Thank you, I just need these things on the road, so I took them." But he returned the ears of wheat to Cain, because he really didn't need them when he went on the road again .

That night, when the moonlight illuminated the treetops in the forest, Abel and Cain came to the glade at the foot of the mountain. Amon was already waiting there, with his branch-like staff stuck in front of him. Amon never talked much nonsense. Seeing the arrival of the two brothers, he waved his hands and said, "The power awakening ceremony will start now, and this cane of mine is its source. This is the first ceremony. Don't think about the awakening ceremony." What is power? It is not only the power given by the gods, but also the power sleeping in the blood.

While awakening the power, it will also awaken the desire. This desire comes from the body and the mind at the same time. It has two sides. You must learn how to face it and not be influenced by it. Awakening power through rituals is only the first step. In fact, this kind of test is not temporary, it will run through your life and even eternity. Pray to my cane. Please examine your body and mind. It is not a known god who gives you strength. This kind of prayer may be difficult. I hope you can find that state of concentration and piety. "

Amon now has a new understanding of the various tests in the practice of divine arts. Whether it is "awakening of desire", "firmness of faith", or "temptation of the devil", there are two meanings. The first level of meaning means that you will not be swayed by it when you practice the basic meditation of divine arts, and you can continue to practice more advanced divine arts. The second level of meaning is more complicated. It does not pass the test in form. This test will disappear. It will run through everyone's beliefs, just like the temptation of the devil always exists, and the desire is always accompanied. person's body and mind.

Amon lived in the farm for another seven days. With the help of the magical cane, the two brothers showed signs of power sprouting physically and mentally, and Amon also fully recovered. He stayed in the farm for a total of half a month, and felt that his energy and physical strength had reached the best state again, and even his strength was vaguely stronger than before.

He was a little surprised why it took him so long. In fact, Amon didn't know that excessive use of mana beyond the limit was very dangerous for magicians, and they would be in a weak and unable to protect themselves. In the same situation, it may take two or three months for ordinary magicians to recover. He was on the road alive and kicking after only half a month. This speed is really astonishing, not only benefited from his physical training, but also benefited from his usual way of cultivation which is different from ordinary people.

Before he left, Amon left a divine stone for each of the two brothers. The purpose was nothing more than to allow them to use it as an intermediary to stimulate power and continue to awaken power. It is impossible for Amon to leave his cane here. The most difficult first step has already been taken, and the rest is up to the two brothers themselves. How to face the test of desire needs to be overcome by themselves.

The two sacred stones were enough to compensate the two brothers for their hospitality. Abel didn't want to accept it, saying that although he was not rich, he still had the sacred stones collected by his ancestors. Amon persuaded him to keep the sacred stone, telling him that he would use it when inlaying the staff in the future, and the cost would be much more expensive than a single sacred stone. Amon was very thoughtful, and even thought that after the two brothers became magicians, they might not be able to afford a decent staff, so he even taught them the crafting skills of the staff.

Before they became mid-level magicians, they had no ability to make staffs. But it doesn't matter, Amon's own habit is not to use a staff when practicing divine power, and it is natural to ask his successors to practice in this way. He awakened the power of one body and two sides for the two brothers, and found that the two were different. Abel was better at mastering divine skills, while Cain's talent was more focused on physical martial arts.

The situation of the two brothers reminded Amon of Bell's commentary on the strength cultivation of one body with two sides - "Anyone may have a certain emphasis on ability, and these will not affect the cultivation of one body with two sides. Any ability that wants to be brought to the extreme I am afraid that it will not be possible to spend a lifetime of energy, and this road itself is so difficult, so it is reasonable to first meet the most basic requirements and then focus on it.”

Amon gave the two brothers training methods of strength from level 1 to level 6, each with different emphasis. The most important reason why he did this was to confirm Bell's guess. Amon himself and Bell pointed out that the situation is somewhat different. The old lunatic hopes that he will become an encyclopedia-style master of divine arts and explore the path that Bell has not yet completed, so he has to try all possibilities. Therefore, Bell's comment can only be confirmed in the situation of the two brothers. Amon, whose mission is to unlock the secrets of the gods, cannot pay too much attention to a certain path.

The two brothers sent Amon far away, and did not turn back until they left the jurisdiction of Uruk city-state and came to the official road leading to the city of Baron. Although Amon is a magician, he didn't encourage these two people to offend or blaspheme any gods. He just awakened their power and taught them all the training content before becoming a great magician. This is not in any temple. Will learn it once.

The gratitude in Abel and Cain's hearts can be imagined. When they said goodbye to Amon, they said: "You are our eternal benefactor, shining with the light of the gods!"

Amon drove the carriage and continued on the road. No one in the huge kingdom knew who he was. Amon didn't encounter any trouble along the way. He passed through Raja, Nippur, Kish and other city-states in a row. He didn't walk fast, and it took him more than three months to reach the capital of Baron. At this time, Amon is no longer that stupid boy who just walked out of the deep mountains. His temperament seems to have matured a lot. He has experienced so many things and gradually began to understand this strange and vast world. Traveling in the mainland is indeed a treasure. .

He understands what the so-called "temptation of the devil" is. He can advance through the test when he is practicing divine arts, but this test still exists all the time. What he said to the two brothers is also understood and confirmed by himself. among. Amon was not stupid at all. The experience along the way taught him a lot of things, and he was always paying attention to what the people around him were thinking and wanting.

In his eyes, everything is so novel, there is always something new under the sun, if you can't see it, it just means that you didn't pay attention to it. Amon didn't leave quickly, because he had been waiting. Schrödinger once said that he would come back to find him, but the cat never showed up.

Amon missed Schrödinger a little bit, and he even wanted to go back to the Sumer town to look for it, where the cat left. Could it cross the Eudi by itself to catch up with Amon? But Amon suppressed this idea and continued to set off for the capital. Let's talk about it after seeing Mei Danzuo, anyway, he will go back sooner or later.

He didn't have any other purpose in wanting to see Mei Danzuo, it was just because he didn't know anyone on the mainland when he first walked out of the deep mountains, so he made Baron City his first stop. By the way, let's see how Meidanzuo's strength of one body and two sides is doing. Amon got the message from Bell after Meidanzuo left, and there are many things that he didn't come to teach him.

If Mei Danzuo's strength has reached the bottleneck, but he doesn't know how to continue, Amon's visit can just continue to guide the way for him. Amon wanted to see that Meidanzuo had another idea. After all, Meidanzuo was a mid-level warrior who grew up in the capital. He had systematically learned fighting skills that Amon was not familiar with. These were also things that Amon needed to learn from.

The closer he got to Baron City, Amon couldn't help but think of Yin Nanna again. Will he meet Princess Xiaoqian again in the capital? She must be with her fiancé Gilgamesh at the moment. I heard that Gilgamesh will go to the capital soon. Will Princess Xiaoqian be with him? If she came to Amon again as Yin Nanna, how would she meet him? But this possibility is very small, how could Yin Nanna know where to find him, she should not think about it.

When he arrived outside the city of Barron, Amon encountered the first obstacle since he traveled to the mainland.

After all, Baron City is the capital of the kingdom, although it is still tightly guarded in peacetime. The guards guarding the gate are all warriors, and even the squad leader is at least a mid-level warrior. There are three magicians sitting in each city gate, at least one mid-level magician among them. They don't show up in the tower, but they can use magic to detect any suspicious people at any time.

Amon also thought about sneaking over the city wall at night, but he discovered in time that there was a weak magic power fluctuating on the wall. It turned out that a large magic circle had been set up around the entire city of Baron, and only the king Everyone can have such a handwriting! Ge Lie once temporarily set up such a large formation in the city-state of Syria, but in the known city-states of Tianshu Road, there are only five cities with permanent protection of the magic formation: Des City of Aiju, Mengfei The city of Si, the city of Hattusha, the capital of the Hattite king, the city of Niveh, the capital of the Assyrian king, and the city of Baron, the capital of the king of Baron.

The magic array here is much more complete than the magic array that Ge Lie once set up temporarily. After fully mobilizing, it can be attacked and defended, and it can protect the city as solid as gold. But it is usually not fully opened, and only retains the detection function. If you want to detect the abnormal situation in and out of the entire city, you have to consume several god stones every day, and there is a great magician in charge. Only the capital of the kingdom has this strength, and can send enough great magicians to perform this task in turn.

It is impossible for Amon to pass through the detection of this magical array without being alarmed. He can only enter through the city gate during the day. He has a document issued by the cape city-state of the Ecu Empire on his body. The name can prove the citizenship of the Ecu Empire. But this is the Kingdom of Baron, and Amon has no entry procedures, so holding such a document is more likely to cause trouble.

The people of the kingdom who entered Baron City did not need to show proof documents, but they had to be interrogated by the gate guards, who might be checked. Amon didn't want the things on his body to be found out to be wrong. At least the bone couldn't be picked up by ordinary people. If it was found out, it would definitely attract special attention.

Amon did not expect to rely on the help of Gilgamesh to enter the city this time. He heard a news that Gilgamesh would arrive in three days with a gift dedicated to Marduk and Princess Xiaoqian. There is a big celebration. The king ordered the people to go out of the city to greet him, and followed Gilgamesh's convoy into the city to hold a grand parade. Amon could enter the city with the parade team, and it was impossible for guards to interrogate him.

Will he see Inanna sitting in Gilgamesh's luxurious carriage, entering the palace with the hero amid the cheers of all the people? — Amon thought in his heart.

But Amon didn't see Inanna after three days. Gilgamesh's carriage was still the same one, without a shed and a large sunshade umbrella on the carriage. Gilgamesh himself put on a majestic and luxurious city lord dress, equipped with an incomparably exquisite warrior long sword, and stood under the colorful umbrella to accept the cheers of the people, smiling and nodding from time to time, waving.

Gilgamesh’s own carriage was the second to enter the city. The first carriage had no shed, and there were two altar-shaped decorations. On it were Enkidu’s spoils—the snake drawn out after killing Humbaba. Tendons and plucked snake teeth. This is the skeleton of the legendary god! Gilgamesh let them be exposed to the sun, so that the whole city welcomes them to see them clearly!

Amon also saw it very clearly. Those snake tendons were much bigger than the one he got in the river. Each one was as thick as a thumb, coiled together more than a foot wide, and the whole body was golden yellow, but it shone like an orchid in the sun. The luster is like the water waves flowing under the golden light of the setting sun. Three coiled snake tendons were placed on the left and right altars, and four snake teeth were placed on each coil of snake tendons. Two were long and two were short. How terrifying is that snake kiss!

Snake tendons and bones of gods were in Amon's luggage, so he was particularly interested. At the beginning, he was cautious not to use the divine detection technique to find out, for fear that doing so would expose himself in the crowd. But when the convoy passed the city gate, Amon sensed countless waves of mana fluctuations, coming from all directions.

Some came from the kingdom guards that greeted Gilgamesh, some came from the city walls, and some came from the crowds that lined the streets to welcome them. Amon didn't notice that among the crowd beside the road, there was no one who was dressed as a magician with a staff. It seems that many magicians came out of the city in disguise today.

Who would not be curious about the bones of the legendary gods? Even the magic formation guarding the city wall was activated intentionally. It must be the great magician who is presiding over the magic formation. With the help of the powerful detection ability of the formation, he carefully studied and analyzed the snakes passing through the city gate. Teeth and snake tendons.

Since Gilgamesh put them on the first carriage and entered the capital first without any concealment, it was for everyone to see, to prove that the matter was true, and to increase the prestige of his and Enkidu's achievements. She was extremely arrogant and frank to the extreme!

There were many women in the crowd, but they were not interested in snake tendons and fangs. They just waved various turbans and screamed at Gilgamesh: "Dear Gil, great hero, I adore you...Look, he Smiled at me, nodded and waved, it’s the great Jill who is waving at me!” The girls who yelled looked like they were going to faint with happiness, but Jill still had a humble and noble smile, He waved to everyone again and again.

Amon is not like those nympho girls, he took advantage of the opportunity not to be discovered, and launched the detection magic to carefully sense Humbaba's snake tendons and long teeth. Those fangs were different from the bones in his leather pocket, they could be clearly sensed by the divine detection technique, and there was a terrifying aura on them. While Amon was concentrating on sensing them, the roar of thousands of bison roared in the depths of his mind, with a huge impact and shock.

Amon had heard this voice on the night Enkidu killed Humbaba. If it wasn't for his firm and profound thoughts, he might have interrupted his meditative state of divine art. He has already judged that these fangs can be used as materials for making the best staffs, and they can also be used to forge precious and rare magical artifacts. But they are different from Osiris' ribs. The bone in his pocket is either a real bone of a god, or it has been magically processed.

The sacred object of the Temple of Isis, the "rib of the god of the underworld", has only one such fang, and those fangs are already treasures that are hard to find in the world. Amon also has another feeling. If these fangs are used directly as weapons, they can have the effect of roaring and impacting a kind of spiritual attack magic. After being processed by the master craftsman, this weapon will be even more terrifying.