Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 6: I may not be afraid to look directly at her (Part 1)


Is Maria really sick? It looks similar, but only Gabriel knows what's going on. It's not a real illness, but now, Maria really needs to stay in Duke Town for a few more days.

On the night she got the Tears of the Gods, Maria fainted. Practicing devout prayers over the past few days has exhausted energy and physical strength. The environment in Duke Town made Mr. Dick feel very uncomfortable, and Maria also felt a little uncomfortable. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, she was concentrating all her energy on praying to Goddess Isis. tired.

Once the mind is relaxed, it is most common for ordinary people to finally faint or fall asleep.

There was originally a maid who did rough work and a personal maid beside Maria, but she was sick for the past two days. Maybe it was a long journey across the desert and then came to this uncomfortable place. It was really uncomfortable. The climate Not well adapted to the environment. Lord Dick brought several maids and slaves for Mary to use, but Gabriel thought that they could not directly serve the saint's daily life.

Gabriel said to Dick: "You firmly believe that Mary will become the guardian saint of the Temple of Isis, and has received the tears of the gods, then everything must treat her like a saint."

The Temple of Isis has a large field and countless slaves, but the status of the saint is transcendent. The things she uses cannot be handed directly to her by the slaves, so the female slaves cannot serve her directly. She is not allowed to have any physical contact with adult men, and her clothes and food cannot be held in front of women who have had men. The young and beautiful maids sent by Lord Dick are obviously not suitable.

Rod Dick thought everything into consideration, but ignored these, not because he was not careful enough. According to regulations, only after a formal ceremony is held in the Temple of Isis, the approved candidate for the saint will become the real saint. Gabriel, on the other hand, made demands in advance according to the conditions for treating the saintess, appearing to be meticulous, lest there be any unexpected mistakes in the process from now until he successfully returned to the Temple of Isis.

This is also good, at least it shows that the envoy of the temple has recognized Mary's status as a saint in his heart.

Maria was not really sick. Since Gabriel's duty was to protect her, of course it also included ensuring her health. After Maria woke up from a drowsy night, Gabriel had already treated her with a simple blessing spell, and there was no problem with her body. Under Gabriel's protection, she could cross the desert safely.

But Gabriel had other things to do without even telling Rod Dick. She wants to teach the most basic divine art in the Temple of Maria Isis—God's Test. The criteria for selecting a saint is not only to obtain the tears of the gods, but also to be able to awaken the power bestowed by the gods. This is what Gabriel wants to teach Mary to do.

This process is usually very difficult, but with the help of the Tears of the Gods, it can be much simpler, which is one of the reasons why the Tears of the Gods are so precious. Only by awakening the power bestowed by the gods and passing the most basic test of the gods can Mary be able to use the tears of the gods to bless the people in the temple.

Maria has already obtained the Tears of the Gods. If she can do this before reaching the Temple of Isis, she will become a true saint. If she can't do it for a long time, I'm afraid things may still have twists and turns. Gabriel escorted Maria all the way to Duke Town, witnessed the appearance of the tears of the gods, and saw Maria's piety with his own eyes. He had already firmly believed in her status as a saint, so he decided to do this as soon as possible. step.

Doing so does not violate God's will. After Mary arrives at the Temple of Isis, the priests of the temple will teach the magic according to the procedure and conduct the assessment within the specified time. Gabriel simply advanced the ceremony and gave her special care.

Lord Rod-Dick is still worried about one thing, that is, the priests of the temple played tricks. They did not teach Maria the real magic or deliberately delayed the teaching, so that she could not pass the examination for a long time, and the saints of other city-states Female candidates have the opportunity to steal the position, and are considering how to make public offerings and private bribes. And Gabriel didn't say anything, and he had already resolved the troubles that Dick was worried about in private, and the rest was up to Maria herself.

After all, she protected Maria all the way here and got the tears of the gods. Even Gabriel felt lucky. This was a gift from the goddess Isis. She had an indescribable feeling for this pure and pious girl. Kindness, willing to help her.

Gabriel taught Mary that the magic is still a kind of prayer, but it requires sincere faith and a peaceful heart, using a special ritual to awaken the magical power bestowed by the gods, and passing the test of the gods.

Maria asked her, "How will the gods test me?"

Gabriel, who was always serious, rarely showed a smile: "Pray to the tears of the gods, according to the way I teach you, you will get the strange power bestowed by the gods, but at the same time, what you will be awakened is the desire hidden in people's souls. You have to Learn how to face these desires, and not let them control your heart and beliefs. This is the test of God, the threshold to enter the palace of magic... Your heart is so pious and pure, it is not difficult to pass this test, as a saint I don’t need to say more about how I should demand myself.”

Maria hesitated and asked again: "Isn't it necessary for the priests to preside over the ceremony after arriving at the Temple of Isis before they can accept such a test?... Am I doing this now against God's will?"

Gabriel shook his head: "You didn't violate God's will, I did this only to allow you to pass God's test successfully, if you fail, you won't be approved by God, but I believe you can. Seeing that Maria was still a little confused, Gabriel thought for a while and said, "I'll tell you something, what just happened in this town today."

Gabriel recounted the dispute in the square at the northern end of the town, and finally said: "I think what Mr. Aristotle said is not unreasonable. The will of the gods is the main premise. As long as you pass the test, you will get You have been approved by the gods, because you, as a candidate for the saintess, have already obtained the tears of the gods."

Maria blinked her big beautiful eyes and thought for a long time, finally nodded and said: "Yes, you are right, you know the rules of the Temple of Isis better than I do, and I will definitely not let you down."

Gabriel shook his head lightly again: "No, it's not me, you will definitely not disappoint the great Virgin Isis."

At this time, Maria suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously: "But you have been here just now, how can you hear what the people on the other side of the town are saying, every sentence is so clear, and I didn't hear anything. Is it the power of the gods?"

Gabriel laughed again: "This is the power bestowed by the gods. I can hear the voices of each of them. As long as I gather my energy and am willing to listen... As the saint of the Temple of Isis, you will have more power than me. More powerful divine power, I am a warrior, it is impossible to learn high-level divine arts, and you will master the supreme divine arts of the Temple of Isis."

As soon as I said this, I heard the voice of the maid downstairs: "Lord Gabriel, Mr. Aristotle has found the servant you need and brought him here."

Amon knew very well that it was Aristotle and the old lunatic who rescued him today. It is not surprising that the old lunatic would help him, but this strange young man is obviously a nobleman, why would he help a stranger? miners? Amon was very grateful and glad to have the opportunity to serve this gentleman. Isn't it just three days as a servant, not to mention the generous reward of one gold coin per day.

On the way, Amon expressed his thanks, and according to the most solemn etiquette he knew, he wanted to kneel down and kiss the soil in front of Aristotle's feet. Aristotle stopped him, and said with a smile: "Son, you don't have to be like this, you are not my slave, and I am not a god or a king." Then he looked at him and asked: "You want to ask me why I would help you?"

Amon nodded and said, "Yes, sir, I want to ask."

Aristotle looked at the distance and said to himself: "I come from a far part of the continent, a place called Heaton, where there are many city-states. I once studied in Plato's Academy. My teacher once said, 'We Why ask for knowledge, virtue is knowledge, and a wise man should be a good man'."

Amon blinked, and asked in recollection: "Heaton? Have you ever heard of a sage named Theaetetus?"

Aristotle was slightly taken aback: "I met him in Plato's Academy. He was a student of my teacher's friend Theodorus. Son, how did you hear his name?"

Amon replied: "An old man in the town told me that is the old gentleman who spoke to you just now." The name Theaetet was mentioned by an old lunatic. It is a kind of regular polyhedron, and the regular dodecahedron is the most special one. It is the outline of the world drawn by God, contains the mysterious information of the fifth element, and is the source and symbol of mysterious power.

Amon thought it was just the old lunatic's drinking talk, but he didn't expect this person to exist. It seems that what the old lunatic said was true.

The two continued to walk towards the southern end of the town. Aristotle seemed to be very interested in this child, and asked as he walked, "Just now we were discussing the oracle in front of the temple. Do you know the real divine spirit? Why is the god of the oracle called the protector god by you?"

Why? The gods are gods, and the oracle is the oracle. It seems that the residents of the town have never pursued this question, and Amon did not answer, but said very humbly: "Sir, please give me advice."

Aristotle smiled: "Actually, I'm not sure. I just want to discuss with you. The reason why it is called the oracle of the protective god is because it is indeed protecting the residents here. The sacred stone produced here is so precious. And mining skills are passed down from generation to generation, how can we prevent people from driving underage children to bear such heavy work due to greed? In this way, we can better protect the artisans here from generation to generation, so that young men will not die ?”

Amon's somewhat chaotic mind seemed to be awakened by a ray of inspiration, and he suddenly understood something, nodded repeatedly: "The oracle, this is the oracle! Children who have not grown up cannot learn the skills of miners, and women cannot mine sacred stones!"

Aristotle also nodded and said, "Yes, that's why the gods in the temple are called protector gods. No matter how the oracle was handed down in the first place, such an oracle is really needed here. My child, If you become a priest in the future, you must also guard such an oracle, but you must understand the true divine spirit and its origin, not like the priest just now."

After saying this, he thought for a while, couldn't help laughing again, turned his head to look at Amon and said: "The spirit of the oracle is for men under the age of sixteen, and they are not allowed to learn the skills of miners, but in the local language, Allow and may be a word, can you understand what I mean? So today the priest can't argue with me, but you must understand the difference, otherwise you will be as confused as everyone else."

Walking from the north of the town to the south of the town, Amon had been thinking about it, and while he was talking, the small building where Maria lived arrived.