Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 61: world under the sun


After breakfast, Mi Yali enthusiastically persuaded Amon to go out to play, and asked Fusha to accompany him, and gave Fusha a lot of pocket money. She said to Amon: "Why did you buy things so politely yesterday, if you need anything, just tell Fusha."

Fusha held Amon's arm tightly, her body was almost clinging to his side, and said with a smile: "The capital of the king is very large, and many gardens are open to common people. There are various small vendors and jugglers, but It's busy, today I will accompany you to take a good look."

Amon nodded with a smile: "Okay, thank you all!"

Amon played in the city for another day. The king's capital really dazzled the children in the mountains. If you come here, let's be at ease. He asked Fusha about various interesting things and things he hadn't seen before. . On the way, he said to Fusha: "This place is really bustling. My eyes are almost blurred. Only when I arrived in the capital, did I realize that there are so many beautiful things in the world. Everyone can see what they want here. Please, but under the watchful eyes of the gods, you must also be clear about what you are doing."

When he said these words, he was walking through the square in front of the Marduk Temple with Fusha on his arm, and he didn't know if Fusha understood.

After dinner that day, Mi Yali quietly called Fusha into her room again and asked, "Did you find anything new today? What else did Amon bring with him, and is there anything worth noting?"

Fusha thought for a while and replied: "While I was strolling around the temple square watching juggling, I leaned against him and felt a long, hard thing under my clothes..."

Mi Yali blushed slightly and spat at her: "How can you touch him in the square? I let you tempt him, but you can't... even if you can't wait to go home, even in the carriage... can't you?"

Fusha's face was also red, and she quickly explained: "Mistress, you misunderstood, it's not where the man is, it's a long, hard thing hidden under his ribs. It must be very careful to keep it close to your body. precious!"

Mi Yali nodded slightly with a curious look: "Oh, you did a good job!... But why did you let Amon go back to the room to rest alone, and didn't go to accompany him?"

Fusha lowered her head a little aggrieved and said, "It was Amon who refused my request to make his bed and wash him up. He said he didn't like to be disturbed when he was resting... Mistress, is it because I'm not attractive enough?"

If Fusha knew that Yin Nanna had also seduced Amon, then the temptation of the goddess was much better than the tricks of her little maid, but Amon didn't think she should have any thoughts at all, so she didn't know how she would feel, or what? Will you feel wronged? Mi Yali stared at her sideways and said: "No, you are very attractive, and you should be attractive enough to men, maybe because you are Medanzuo's maid, so he feels a little embarrassed, I will persuade you tomorrow He's relieved."

The next day, she continued to go out to play, and before leaving the house in the morning, Mi Yali said to Amon in private: "Fusha admires and admires you very much, if you don't mind, just let her serve you, and you can ask for anything. "

Amon showed a polite smile, nodded and replied: "Thank you, I understand! In fact, I am already very happy that she accompanied me to play around the capital, so how can I ask for more?... When I looked at my heart intently, To know what you are thinking, what you want and what you should get? Just like when we do everything, we should bear its consequences."

It's not clear how much Mi Yali understood. After returning home that day, Amon did not bring Fusha into his room. On the third day, when Gilgamesh was about to leave the capital, a grand carnival parade finally arrived. Gilgamesh stayed in Baron City for a long time this time, and some people even discussed in private whether he took the opportunity to marry Princess Xiaoqian? But Princess Xiaoqian has never returned to the capital, this kind of speculation is self-defeating.

Gilgamesh sat on the carriage under the umbrella and left amidst the cheers of the people all over the city. The king sent the palace guards to send Gilgamesh ten miles away from the city gate. Only a hero like him deserves this honor! The hero-worshiping people sent Gilgamesh farther, and the parade stretched thirty miles away. Today, the king ordered that there will be no curfew at night at the city gate, and everyone can revel to their heart's content.

Amon also went out of the city in the carriage of the Medanzuo family. The driver was Enoch, Mi Yali's younger brother. This was a play and a farewell. Amon took all his things with him and was about to set off on his way home. The car was loaded with fine wine and food. Fusha hugged Amon's arm and leaned against her side, while raising the curtain with the other hand to introduce the scenery along the way from time to time.

Ten miles away from the city, the carriage left the official road and turned onto another wild road among the hills. The weather in early winter is a bit cool, but today’s sunshine is very good, which is suitable for outings. Wearing warm furs, tasting good wine and grilling steaks in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, is a rare leisure for people living in the metropolis. enjoy.

In winter, the vegetation is withered, and the withered and yellow color in the mountains is interesting in the bright sunshine, the sky is blue and the wind is gentle. The carriage stopped by a lake surrounded by hills, the withered yellow grass was softer than when it was green in summer, and it was more comfortable to sit on. Today was outing in the wild, so Enoch dressed up as a warrior and wore a dagger at his waist, which can be used for self-defense and for cutting meat while eating.

The carriage was parked on a sunny meadow in the middle of the hill, where you can enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains and shelter from the wind. The surrounding is very quiet, with mountains and forests on three sides and a lake on the other side, and no one can be seen around. It is really a good place!

Enoch brought down the wine, meat, and table stove from the carriage, and Amon also extended his hand to help. Mialli cleaned up the tableware, while the maid Fusha carried the jar to fetch water from the lake. After putting everything away, Amon looked at the blue lake and sighed: "The lake is so clear, the air is so fresh, under the sunlight, it seems that the soul can be purified."

Enoch frowned slightly dissatisfied and said: "Fosha went to fetch water, why did it take so long? Did he go somewhere for fun again, and went to the woods to pick wild fruits to eat? It's really ignorant to let the distinguished guests here Wait!"

From the hillside to the nearest lake shore, you need to go down through a small forest, and you can't see the place where Fusha fetches water. It will take her a long time to go, no wonder Enuo is in a hurry. Amon said: "It may be that the pitcher is too heavy and the hillside is too steep. She should not fall on the road. Prepare the tableware. I'll go and have a look."

Amon walked down the mountain to the lake through the grove. When he was far away, Mi Yali lowered her voice and said to Enuo: "My brother, have you thought about how to do it?"

Enoch squinted his eyes and whispered: "When Fusha comes back, let her take Amon to the stove to see if the meat is roasted. You hold his other hand on the other side, and I will strike you from behind. It's solved... If you are afraid, you can pretend to be smoked and close your eyes, and you don't need to see anything." As he spoke, he drew out his saber and placed it next to the barbecue stove.

"You don't need to see anything, do you? Poor me, I just saw all of this, and you didn't give up after all!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind, almost frightening the souls of the two people, Enoch turned around with his sword but stood still. I saw Mei Danzuo walking out from the woods, holding a long sword drawn out of its sheath, with a faint trace of blood that hadn't solidified on the sword.

With a sullen face, Mei Danzuo didn't walk fast, and approached slowly step by step. After a short period of surprise, Enoch quietly pinched Mi Yali's back, and she suddenly came to her senses and realized something, opened her arms and squeezed out a smile to greet her: "You are finally back! My dear Husband, I miss you so much, did you see our carriage coming in the procession? Your esteemed friend Amon is here too, and he happened to be leaving, and today we are here for He practiced."

Seeing that Mei Danzuo seemed to want to laugh but couldn't, he nodded and said, "Yes, I know everything, and your hospitality is very good. I have already asked Fusha just now, and not only did I ask What I wanted to know, I also asked a lot of things that I didn't know before, things that shamed me and my family! I feel disgusting and don't want to repeat it again."

Upon hearing this, Enuo realized something was wrong when he saw the blood on Medanzuo's sword, and suddenly rushed towards Medanzuo who was approaching without saying a word, and the short sword in his hand suddenly pierced his chest. Mei Danzuo seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and leaned sideways to avoid the vicious stab, and heard a scream, his sword pierced Enoch's rib, and then heard Mi Yali's panic scream.

Amon stood by the lake with his hands behind his back, and the grove behind him blocked his view of the hillside. He heard Mi Yali's scream, but the scream stopped abruptly, like a chicken being suddenly killed. The man broke his neck. Amon closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while, staring at the beautiful lake under the sun in a daze, not knowing what he saw.

After a long time, there was a sound in the woods, and Medanzuo came to the lake, his sword was sheathed, and he had a sad expression on his face. He came behind Amon and saluted, "My God, I don't know how to express my shame to you!"

Amon didn't look back, and also said in a sad tone: "I didn't ask you to kill them."

Mei Danzuo bit her lips: "I pointed Fusha at the sword for interrogation, and not only asked about their plot against you, but also some things that made me ashamed and unspeakable... None of them understood your hints and words. Admonishment, if you still don’t give up at the last moment, let the blood be my sacrifice to the gods! Amon, you are my only god. If it weren’t for your coming, I would be blinded forever and live in unknown shame. "

Amon didn't ask Mei Danzuo what else happened during the interrogation. He turned around and looked at him with sympathy: "These three people are gone, what are you going to do, just go home like this?"

Medan Zuo replied: "It's really quiet here. No one else knows that they have come and stayed forever. This is the destination they chose, isn't it?... God Amon, I have nothing to love in Baron City, Please allow me to travel around the continent with you and be your servant!"

Amon thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "That's fine, I'm really afraid that you will do something again, but your home is still there, go back and settle down, I will wait for you for three days."

After leaving for four months, the civilian warrior Medanzuo who lost his noble status finally returned home, but his young and beautiful wife Mi Yali was not at home to welcome her husband. Mi Yali took a maid to accompany a young man out of the city yesterday, and did not come back overnight. The man has been living in his house for a month, and he is very generous. He should be a young rich businessman who came to visit the capital. He has gained a lot in the capital—the neighbors all commented like this.

Naturally, Mei Danzuo also vaguely heard these rumors, and sat at home waiting with a gloomy face, but Mi Yali still did not come back after another day and night. The neighbors in the neighborhood were discussing again, did Mi Yali elope with that man

It's better to follow a wealthy businessman who has money and leisure to play around, than to stay in an empty house and follow that unreliable Metatron for several months a year! In order to tie that man's heart, Miali even put the beautiful maid Fuza in it. I don't know how Medanzo would feel after hearing such rumors

He waited at home for another day, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. He dismissed the porter, groom and other servants, entrusted the ancestral house to a distant relative to take care of him, and left Baron City with his sword and luggage on his back. People are talking privately that Mei Danzuo went to find Mi Yali, and he might have to fight the young rich businessman. I don't know if he can come back

On an official road in the city-state of Kish in the Kingdom of Baron, a serious-looking Medanzo was driving a carriage with two horses. His eyes were looking forward but he didn't know where to look. He just let the horses run freely. He seemed to be distracted again. This carriage was lent to Amon by Lescott Lee. It was not convenient for Amon to drive a carriage when he entered the city, so he left it in an inn in a town and paid the clerk enough money to take care of the two horses. horse. On the return journey, he retrieved the car again, but the driver was replaced by Medanzo.

The car curtain was not put down, and Amon was sitting in the car studying the snake tendon, wondering what kind of utensils it could be processed into. The processing of magical artifacts is not successful every time. If you are not careful, even the materials will be damaged. Although Amon has been taught by the most outstanding master craftsman on the mainland, he has never processed artifacts by himself, and there is only one snake tendon. , of course be cautious.

The carriage suddenly bumped a bit, and Amon knew that Medan Zuo was distracted again. During this journey, Medanzuo has been very melancholy, much more melancholy than the cat back then, and often stays silent for most of the day. At this time, Mei Danzuo is already a three-pole magician, and his mind is firm and will not be easily disturbed, but no one will feel good when encountering this kind of thing, and his feelings will not be changed because of his firm belief.

As Amon understands, any kind of test encountered in the practice of divine arts does not only mean that pass, but actually runs through it all.

Amon didn't want to see Meidanzuo so depressed, so he tried to find some light topics to distract him, put down his tendons and asked, "Medanzuo, what are you thinking about?"

Mei Danzuo's shoulders trembled slightly, and he slapped the whip, and the two horses ran smoothly again. He replied gruffly, "No, I didn't think about anything, I was just in a daze."

Amon asked again: "The gates of Baron City are interrogated by guards, but you can pass through with prohibited materials every time. How do you do it? Can you tell me any tricks?"

Mei Danzuo showed a slight smile: "My God Amon, there is actually no trick. There are so many people entering and leaving the king every day, it is impossible for everyone to be interrogated, and the guards will only stop people they think are suspicious. I have traveled many times, and I am a permanent resident of the capital, so they all know each other. And I am a mid-level warrior, and many of the soldiers in the Ximen Guards used to practice martial arts with me, Captain You have a good relationship with me, how can you check me?"

Amon nodded and said, "Oh, that's how it is!"

As he continued to move forward, Mei Danzuo seemed to be in a more cheerful mood, but he still had a melancholy look in his eyes. They were heading west. The city-state of Kish was located in the northwest of the Kingdom of Baron, close to the edge of the Assyrian Plateau. To the north was a series of majestic mountains. After crossing the plateau was the Kingdom of Assyria, and to the west was the Youdi River Valley among the mountains.

From a geographical point of view, this place is closer to the dwarven tribe where Link is located on the other side of the distant Youdi River. Mei Danzuo was not afraid to cross the high mountains. The most troublesome thing in the past was crossing the river. There is a section of the Youdi River in the mountains where the water flow is relatively gentle, and the valleys on both sides are relatively open, which could have been used as a ferry.

In the past, no one crossed the river there, because that was where Humbaba's lair was. The situation is different now. Humbaba has been beheaded by Enkidu. The city-state of Kish took the opportunity to set up a ferry on that river section and sent troops to garrison it. The detours of the city-state are much shorter.

Amon's original plan was to let Medanzo follow him for a while, cross the river from that ferry, and then let Medanzo go north to Link's tribe, and he himself went south to the cape city-state of the Ecu Empire to return Nero's land. relic.

Mei Danzuo's three-pole magic power has been cultivated to the peak. According to the cultivation method of one body and two sides taught by Amon, the next thing he has to face is the physical test of "purity of blood". Mei Danzuo is already a fourth-level warrior, and has passed such a test unintentionally. It will be much easier and easier to do it again, but it still needs a quiet and disturbing environment to be more secure.

In his current state, he needed to be quiet even more, so Amon wanted him to temporarily go to the wildling tribe until he passed the "devil's temptation" and became a fifth-level magician before thinking about anything else. Mei Danzuo's experience is different from Amon's. He does not lack experience in the world. As for the true face of the so-called devil, he has seen it clearly enough.

Of course, they are not afraid of the cold winter and the dangers of the wilderness. They lived in the wilderness if they missed the domicile, and they rested in the mountains and forests that night. Amon found a secluded place to practice the basic meditation of divine arts. No matter what kind of things he experienced, he never stopped this kind of practice.

When Amon was in deep meditation, he heard Mei Danzuo, who was sleeping in the carriage, calling Mi Yali's name in a painful voice—he was having a nightmare again.