Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 63: We all understand


Medanzo's armor and weapons gleamed in the sun, and he rode a steed to the square in front of the temple. Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to him, and there was a commotion of whispering. The mayor of Diqi parted from the crowd and walked up quickly, bowed politely and said, "Knight from a foreign country, are you here to help us rescue Princess Xiaoqian?"

Mei Danzuo got off his horse and returned the gift: "My name is Mei Danzuo, I live in the capital, and I am a fourth-level warrior. I love to travel around the mainland, yearn for legendary heroes, and dream of establishing my own career one day! I heard that You are recruiting warriors in the town, so come armed and serve."

The prostitutes in the town also crowded into the crowd to watch the fun, and several beautiful girls proudly said to the people next to them: "Look, that handsome hero, he was the one we accompanied last night!"

Seeing that Mei Danzuo was dressed like a great samurai, but he introduced himself as a fourth-level samurai, which was somewhat disappointing. But Tiki is still very happy, one more person gives more power, and the better the weapons, the stronger the combat effectiveness. He himself is a fifth-level warrior, the only middle-level warrior in the town, and now there is another Metatron.

The mayor of Diqi held the rein personally and said, "I, this town, the city-state and the whole kingdom will thank you... Is this warrior also coming with you?" Amon behind Metatron.

Mei Danzuo paused and said: "He, he is my friend, a fifth-level mid-level warrior, but he has a modest temper and doesn't like to make publicity. He also took the initiative to rescue Princess Xiaoqian this time."

If he didn't introduce it like this, people might regard Amon as his servant. Knights often travel with more than one horse, and Amon, who is leading the horse and leaning on a tree branch, looks like an attendant. Mei Danzuo's armor was so bright, and the clothes of his attendants were not shabby, and he was wearing a beautiful fur coat with soft-soled leather boots on footstools. The idea of letting Amon pretend to be a servant was originally proposed by Mei Danzuo, but he did not say that Amon was his servant after all, and temporarily changed his words to say that he was a friend.

There is even a fifth-level warrior! Tiki greeted Amon overjoyed and said: "Your demeanor is like a noble hermit, thank you for your help, this town and Kish city-state will thank you very much... Please rest in the temple, my clerk will Introduce the arrangement of the operation in detail, and the horses will also be taken care of by someone."

Seeing that Meidanzuo changed his words suddenly, Amon just smiled and said nothing, and entered the Marduk Temple in Akkad Town together with Meidanzuo. The clerk led the servants to arrange for them to rest first, eat enough and wait for the evening departure, while the recruitment in the square outside was still going on.

Amon sat in the lounge of the temple, drinking broth and eating bread, chewing slowly, while listening to the town's clerk, Deke, introduce the action plan. Both he and Mei Danzuo were mid-level warriors, and they were especially respected and valued among the group of people. The clerk basically introduced them to them. Amon was about to interject to ask something, but he was stunned when he raised his head, because he saw an "acquaintance"—it couldn't be regarded as an acquaintance, but a god he had known since childhood.

The main god enshrined in the main hall of this temple is of course Marduk, and there are many reliefs of gods engraved on a wall of the side hall, and one of the goddesses is Mu Yun, the former patron saint of Duk Town. There is a temple dedicated to Goddess Mu Yun in Duke Town. Amon has long been familiar with her statue, but after experiencing that devastating disaster, he no longer wants to recall too much.

But when he suddenly saw the relief of Goddess Mu Yun here, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing. Why did Yin Nanna feel so familiar when he met Yin Nanna for the first time? It turns out that she looks exactly like Goddess Mu Yun! It is difficult to connect the solemn and majestic statue with the lively and fragrant girl, but her face and figure really resemble the goddess Mu Yun.

Amon came here to save Yin Nanna, and he realized it immediately after thinking about it, and then he was a little puzzled. Is it a coincidence why Princess Xiaoqian of the Baron Kingdom looks so much like the goddess Mu Yun? The royal family of Barron claimed to be the descendants of the gods in the world, so the goddess Mu Yun may also be the ancestor of Princess Xiaoqian, so it can be explained.

While Amon was staring at the statue in a daze, another group of five people came to the square in front of the temple, and the leader turned out to be a magician holding a staff! There is also a young magician and three warriors with weapons behind.

Before they approached, the mayor of Diqi had already parted from the crowd and greeted him: "My lord magician, please forgive my impoliteness as the mayor. What happened in the town, did you come to help?"

They were just a group of passers-by living in the inn, and it was not revealed that there was a magician among them, and only now did they reveal their identities. The headed middle-aged man nodded slightly and said: "You are the mayor here? You did a great job! I am Jie Kai, a sixth-level magician from Wangdu, and this is my student. Teacher Elliott, these three are my companions, all middle-level warriors, I heard that Princess Xiaoqian is in danger, the mayor recruited warriors to go to the rescue, and they should help her!"

While speaking, Jiekai showed a special nameplate. Although there was no name written on it, it was enough to prove his identity. It was the symbol of the teachers of Baron Academy of theology, and it was also the certificate for entering and leaving many places of the Academy of Theology. There was a seal of magic on it can be identified.

Mayor Diqi felt ecstasy in his heart, so happy that he almost jumped up! Yesterday he thought he was the most unlucky person in the world, how could he encounter such a disaster inexplicably? But this afternoon, he almost thought that he was the luckiest person in the world again. He only found out that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the town of Akkad when he posted the recruitment list. Two magicians came and five more middle-level warriors!

Originally, there was only one mid-level warrior, Diqi, in Akkad Town, and there was only one third-level magician and one first-level magician in the temple, and there were only more than twenty low-level magicians in the town. warrior. The recruitment this afternoon has greatly increased the strength of their team, especially the honorable Lord Jiekai, who is the instructor of divine arts at Wangdu Theological Academy, and his identity is completely different from ordinary magicians.

A sixth-level magician, he can already perform high-level magic, and he is only one step away from being a great magician. Listening to Jiekai's self-introduction, he heard about the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu beheading Humbaba in the capital. He took his students and a few friends to the Youdi River battlefield to visit the scene Remnants of the Great War. The magician didn't lie, the purpose of their trip was indeed the same, and they happened to pass by the town of Akkad.

At sunset, a strange convoy set off from the town of Akkad. It was loaded with various supplies like a long-distance migration. The driver and the guards of the convoy were all warriors, armed with various weapons. There were camels and horses behind the convoy, and the team moved quickly. Everyone looked serious, and some warriors looked very excited.

It is said that to transport such a large amount of supplies should use a large double-hall carriage with a wider body, but most of the carts in this convoy are light and strong, and the carts are very narrow and only pulled by one horse, so there are many carts. There are also a few very light double-wheeled carriages in the team, which can run very fast with the best horses. One is left at intervals along the way, and there are special guards who will not go with the team.

This is where the mayor of Diqi thought carefully and carefully. If Princess Xiaoxi was rescued and there was a conflict with the giant tribe, she should be escorted to escape as soon as possible. The knight can change horses, but the noble princess needs a car. In case of injury, she must receive treatment in the car. Changing cars along the way can ensure the fastest speed, so prepare the cars in advance.

Amon observed all this silently, and admired the mayor in his heart. This kind of unexpected incident was like the sky falling to the mayor, but Diqi Zhou handled it without any hesitation. Chaos, try to do your best under the existing conditions.

Among the "important people" in this team, the most mysterious and precious ones are of course Jie Kai and others, the most powerful and cool ones are of course Medanzuo, and the most low-key ones are Amon. As for the leader of the team, Diqi Zhou, apart from worry and nervousness, also had a hint of excitement and impulsiveness. He didn't know the identity of Princess Xiaoqian, but he was fascinated by that beautiful and enchanting girl, and even wanted to pursue her.

After knowing that she was Princess Xiaoqian, he cut off all possibility of getting close, but there was just an opportunity in front of him. He led such a team to successfully rescue Princess Xiaoqian, and he might be able to win the favor of the beauty. This is the merit of a hero. Although he would not be so stupid as to compete with Gilgamesh for his fiancée, and he has no delusions of wrongdoing, but getting the princess' favor and approval is a supreme honor in itself, not to mention the rewards from the city-state and the capital.

In fact, many warriors in the team had similar thoughts, so they were also inexplicably excited in their worries. At this moment, they might all imagine themselves as Enkidu who was going to kill Humbaba.

Amon and Medanzuo had two horses, both of which were good horses. The horses that pulled carts were different from the horses that rode battle horses, but they could barely cope with this kind of rushing situation. The mayor of Diqi gave them another horse to ride alternately on the road. There were always three horses and two people riding, and one of them was always resting. People can travel overnight, but animals may not be able to bear it. The whole team must be kept in the best condition.

Amon also noticed one thing. Among the group led by Jie Kai, there was a young man with a very special identity, obviously more noble than the others. Although he was just a follower, the attitude of the other four people towards him was imperceptibly respectful, and their expressions were unintentionally cautious. Whether it was changing horses or drinking water, they first took care of this young man.

The young man claimed to be named You Ledu, and he was an aristocratic warrior in the capital. It seemed that his identity was not simple. After Amon discovered this, he quietly reminded Medanzuo. In fact, his own identity is the same. If Mei Danzuo doesn't change his words, he will pretend to be a servant to follow, and an inadvertent detail may be exposed. It depends on whether anyone notices.

The team set off overnight and stopped for a short rest in the early morning. Everyone was full and moved on immediately. Continuing to move forward, Amon understood why most of the team were light and narrow carriages. Because the road was rough after entering the mountain, only this kind of carriages could barely pass, and sometimes warriors were needed to help push through the difficult and dangerous road sections.

At noon when the sun was the warmest, the convoy rested for a while. At this time, it had entered the deep mountain. This is a valley road between steep peaks, which gradually deepens and rises. The surrounding peaks seemed huge, with an indescribable sense of oppression, the atmosphere gradually became tense, everyone stopped talking, and kept vigilant all the time with weapons in hand.

The weather on the Syya Plateau was much colder than that of the Youdi River Valley. The further up the mountain, the colder the wind became. The warriors couldn't help wrapping their clothes tightly. Most of the barbarians living here were tall and stronger than ordinary people. They had no communication with the outside world. Many plateau giants even accepted the recruitment of nearby kingdoms to become mercenaries. Gabriel was once ambushed by Governor Xiao Mo's guards in the city-state of Syria, and among them were two plateau giants who had received special training in martial arts.

The residents of the giant tribe on the plateau are not all so-called giants, just like the people in the dwarf tribe where Link belongs are not so-called dwarves, but the particularly tall and strong ones are indeed like giants. The Assyrian Kingdom to the north of the plateau even has a special giant battle formation, which is to recruit and select such people for special training. The number is small but they are absolutely elite.

Many years ago, some of them were scattered during the war, and fled back to the tribes in the mountains, and taught the tribes the physical skills they had learned. So those powerful plateau giant tribes also have warriors who practice physical skills, coupled with their natural strength, they are indeed very difficult to deal with.

Princess Xiaoqian's guards are not weak, but she just came out to play, not to fight, and it is impossible to mess around with a great magician. She has two middle-level magicians and a seventh-level warrior by her side. The one who reported the report with injuries, and the other eight people are also middle-level warriors. However, the warriors in the giant tribe on the plateau can use bows and swords, which are very powerful and have a long range. It is also very dangerous for the magician to be surrounded.

Not all plateau giants are well-trained, and only a few are lucky enough to have achieved physical skills. Most of them can use bows and arrows, but generally they don't cooperate like battle formations. But this time the situation is very special. It is a bit strange that several of the most powerful giant tribes in the vicinity have united to act together.

You can’t fight them with brute force and fall into the bitter battle of being surrounded, don’t be in a position where you can be shot by bows and arrows in several directions, pay attention to the terrain, and don’t be forced into a desperate situation with no retreat—Diqi Town explained to everyone what happened in detail , and arranged various countermeasures. But nothing else happened along the way, not even a plateau giant.

In the afternoon of this day, the convoy climbed a steep mountain road with difficulty, reached an open area on the top plateau, and finally saw the person who came to greet them. They are a group of tall men, almost everyone is about the same size as the Enqi Amon has seen, holding heavy weapons such as clubs, hammers, and iron forks, and wearing messy animal skin clothes. When the convoy went up the mountain, there was a burst of chaotic cheers, looking very happy.

Diqi-Zhou got out of the car, and Mei Danzuo got off the horse, and Amon and Amon walked over to protect the mayor, and the sixth-level magician Jie Kai followed behind the mayor. , They maintained a very cautious formation, while others remained on guard beside the convoy.

Di Qi-Zhou shouted: "Are you the tribe that besieged the princess of the kingdom? I brought everything I wanted! Who is the leader? Ask him to come out and talk to me."

The group of people who came up to meet them had very stiff voices, and they shouted in a chaotic voice: "We are all leaders! Just bring the things, and give them to us quickly."

Di Qi-Zhou Lianlian shook his head and said, "Even if it's a kidnapping, there's no such thing as a ransom! This is your territory, and I have traveled a long distance to deliver everything, showing complete sincerity. You must at least let me see the princess , Knowing that she is safe and sound, will hand over the things."

"Princess?", "He wants to see the princess?", "No, he wants to negotiate!", "Aren't we ready to negotiate?", "Oh, let's talk!" After whispering to each other for a long time, they shouted at Di Qi-Zhou: "Kidnapping needs to be negotiated, right? We all understand!... Come here, tents are ready ahead."

Not to mention that Amon was confused when he saw this kind of scene for the first time, even Mayor Diqi, who had dealt with the plateau giants and knew their temper well, was puzzled. Could there be any other tricks? Now that everyone is here, let's go over and talk. These four people walked over. The young man named You Ledu wanted to "negotiate" together, but both Di Qi and Jie Kai asked him to guard the team.

On the way, the mayor of Diqi assigned everyone their respective tasks. The young man named Uledu was mainly responsible for rescuing the princess and escorting her away quickly. The armed Medanzuo and others took cover from behind. Presumably the mayor also saw that Uledu's status was extraordinary, even more noble than Jiekai.

Not far ahead, there was indeed a tent in an open space outside a forest, it was very big and magnificent, it was actually sewn with expensive snow leopard skin on the plain, it was very beautiful. Such a tent is set up in the mountains, even the beasts dare not approach it from a distance, but when you look closely at it, it looks very rough and the seams are messy.

Walking into the tent, there are tables and stools already set up inside, made of logs, strong and bulky. A short man greeted him, bowed and said, "Is this the mayor of Akkad town? My name is Ussier, and I'm the representative of the United Tribes here. Excuse me, all the things we want have been delivered." ?"

This person is articulate, not at all like other plateau giants who are simple-minded and have well-developed limbs. He is actually not short, about the same height as Tiki, but standing among a group of tall tribal people looks like a dwarf. Ussier's big round head, round eyes, round nose, smiling expression even when not smiling, looks very funny.

Amon noticed that there was a stick pinned to Ussier's waist, which looked like a magic staff. After careful inspection, it was indeed a staff. Although it couldn't catch Amon's eyes, it was good for ordinary magicians something.