Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 66: Who saved who


The sun shines over the ridge into the valley, and as the sun rises higher and higher, it seems to be getting more and more tense. The people on both sides are ready to do it, and they will immediately eliminate the archers on the ridges on both sides, and then rush forward. Go to the valley mouth and attack left and right. However, when it was more than an hour before noon, a lot of people suddenly walked in outside Taniguchi.

A group of giants with sticks surrounded Mayor Tiki in silver armor, accompanied by more than ten warriors and a magician. Ussier walked beside the mayor Tiki with a staff in his hand, and he didn't mind being surrounded by the warriors Tiki brought.

When they came to a place far outside the camp and stood still, the mayor Diqi shouted loudly: "Honorable Princess Xiaoqian, I am Diqi Zhou, the mayor of Akkad Town, and I have sent you what the giant tribe wanted. Supplies. They promised to let you go, and I will bring the warriors to meet the escort!"

Ussier also shouted: "Your Royal Highness, the town of Akkad has prepared the supplies we want and has delivered them in full. We are people who keep our promises, and we should let you go now, please Let's drive."

Judging from his tone, it seems that if Princess Xiaoqian is released, she still needs to obtain the permission of Her Highness the Princess herself. It's normal to think about it carefully. What the Giant tribe wants to blackmail is just things, and they don't dare to hurt a princess of the kingdom. The consequences of doing so will be disastrous. Not to mention anything else, but Gilgamesh's warrior Enkidu may not be able to offend anyone, so now I just ask her to leave quickly and safely.

Amon, Jie Kai and others on the ridges on both sides, and Princess Xiaoqian in the camp all heard the shout, but everyone reacted differently. Amon finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to Mei Danzuo: "You don't have to do anything, this is the best way to solve it."

Mei Danzuo asked with some concern: "How can you be sure that the giant tribe is not cheating?"

Amon shook his head and said: "The things should be released once they are in hand, unless their target is not the materials but Princess Xiaoqian herself, it is completely unnecessary... It is not difficult to make sure, look at Yusier, he is standing Mayor Diqi is surrounded by warriors from Akkad Town. Also, the archers on the mountain ridge have already withdrawn and gave up the siege. This happened in secret, and it would have been unnecessary if there was no sincerity."

Princess Xiaoqian's face in the tent suddenly turned ugly, and the string of beads she was playing with in her hand shattered with a pop, and she lost her voice: "How is this possible! There are so many living supplies, a little Akkad How could the town be prepared? Taking livestock, food, agricultural tools, seeds, and cloth from house to house will plunder most of the supplies for the winter in the residents of Akkad Town, and it will definitely spark a civil uprising!... Even if it is forcibly collected, it will not It may be completed within three days smoothly."

Bai Li also said with a serious face: "But depending on the situation, the mayor of Diqi is really a rare talent. If this is the case, the mayor of a mere small town has the ability to manage a big city-state! … Those simple-minded giants are very trustworthy, and they will let you go if the goods are delivered, we seem to have miscalculated, what should we do?"

Princess Xiaoqian gritted her teeth bitterly and said, "Since it's an act, we must perform enough tricks, let's go!"

Bai Li's eyes were a bit gloomy: "I'd like to see the mayor who ruined Her Royal Highness's plan, what kind of supernatural person is it?"

Princess Xiaoqian suddenly smiled again: "My dear great magician, you can't think like this. He tried his best to rescue me, which shows his loyalty and talent. There are not many such talents. We should take this opportunity to thank and win over, and then It is also an unexpected harvest to cultivate him well."

Bai Li hurriedly leaned forward and said, "Princess is wise! He is only the mayor of a small town. If he gets your praise and cultivation because of this incident, he will definitely serve you wholeheartedly and become a very useful person to us in the future." ...But what should Prince Feng Niu do, give up the original plan? In this case, he will become the hero who saves you, which is completely opposite to our original purpose!"

Princess Xiaoqian replied blankly: "I can only adapt accordingly. It is not clear whether they came with Mayor Diqi? If they were still lurking around when we walked out, it would easily cause misunderstandings." .You pretend to find something wrong, and take the lead in attacking the enemies lurking around, and you can still get them involved. Who can tell clearly, aren’t they lurking in the dark because they want to take advantage of the opportunity to assassinate? It is impossible not to be suspected. When the time comes, I You can show magnanimity and explain them away, don’t pursue any malice, just express your gratitude, let the people of the royal capital discuss it.”

Bai Li nodded again and again, "Princess Gaoming, I'll tell people to make such preparations, so let's go out."

Prince Feng Niu, whose pseudonym is You Ledu, didn't know that he had good intentions to save others, but just fell into a pre-designed trap. He frowned when he heard Mayor Diqi and Ussier's shout, and said to Jiekai: "Let's go down and meet Mayor Diqi, don't continue to lurk here."

Jiekai hesitated for a moment and said, "How can you be sure that the giant tribe won't cheat? If there is another accident, we can deal with it in secret."

Prince Feng Niu frowned and said, "If we don't need to rescue people anymore, but if we are still lurking on the side to spy, it's hard to explain if we are found... Have the archers over there withdrawn? If they withdraw, we can go down , the giant tribe must have the brains to cheat, and the things have already been obtained, so there is no need to hurt the princess. We will join Princess Xiaoqian's guards, and as long as we leave the valley, we will not be afraid of any accidents."

When Baili walked out of the camp with a staff in his hand and directed seven or eight guards to protect Princess Xiaoqian, a group of people came down from the mountain ridge on the left. Prince Von Niu of the sword. The giants were taken aback, and shouted one after another: "Hey! Why are you here too? I didn't see it just now!"

Prince Feng Niu bowed and said, "We came with a large group of people to prevent accidents from happening in the dark. Since you keep your word, we will come out to meet the princess and escort her away."

Ussier was secretly startled, turned his head and said to Mayor Diqi: "You are really capable. You have sent your men to ambush here in advance. Are you worried that I will go back on my word? There is no need at all, just look at me Among these clansmen, which one would play with such minds?"

The mayor of Diqi smiled and said: "Before it happens, I must ensure the absolute safety of the princess. These people are all warriors I recruited in the town."

Prince Feng Niu led Jie Kai and others down the mountain, but did not meet the mayor of Diqi, and went straight to Princess Xiaoqian. He bowed on one knee a few dozen steps away and said, "Your Highness, my dear aunt, Seeing that you are safe, I let go of my heart." The followers behind him also knelt down and saluted, and put their weapons on the dust.

Princess Xiaoqian and Baili both looked very ugly for a moment, as if they were punched by someone. But Princess Xiaoqian soon showed a charming smile, and asked in surprise, "Feng Niu, my dear nephew, why did I meet you here?"

Feng Niu replied respectfully: "I was going to visit the battlefield where Gilgamesh and Enkidu beheaded Humbaba. I passed by the town of Akkad and happened to meet the mayor who was recruiting warriors. I learned that you were killed by the giant tribe of the plateau. I heard the news of the kidnapping, so I pretended to be a warrior and came here to rescue you."

As they spoke, two of them were dumbfounded.

Standing behind him, Mayor Diqi was stupefied. He had already seen that the young warrior Youledo was an extraordinary person, but he never expected that he was the youngest nephew of Prince Feng Niu and King Hammurabi II! It is said that His Royal Highness is indifferent by nature, and rarely gets involved in the complicated power struggles in the capital. He usually just hangs out with friends, but his reputation in the kingdom is excellent—oh my God, he actually recruited His Royal Highness to join the guard team, Along the way, he also directed him to act as a team leader!

Amon was also a little silly standing on the mountain ridge—it turned out that he had mistaken people from the beginning to the end! Although he was far away, he could clearly see the appearance of Princess Xiaoqian. She was extremely beautiful in figure and facial features. She was a lovely beauty, but she was not Yin Nanna! The reason why Amon was willing to take this muddy water was not to establish any heroic achievements or get rewards from the kingdom, but just to help Yin Nanna. He always thought that Princess Xiaoqian was the girl he met by chance in Sumer Town.

Mei Danzuo pushed him from behind and said, "God Amon, what's wrong with you? Princess Xiaoqian has already come out, and the guard team has assembled, so we should go down too? You are not Princess Xiaoqian's friend Can you give me an introduction later?" He saw Mayor Diqi wearing the armor he left behind, looking majestic, and Prince Feng Niu suddenly appeared in the team, and he couldn't help but want to go down the mountain —If you don’t show up again, the limelight will be stolen by others.

Amon was stunned before he came back to his senses, and explained with a wry smile: "I made a mistake, Princess Xiaoqian is not the girl I knew, and it is impossible for her to know me, so you can introduce yourself when you get down the mountain later. "

Mei Danzuo said with a gaping mouth: "My God, you are amazing, you can make mistakes!"

The two walked down the hillside through the dense forest, and Amon suddenly realized another thing, and whispered to Mei Danzuo: "Princess Xiaoqian is not who I thought she was, I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome, I can't admit that I sent the message yesterday. She doesn't know that I am a magician, and we can't reveal our identity on this occasion."

Mei Danzuo also realized this problem, nodded repeatedly and said: "Thanks to your reminder, I almost didn't think of it!"

When they said this, Princess Xiaoqian was facing Prince Feng Niu, and Bai Li whispered in her ear: "Your Highness, the situation is a bit wrong, Jie Kai and the others came down from the mountain on the left, and last night received The divine magic information is sent from the mountain on the right, there should be a brilliant magician lying in ambush here!"

Princess Xiaoqian's eyes flickered when she heard this, but she remained silent.

When Amon and Meidanzuo walked into the valley, Mayor Diqi had already led the crowd to greet the princess and knelt down to salute the princess. Princess Xiaoqian kindly helped all the warriors up one by one, saying words of thanks and approval. Supported by the princess's Qianqianyu hand, and listening to the soft words of condolence in their ears, all the warriors felt their bodies became light, and the fatigue of the past two days and nights seemed to be swept away.

As soon as Mei Danzuo and Amon approached, Princess Xiaoqian saw her. She walked out of the crowd and greeted her: "Are there still two warriors here? Thank you for your bravery and heroic feats. Xiaoqian will always be grateful."

Meidanzuo and Amon also knelt down to salute. Before their knees touched the ground, Princess Xiaoqian had already stretched out her hand to support Meidanzuo's arm: "Warriors, please stand up, you are the hero of the kingdom, you all rescued me!" Your benefactor, Xiaoqian will definitely be grateful and repay you!... The warrior in the back, please get up too."

When she spoke, her face was less than two feet away, and she breathed on Mei Danzuo's face with a fragrant breath. The voice seemed to be the most beautiful music in the world, and these facial features were the most moving face in the world. Mei Danzuo was a little crazy for a while, quickly collected his mind and bowed his head and said: "As a knight of the kingdom, it is my honor to serve the princess!... Now I know that it is a great honor for me to follow His Royal Highness Feng Niu !"

The two of them knelt down to salute at the same time. Princess Xiaoqian helped Mei Danzuo first. He looked even more majestic, and Amon seemed to be his entourage. Amon also got up with Mei Danzuo, but he noticed that behind Princess Dao, a magician with red lips and white teeth glanced at him. For some reason, this gaze made people feel very uncomfortable, like being bitten by a poisonous snake.

Princess Xiaoqian joined the rescue team. At this time, the plateau giants who accompanied Mayor Diqi had long since disappeared, and everyone left cleanly, as if they had seized the time to escape.

The people escorted Princess Xiaoqian and Prince Feng Niu out of the valley, and went down the mountain along a narrow path, without passing through the plateau where the supplies were counted, and followed the route arranged by Mayor Diqi in advance, directly interspersed back to the way they came, Warriors sent by the mayor of Diqi were stationed at several dangerous passes. Along the way, Princess Xiaoqian was full of praise for the mayor of Diqi. The mayor who praised him was very embarrassed. He almost seemed to be floating when he walked, and his face was always flushed with excitement.

Naturally, the noble princess can't trek on the rugged mountain road. Di Qi is really talented. He has already prepared a soft chair with two wooden sticks and ordered a strong warrior to carry the princess. It was not until dusk that I walked out of the deep mountain, and I saw a commercial road in front of which carriages could pass.

Amon walked silently at the back of the team, no one knew what he was thinking. For some reason, the snake-like eyes of the magician next to the princess always made him feel a little worried, feeling that there was an unfathomable danger in that person. At this moment, he was startled suddenly, as if he had encountered something unbelievable again - he heard a voice next to his ear, with a string of laughter like silver bells.

"My handsome hunter, brave hero! I thought you weren't interested in beauty and power, so you would take the risk to rescue Princess Xiaoqian, and want to have a chance to get close to the famous beauty in this kingdom? Aren't you afraid that I will be jealous? "The voice came too suddenly, like talking in the ear, Amon is very familiar, it is Yin Nanna!

Looking around again, no one else responded, he should be the only one who heard Yin Nanna's words, such a brilliant information transmission magic! Amon didn't know where Yin Nanna was, and couldn't answer. He couldn't help but look a little weird, so he could only pretend to be nonchalant and continue walking with the team. Since Yin Nanna spoke, there must be more to come, let's just listen to her.

Sure enough, Yin Nanna's voice continued, as if it sounded directly in her mind: "My little Amon, you are a lost lamb in my flock. I found you with great difficulty. You must be curious about who I am!" Right?… If you want to know, please send your friends away, and come to me alone in the tribe of giants in the highlands. The giants are gone, and I will wait for you there, and I will tell you what happened, and you What kind of fate will you face?"

According to what she meant, she asked Amon to send Medanzo away, and went back to the plateau tribe to find her alone, as if she wanted to tell Amon something very important, but she didn't say the time. When Amon wanted to listen again, Yin Nanna fell silent.

I saw the road ahead, there was a carriage waiting at the crossroads, and I had walked out of the deep mountains where giants haunted the plateau. Prince Feng Niu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Princess Xiaoqian who was sitting on the sliding pole: "You can escape safely, yes The kingdom is very lucky! But those barbaric tribes dare to kidnap the princess of the kingdom, if they don’t accept severe punishment, they can still enjoy the money they got from extortion safely. When playing domestically, you will receive more threats. Therefore, you must be severely punished. Please let Her Royal Highness tell you how to deal with it!"

Princess Xiaoqian waved her hand and said, "Dear Feng Niu, thank you for your rescue and reminder, I will deal with it! Before punishing them severely, I also want to show the benevolent education of the Kingdom of Baron, and I will give them an atonement and repentance." Chance."

As he spoke, he had come to the main road, only to find that the two warriors guarding the carriage were looking back nervously. Princess Xiaoqian and the others came here directly from the mountain path, only then did they realize that the plateau giant had also descended the mountain. Ussier led a group of tall and strong warriors, armed with weapons, standing not far behind the carriage.

He is really brave, he dared to come down the mountain to this place, now everyone is not afraid of them, at worst there will be a bloody battle, and Princess Xiaoqian will be able to escape safely. All the warriors drew out their weapons and got ready to fight. The mayor of Diqi shouted majestically: "Yusier, you still dare to go down the mountain. Are you here to plead guilty?"

Unexpectedly, Ussier really came to plead guilty, and his answer surprised everyone. The leader of the United Tribe led the giants to kneel down and salute together: "We are here to plead guilty! The barbarians in the mountains did not accept the education of the kingdom. , besieged the noble princess just for a few living supplies, this is a serious crime, we realize our mistake, and ask the benevolent princess to forgive me!"

Which song is this song from? Prince Feng Niu's entourage, magician Elliott said: "Your Highness, you must not let them go easily, and you must not encourage and condone this crime!"

Prince Feng Niu scolded in a low voice: "His Royal Highness has her own opinion, don't interrupt, listen to the princess' instructions first!"