Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 72: Take me back to Eju


Amon's situation was self-inflicted because he awakened too many souls and set them free. He couldn't help asking himself in his heart: "If I knew this would be the result, would I still do that?" The human soul is imprisoned in the underworld and cannot be released.

While thinking in this kind of self-examination, Amon was also using the detection magic to detect the surrounding void, and found that someone suddenly appeared not far away, and hurriedly turned to look. Neti, the gatekeeper of the underworld, emerged from the darkness, holding a chain in the shape of black mist, and said coldly: "Amon, please entrust me with your soul to be imprisoned, and become the eternal slave of Lord Pluto."

Neti's voice was cold, without a trace of human emotion, and Amon could not resist. However, the gatekeeper of the underworld had just approached, and before the black mist-like chains in his hands had been fully unfolded, he suddenly let out a strange cry of terror, as if he saw something extremely frightening, turned around and disappeared into the shadows, and ran away. Faster than flying!

He saw Amon take out three scrolls and threw two of them over, holding a gray scroll in his hand. Amon's decision was very straightforward. If he wanted to escape, he should try his best to escape now. If Neti imprisoned his soul, he might never have a chance. The most powerful means he has are the three unmarked high-level magic scrolls left by Nero.

Nero deliberately used these three scrolls as a reward, which shows their preciousness and great power. Amon thought that he would not use them for a long time, but he did not expect to need them so soon.

After passing through the seven portals of Hades one after another and seeing Erepi, the king of the underworld, Amon judged that he had not gone elsewhere and was still in that huge cave. Erebi, the king of the underworld, arranged a strange array of magical magic with the help of some kind of power, making everyone who entered here seem to have come to another world, and it must also contain some extremely brilliant space magic and information magic.

The silver-white slender axis scroll left by Nero is called "Space Turbulent Flow". It can break the seal of the space barrier and is the best means of escape when trapped by the magic space. However, the casting of space turbulence will produce countless space cracks, which may injure the caster himself, so it is a very dangerous high-level magic.

Another scroll with a golden core is called "Information Annihilation". It can disrupt the sealed divine information and is a destructive divine technique. The clever information magic combined with space magic can not only be used to preserve and transmit information, but also can create various camouflages and traps. "Information annihilation" is used for destruction.

The effects of these two scrolls were precisely aimed at the environment Amon was in at the moment. When he took out the scroll from the bone under his ribs, he also took out the gray scroll with unknown effect, but did not throw it out. Neti, the gatekeeper of the Underworld, seemed to be very knowledgeable. When he saw Amon take out these scrolls, he knew something was wrong, so he quickly flashed away, not knowing which scroll he was afraid of.

"Information annihilation" can disturb the illusory world constructed by the magic, and "space turbulence" can make Amon escape from the space of the magic, but he doesn't know where he will be taken. Using this kind of scroll, with his current ability, he still can't fully control it, and maybe he will be torn to pieces by countless space turbulence, but Amon has another way to protect himself.

Taking out two scrolls and unfolding them gradually, Amon took out the bone from his bosom and unfolded it into an invisible big ship in the endless void, entering that strange space.

"Information annihilation" erupted, and there was chaos everywhere, and I couldn't sense anything clearly. Immediately after the "space turbulence" erupted, the surrounding world seemed to be torn into countless pieces. The invisible big ship took Amon and was pulled by various messy forces. He went through the chaos without knowing where he went. Even Amon himself Not sure. No matter where you go, it is better than staying in this gloomy underworld with your soul imprisoned.

He disappeared, fleeing the world of Hades.

In the depths of the cave, in the huge underground palace, Erebi's anger was like thunder: "Nati, you didn't even stop a fifth-level magician, and let a living person escape from my Hades! … What makes me angry is that you, the gatekeeper of the underworld, actually stepped out of the way!"

Netti, always surrounded by a cloud of shadows, stood in front of Erebi and replied tremblingly: "My great queen, guess what I saw in his hand? He took out a 'Destruction Storm' To unfold!"

Erebi was taken aback: "What? Destruction Storm! Who can make such a scroll, and is willing to make such a scroll?"

Neti cautiously reminded: "Nero, the sorcerer of Ecu, hasn't Her Lady Queen heard that he can make such a scroll?"

Erebi frowned: "I've heard that he is a genius in the world, and he actually made this kind of scroll? But this person died more than 30 years ago, and Amon is only so old, how could he know Ni? Lu?... When he came, I saw through it at a glance, there was no way he had a scroll on his body, and the use of Destruction Storm was suicide rather than escape, I sensed very clearly that he didn't use it."

Netti explained: "He just held it in his hand and it was useless, but unfolded the other two scrolls—information annihilation and space turbulence."

Erebi scolded: "Of course I know what happened in my domain of the gods. It is indeed the effect of these two scrolls. Amon is gone!"

Neti's voice was very thin, as if he was afraid that speaking loudly would anger the queen again: "The annihilation of information makes him invisible to you for a while, but he himself may have been torn to pieces by the turbulence of space."

Erebi roared: "If he really wants to commit suicide, it's enough to use the Destroyer Storm directly. If you don't escape quickly, you will die. Why use those two scrolls? He clearly wants to escape from Hades... I only have one I don't understand, he was able to bring the scroll in, but I didn't find it! My gatekeeper of the underworld, what explanation do you have for this?"

The queen's angry gaze was as terrifying as the turbulent flow of space. Neti subconsciously took a step back and said, "Mu Yun, it must be Goddess Mu Yun's fault. Only a god can do this! She hates you for humiliating her and embarrassing you on purpose." , it may have been in collusion with Amon long ago!"

How is this possible? Goddess Mu Yun was not with Amon when she left, and it was even more impossible to hand over the three scrolls to Amon. Amon's three scrolls were suddenly taken out of his body, as if they were created out of nothing, and Erebi, the master of God's Domain, clearly noticed it. But before she figured it out, information annihilation broke out, and Amon disappeared into the turbulent flow of space.

But in Naiti's view, Goddess Mu Yun's mischief is the only reasonable explanation, and the biggest doubt is left to Queen Erebi herself. Now there is another problem, if Mu Yun really exchanges someone for Amon in the future, the Queen of Hades will not be able to hand over anyone.

Even Goddess Mu Yun didn't expect that as soon as she left Hades, Amon fled away without even a moment's delay. When Mu Yun reappeared outside the cave in the canyon, she had already restored her attire, and her dress, golden crown, ornaments, and staff were the same as before. She looked back at the entrance of Hades and said bitterly: "Erebi, my sister, I will remember today's humiliation, and I will repay you sooner or later!"

After she finished speaking, she was about to leave, but she sensed inexplicable space fluctuations coming from the depths of the underworld, and cursed again: "What the hell are you doing, imprisoning an Amon to make such a big noise! Are you trying to make things difficult for me? Alright, I will send someone to exchange Amon back!"

Her figure disappeared from the canyon, and after an unknown period of time, the goddess reappeared somewhere on the Assyrian Plateau. This is already the territory of the Kingdom of Assyria, an alpine place shrouded in clouds and mist, surrounded by glaciers and snow, it is a vast and desolate plain. Goddess Mu Yun walked forward, waved the ivy staff in her hand, and entered a wonderful world invisible to mortals.

The vast grassland spreads out like an undulating green carpet, and the trickle is crystal clear, meandering among the hills. The foot of the mountain in the distance is full of mountain flowers, and there is a beautiful palace among the flowers, and the sound of dancing and music can be heard from the palace. Who would have thought that there is such a wonderful place deep in the Assyrian plateau, if the gods do not open the door, even mortals will not be able to find traces here.

Goddess Mu Yun walked into the palace quietly, passed through the corridor silently, and entered a very luxuriously furnished hall, where the sound of dancing and music came from. There is a beautiful girl standing in the center of the hall, dancing and dancing. She is wearing a veil-like dress, and the blouse just covers the highest part of her chest. As she dances, her seductive breasts are looming. The gauze skirt on the lower body is very short, and a gold chain is tied between the bare waist and abdomen, and a tear-shaped pendant is hung on the gold chain. The pendant slapped her upturned buttocks continuously, making a pleasant ding-dong sound.

There is a reclining chair at the front of the hall, which originally belonged to the goddess, but now there is a man half lying on it. This person has fair skin and looks very young. His appearance is quite handsome, and his facial features are like perfect marble sculptures. Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he was enjoying watching the girl's graceful dance in front of him.

"Shubra, Dumuzi! What are you doing?" The goddess suddenly appeared in the hall and asked, with a deep chill in her voice.

The maid Shubra, who was dancing, heard this voice, turned around and threw herself at Mu Yun's feet, saying in surprise and joy: "My great goddess, you have returned from the underworld!"

Goddess Mu Yun said coldly: "Of course I'm back, don't you hope that I won't come back? I didn't expect that my maid would seduce my husband while I was away!"

Shubra took two steps forward on the ground, opened his arms and wept: "No, Goddess, you misunderstood!... It was your husband Dumuzi who said that you went to Hades, and your sister will not let you come back... He asked If I offer Yanwu and serve him sincerely, he will find ways to save you. What I say is the truth, Goddess, I cannot deceive you!"

The man sitting on the chair had already jumped up, a little panicked and embarrassed, trying his best to show a friendly smile and said: "My dear goddess, I am so happy to see you back, I am trying to figure out how to save you!"

Mu Yun pointed at the beautifully dressed maid and said: "This is what you think? Very good, then you go and save me, the queen of the underworld wants me to send a man I loved to be a servant of the king of the underworld, that is you Already!" As she spoke, she raised her staff and pointed it at Dumuzi.

"Mu Yun, you are too much! As a goddess, can you do whatever you want?... You seduced Gilgamesh and was rejected, but Enkidu fell in love with you!... How many men have you loved and hurt them? I just let the elf maid dance a little, and I have to bear such a cruel punishment!"

Dumuzi also showed an angry look, loudly reprimanded Goddess Mu Yun, and suddenly poured the wine in his hand on her. The wine turned into a cloud of golden smoke that enveloped the entire hall. Mu Yun gave a soft drink, and the smoke condensed into countless tiny ice droplets, which made a ding-ding-dong-dong sound when they fell on the ground.

"Just a dance? Would I do something like yours? I'm not only punishing the betrayal, but also the crimes committed during the betrayal!" Goddess Mu Yun appeared from the disappearing smoke, but Dum Z is gone.

When he poured out the glass of wine, he fell to the ground and turned into a snake, slipped out of the hall and the palace, quickly left this strange cave of gods, and disappeared among the mountains of the Assyrian plateau.

Goddess Mu Yun was still angry. Seeing that Shubra was still kneeling in front of her, she shouted and asked, "My elven maid, why didn't you escape with Dumuzi, are you still loyal to me?"

Shubra burst into tears: "Great goddess, Shubra has always been loyal to you, you should be clear."

Mu Yun's anger faded slightly, and she nodded slowly: "Yes, I know, this is Dumuzi's betrayal. Take my staff, go to all the gods that belong to me, and bring the servant Shara And Taku caught Dumuzi. Take him to the underworld and hand him over to my sister Erebi, in exchange for a man named Amon."

The elf maid reminded: "Goddess, Dumuzi is your husband after all."

Mu Yun said two words coldly: "Ex-husband!"

Amon probably never dreamed that he would be so "lucky" that Mu Yun ordered someone to arrest the escaped "ex-husband" and planned to send him to the underworld in exchange for him. Where did Amon go at this time

He entered the invisible big ship, the turbulence of space broke out, and he was violently impacted and dragged in disorder in the chaos, just like walking through the torrent of the ocean. . Thanks to the protection of the strange space made of bones, otherwise Amon would have been torn to pieces by the space turbulence.

A huge space shock came from all directions, Amon almost fainted, and then the invisible ship stopped, everything finally calmed down, and he actually appeared in a world under a starry sky. The invisible big ship is stranded by the water. I don't know whether it is a lake or an ocean. The front is the shore. There are shallow weeds growing among the silt on the shore. Looking ahead, there is an endless desert.

What is this place? How could he be here? However, Amon didn't have time to think about it. He immediately jumped off the big boat and beckoned to take back the bone, and rushed to the shore of the lake—because he saw a cat lying on the shore of the lake, weak and dying. Long time no see Schrödinger.

"This is the desert of Syria, the border of Anuna's God Realm. I know that you have scrolls and bones, and you can escape from the underworld. I used all the power I can muster to lead you to this place, go southwest, and bring you to this place. I go back to the Ecu... ”

This is what Schrödinger wrote on the ground with his paws. It is very scribbled and messy. It should not be finished yet. The paws hang softly in the soft mud. The cat was lying unconscious on the wet soil on the shore, and its fur was stained with mud and lost its original luster—it turned out that it was the one who "led" Amon here. It was indescribably amazing!

Seeing the words on the ground and looking at the surrounding environment, Amon suddenly recognized this place, which was also seen in the magic image displayed by Yin Nanna. The landslide caused by the flood cut off a tributary of the Eudi River. The river diverted through the swamp and converged into a huge inland lake in the northern depression of the Syrian Desert. He was standing on the south bank of this lake at this moment. From here, go south through the desert and then turn west, you can reach the border of the cape city-state of the Eju Empire.

It is thousands of miles away from the valley where the entrance of Hades is located to the south bank of this lake. Amon escaped from Hades and crossed the turbulent space, and unexpectedly appeared here directly! I don't know whether it is the strange space of Hades or Schrödinger's magical power, but this cat can no longer explain anything to Amon at this moment.

Amon remembered that Schrödinger always liked to sleep soundly, could it be that he had been gathering strength? This time, they tried everything to lure him.

He embraced Schrödinger with infinite gratitude, and using the bone as a staff, he used all kinds of healing magic that he knew almost all at once. Lights flickered by the lake, converging on the cat in his arms from all sides and the sky. But Schrödinger was still in a coma without any response, and it seemed that he would not be able to wake up for a while.

Amon was very worried but had nothing to do. He looked at Schrödinger's message again. This magical cat should be fine and just needs to rest. Before he passed out, he left a message asking Amon to take it back to Ecu.

Amon's original plan was to go to the cape city-state to return Nero's relics after leaving the town of Akkad. This time I was able to escape from Hades smoothly, and I should be more grateful to Nero who left the scroll, so let's take this cat to Eju. He still has the customs clearance document issued by the city lord Dick.

According to the old lunatic, this cat was "stolen" by Bell from the Temple of Isis. Now this cat wants Amon to take it back to Eju. Does it also want to return to its hometown

Amon is a little strange. Schrödinger was able to run from the Youdi River Valley to Duke Town, and now he can come here through the desert from the place where they broke up. If he wants to return to Ecu, he can go back. Why must he To escort

It may be that this magical cat has lost some kind of power and needs protection during the long journey, so it has been waiting for Amon to appear. Or it used up some kind of power to attract Amon, so it couldn't go back by itself. As for the specific reason, I'm afraid I can only ask Schrödinger, but unfortunately the cat can't answer it now.