Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 76: Embarrassing last words


Rod Dick has the skill of a brilliant statesman who can steer an unexpected incident in the most favorable direction. There was no script for this scene in advance, but if a dramatist were to design it, the best effect would be nothing more than that. When the crowd cheered after receiving the staff, the prestige of the gods also increased the prestige of the city lord. Amon, who was kneeling behind the guards, was originally the most important person, but at this moment he seemed to be an outsider.

After Roddick thanked the gods, he got up and led the crowd to Amon with a staff in his hand. He lifted him up with one hand and asked, "You righteous man, where did you find Nero in the cave?" Your lord's last words and relics, can you tell me in detail?"

Amon replied: "In the deep mountains on the west bank of the Youdi River, there are few people and only wild animals appear there. I happened to see it because I was chasing wild animals and slipped off the cliff. There are writings in a cave under the cliff, and there are staff and stones beside it." A ring." As he spoke, he took out the ring and handed it back to Rod Dick in public.

Rod Dick's hand sank slightly. The weight of this ring is not light. It is obviously a space magic weapon with something in it. Rod Dick himself is a sixth-level warrior and has learned elementary magic arts, but he also has no ability to use space artifacts, so he may feel heavy when he starts to hold them, but he doesn't know what's inside.

Fayol Judah asked next to him: "Amon, you are a hunter, how can you know how to read?"

Amon didn't have a good impression of the clerk, so he replied calmly: "I am a hunter, but my grandfather is not, he is a punished clerk."

Fayol-Judah frowned, and asked again: "The deep mountains on the west bank of the Youdi River should be within the territory of the Hatti Kingdom. You are a Hatti, even if you can read, how can you know the characters of Eju?"

Amon explained naturally: "Master Nero's last words were written in two languages."

Of course, it is impossible for him to tell the whole truth. This is actually the story of the old lunatic who saw the last words of Mei Danzuo's great-grandfather in the mountains. Amon just borrowed it and changed it to Master Nero's last words. And Bell's message in the mysterious cave was written in two languages. Facing Judah's questioning, Amon answered it smoothly.

As for Nero's last words, they are completely true, and Amon didn't make up anything else. There is a message left by Nero in the pupil of the earth inlaid on the staff. As long as Rod Dick gets someone to verify it, it will be clear that it cannot be faked, but Amon cannot say that he has read this message. This will reveal the identity of the magician.

The scripts of the countries in the Tianshu Continent are different, but the languages are similar, so there is no obstacle to communication. Amon did not hide his identity as a foreigner, because his accent still bears traces. Rod Dick realized that it's not appropriate to ask too many questions here, and it's not commonplace to chat among the crowds. He took Amon's arm and said, "This righteous man came from afar, so don't stand on the square and talk." , let's go to the temple to discuss in detail."

Lord Dick didn't go home in the afternoon, so he changed his mind and went back to the Temple of Horus. All the adults followed him up the long stone steps, and the people were still cheering.

Fayol-Judah walked behind, always felt that Amon's accent just now was very familiar, and it was very impressive in his memory. He looked at the background of Amon. Although he was standing beside Lord Rod Dick, surrounded by noble adults, this young man walked very steadily and his waist was very straight. He didn't look cramped or frightened at all. There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something!

Two years ago in the remote and desolate town of Duke, one of Fayol Judah's proudest deeds was to rush to take away the just-mined Tears of the Gods in the first place, making Master Rod Dick recommend The saint's plan succeeded. As for the miner who mined the Tears of the Gods, it didn't matter who the miner was. The sacred stone in Duke Town must have been mined by a miner, and that was just his luck.

But Fayol always remembered that when he walked into the low house, the boy with the sledgehammer didn't kneel down immediately. He stood very straight in front of the anvil. Not fully grown up yet. In the memory, the boy only said three words at that time, and Fayol Judah has not forgotten it until now—

"Who are you to come in like this?"

"When mining the sacred stone, you have to stand to swing the hammer, otherwise how can you see it being taken out intact?"

"My name is Amon, and everyone here calls me Amon."

Yes, that's him, the name the young man told Aristotle just now was Amon! — Fayol Judah shouted in his heart, he finally recognized Amon, the young miner who mined the Tears of the Gods in Duk Town. I thought I would never see him again, but I didn't expect to see him again. At this moment, Master Dick walked arm in arm amidst the cheers of all the people.

Shall I tell Lord Dick? If you say it, Amon will receive more thanks. But Fayol-Judah was worried about one thing. Master Dick gave him thirty gold coins as a thank you to the miners, but he only gave Amon thirty silver coins. It was a trivial matter, and no one would blame a clerk for his occasional enrichment, but it would embarrass Fayol-Judah to speak out about it under the circumstances.

Many so-called "little things" are like this. They seem to be indifferent, but if they are revealed in a grand manner, it is a kind of tarnishing of noble character. Listening to the cheers of the peoples, Fayol-Judah would never raise his head again if he talked about the past under such circumstances.

Does Amon still know himself? Fayol-Judah said to himself, wishing he had forgotten. But reason told Judas that this was impossible, and if he was that miner, he would never forget that scene. Will Amon talk about the past later? I hope he doesn't talk about it, even if he does, I'm afraid there is no need to talk about the small details of those thirty silver coins.

Last time he got the Tears of the Gods, Roddick thanked Mayor Dusty again, but this time, only Amon himself will be thanked. Returning the staff of the chief priest, in front of all the people in the temple square, this scene is perfect. Thirty silver coins are not worth mentioning compared to the bounty he will receive. The child must not be aware that what Rod Dick gave back was thirty gold coins—Fayol Judah kept comforting himself in his heart.

At the same time, Judas was still thinking to himself, this child is so lucky! It was he who mined the tears of the gods that made Rod Dick's plan a success, and today he returned Nero's lost staff in public, making Rod Dick's reputation reach a new peak invisibly. He was like a god who favored Rod Dick. Why did all good things happen to a lowly little miner? This is too unfair!

Hadn't the town of Duk been destroyed by the flood and no one survived? Why is he not dead yet!

No one knew that Fayol-Judah had so many thoughts in his mind, the long steps in front of the hall seemed so long, and the weather was not hot, but beads of sweat were oozing from Judah's forehead.

Not only Fayol-Judah recognized Amon, but Aristotle also recognized him. He was the one who saved the child in the square and sent him to the Virgin Mary as a servant for three days . But when Amon saw Rod Dick, he didn't mention the past, nor did he show that he knew Aristotle. Obviously, he didn't want to mention it again, and Amon's appearance had indeed changed a lot, and he was almost unrecognizable.

I heard that Duke Town has been destroyed by the flood, so the surviving child must have experienced too many hardships, and it is normal not to want to mention the sad past. Who can have a secret that he doesn't want to mention again, as long as he doesn't say it, Aristotle doesn't want to reveal it. After all, this is Amon's own business.

Aristotle was also feeling that this young miner named Amon was really like a god who favored Rod Dick. He not only mined the tears of the gods at the most appropriate time, but also mined the tears at the most appropriate time. Timing sent back the chief priest's staff. As Rod Dick's most valued and trusted staff member, Aristotle knew exactly what the young city lord had been worrying about.

The Ecu Empire is powerful, but the cape city-states on the northeast border are relatively weak. Once the two neighboring city-states of Baron Kingdom and Hatti Kingdom have a war conflict, the cape city-states will be quite passive.

In the city-state of Uruk in the Kingdom of Baron, the great hero Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the number one warrior in the mainland, sit in town, guarding the throat of the Youdi River, and no one dares to attack them. But if they attack the Ecu Empire westward, how can the cape city-states resist? The relationship between the Baron Kingdom and the Eju Empire is relatively peaceful, and there is no great danger of war for the time being, but on the other hand, the Hatti Kingdom is not certain.

On the surface, the Hatti Kingdom has been subject to the Eju Empire for many years, but it is precisely because they are dissatisfied with the fate of this submission that they continue to accumulate the strength to resist. A major flood cut off the land traffic, leaving the cape city-state temporarily safe, but it is impossible for the flood to recede forever. The soldiers of the Syrian city-state are well-equipped, and the most important thing is that they are united.

I heard that the chief priest there, Ge Lie, led the crowd to keep the city, and later became a ninth-level great magician, with an unparalleled reputation. He is more authoritative than gods in the city-state of Syria. This kind of cohesion of people's will is the most terrifying weapon in wars, and it can make people risk their lives towards a single goal.

In the battle formation of thousands of troops, the personal power of Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Ge Lie, the top powerhouses on the mainland, may not be the decisive factor. What they are really strong in is their appeal and cohesion among the people. In contrast, although Rod Dick is also a very capable city lord, he can't reach that height. That's why when Amon returned the staff in public, Roddick would be so excited, the usually calm city lord even trembled slightly in his hands.

A powerful empire, a relatively weak city-state, in a very important strategic position, and facing the potential threat of war, this is what Rod Dick is most worried about. It can't be blamed that the city lord thinks so long-term. Once something happens, he can't escape. Not only is he the city lord, but the family's territory for generations is also in the cape city-state.

On the other hand, although personal strength is not the absolute factor for victory in thousands of troops, it is also a symbol and a guarantee for peace of mind. After Nero's death, the cape city-state has not had a great magician for more than 30 years. Compared with the city-state of Uruk in Baron and the city-state of Syria in Hatti, it is obviously at a disadvantage.

Since Maria became a saint, she has gradually mastered some important affairs of the Temple of Isis in Memphis. Rod Dick has repeatedly applied to send a great magician to sit in the Temple of the Cape, but there has been no response. Not long ago, the saint finally ordered someone to send a message that an eighth-level great magician would be sent to inspect the frontier temple.

Rod Dick has already made all preparations for the reception, and wants to take this opportunity to ask the great magician to stay as the chief priest of the cape city-state. But how do you say such words? Who wants to leave the bustling and comfortable Memphis and come to live in the promontory for a long time, an eighth-level great magician can live comfortably anywhere. Just the day before the arrival of the great magician, the chief priest's staff was miraculously sent back, giving Rod Dick a good excuse and a chance to make a request.

Amon naturally didn't know that he came under such a complicated background. In fact, he has always had a good impression of Rod Dick. It was because of the arrival of the city lord that Amon had the opportunity to know Ai Ko, so there was always an inexplicable sense of gratitude in his heart. A city lord sent it to him.

The temple of the cape city-state is much more majestic than the temple of Horus in Duke Town. When entering the main hall, first worship the statue of Horus in the center. This was the first time for Amon to take a closer look at this legendary god. Although Duke Town also had a Temple of Horus, it was only a symbol of submission to the Eju Empire, and no one usually offered sacrifices spontaneously.

The statue of Horus here is more than 50 feet high, with arms folded in front of his chest, and a pair of huge wings hang down behind his shoulders. What is carved on the human body is actually the head of an eagle, and the eyes are bigger than the beak of an eagle. Also sharp. According to legend, the incarnation of Horus is a condor soaring in the sky, so craftsmen created such a statue. The huge statue has an indescribable sense of oppression, and everyone can't help bowing down as soon as they enter the temple.

After worshiping the gods, Amon was invited to sit down in a side hall. Among a group of noble adults, Amon didn't look too flattered. He also had a face-to-face conversation with the princess of the kingdom, and even strolled through the grassland with a goddess in his arms. This kind of scene is no longer a big deal.

Rod Dick was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Our righteous man Amon, you have a demeanor that is different from ordinary people, firm and calm, even if you sit next to noble adults, you don't feel at a loss at all. It’s hard to come by!”

Amon bowed and explained: "I have hunted ferocious beasts in the dangerous mountains. I have experienced countless trials of life and death, and I seldom feel panic."

Rod Dick: "Oh, that's how it is. You were created by chance! You discovered Master Nero's last words, and you were also on the way to hunt them down. Can you tell me in detail what happened?"

Amon changed the time and characters of the story of the old lunatic again, and recounted the last words of Nero and the events. He finally explained: "I read the text on the cave. Master Nero hopes that someone will find out, and send his relics back to the Cape City, return the staff to the temple, and return the relics of the ring to his family according to the will."

He didn't repeat what was said in the Pupil of the Earth, but he didn't hide what he got. He told about the three scrolls. Anyway, as long as Rod Dick checked the message, it would be clear. Rod Dick asked very interestedly: "Did you bring those three scrolls? It doesn't mean anything else. It's your reward from Lord Nero, so it's yours. I'm just curious."

Amon couldn't take out those three scrolls, and he didn't want to take them out, let alone two of them had already been used up. He regretfully replied: "I only found Lord Nero's last words when I stumbled and fell off the cliff. The mountain road is very dangerous. When I escaped from the predicament, I was accidentally cut by a thorn and the three scrolls were lost. Fortunately, The staff and ring are still there."

Rod Dick sighed and said: "It's a blessing in misfortune, don't be sad, I will thank you very much... Please wait a moment, we are going to verify the message left in the staff."

It is not difficult to verify the information in the staff, as long as you master the intermediate information magic, they are not in front of Amon, Nero's message is very important, and it may also involve some secrets, so it is not suitable for a foreigner to People learned. In a small meditation room in the temple, Rod Dick handed over the staff to the oldest priest. Not only the chief executives of the various departments in the city-state, the three high priests of the temple, but also several members of the Linton family were present. heir.

Nero was just a name. After dedicating himself to the gods as a full-time priest, he used the name registered in the temple directory. The habit of people calling him no longer had the family name. Nero was born in the great aristocratic Linton family in the cape city-state. Nero himself has no children, but there are nine adult nephews in the family, who should also be present. Rod Dick thought very thoughtfully, and sent a fast horse to pick up everyone who could.

When the priest raised the staff, Nero's voice from more than 30 years ago echoed in the quiet room - "Those who are lucky enough to come here and pick up my staff, no matter who you are, please listen to my last words , I am Nero, the chief priest and seventh-level magician from the cape city-state of the Eju Empire... When you return the staff to the cape temple, please find Lord Dick and ask him to invite a great god who is proficient in high-level space magic Magician, take out the will in the ring and read it out in public and have it notarized. Lord Dick is trustworthy."

After hearing the last words, everyone's face changed a little. Nero's last words involved some secrets, including his doubts and hesitation towards the gods when he faced death, and these were not suitable for publicity. About Bell's past 30 years ago, Ecu officials have already made a conclusion, and the details cannot be circulated to the outside world. Although Nero claimed in his last words that he had not betrayed the gods, this was detrimental to his reputation after death and the impact on the hearts of the people in the city-state.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and Rod Dick was the first to react, and asked in a low voice: "Can the information recorded in the pupil of the earth be erased? We have all heard the last words of Lord Nero, and everyone present They are all witnesses, and these are enough!"