Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 86: Could it be heaven


Amon shouted in his heart: "Don't fall down! Don't lose consciousness! The beasts in the mountains and the crocodiles in the river will eat you!... I haven't reached Mengfeisi, I haven't met Iko, and I haven't unlocked the gods yet." The secrets that have not yet guided the tribe to return home... "

But the strong dizziness was beyond his control. Although Amon opened his eyes, the sunlight he saw gradually dimmed. A cat came out of the forest on the high slope, and quickly ran to Amon's side, gently scratching his face with its paws and meowing anxiously, but he didn't respond.

In fact, Amon could hear the cat meowing, as if it came from a very, very far away, and the trance scene in front of him seemed to become clear again. He saw Schrödinger, but it wasn't Schrödinger who was barking on the river beach at the moment, but the cat he had seen in Duke Town when he was a child.

Amon "saw" his own childhood. From the moment he was born, those happy and sad times flashed one after another, and all the people he loved and hated came back to his eyes along with the past.

In the myth of Ecuador, a person's life is like the endlessly flowing Ronnie River, at the end of which is the underworld governed by the god of the underworld, Osiris. The God of Hades will send a crescent-shaped ship to fetch noble souls. When the servant of Osiris, the goddess Bast in the form of a cat, appears next to the corpse, the soul of the dead will be resurrected in the underworld and enter another world. .

Are the legends true? Osiris' rib was in Amon's arms, and a cat was crying anxiously beside him. At this moment, a boat came from the upper reaches of the Roni River. When it first appeared, it was very small, just a black spot on the horizon. It is a big boat, and on the tall ship tower, there are two people sitting and standing.

Maria suddenly asked, "Did you hear something?"

Gabriel replied: "The sound of running water, the sound of the wind blowing in the mountains, and a cat meowing, on the far east bank."

Maria: "Order the ship to sail closer to the east coast."

The two had extraordinary eyesight, and they saw Schrödinger and Amon lying on the ground from a long distance away. Maria's expression suddenly became a little strange, as if it had touched a long and deep memory, and murmured: "Gabriel, I think the cat's pattern looks familiar!"

Gabriel: "Familiar? There are many cats around the Temple of Isis. Cats are animals that we Eju people worship."

Maria explained: "Do you remember? Two years ago, when I just got the Tears of the Gods, one night, I was startled by a cat."

After she reminded her, Gabriel also remembered, and pondered: "I still remember that cat, somehow it slipped into your room, it was dirty and fat and fell asleep all the time. This cat is not very The same, much cleaner and more beautiful, it should not be the same cat."

Maria sighed inexplicably: "People's lives will change, and I think cats are the same. I remember that cat's pattern is almost exactly the same as this cat. Order the boat to stop and go to see the cat. What’s wrong with people? It’s rare to see a cat that cares about its owner.” It’s been a long time since the experience in Duke Town, but for some reason, Maria always remembered those few days very clearly, as if deeply Imprinted in her mind, she can recall every scene, and even remember the pattern on Schrödinger's body.

This big ship had a very deep draft, so there was no way to get close to the shallows on the shore, so it could only stop far away. Gabriel jumped off the ship building with one stride, tapped her toes lightly on the deck, and the bow of the ship sank slightly, she took advantage of the momentum and jumped ashore, her figure was extremely vigorous!

Gabriel walked up to Amon with a sword, bowed his head and asked, "Poor and loyal cat, you cry so anxiously. Is this your master? What happened to him?"

The warrior came majesticly, even a lion would retreat because of her aura, but Schrödinger did not run away, but squatted on the ground and raised his head to look at her. Gabriel couldn't help but feel a little funny, actually talking to a cat, but the cat couldn't answer her question, so he lowered his head and used the puppet eye technique to scan the breath around Amon, then turned around and shouted: "My lord saint, this person There are no wounds on his body, but he has suffered serious injuries, exhausted his physical strength and energy, and is already in a state of collapse, and his life force is passing away, but he is not dead yet."

Before he finished speaking, a faint golden halo appeared above Amon, and a white light mist fell on him in the halo, like a milk waterfall flowing quietly—this is the "Blessing of Isis", A blessing spell that can only be performed by a saint with the tears of the gods.

It can not only treat injuries, but also eliminate pain, wash away fatigue, restore physical strength, and give people confidence, strength and courage. In short, it is equivalent to the combination of magical effects that eliminates any negative effects.

The first time Maria used it was two years ago in the Syrian Desert south of Duk Town. The convoy was attacked and Gabriel was injured in the fierce fight. Maria suddenly used this magic . This is the simplest and most profound divine art. At that time, Mary's power was still very weak, and the "Blessing of Isis" was just a symbol.

But the situation is very different now. Maria is performing high-level magic, and she only prays for Amon. Not long ago, she had just been promoted to a sixth-level magician. In just two years, her achievements were amazing!

The milky white light curtain falling from the golden halo sprinkled on Amon's body, and looking at Maria, she had already disembarked from the boat at some point, walking over the muddy Ronnie River with a saint's staff in her hand. If a sixth-level magician does not use scrolls or other magic tools, it is difficult to control the magic of air elements and the magic of water elements at the same time so delicately. She is like a deity who walks gently on the waves. But it's no surprise that Maria has probably the best staff in the world.

When the servants saw the Holy Maiden walking ashore on the waves, they all saluted her on the deck. Gabriel asked in surprise: "My lord, why did you go ashore in person?"

Maria came to a place a few steps away from Amon and stood still: "I want to see the condition of this man clearly. He seems to have gone through a fierce battle, all his strength has been exhausted, and he was seriously injured, beyond what his body and mind could bear. The limit that can be tolerated. It is dangerous to just pass out in the wild, I can revive him, you ask what happened."

Amon lay there, with flashes of the past in front of him, but a faint golden light appeared in his sight. He felt very comfortable, as if his consciousness had been separated from his body, or his body seemed to be his consciousness, floating lightly on the clouds. It felt like a mother's tender touch when I was a child, a memory that was too long and almost forgotten. He saw Aristotle, Gabriel, and Iko-Maria again, and returned to the courtyard in Duke Town, his eyes fixed on Iko's figure.

He looked at her, the girl in front of him was very hazy but became more and more clear. She seems to have grown up, with a mysterious and mature noble temperament, and the scene around her is no longer the courtyard of Duke Town, but the wilderness by the Roney River. She was wearing a fine attire holding a staff and a golden crown, and Amon was looking straight into her eyes.

Amon woke up, but he didn't realize that he had woken up. He was still in a daze. He looked at Maria and said to himself, "Iko, is that you? You look so beautiful, just like what I thought. It's exactly the same, I finally see you!... Am I already dead? How can I see you here? Isn't this a gloomy underworld, is it another destination for the soul?... This, where is this? What should I call What is it? If you give it a name, can it be heaven?"

Gabriel frowned and said, "My lord, what is he talking about? This person is not very clear-headed yet, he must have admitted the wrong person!"

When Maria heard Amon call out the word "Iko", her slender figure trembled slightly. The always calm Lady Saintess rarely lost her composure. Fortunately, Gabriel only stared at Amon and didn't pay attention. arrive. At this moment, Maria recognized who the person lying on the ground was. Although Amon's appearance has changed a lot, his facial features still bear the shadow of that boy, and the pattern of the cat beside him is so familiar, how could it be someone else

What's more, he called her by her baby name. Maria thought that no one in this world would call her that again!

Maria remembered that in the room above the small building in Duke Town, she quietly wrote a line of words on the wall, "Amon, my name is Aiko." Then he wiped it off, how could it still be written by him? I found out that it was not wiped clean at the time and left traces? But this doubt was quickly diluted by another surprise—it turned out that Amon was still alive.

Maria naturally heard about the great flood. It is said that the entire town of Duke was destroyed by the flood and no one survived, so Amon should also be dead. Hearing this news was shortly after she officially became a saint, and she shed tears alone for this. That was the first and only time she shed tears in the Temple of Isis, as if it symbolized a farewell to the past.

But Maria always felt that Amon was not dead, nor should he die. Perhaps this feeling was just an expectation in her heart, but she did not expect to see Amon again today.

After Amon said these words, he fainted again immediately. Maria didn't hide anything from Gabriel, and then calmed down and said as calmly as possible: "I know him, and you should know him too, that is Amon who mined the Tears of the Gods in Duke Town, remember? "

Gabriel was stunned: "It really looks like him, no, it's him! He has grown up, but when you remind me, I can recognize it, this cat has lost a lot of weight. He is still alive, it is the blessing of the gods ! But why did you appear here today, and what happened to you?"

Maria turned around and didn't look at Amon again. She sighed softly and said, "The ancient records are indeed true. It was he who mined the tears of the gods and made me a guardian saint. Today I met him , It’s really the call and guidance of the gods! This person is very important, we should save him and protect him, we can’t keep him here. His life is not in danger, take him away, and ask him when he wakes up .”

When Amon woke up again, he found himself lying on a small boat, with Schrödinger squatting beside him, and there was a faint golden glow flickering in the midday sun, constantly falling on him. The feeling of dizziness and nausea gradually dissipated, and the pain in his body also slowly disappeared. Of course, he knew that this was a brilliant blessing magic technique, and there should be a magician who spared no effort to save him.

Amon is no longer in danger, but is still very weak and needs a good rest to recover. He raised his head and looked around with difficulty, and found that this small boat had no sails or oars, and was pulled and propelled by an invisible force, following a magnificent ship and breaking the waves. Standing at the stern was a samurai, a very beautiful woman, but the impression she had at first sight was awe-inspiring majesty.

Amon asked in a daze: "Master Gabriel, how did I see you, and where is this place?"

Gabriel smiled faintly: "You know me, it really is you, Amon! I still remember your voice. I don't know why you fainted on the shore. It was Lady Saintess who saved you and ordered me to take you back."

"Saint? Oh! I saw her just now, so she saved me! Lord Gabriel, I came from the cape city-state, and I was attacked in the mountains..." Amon finally woke up and understood what happened just now Struggling to sit up and talk.

Gabriel's voice was not loud but very majestic, he stopped him and said: "Don't move or speak, the lady's boat is right ahead, and the lady is using magic to save you. Please lie down and keep your heart Serenity, if there is anything else, I will talk about it when I ask you."

Amon lay down obediently, and there was an inexplicable warmth in his heart, and the scorching sun and breeze on the Ronnie River became so gentle and warm, peaceful and peaceful. He finally completely relaxed, no longer afraid and worried, really did not expect to reunite with Iko-Maria in such a way. Not only did she quietly heal his wounds, but she also sent the most important warrior around him to escort him. Amon was very grateful.

Adult men are not allowed to touch the saint, including her daily items, so Amon cannot board Mary's ship. Maria ordered someone to put down a small boat, and asked Gabriel to escort Amon to walk behind.

Gabriel looked at Amon, and was also a little surprised in his heart. The saintess sent her to escort Amon alone, which shows that he attaches great importance to it. Maria was sitting on the big boat, always performing blessing spells, and healed Amon's wounds from a distance, but was not noticed by any of the other followers. This is an unimaginable gift for ordinary people! However, Amon seems to be entitled to this kind of treatment. The tear of the gods that the saintess inspired the magic spell was mined by him himself back then.

Gabriel was thinking so quietly in her heart, but she watched Amon remain silent. Her mission was to protect and escort, and it was impossible to let him go without asking what happened to Amon.

In the afternoon, the boat docked, and there was still a long way to go back to Mengfeisi. On the same day, I rested in a town halfway. Of course, the Holy Maiden lived in the temple. Amon didn't have to worry about anything, there was a comfortable carriage to transport him, and a small secluded courtyard was arranged in the town, where several cleanly dressed slaves served him for dinner.

Gabriel came after dinner and sent away all the servants, leaving only her and Amon in the courtyard. Amon knelt down and saluted, "Thank you, Mrs. Saintess, thank you for saving me!"

Gabriel waved his hand: "Amon, get up and talk. The Holy Lady is a symbol of Goddess Isis blessing the people of Egypt. It's not surprising that she will save you, but we didn't expect it to be you! The Holy Maiden asked me to ask clearly, what happened to you?"

If it was someone else, Amon might not want to tell the truth about his experience, but Maria sent Gabriel to ask, and Amon didn't want to hide too much. He was alone, and he had been carrying so many heavy memories for so long, and he had nowhere to talk, and he could finally speak. Although it was only a brief acquaintance back then, Maria and Gabriel saved him when they met again, and Amon felt an inexplicable sense of trust in his heart.

Amon told his story. After Maria and Gabriel left Duke, he was exiled to the mountains because of offering the tears of the gods without permission, but he happened to avoid the catastrophic flood . He stayed in the caveman tribe for more than a year, and happened to see Nero's last words and relics. Later, he walked out of the mountains, went to the Kingdom of Baron, and recently came to the cape city-state of the Eju Empire. He returned Nero's relics to the temple, and he also received a generous gift.

With this gift, he left the cape city-state and headed for Memphis, but was chased by two groups of people. After a fierce struggle, all the gangsters who wanted to kill and gain money died, and he struggled to walk to the ferry, but finally couldn't bear it and fainted halfway—this is what happened.

The experience of the past two years is too complicated. Amon only gave a brief overview, and some things were not mentioned, including the past of the old lunatic and Bell, and his experience with Goddess Mu Yun. It's not because of mistrust, of course he can't tell Gabriel that he is a magician, and he saw Bell's last words back then. These things cannot be mentioned, otherwise it will only cause trouble for yourself and others. As for the process of obtaining Nero's relic, it is consistent with what he said when he was in the Cape Temple.

After saying this, Amon took out a cowhide envelope that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it over, "Among those who hunted down me was Lord Vitruh, the priest of the Temple of Isis. This is what I found on his body. .It looks like a secret letter, it may be very important, please do pass it to the Holy Lady, I know you are worthy of respect and trust."

The letter was originally blessed with divine magic, but after Amon opened it, he sealed it with the same method. This is also the method of processing magical artifacts. The first "magic artifact" processed by Amon in his life was actually this envelope.

Gabriel received the letter with a shocking expression on his face: "You were exiled because you offered the tears of the gods, but you avoided the flood precisely because of this. This is also a blessing from the gods... This letter has been processed by magic. Leave it to the Holy Lady to open it in person. You rest here and don’t go anywhere, I haven’t finished asking.”