Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 89: habitual self-awareness


The highest-standard classics collection room is not only protected by a magic circle, borrowing materials requires the approval of a high priest, and even the cleaning work cannot be done by slaves. The warriors on duty also have ranks. Amon was hand-picked by the Holy Lady. Of course, he has the highest rank and is qualified to guard all the file rooms.

Maria once said that she would give Amon a chance. After he became a great warrior, he could check the records about Duke Town in person. As soon as Amon entered the Temple of Isis, he would actually have the opportunity to consult any classics here. No one knew that this warrior from a foreign country actually knew the divine language of Ecu.

But Amon can't flip through it blatantly. A warrior on duty holding a scroll and reading it will definitely arouse suspicion. Some of the most precious secret tomes are still locked in special boxes, which can only be opened with the company of a high priest. He could only take advantage of the opportunity of patrolling alone, while arranging the document shelves and flipping through them. The archives with higher specifications are usually more relaxed, and there are very few people who come to borrow classics, and Amon can always find such opportunities.

There are two types of books that Amon is most interested in: one is the various legends about the gods a long time ago, and now the Eju Empire has a unified decree of the gods, and those different myths in ancient times can only be seen here. The other category is the practice experience and notes left by magicians and warriors of various periods, which are the precious painstaking treasures of countless people.

After Amon quietly flipped through some interesting classics, he really understood how precious the information left by the old lunatic was. Bell must have been here back then, checked all the valuable records, and the old lunatic also got Bell's message. The records he left to Amon are all condensed essences. Nietzsche has been to many places in his century-old career, and what he consulted is not only the classics of the Temple of Isis, but also left the collation and compilation to Amon.

But Amon still has a lot to gain here, because the old lunatic left him only records related to the cultivation of divine arts, and many other materials also contain important information, and it is impossible for the old lunatic to tell Amon all of them. Amon was most interested in the legendary record about Duke Town, but he couldn't find it for a while.

The archives of the Temple of Isis are too large. Even if one archive room is on duty for a day, it will take more than a month to go through them all. Amon can only browse through them quietly when no one is around. Read them all.

This is the most leisure time Amon has ever spent in his life. Sometimes he patrols the archives with other warriors, and sometimes he is on duty at a fixed place to help the priest who consulted the classics to take out the materials. The warriors have their own residences in the temple, and Amon has a separate hut, although it is not big, it is comfortable enough to live in. The monthly salary is five gold coins, which is enough for an ordinary wealthy family to spend. The Temple of Isis is really luxurious.

If Amon wanted to get married and start a family, he could also buy a house in Memphis City to have children, work in the Temple of Isis during the day, and return to "home" at night, but he had to live in that hut when it was his turn to be on duty at night. Although an honorable warrior like him is not a nobleman, he also seems to have some kind of aura because of the glory of the temple. Coupled with his generous salary and a leisurely life, many families in Isis City are willing to marry their daughters to such a person.

Amon is already a fifth-level warrior at a very young age, and he still earns five gold coins a month. The young man is also very energetic, and of course he is very popular. Occasionally, when I leave the temple to go shopping and eat in the city, there will always be restaurant owners, shopkeepers and other people who strike up a conversation, ask each other well, and want to introduce girls to him.

For this kind of situation, Amon always refused with a smile, he really didn't have such thoughts. Although it seems that everything is safe for the time being, Amon is clear about his identity and burden. He is a magician who wants to unlock the secrets of the gods, and has promised a goddess that he will find the surviving clansmen in Duke Town Returning to his hometown and rebuilding his homeland, the road ahead is dangerous and difficult.

Amon seldom goes out, and spends most of his time in the archives of the Temple of Isis. He may be the most dedicated warrior on duty. I have visited the bustling Memphis City a few times, and the guide is Aesop, the slave of the merchant Xiou. Amon kept his promise and paid a visit. Xiou was surprised and enthusiastic when he learned that his benefactor had become an honorary warrior of the Temple of Isis.

Xiou even wanted to marry his daughter to Amon, and he boasted to everyone he met, saying that he had already seen that the future of this foreign warrior was limitless, and he was indeed a great person. But Amon prefers to take Aesop out. When visiting the streets and alleys, listening to the driver tell various anecdotes is more interesting than the ancient books in the archives.

Of course, Amon's main energy is still on the cultivation of two aspects of one body, and the basic meditation of divine arts has never stopped every night. It is inconvenient to openly practice divine arts in the Temple of Isis, but it does not hinder the cultivation of strength. As for the training of physical arts, he is a warrior in the first place, so there is nothing doubtful about it.

Amon's injury healed soon, but his strength recovered quite slowly. He felt as if his body had gone through a growth process again. Although his strength recovered slowly, he was growing every day. When Amon himself felt that he had completely recovered, this growth did not end.

Amon was a little surprised to find that not only the power in the blood increased, but also the mana of using divine magic. Is this the magic of one body with two sides of power? He could even "see" the changes in his body, as if he had been tempered from bone marrow to muscles. His physical strength and endurance were already far beyond those of ordinary fifth-level warriors, and this time he seemed to have broken through some kind of limit.

When the growth of strength and the change of physique finally reached a stable state, Amon clearly realized his changes. In the past, although he could recover energy and mana through divine meditation, he needed to sleep and rest after all, but now he can fully recover as long as he sits and meditates every night for a period of time, and he can persist even if he does not sleep for many days.

If necessary, he can even go without eating for a long time, but he needs to supplement the consumed power through special divine meditation. Then he did an experiment in private. He didn't eat for half a month, and he felt that his health was not hindered, but after all, he couldn't stop eating forever, and there was still a limit to bear.

Is this the process of upgrading from a fifth-level warrior to a sixth-level warrior, a "breakthrough of the limit"? No wonder that warrior Haven had followed him for so long, and he still possessed amazing power in the final fight. If Amon hadn't used the scroll beforehand and used the staff to cast a divine spell at the last moment, he would definitely have fallen before Haven. Down.

One night, Amon was in a very quiet state of meditation, and finally felt that the slow increase in strength over the past six months had reached a stable state, and he had completely "recovered". After recovery, Amon almost had a brand new body, and his strength was much stronger than before, as if he had experienced a more perfect new life.

Has he passed the physical test to become a sixth-level warrior? Does it also mean that the magical achievement will also be upgraded? If you want to verify, just take out the pupil of the earth left by the old madman and read the next paragraph of information. Amon didn't dare to do this in the Temple of Isis, even though he had his own hut and could set up a magic circle to cover it, but there were too many experts here, and there might be the attention of the gods.

One day when it was not his turn to be on duty, Amon left the temple in the evening. Many warriors like to drink some wine and have some fun to relax at this time. He didn't come back until the next morning, so it was rare for Amon to go out to relax. Mengfeisi City is very big. When he arrived in the north of the city, he first found a tavern to have a meal, and then watched the artist's performance. After dark, he had a long way to go back, so he simply found a big inn to stay. Good, room with a small private courtyard.

Amon's income is very high, and he is also very rich, but he has almost nowhere to spend money, and it's okay to go out for a luxury.

In the middle of the night, he used the divine stone to set up a magical array in the bedroom to hide his voice, and then he took out the magic staff and the eye of the earth that had not been used for a long time, and the voice of the old lunatic rang from his ears again——

"My child, I want to congratulate you again. After reading this message, you already have a sixth-level magical achievement! Now I want to tell you something, maybe you haven't recovered yet. Become a sixth-level god Being a magician means that you can practice high-level divine arts, but there is always a requirement, that is, for a long time, the basic meditation of divine arts has never stopped.

There are many fifth-level magic masters who cannot be promoted for life because they have not achieved this point. Once they give up the practice of magic for a certain period of time, the process of breakthrough will start again. Don't look up the classics. There is no such clear record. This is the conclusion that Bell came to after studying the training records left by all the great magicians in the archives of the Isis Temple. Bell told me.

Everyone's situation is different. It is hard to tell what kind of accumulation is needed for someone to break through the sixth-level achievement. Some may be fast and others may be slow, but the process of accumulation cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will have to start all over again. A magician must consciously concentrate on cultivation, and not interrupt the process because of various things encountered, which are also part of the breakthrough.

At this point, you can no longer deliberately practice divine arts for the sake of cultivating divine arts, it is a part of your life. Because of perseverance, because of perseverance, because of persecution, or just a lucky coincidence, people can do it, but the best state is to get used to it, so as to maintain the most peaceful state of mind in the basic meditation of divine arts.

Many great magicians, including me, are more or less aware of this when recalling their own experiences, but they will not explain it to their students and disciples, just like I did not tell you in advance. My expectation for you is to unlock the secrets of the gods. If you don't even have the self-consciousness you are used to, let alone complete this mission. Fortunately, I didn't misread you from the beginning, so, my boy, you finally read this message. "