Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 92: True


The King of Assyria shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know why, I have to ask them themselves. I am afraid that the most proud people on the mainland can't bear this kind of suspicion and questioning. It will be exciting to watch. Although Queen Semir didn't wear makeup In the shape of Enkidu, but in the shape of Enkidu. The bow and arrow she uses are made of snake tendons and snake teeth. Everyone in the continent knows that Enkidu and Gilgamesh beheaded Humbaba , got the snake tendons and snake teeth, the great magician of Memphis will not fail to recognize this weapon."

Alpha said with lingering fear: "Offending these two people is not a good thing, we must keep it strictly confidential."

Sinach snorted coldly: "It's just two people, I may not be afraid of them! Even if the Kingdom of Baron wants to declare war on me, there is a plateau barrier, and Assyria is easy to defend and difficult to attack, I still want to try to build a career. Opportunity!... But you are right, this matter is the top secret of the kingdom, only you and I can know it, and it must not be leaked to anyone."

The prime minister wiped his forehead quietly with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, I still think your decision is too risky. Next time for such an important event, can you say hello in advance, so that you can plan it carefully."

The king waved his hand and said, "Alpha, it's not that I don't trust you. You are the most loyal minister in the Kingdom of Assyria. But there is absolutely no possibility of revealing any news about the assassination of the saint in Memphis. Prepare, it will be difficult for the queen and the national teacher to escape, so I didn't tell anyone."

Alpha sighed slightly: "Your Majesty's decision may be right. What is your purpose in summoning the old minister and the secret merchant at night? What can the old minister do for you and the kingdom?"

The Kingdom of Sinach also sighed and said: "Master Prime Minister, you have a lot to do. Reorganize the army and prepare to cross the plateau at any time, establish a city-state in a new fertile soil, and expand the territory of the kingdom. I have a burning ambition, but The Assyrian Plateau not only guarded our land, but also imprisoned my aspirations. My kingdom is barren and narrow. Although our warriors are brave and good at fighting, they have been trapped outside the plateau.

A thousand miles of fertile land will appear in the west of the Youdi River. This is the opportunity for me to expand my territory and build my achievements through the ages. I will be a king who will be admired by Assyrian subjects forever. But the other three countries will not give up their struggle. Only by provoking their disputes first can the soldiers and civilians of Assyria have a chance to cross the plateau and occupy there first. "

While talking, someone outside the hall announced loudly: "Her Majesty the Queen is back, and the National Teacher is asking to see you!"

Before the words were finished, a woman had already walked in. She was wearing tights, her long black hair was tied up and she was not wearing jewelry. She was the queen of the Assyrian kingdom, Semir. If Amon was here, he would be shocked, because she was the assassin who assassinated Maria in Mengfeisi, and she never expected to be a woman!

Semir's figure is petite, and the tight-fitting strong clothes make her figure more curvaceous, but such a beautiful body seems to contain a dynamic tension, as if it is a perfect combination of a soft figure and a resolute temperament. Her facial features are soft, her eyes are dark brown, and she has a mysterious charm.

King Sinach stood up from his seat, and greeted him with open arms, "My dear queen, you are back so soon, is everything going well?"

Samir gave her husband a hug, then took a step back and nodded: "The assassination of the saint was unsuccessful, but it doesn't matter, Your Majesty's plan should be smooth. It's just that the calmness of the saint is beyond my imagination. She may be the The youngest great magician on the mainland." Then he turned sideways and nodded to Alpha, saying: "It turns out that the prime minister is also here, I think the king must have something to discuss with you, I am tired, I will go to rest first."

Alpha hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Your Majesty the Queen has worked hard!"

Samir said to the king again: "The master of the country is outside the door. You can ask him for the details." After speaking, she walked into the apse. Her attitude was a bit cold and arrogant, and she didn't use honorifics when she spoke to the king. .

After the queen left, the prime minister whispered to the king: "Your Majesty, the queen's complexion is not very good, she seems to be angry. You sent her to such a far place to carry out a dangerous assassination mission, the queen will definitely not be happy. You haven't seen each other for many days, and she rushed back to Nineveh overnight, so let's discuss tomorrow what your majesty has to do, and tonight, coax the queen to express comfort and worry."

Sinach looked somewhat embarrassed, coughed and said: "The queen is tired and needs a good rest. I am the king, and I should put the country's affairs first. The master of the state is still waiting outside, please come in and discuss the matter together. .”

The identities of the monarch and his ministers are different. Queen Semir can enter the inner hall directly, but Faust can only enter after being notified. This great magician was in his fifties, but he looked like an old man in his seventies or eighties. His curly hair was completely gray and his face was wrinkled and looked very haggard. The non-stop journey for three days and three nights is indeed very exhausting. On the other hand, his appearance is like this, which is completely different from the pampered appearance of ordinary great magicians.

Faust is the chief elder of the Assyrian Theological Academy, and is said to be the most knowledgeable person in the entire kingdom. He can recite all the books in the Assyrian Academy and the main temple of Assyria, and every page and paragraph can be accurate. retelling. His thirst for knowledge exceeds that of everyone in the kingdom. His greatest hobby is to collect all kinds of classics. If any precious document that he has not read falls into his hands, he will read it repeatedly and keep it in his heart before he can put it down.

Faust once said by himself: "Knowledge is pursuit, and I want to find the power to change the world and life." He was called "Sage National Teacher" in Assyria. Everyone, including the king, called him that. To be the teacher of the country has become an honorable title exclusive to Faust.

The king gave Faust a seat and asked kindly: "Respected Master, I didn't expect you to come back so quickly. How many flying scrolls did you use? There is no need to travel so hard, as long as you come back safely."

Faust smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty just wants to return to the capital as soon as possible. Although I am driving the shadow shuttle, I still use up all the flying scrolls."

Alpha asked in surprise: "All? Then you have been flying for three days and three nights without stopping for a moment. No wonder you came back so quickly, and you look so tired."

Faust: "Being able to build meritorious deeds for the kingdom is really nothing. The strategy is dedicated to His Majesty. Of course, I should do it myself. The assassination of the saint did not succeed, but the goal should have been achieved. We are ready now, and we can act quietly when the disputes come together."

King Sinach: "I was discussing this matter with the prime minister just now. We have to cross the plateau to prepare for the establishment of a city-state. We are about to start it now, and we can't alarm other people. There will be a fertile land in the center of the mainland. The national teacher Do you think other countries will know about this matter?"

Faust sighed softly and said: "I have a hunch that of course there will be experts in other kingdoms who will find out, even if they didn't realize it at the time, but more than two years have passed, and a large piece of fertile soil has surfaced in the swamp. They will all be aware of what will happen. Moreover, we are thinking, wouldn’t the gods be aware of all this? They will definitely guide the people then.”

Alpha continued: "I have studied the terrain there. At first, a large piece of fertile soil where the swamp can stop was exposed, which is close to the foot of the Assyrian Plateau, while the remaining three sides are still surrounded by swamps. Crossing the plateau is our obstacle, but the swamp will block it." The rest of the three countries have large groups of people, so the Assyrian Kingdom still has the most advantage in terms of geographical environment."

Faust took out his staff, and light and shadow appeared in the void, which was exactly the terrain around the town of Duk. He pointed to the inland lake at the northernmost point of the desert and said, "The large group of people can't enter the swamp area for the time being, but there is a camp built by that lake." The good place, the competition will happen in advance, only if there is war among them, we will have the opportunity to quietly enter the south of the Syrian Plateau and gain a firm foothold. As the area of fertile soil exposed to the water expands, the territory we occupy will gradually expand, Until it extends to the whole territory, then it will be possible to gain a foothold in an invincible position."

The king frowned as if thinking, and asked again: "The Eju Empire is the most ambitious and powerful. It has long wanted to pass through the desert and let all the kingdoms surrender. What they want most is such a piece of land. And this piece of land is in In Hatti Kingdom, war between the two countries will break out sooner or later, and the assassination of the saint is just an excuse to provoke violence. According to the master of the country, when should it be?"

Faust pondered: "The national war is not easy. The supply lines of the two countries are very long. Even if you want to go to war, you have to make a lot of preparations. It will take at least a year and a half to start a large-scale war... Your Excellency, during this time, we Can you be ready?"

Alpha squinted his eyes and said: "It is not easy for a large group of people to carry supplies across the plateau. The giant battle formation is most suitable as a forward. The area of the land exposed to the swamp at the beginning will not be very large, and it will be divided into many isolated islands. As long as there is no other interference, the preparation work will be no problem."

Amon, who is far away in Memphis City, probably never imagined that his journey to lead his people back to their hometown in the future would be full of so many obstacles. Princess Xiaoqian has already intervened to guide the plateau giant tribe to quietly enter the swamp to find an isolated island above the water to establish a tribe. But the king of Assyria has even greater ambitions. What he wants is to occupy the whole territory of thousands of miles of fertile land and open up a new territory south of the Assyrian Plateau. .

Amon has lived a peaceful life during this time. He is now the captain of the guard, and he is in charge of dozens of warriors and two slaves who specialize in daily life. Amon was not used to letting slaves do things by his side. He usually only asked them to clean the yard. If he needed anything, he would give them money to buy it, which made life much more convenient.

The guards have routine drills. In terms of fighting skills, Amon is no worse than anyone else, but the coordination between warriors, the battle formation coordination between warriors and magicians, the skills of using various weapons, and various equipment are different. The role played by the occasion and so on are all knowledge, and Amon has also learned a lot. He, the captain of the guard, looks serious, but he is the most lenient person in comparison, like a child when he is happy.

As the captain of the guard, he has more opportunities to come into contact with those divine texts alone, which happens to be confirmed by the high-level divine arts to be practiced. It is inconvenient to display divine arts in the Temple of Isis, so I can only quietly practice the power rules of various divine arts in private.

But some divine arts need to be performed to prove the results of cultivation, so Amon would sometimes go out of the temple and spend the night outside before returning. People thought that the captain of the guard was going to relax, but in fact he was looking for no one. High-level magic effect. Such tossing made Amon himself feel inconvenient, and he began to think about buying a mansion in Memphis City.

Among other things, at least there must be a place to place Schrödinger properly. After the cat came to Eju, it did not live with Amon in the Temple of Isis.

The main god enshrined in the Temple of Isis is the goddess Isis, but almost all the gods of the Aegis pantheon are also enshrined in each side hall, including the goddess Best, the servant of Osiris. The statue of Best is very characteristic. The slim girl's body is the head of a cat, and her long hair looks like a lion.

Just because the goddess Best is the image of a cat, cats are worshiped and favored animals in Ecuador. There are more realistic traditional reasons why cats are loved by people. A long time ago, Egypt was often plagued by rats. Some people introduced domesticated domestic cats and became good helpers for guarding granaries. They saved a lot of food for Egyptian residents every year. be appreciated by people.

There are many cats living around the Temple of Isis. They are neither wild cats nor domestic cats. They lie lazily under the wall or on the square all day long to bask in the sun. People passing by like to feed cats, and the priests in the temple will also put cat food in a fixed place every day, symbolizing sacrifice to the people of Goddess Best.

When Amon entered the Temple of Isis for the first time, Schrödinger jumped out of his leather pocket and slipped away, and then mixed with all kinds of cats in the square, trying to chase him too late. Schrödinger was very familiar with this place, just like coming home. No wonder, it was "stolen" by Bell from Memphis back then, and the request he once made to Amon was - "Take me back to Ecu".

Amon never knew what Schrödinger was thinking and what he was going to do? It was the cat who was guiding him, but he had no control over where Schrödinger was going. Living in the Temple of Isis and not being able to see the cat, it is hard to avoid thinking strangely in his heart. After all, in the loneliest time of his life, there was a scary cat with a big frame that accompanied and helped him through the difficult years. Regardless of whether Schrödinger wanted to use him or had any other purpose, Amon was grateful.

It's not that Amon can't see Schrödinger. Every time he goes out alone, a cat will suddenly come out and rub against his legs outside the temple. It is Schrödinger when he looks closely. Amon looked for a secluded place to try out his magic, and Schrödinger would follow him to watch, squatting there with one paw resting his chin and tilting his head, looking interested.

Every time he saw Schrödinger, Amon would buy the best wine. Later, he developed a habit of simply buying good wine and bringing it with him. The guards under him saw that the captain liked good wine, and often gave him a gift.

Amon didn't know where Schrödinger usually hung out, but after returning to Ecu, the cat grew more beautiful and energetic. It has a slim and vigorous figure, and its coat color has become smooth and bright. It is agile and fast when jumping and running. In the open area of the wild, Amon has to do his best to keep up. Obviously, he has completely recovered his vitality. If it weren't for the patterns, Amon would hardly have recognized the cat, but Schrödinger has a characteristic that is obvious, that is, it cannot be sensed by the detection magic.

Schrödinger's behavior is still very flamboyant, looking at Amon like a high-ranking king looking at his subjects, but his attitude is much closer. Every time it sees Amon, it is obviously happy, otherwise it would not jump out to rub his legs, which was unimaginable before.

In addition to looking for opportunities to go out from time to time and have a "tryst" with Schrödinger, Amon is also waiting for Maria to be summoned, but the Holy Maiden is very busy these days, and I heard that she left for the capital of Eju to meet with His Majesty Pharaoh on important matters. Shang, may have something to do with the last assassination. A month later, the saint returned to Memphis, but it was Gabriel who came to Amon first.

Gabriel called Amon to speak in a samurai hall alone. This place is where the great samurai usually handles official duties. The reliefs on the left and right walls are the images of great samurai of all dynasties, depicting various battle scenes.

Gabriel asked him to sit down and said, "Amon, the saintess has already ordered me to have time to teach you about physical training, but I was too busy a while ago, so I didn't have time to come to you until today."

Amon hurriedly said: "I know you are very busy. A while ago, Lady Saintess was about to break through the seventh-level achievement, and she was also preparing for the Isis Blessing Ceremony. Another assassin incident happened in the ceremony. I am practicing physical skills. , Lord Gabriel is actually bothering you."

Gabriel looked at him and suddenly asked, "Amon, how old are you this year?"

Amon replied with some embarrassment: "It's almost seventeen years old."

Gabriel exclaimed softly: "It's amazing. At this age, your achievements have surpassed mine. As long as you don't take the wrong path, you will definitely become a great warrior. The saint is right. If I guessed correctly , You got the chance to break through that encounter by the Ronnie River, and after coming to Memphis, you grew your strength while recovering, and became a sixth-level warrior."

Amon nodded and said, "Yes, your words are absolutely correct."

Gabriel added: "Everyone's experience is different, but there are always some experiences that are similar. I think when I broke through from a fifth-level warrior to a sixth-level warrior, it was also in a battle to perform a mission. If it wasn't for Wald With the presence of the great magician, I might have died, but after returning, the increase in strength has broken through the previous limit, just like experiencing a new life."

Amon nodded again and again: "I feel the same way, it is indeed a difficult experience, and you are now a great warrior, if you can guide me, I don't know what will happen if you break through from level 6 to level 7? "

Gabriel smiled faintly: "No one can say this clearly. To tell you the truth, I actually forgot."

Amon was surprised: "Forget it, can you forget this kind of thing?"