Pixiu Restaurant, No Way Out

Chapter 13


In the past, there was the imperial examination, but now there is the college entrance examination. It is not that Pixiu has never thought of selling exam questions to make money. He is a monster, how can he understand the hard work of human beings who have been studying hard for ten years. At that time, he had just been defrauded of all the money by Taotie, and the whole Pixiu was wrapped in the insecurity of not having money.

There is no conscience to find out, but Pixiu heard others scold that the child who leaked the test questions had no buttholes.

After going around for so many years and meeting Jia Suzhen, can he still not escape the fate of giving birth without an asshole

Pixiu's face changed like a traffic light. He used all his strength to point at the door and said, "Go down first, and let me think about how to help you."

Jia Suzhen was overjoyed, she said the words of her great benefactor, good benefactor, and moved towards Wen Xi and Pi Xiu only to lift the bead curtain and rejoice.

Pi Xiu's face was too bad, Wen Xi quickly came up to help him frown and asked, "Why do you look so ugly."

Pixiu shook his head, only to say that you don't understand.

How can you humans understand the pain of a natural insufficiency of the digestive system

He was tired, really tired.

Wen Xi sat next to him and said, "It's not difficult to get the top spot in the college entrance examination. I also did the college entrance examination paper, but I can only do liberal arts, and the score is not much worse than the first place."

Pi Xiu held his head and didn't speak. He was just thinking about how he would get the college entrance examination papers. After counting the time, the questions had already been written, and the teachers who asked the questions should also release them. OK, or just hacked the computer to see the papers

Black computer is also a technical job. The shop is full of a group of clerks who only know how to collect money, and there is no such technical work at all.

It's better to arrest people, but now that group of humans is more than a monster, and if there is any trouble with a big monster like myself, each of them will run faster than anyone else like a dog that smells meat.

Seeing that he was still frowning, Wenxi's body temperature was rising, he fanned and discussed, "Don't worry so much, first ask if Wu Zu's grades are good, if it's good, you don't have to worry, if it's not good, then It's not too late to make plans."

Pi Xiu was stunned, yes, if Wu Zu was reincarnated in this life, he wouldn't have to do anything, just wait and see what happened.

As soon as he turned his head, looking at Wen Xi's smiling peach eyes, he couldn't help but soften his face. This person's thin white wrist swayed in the air because of the fan, and it was as bright as the gold traced on the fan.

Pixiu reached out and held it, and smiled at him: "You're right, I'm thinking too much."

Although the surnamed Pi is an auspicious beast, he is also an incarnation of a monster. He usually shaves his head and doesn't speak. He is a door god and evil star. Now he suddenly smiles, but he is a little less aggressive and more handsome. His name is Wenxi. Look in a trance.

This monster looks really good.

"I'll ask Monkeys and the others to find out how this surnamed Wu's grades are. If he studies liberal arts, maybe he will need your help." Pi Xiu leaned on Wen Xi to cool off, and finally felt a little more at ease.

Wen Xi nodded naturally: "It would be good if I could help."

Pi Xiu leaned on Wen Xi, his body cooled down and his mind calmed down. Anyway, the soldiers came to block the water and cover the ground, and the boat would naturally straighten when it reached the bridgehead.

Anyway, his genetic reasons can't be changed. If he really has a son, he can't deny himself as an old man for this matter. For the sake of merit, he really sacrificed himself.

He embraced Wen Xi and said lightly, "It's better for Jia Suzhen to give me more merit. If you hadn't persuaded me just now, I guess I'd already be on the way to catch Teacher Juan."

Wen Xi wondered: "Can't you just shoot at mortals now?"

"In general, it is not possible. If you are caught, you will be fined for re-education. If the circumstances are serious, you will be taken to Shanxi to dig coal." Pi Xiu said lightly: "Qiu Fu came back from Shanxi digging coal."

Wen Xi was taken aback: "He?"

The guy who looks average but looks like an honest person's hatred

Pixiu lit a cigarette and took a puff. The elder brother who retired from the rivers and lakes in the smoke recalled the old golden horse and said deeply: "Some people are not as simple as they seem."

Who would have thought that Qiu Fu's even chocolate-colored skin was a motley fox

Wenxi's relationship with Pixiu has eased a little these days, but because Pixiu's words were raised so high, he leaned on the old monster and asked carefully, "What did he do to be sent to dig coal?"

Pixiu exhaled a cigarette and said lightly, "At that time we had no money, so we did some business that shouldn't be..."

Wen Xi's heart tightened, not sure if she should listen.

"In those days, some people smuggled fur, and the live animals were secretly processed and sold. That year, your mortal emperor didn't know what to do, and sent people everywhere to find black foxes. I discussed with Qiu Fu to make him return to the original form of a fox. I sold it to a fur collector, and he escaped when I got the money."

Pixiu recalled the previous experience with a look of nostalgia: "That was the first pot of gold we made. I bought the first piece of land using this method."

Wenxi: "... Then what?"

"We were going to make the last vote to quit, but it happened that time." Pixiu breathed out another puff of smoke: "I met an old bastard with sharper eyes than a dog, and he saw the blackness on Qiu Fu's body at a glance. It's not normal, it was painted with pulverized coal."

Wen Xi raised her voice abruptly: "Are you still playing tricks on the color of your fur?"

"Don't make trouble." Pi Xiu glanced at him: "Just Qiu Fu that black and yellow mixed hair, those who have brains will not accept it, we must dress up a little."

He brushed off the ash from his fingertips and said lightly, "That old bastard threw Qiu Fu into the bucket and brushed it clean in front of us. He pointed to his fur and told us that the stray-haired dogs on the roadside are purer than him."

The excitement, fear and nervousness in his heart disappeared completely, and Wen Xi asked indifferently, "Then what?"

Pi Xiu sighed: "Qiu Fu was young and bit that old bastard. The government came and found out what we had done before, and Qiu Fu was sent to Shanxi to dig coal for labor reform."

"Then why didn't you follow along?" Wen Xi asked.

The room was quiet for a while, Pi Xiu didn't speak for a long time, he put out the cigarette in his hand, and then said quietly: "Later we saved a lot of money to redeem Qiu Fu from the Shanxi coal yard..."

Wen Xi: …

You must have left him alone to justify yourself and run away!

Pi Xiu smiled: "But it was a blessing in disguise, Qiu Fu has been digging coal for so many years, and the hair on his body has finally been dyed the same color, so there is no need to spend money to buy hair dye to dye the hair, which saves a fortune."

Wen Xi: …

He looked at Pixiu with a complicated expression, and seemed to understand why the gluttonous gluttons took all his money away back then.

There were fewer guests in the shop at night, and Pixiu sent two monkey spirits in the hall to sneak into the school to steal the transcripts and inquire about Wu Lang's grades in this life.

If the grades are good, everyone is happy, but if the grades are not good, then extraordinary measures must be used.

Pixiu has been abiding by the law for many years, and really does not want to break his principles because of a college entrance examination.

After waiting for a while, the monkeys came back with good news and bad news, and thoughtfully asked the boss which one he wanted to hear.

Pixiu slammed the table and asked them to talk together, giving him an average balance between the good and the bad. As a result, none of them could be heard clearly, so they could only raise their hands and let them speak one by one.

The good news is that Wu Zu studied liberal arts, and his grades were not bad.

The bad news is that while it's good, it's not close to winning the top spot.

The monkeys completed the task assigned by the organization, and brought two golden melon seeds gallantly ready to go to the fruit stand at the intersection to bargain for peaches, and only the boss was left with cigarettes and beer to worry about sleep.

There is still one month before the college entrance examination, only one month away. At this time, the students' grades have become a fixed number, and some people even skip the college entrance examination and start preparing for a happy summer vacation.

Pi Xiuming was clearly not a senior in high school, but he felt the same at this moment, wishing to do two sets of papers to stabilize his emotions.

Ren Jiao saw him sitting alone in the hall smoking a suffocating cigarette, he walked over and said, "No smoking is allowed in the hall."

"Sorry." Pi Xiu pinched the cigarette: "What's the matter, the college entrance examination is only a month away."

Ren Jiao wondered: "What? You have a college entrance examination? Don't you still carry it in your stomach upstairs? It's more than ten years before your child's college entrance examination."

Pi Xiu said Jia Suzhen's request with a dark face, and Ren Jiao touched it: "Actually, a month is quite a long time. If you don't eat or drink, you might be able to become a champion."

"That's a human, who have you ever seen who don't eat, drink, or sleep? You practice qigong as everyone, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking?" Pixiu patted the table: "If it's a ghost, would I be so worried?"

Ren Jiao tutted: "Then sleep time is okay, you enter his dream, let him learn in his dream, and give him some refreshing baby to nourish his body. Prepare both hands, and if you can learn it well, everyone will be happy. , if we don’t study well, we can only…”

He made a gesture, and Pixiu immediately understood, nodded silently, and said, "It is indeed a good idea."

Just a little inappropriate.

But the situation is urgent and can no longer talk about the combination of humanitarian work and rest. In the face of achievements, it is all nonsense. Only achievements are the last word.

Pi Xiu reached out and patted Ren Jiao: "Brother, although you sometimes don't speak human words, these words do work."

Ren Jiao was stunned for a moment, watching Pi Xiu go upstairs before he reacted, what did he say to a fish

Wen Xi took Wu Zu's report card and looked at it. He was relieved to see that the English score was close to a perfect score, and said lightly, "What do you want me to do? It should be fine for me to go out to teach him with my current body, right? ."

"You don't need to go out." Pixiu waved his hand: "You just need to go into a dream and teach him when he sleeps."

Moon Hee: ... Huh

Wu Zu completed a busy day of study, took a bath and was finally able to lie in bed, ready to start he only had six hours of sleep, maybe because he was too tired, he quickly fell into a dream.

The dream was blank, but there was a man standing in the middle. When he turned around, Wu Zu couldn't help but take a step back.

This guy looks really good.

The man looked at him and asked slowly, "What are the similarities and differences between the hundreds of schools of thought and the Socrates period of ancient Greece?"

Wu Zu gasped after hearing this, and stepped back seven or eight steps, just wanting to wake up on the spot.