Pixiu Restaurant, No Way Out

Chapter 82


Are you listening here or at home

Pixiu thought about it and said, "Just here, but I'll take you back to my house later and invite you to dinner."

Di Ting's eyes lit up and wagged his tail: "Then can I order food?"

"Okay, as long as you don't want to eat too much." Pixiu suddenly stopped and asked, "Do you like to beat birds? I have one in my shop, you can play with it."

Di Ting smiled: "Guanguan also has it, that's great. I haven't seen Guanguan for many years, but I have to tie its mouth, otherwise it will give me a headache."

Feng Du looked at the time: "Go back to my office, you can't hear the sound here."

Di Ting grabbed the earmuffs on one side and put them on his ears, and followed Feng Du back to the office. He jumped onto the sofa and scratched his neck with his hind paws. He waited until Feng Du closed the door before asking Pixiu, "Have you thought about what you want to ask?"

Pi Xiu didn't speak, but looked at Wen Xi who was sitting on the side: "Have you made up your mind?"

Wen Xi was stunned, grabbed Pi Xiu's hand nervously and said, "I... I don't know what to ask."

He wanted to ask everything, but he didn't know where to start, and he didn't know if he had the ability to know everything. His mind was a mess, and he looked at his listening intent, not knowing what to say for a while.

Pixiu patted him on the back: "Then I'll do it."

There must be consequences for every cause. There must be a reason for Jairt to target the Wen family. Pixiu has to figure out this reason before he can decide how to deal with him. Besides, he has to have evidence to prove that it was Jiazhen who did harm to the Wen family.

Otherwise, the teacher has no name, and Tiandao will not tolerate his rash shot against the same alien beast.

After listening to his question, Ji Ting flicked his tail and looked at Wen Xi and asked, "Is he from the Wen family?"

Wen Xi nodded.

Listening to the truth: "Then give me a drop of his blood. There are too many writers in history. Use his blood as a guide to find them faster."

Pi Xiu frowned: "I added a little of my own blood to him when I sculpted his body, does it matter?"

"It doesn't matter, but what are you doing with your own blood?" Di Ting looked puzzled: "Do you want him to be more dependent on you?"

Feng Du coughed at the right time: "Okay, don't ask so much."

Wen Xi poked his finger and wiped a drop of blood on Zhen Ting's ear, which shook his ear: "Okay, wait a minute."

Di Ting took off the earmuffs on his head, and asked Feng Du to take out the earplugs in his ears. He frowned and complained, "It's so noisy."

It closed its eyes and murmured, "Wait a second, let me fast-forward to find it."

Pi Xiu responded, Wen Xi looked at Di Ting nervously, and saw that its brows were getting tighter and tighter, and the originally cute hairy face became distorted.

Suddenly, Zhen Ting opened his eyes and blocked his ears with his front paws, and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Wen Xi asked eagerly.

Di Ting grabbed the earmuff on one side and put it on his head, and after a while, he said, "It's too harsh. It's all screams and crying."

Wen Xi's face turned pale and immediately clenched Pi Xiu's hand, and asked in a trembling voice, "My family was sentenced to be beheaded, and what you heard should be the sound of execution."

"How can it take so long to behead a knife?" After hearing this, Di took off the hood over his ears and murmured, "Let me hear it again."

Seeing Wenxi's pale lips, Feng Du got up and poured him a cup of hot water.

But before the hot water reached his mouth, Di Ting put on his earmuffs and said, "Although it was sentenced to be beheaded, a man from your main line Ling Chi and a woman beheaded in the waist, no wonder the screaming was so painful."

Wen Xi's hand softened, Pi Xiu quickly caught the cup of hot water and put it on the table.

"Then...then..." Wen Xi couldn't utter a single word, and his whole body exploded, and after a long time he asked in a trembling voice, "Then... have you ever heard the voice of a woman named Wen Qian, can you? Can you tell me how she died?"

"Is it a woman?" Di Ting asked.

Wen Xi nodded: "But she is wearing men's clothing, I don't know whether she is divided into the main family's men or women."

Di Ting took off the earmuffs again, and after a long time he opened his eyes and asked Wenxi, "Is she your sister? Your name is Huaiyu?"

"That's my word." Wen Xi's heart twitched as soon as he heard it heard his sister's voice.

Listening to the truth: "I heard her voice because she was dressed in men's clothing and was treated as a man Ling Chi, but half of her daughter was found and then dragged to the waist."

Wen Xi's eyes widened, tears already falling.

"She is very strange, she is suffering, but she is fortunate." Listening carefully observed Wen Xi's face and said slowly: "She said in her heart, fortunately Huaiyu is gone, or else it is you who suffer, how can she be willing."

Wen Xi's breath was stagnant, and a strange cry came out of his throat, and his pale face was suddenly covered with gluttonous monster marks, and there was a tendency to become more and more red.

"Enough!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Pi Xiu reached out and pressed Wen Xi's neck slightly, caught the fainted man, picked him up and placed it on the sofa.

I listened to him and said, "Don't you listen? His sister has been thinking about him all the time, and she only thought that she was punished for him. I hope he will follow suit and not suffer any more in the future."

Pi Xiu took a deep breath: "Enough, he's heard enough. What I want to know is why Jairt targeted their family, not these things that made him sad."

Feng Du coughed lightly: "You are overprotective, he should know this."

"So what if you know?" Pi Xiu was a little irritable: "His sister gave him her life in exchange for him, thinking that he would be able to live in peace, but he didn't expect that both sides were suffering from each other, and no one had a better time, so what can you do if you know this? "

Feng Du frowned: "Don't get excited."

Pixiu's eyes switched between black and yellow, and he looked at Zhen Ting with pressure: "Go ahead."

Ting Ting flicked his tail: "It's no use worrying about me, Pixiu, you know, time always passes, and I have to catch the tail to trace the origin."

As it spoke, it closed its eyes again, and began to fast-forward the sound of the past in its ears.

After a long time, Di Ting's expression became strange, he opened his eyes and looked at Pi Xiu: "You knew the old prime minister of the Wen family before and still had a relationship with Jair?"

Pi Xiu was taken aback: "No."

"Then why did I hear Jai Ji scolding you and his grandfather?" Di Ting imitated Jair's voice: "Beasts without assholes dare to argue with me, the old man of the Wen family is a fool, I'm no better than that shit. Isn't it strong?"

Its dog blinked at Pixiu with an innocent face: "I can't think of anyone in this world who doesn't have an asshole except you."

Pixiu: …

He took a deep breath: "Keep listening, and tell me the reason for scolding me."

Listening to the truth nodded, but still couldn't help asking curiously, "You really don't have one?"

Pixiu looked at him coldly: "I really don't have it, and now I think you can have it too."

"That won't work, I must have this." Ting Ting took off his earmuffs: "You will never understand the joy of sitting on the toilet and playing with your phone in your life."

Feng Du grabbed Pixiu and grabbed the hand he was about to chop off: "Calm down, if you break it, the animal security will issue a ticket to you and put you in confinement."

Pi Xiu was angry: "Is Lao Tzu the one who has almost that kind of money?"

Feng Du paused, then turned Pixiu's body towards the coffee table forcefully: "If you are really angry, chop this one up and give me a new one, anyway, if you have money, give me a mahogany one, I just happened to see it recently. One is at a discount."

Pixiu calmed down suddenly, broke away Feng Du and said, "You can't take a penny from me."

Feng Du breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, no one cares about your money."

Pi Xiu snorted coldly, adjusted his clothes, sat on the sofa with his arms folded, and began to ponder, when did he get married with Jai Zhen in the past.

That vote doesn't count, it should be hundreds of years ago.

Pixiu carefully recalled the history of his own business for hundreds of dollars. There should be no industry in the crowded store. Are there any snarky horses among the thieves you drove away

He thought hard, and always felt that when he took Qiu Fu and Ren Jiao to the market to buy vegetables seven hundred years ago, there might be hooves in the feet that he stepped on.

Thinking about his tonnage, and thinking about the possibility that he stepped on Jairt's little toe at that time, it might have been very painful, and it's not impossible for Jairt to hate himself because of this.

This time, I listened to the truth for a long time, frowning and thinking hard, just like you listening to English listening.

Feng Du saw that he didn't take off the earmuffs for a long time, and his face gradually became heavier. Could it really be because something major happened that made you listen so carefully

Involving two alien beasts, Feng had to be vigilant.

He finally took off his earmuffs, and Mao-faced looked at Pi Xiu with a complicated expression: "You... do you remember when you offended him?"

"Maybe he stepped on his foot when he was robbing someone for food at the market?" Pixiu frowned with his arms crossed: "Except that I insulted him with my handsomeness recently, I really can't think of a place to have a grudge against him.",

Feng Du: …

Listening: …

Feng Du: "Is it possible that Tao Ti fought with him and was seen by you when he was beating him? He took anger at you?"

Pi Xiu shook his head: "I never want to get involved in the affairs between their brothers. The son of Lao Zhen Longsheng has a lot of money. Anyone who gets involved will make himself uncomfortable."

Feng Du: "But I read on the forum that you are also the son of Lao Zhenlong, so it is reasonable for you to fight for the family property."

Pixiu: ? ?

Pixiu: "Although, I have nothing to do with Lao Zhenlong."

I listened to it for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I'll fast-forward and listen again."

This time, listening to the truth did not deliberately look for the existence of Pi Xiu, but listened to the voice of the old prime minister of the Wen family and searched a little bit. Finally, he found the answer that Pi Xiu was looking for, and connected it with the abuse of Jairui before, listening to the truth became more and more certain.

It took off the earmuffs and looked at Pixiu: "I found it. In the past, when the Chu Dynasty changed the era name, the emperor wanted to modify the pattern of the totem, and Jai Ju valued the luck of the Chu Dynasty, so he let people sneak into the mortal world and proposed to add the pattern of Jie Ju to the pattern. , but was rejected by Prime Minister Wen because of the country's peace and prosperity, and he was too aggressive."

Pi Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Then?"

Listen carefully: "Then Prime Minister Wen said to the emperor that when the world is peaceful, we should take advantage of this time to strengthen trade with various places, attach importance to merchants, and strengthen the national power to fill the national treasury. Therefore, it is proposed to add Pixiu to the totem."

Feng Du: "That's it?"

Listening and nodding.

Pixiu asked Di Ting again when it happened. He recalled carefully, it seemed that during that time, his demon power suddenly increased sharply, and he didn't even bother doing juggling for ten hours.

He subconsciously asked if there was anything else.

Ting Ting shook his head: "I really can't find anything else that can link you and the Wen family to offend Jie Ji. I just listened to the voice, and it was more painful than my English test. It's just a detail question, uncomfortable."

Pi Xiu thanked him, and suddenly asked again, "Is there still anyone in the Wen family still alive?"

Di Ting thought for a while, then shook his head: "The Wen family's blood has been cut off, and no mortals have survived in this world."