Plane Elevator

Chapter 115: Planet Pandora


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Soon, a huge blue and green planet appeared in front of Dongfang Yu's eyes. Looking at this huge planet seriously, there is no doubt that this is the planet Pandora.

Avatar movies are very interesting. Most of the movies that show aliens are almost all alien life forms that have high technology and start wars on the earth. However, Avatar does the opposite. Aliens have no technology at all and use only Cold weapons, on the contrary, the earth people have super high technology, and launched a war in Pandora.

In fact, no matter what angle you look at, races with high technology will always invade each other. Simply put, those who are weak will be beaten. This sentence also makes sense.

"Okay, guys, hurry up and get into the landing machine, you are ready to land." The staff in the spaceship clapped their hands, attracting everyone's attention, and then said, the spaceship will not land on Pandora, and send everyone to land It is just a landing machine inside the spaceship.

On the landing plane, all the people were preparing quickly, put on combat uniforms, and assembled together. Jack was unable to move because of the atrophy of his legs, and his speed was naturally much slower. Dongfang Yu took a few steps forward and took the initiative to show his favor: "Hey , Jack, let me help you."

Jack was slightly taken aback, and looked at Dongfang Yu in surprise. He didn't expect such a kind-hearted person to exist in the mercenary army. He immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, I can do it myself."

Jack is the protagonist of this Avatar movie. He was able to successfully break into the Na'vi people and gain their trust. If you want to go to the soul tree to meet the Virgin, Jack is definitely a good breakthrough, so , Dongfang Yu will take the initiative to show his favor and leave a good impression.

Although his legs are paralyzed, Jack is not a person who will bow to his fate. Therefore, he advocates doing many things independently, saying that he is not a useless person, so he declined Dongfang Yu's kindness.

Dongfang Yu smiled, turned around and left. When meeting for the first time, it is enough to leave a good impression. Too enthusiastic is not beautiful.

It was just a small episode when Dongfang Yu opened his mouth, but on the landing plane, many people pouted at Dongfang Yu, thinking that he was a bad guy, and people like himself were all mercenaries hired from the earth at a high price, with their heads tied in their trousers. The mercenary on the belt, it is rare to see such a bad guy as Dongfang Yu.

"Hey, David, why are you so enthusiastic about a cripple?" The black brother who was familiar with Dongfang Yu tugged on his sleeve in a low voice and said in a low voice.

Among the mercenaries, the kinder you are, the more others will think you are easy to bully. An unintentional move may have left a good impression on Jack, but it is likely to leave a kind heart in the hearts of other mercenaries. What a bullying impression.

"It's okay, Wei Ge." Dongfang Yu smiled and said indifferently. After chatting in the spaceship for a long time, Dongfang Yu also knew the name of the black brother. Naturally, he also obtained a lot of useful information from him. .

Soon, the landing machine detached from the spaceship and flew towards Pandora. After landing, all the members lined up, and as the door of the landing machine opened, many mercenaries came out of the line curiously to see, Pandora planet , They have heard of it on Earth, but this is the first time they have come here.

"Okay, everyone, get out, let's go," the commander of the mercenary army yelled, and immediately, the whole team trotted off the plane, lined up, and Jack, also sitting in his wheelchair, followed The team came down.

From a distance, the whole base is very huge. The huge machine is like a moving fortress. A person looks very small. Dongfang Yu was a little dazed when he saw it. Jack was also stunned when he saw it. A six or seven-meter-tall mech kicked it.

After queuing up, the commander of the mercenary army roughly explained some rules about Pandora and the work everyone had to do, and then entered the interior of the base. The first gathering was in a cafeteria.

As in the original book, Colonel Miles explained the dangers of Pandora to the newly arrived mercenaries in the cafeteria, because when he first arrived in Pandora, he was attacked by a beast and injured on the first day, leaving scars on his face. Got several scars.

The whole party didn't have much substantive significance. Dongfang Yu didn't care about Jack's affairs. Just let him go according to the original book. Jack, who has gained the trust of the Na'vi people, has no intention of paying attention to himself. to have substantive significance.

Jack's purpose is to link the Avatar, as a diplomatic means for the entire company, so that those Na'vi people who live in groups with the richest minerals will move away.

And Dongfang Yu is a mercenary sent by the company, a soldier, and Jack is naturally not with him. After the party in the cafeteria, Jack took him to the scientific research department. Common sense links Avatar, and Dongfang Yu followed the other hired Soldiers, come to the war department where the mercenaries are.

When they first arrived in Pandora, these mercenaries still had a lot to learn. As fighters, Dongfang Yu and the others' role was to fight against the natives of Pandora in the future. Naturally, they had to learn about Pandora's favor, geography, Biological properties and more.

In addition, many combat weapons in the base should be contacted more, and strive to control them as soon as possible, especially the humanoid mecha, Dongfang Yu is very interested, if you leave, maybe you can take one with you to try.

Dongfang Yu practiced high-tech weapons, mechs, etc. very seriously and was very interested. After a day of training and having dinner in the cafeteria, Dongfang Yu returned to the dormitory. The position is lying down.

Fortunately, when the bed was allocated, Dongfang Yu was allocated a seat near the window.


However, not long after Dongfang Yu lay down, someone kicked the iron bed fiercely, making a loud noise. At night, this sound can be said to have attracted the attention of many people.

Dongfang Yu looked up and saw a man with a height of 1.9 meters and a strong physique like a black bear standing fiercely at the head of the bed. The kick just now was obviously his masterpiece: "Boy, Get up, let's change the bed."

In the situation here, some people just took a look, then lay down and continued to sleep, indifferent, and some people held playful smiles, watching coldly, and some even booed, shouting that the bear is bullying people again.

"Hey, Bear, don't make trouble," the black brother Wei Ge not far away sat up from the bed and yelled.

"Shut up, or I'll let you taste the taste of nosebleed again," the burly man known as a black bear raised his sandbag-sized fist and threatened Wei Ge.

"What if I don't let it go?" Dongfang Yu frowned and looked at the strong man in front of him, and said, Dongfang Yu doesn't pay attention to these people, and I don't have time to waste on these minions, but if The other party committed suicide, so I don't mind teaching him a lesson.

"Don't let me? Then I'll throw you out of the window." I didn't expect Dongfang Yu to dare to answer like this. This strong man named Tyrant squeezed his fingers, made a sharp sound, and sneered.

Dongfang Yu made the first move, with claw-shaped palms, pinching the strong man's head, so fast that his eyes couldn't keep up, and then swung his backhand. The strong man weighing at least two hundred catties was like It was like throwing a rag bag, and Dongfang Yu threw it out of the window directly.

In an instant, the whole dormitory suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes almost protruded from their sockets.

Although Dongfang Yu's figure is not thin, it is definitely not particularly strong, but what did I see just now? A violent bear weighing more than two hundred catties was thrown out by him? How much strength does it take to do this

Only tyrants have always thrown others out, but today is the first time he has been thrown out himself.

"Bastard! Kid! I'm going to beat you to death!", shouted angrily, and saw the violent bear running in from the outside, bleeding from the head, looking fierce and ferocious.

When Dongfang Yu threw him out just now, it was a coincidence that he bumped into a rock, scratched his scalp, was injured and lost face, this violent bear became angry from embarrassment.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat!", I thought that if I threw him out casually, this guy would have self-knowledge, but I didn't expect that he didn't know how to live or die, which made Dongfang Yu's heart cold. Is this guy's brain full of muscles? Don't know how to advance or retreat

Angry in her heart, Dongfang Yu looked at the fierce bear's fist, stretched out her palm, and easily grabbed the opponent's hand joints. Immediately, she twisted her wrist, and the toothache sound of bone breaking sounded, accompanied by There was also the scream of the violent bear, and Dongfang Yu directly twisted his hand bone.

"Get out", and immediately, another kick kicked the bear's chest, breaking two ribs in the chest again, and the bear fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.


What a terrifying hand, what a ruthless method!

Frequently broke other people's hand bones, kicked broken chest ribs, this strength, as well as this ruthless heart, made the mercenaries in the dormitory gasp. Looking at Dongfang Yu, all the people There is more or less awe in the eyes.

Mercenaries, a group of people who respect the strong, if you are ruthless and powerful enough, others will not dare to provoke you. Obviously, seeing Dongfang Yu defeating the violent bear lightly, this ruthless method and strength shocked them , Looking at Dongfang Yu, these people can no longer bear the slightest contempt.

"Big... David... When did you become so powerful?", the black brother Wei Ge looked at Dongfang Yu's eyes, and he was also a little scared. The ruthless method just now made Wei Ge feel goosebumps Pimple, if it wasn't for the identical appearance, Wei Ge would definitely think that he had made a mistake.

"I've always been so good, but sometimes I'm just too lazy to do it." After all, I have entered the base of this mining company. Dongfang Yu is not afraid of being discovered by others, so there is no need to hide my strength and let a few A minion was bullied.

"What's going on? What's the fuss?" Perhaps it was the screams of pain from here that a few commanders heard, patted the dormitory, and shouted.

However, when they looked at the violent bear lying on the ground with its arms twisted in a strange posture, their faces changed. This was not a simple noise, but someone was injured to this extent