Plane Elevator

Chapter 116: show force


"Come on, throw this guy to the medical department." Looking at the violent bear rolling on the ground in pain, the commander of the mercenary frowned and said, two people appeared randomly and carried the violent bear away.

In the mercenary army, making trouble is really not a good thing, but you are repaired by others, it is even more contemptible, not to mention how the trouble was just now, but this violent bear was broken and thrown here, then he is A straw bag.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what happened just now?", the commander carried away the obtrusive bear, and then the commander was interested in asking the reason for the disturbance just now.

In the dormitory, mercenaries, you look at me, I look at you, but no one speaks. Just now, Dongfang Yu's hot method and terrifying strength, they have seen it with their own eyes, and they were asked by the commander. , none of these people dared to identify Dongfang Yu.

"Oh?", as the commander of the mercenary army, he is naturally very clear about the temperament of these mercenaries. Seeing their appearance, the commander has some interest in his heart. It seems that this group of people Inside, there is also a ruthless character who can calm down other people.

"Commander, the troublemaker, I broke the bones of his hand, and you just sent him to the medical department." Dongfang Yu was not someone who dared not admit what he had done. Following the words of the commander, he raised his head hand said.

"It's you?" Looking at Dongfang Yu who raised his hand, the commander was slightly taken aback.

Judging by Dongfang Yu's appearance, his figure can only be considered strong, and it is very different from the violent bear who was carried out just now, but, he actually broke the human hand bone

Commander, I think it's interesting. The mercenary sent by the company this time did not expect to have such an interesting character. There was a smile on his face, but it was a smile with malicious intentions, and said: "Whatever Whose fault was it just now? It is wrong to cause trouble, and the necessary punishment is still necessary, otherwise, where is there still discipline?".

After thinking about the way of punishment, the commander suddenly said: "It's just right, we just caught a few Viper wolves, and we will punish you to fight Viper wolves. If you can kill Viper wolves, you will be fine. Otherwise, you will die there."

Viper Wolf!

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of several mercenaries in the dormitory changed. They just made up some information about the beasts on the Pandora planet. These people naturally know what the viper wolf is. It is similar to the wolf on the earth, but it is more powerful. Cunning, more ferocious group animals, let people fight with viper wolves? If you are not careful, you will be killed alive.

For such a punishment, Dongfang Yu has no intention of refusing. It is good to show some force here. First of all, no one will dare to find himself in trouble. Secondly, let these people be in awe. There can be unexpected gains.

"Take it away." Seeing that Dongfang Yu didn't seem to yell and looked calm, the commander found it even more interesting, and asked two people to carry Dongfang Yu out of the dormitory.

With a worried expression on his face, Wei Ge followed out of the dormitory. The commander didn't stop his behavior. It didn't matter if someone was watching, it could be regarded as beating these newcomers who just came from the earth, and let them see Pandora's How ferocious the beast is.

The other mercenaries in the dormitory watched Wei Ge follow him out, but the commander didn't stop them. Curious, they naturally filed out one after another, whether it was the real ability of Dongfang Yu or the beast Viper of Pandora. Wolves, they are all very curious, just to see what kind of scene the battle between them is like.

A circle of walls encloses a space with a radius of more than ten meters. Four Viper wolves are locked inside, with fierce and cruel eyes. When they see someone coming, they bark their sharp fangs. Jump up and bite your throat.

"This is the Viper Wolf? It looks much more vicious than the wolves on our earth." Seeing several Viper Wolves and a few mercenaries, whispering to each other.

The commander pointed to the rope ladder hanging from the wall not far away, and said, "David, right? Go down, kill these viper wolves, and then you can come out."

While speaking, he pulled out a three-inch long dagger from his waist and said, "This is your weapon."

Seeing such a scene, Dongfang Yu frowned, instinctively displeased, like this, it was like an arena, and she was the gladiator for others to enjoy.

However, I didn't let them watch, but to show my force and frighten them. Looking at the dagger in the commander's hand, Dongfang Yu said coldly: "No need!".

While speaking, Dongfang Yu didn't need a rope ladder, and jumped directly from the four or five meter high wall.

On the other side, Colonel Miles came out of the training camp. The high-intensity training made him feel physically and mentally exhausted. However, the explosive muscles all over his body were the result of Colonel Miles' persistence over the years.

Ever since he was injured when he came to Pandora for the first time, Myers has been telling himself the danger of Pandora all the time every day. Although human beings have high-tech weapons, Colonel Myers believes that a person's courage and will can never be destroyed. It is not what technology can give itself.

On this day, Colonel Miles trained late as usual, and was about to go back to take a cold shower and rest for the night. Suddenly, two mercenaries not far away supported a man who was as strong as His own strong man came over and took a look. This strong man was injured, as if all the bones in his arm were broken.

"What's going on? Why are you injured?" Seeing this injured strong man, Colonel Miles walked up to him and asked in confusion.

This injured burly man is the new mercenary who just arrived in Pandora today. Colonel Miles still remembers his incomparably strong physique. They didn't go on a mission. Why were they injured for no reason

Seeing Colonel Miles, Violent Bear lowered his head, endured the pain and did not speak, while the mercenary next to him recounted what happened in the dormitory just now.

"Oh? You made trouble in the dormitory on the first day? And was your hand interrupted?" Miles looked at the violent bear lightly, and said calmly, looking at the violent bear's appearance, there was a hint of scorn.

The thorns, not to mention the mercenaries, even in the regular army, but generally the thorns have some strength, otherwise, the people around him can pull out the thorn without the help of the chief.

But this violent bear looks very intimidating on the outside. Who would have thought that it would be repaired by others after failing to make trouble? With such ability, dare to be a stabbing head

Stared at by Colonel Miles, Violent Bear lowered his head, feeling ashamed and angry.

"Send him to the medical department." For such a person, Colonel Miles was not interested, so he waved his hand and asked someone to carry the violent bear away.

Soon, Colonel Miles saw a group of new mercenaries coming out of the dormitory. He was a little curious and went to greet him. Soon, Miles knew that it was the guy who had just shot the guy who broke his hand. To face the four Viper wolves alone, he can only leave after killing the four Viper wolves. This is his punishment for causing trouble in the dormitory.

"Reese, it will be interesting then, use a few Viper wolves to try out the newcomer, let me see how long this newcomer can last under the attack of four Viper wolves", Myers did not rush to stop , but folded his hands on his chest, looking at it leisurely.

To deal with the four Viper wolves, it is natural not to give them guns, and it is necessary to give them a dagger. Otherwise, would they be fighting a few Viper wolves with bare hands

Well, seeing that Dongfang Yu didn't ask for a dagger, he really stabbed his fists, and jumped directly from the wall, Miles also widened his eyes, and then frowned, a little disappointed, this guy is very courageous, But is it too brainless? Facing four viper wolves, you don't even need weapons

"This guy, is he crazy?" Seeing Dongfang Yu jumping off the fence, the mercenaries who rushed over also widened their eyes, and many couldn't help but exclaimed.

"David! Be careful!", Wei Ge, seeing Dongfang Yu jumped down, what else could he do? I can only shout like this.

Grinning their teeth, the four Viper wolves were actually staring at the person above them, watching Dongfang Yu jump down, how could these Viper wolves be polite? One by one, they shot towards Dongfang Yu like sharp arrows off the string.

As soon as it landed on the ground, a few viper wolves shot over. Dongfang Yu made a move, and the first viper wolf rushed over in the air, and was directly pinched by the neck. The palm of its hand exerted force, and it crushed its throat with a click.

The second one, with one palm, landed fiercely on the head of the viper wolf, and there was a crisp sound. It was the sound of bones breaking. Visible to the naked eye, the head of the viper wolf was sunken a lot. Suddenly, the strong pressure made Viper Wolf's eyeballs pop out of their sockets.

The third one kicked out, and was kicked seven or eight meters violently before falling to the ground. The fragments of the internal organs in the wolf's mouth mixed with blood flowed out, fell to the ground and struggled for a few times before moving.

The last one, Dongfang Yu directly held the Viper Wolf's head, and slammed it hard on the ground, blood splashed everywhere, half a quick scream sounded, brains splashed everywhere, it couldn't die anymore...

The four viper wolves rushed up one after another. Although there were differences between the front and the back, it was definitely within a few seconds. Dongfang Yu's movements were fast, firm and precise. Zhong Nei was easily killed by Dongfang Yu. From the looks of it, Dongfang Yu's movements were still so elegant. Obviously, the four viper wolves were nothing to Dongfang Yu.


Everyone, including Colonel Miles, looked at the oriental jade in the wall and felt chills in their hearts. The four vipers were killed so cleanly? The movements are fast and accurate, and the strength in the hands and feet is surprisingly greater, this? Is it really a power that humans can have

"How? Can I leave?" Dongfang Yu jumped onto the five or six meter high wall from below, and calmly said to the commander.

"Okay... it's okay..." the commander nodded mechanically with his eyes glazed over.