Plane Elevator

Chapter 118: The Holy One (Part 1)


Although I saw the 3D images in the movie theater and was deeply shocked by the beauty of Pandora, but what I saw with my own eyes at this moment is more than a hundred times stronger than what I saw in the movie theater.

Beautiful things always make people involuntarily arouse the desire to protect. Looking at the beautiful scenery, and then thinking about the places that were dug by the company, the two scenery formed a sharp and sharp contrast in the mind.

Wonderland on earth, but so...

Dongfang Yu stared at the beautiful scenery of Pandora, and murmured in her heart, these mountains are suspended in the sky, and the waterfalls are pouring down, it is really like the nine-day Milky Way hanging upside down, the scenery during the day is already so beautiful, at night, those Wouldn't the glowing plants be more beautiful and dreamy

At this moment, Dongfang Yu was really looking forward to Pandora at night.

Seeing this scene, Wei Ge was stunned. Even Jack and Dr. Norman next to him greedily looked at the beautiful scenery of Pandora. At this moment, except for the sound of the engine and propeller, the plane was very quiet.

Judy and Grace have been staying in Pandora all the time, and they are no strangers to such beautiful scenery. Looking at the expressions of everyone, the two of them smiled knowingly.

Soon, the plane landed, and Jack's avatar was three meters away. He jumped off the plane first, holding a giant machine gun in his hand, and guarding the surroundings.

Dongfang Yu and Wei Ge also got off the plane wearing oxygen masks. Although Pandora's environment is good, it is a pity that the air on this planet contains harmful gases and is not suitable for human survival.

Dr. Norman and Dr. Grace, both scientists, quickly started their scientific research work. The two were very interested, but Jack couldn't understand these words, and he just walked around randomly with a gun in his hand to patrol. He is very responsible, holds a gun, and is responsible for protection by the side.

Dongfang Yu also squatted beside Grace and Norman very curiously, watching their research. Compared with the three-meter-high body of Avatar, Dongfang Yu looked a bit like a child, but unfortunately, after listening for a while, Dongfang Yu couldn't listen anymore, because she didn't understand either.

Soon, just like in the original book, Jack encountered a group of hammerhead thunder beasts, and then, the Reaper Beast appeared. The Reaper Beast, which is about three meters tall and nearly six meters long, is definitely not comparable to any beast on earth. , the ferocious eyes, and the terrifying figure make people daunting.

"Is this the Death Beast? It's very interesting." When the Death Beast appeared, Jack, Grace and the others were all tense. Dongfang Yu looked at the Death Beast with a hint of admiration.

The whole body is dark, with a streamlined body like a cheetah, but full of explosive muscles. At first glance, it looks like a beast with both speed and strength.

The size of the Death Beast? Well, although compared to the fierce beasts on the earth, it is indeed terrifying, but Dongfang Yu was once in the plane of Naruto, but he followed the Akatsuki organization to capture tailed beasts several times, and his body was as high as 100 meters. , is really huge.

Jack, run away, how could the Death Beast look at the delicious food in front of it and run away? He chased after it fiercely, unrivaled, with sharp fangs, strong and powerful claws, and almost all the plants blocked along the way were destroyed by the death beast.

Grace and the others were anxious. Seeing that Jack was being chased by the Death Beast, Vigo raised his machine gun to help, but Grace stopped him, shook his head and said, "It's useless, the Death Beast is rough!" The flesh is thick, and the machine gun just makes it feel pain, and it has no other use except to irritate it."

"I'm going to help..." Dongfang Yu, ignoring everyone, leaped forward and chased after her.

"David, don't go, it's too dangerous..." Seeing that Dongfang Yu dared to chase the death beast, everyone admired Dongfang Yu's courage, but they were also taken aback. Compared to the size of the death beast, humans, It's just a piece of meat.

"The cost of Avatar is astonishing. I can't let this Avatar be destroyed like this." Dongfang Yu, without looking back, left such a sentence and chased after her.

Jack's speed is very fast. His size and vigorous movements are much faster than humans. The Death Beast is also a beast with both strength and speed, and its speed is also ridiculously fast. He caught up with Jack in front.

However, no matter how fast the man and the beast were, they certainly couldn't compare to Dongfang Yu's speed. He tapped his toes between the branches, and Dongfang Yu just followed behind the two of them, watching Jack flee for his life in a hurry after being chased by the death beast.

What Dongfang Yu wants is a Jack who is accepted and trusted by the Na'vi people, so Dongfang Yu won't help him, just let him run for his life like in the original book.

Although Dongfang Yu's force can almost push the people on Pandora, but after all, he doesn't know where the soul tree is. Even with force, can those Na'vi people submit? It is estimated that the possibility is unlikely.

Therefore, if you want to see the soul tree, you still have to use a soft policy. Therefore, Jack is the best breakthrough point.

In the end, Jack, like the original book, was chased by the death beast and jumped off the cliff, fell into the river, and escaped with his life. Dongfang Yu didn't follow him anymore, but jumped and landed on the death ground. in front of the beast.


Seeing the Oriental Jade appearing, the Death God Beast was taken aback in a very human way. In front of it, no matter it is Na'vi people or human beings, they are just prey, and it is always only you who chase them. Today, someone dared to take the initiative Jump in front of yourself

Although he was stunned, the Death God Beast immediately roared and rushed towards Dongfang Yu.

In Dongfang Yu's left eye, a scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan emerged, staring at the death beast. An evil, terrifying, and ominous aura mixed with Dongfang Yu's murderous intent pervaded it.

The ferocious Death Beast braked hastily, looked at Dongfang Yu, with obvious fear in his eyes, his claws were restlessly pawing on the ground, the instinctive feeling made the Death Beast want to turn around and run away, the one in front of him looked Small human beings seem extremely dangerous.

This feeling is like a human being facing a poisonous snake. The size of a snake is small compared to a human being, but when ordinary people see a poisonous snake, they still reflexively want to escape.

However, the hunger in the abdomen made the Death Beast refuse to leave, pawing restlessly with its claws, the Death Beast stared at Dongfang Yu, looking for a suitable opportunity to attack.

"Oh? This Death Beast is really interesting." Seeing the reaction of the Death Beast, Dongfang Yu smiled with great interest, her killing intent pervaded, even a lion and a tiger had to flee, but this Death Beast, Why don't you run away and still want to eat yourself

Dongfang Yu felt it was interesting, she tapped her toes lightly, stepped on Lingbo with small steps, and approached the death beast as fast as lightning.

The death beast just wanted to run away, but it was too late. Dongfang Yu sat down on the death beast's neck, her true energy sank, and she used a heavy weight.

Although the power of the death beast is very strong, the kung fu of this thousand-jin drop was tested by Dongfang Yu, and it was not just a thousand catties. The limbs trembled and only lasted for a few breaths. The death beast was pressed on the ground by Dongfang Jade, and immediately, Dongfang Yu's palm pressed the death beast's head down hard on the ground.

The Death Beast, struggling frantically, Dongfang Yu sat on the Death Beast, like a five or six-year-old child sitting on the back of a tall horse, but Dongfang Yu suppressed it fiercely, No matter how the Death God Beast struggled, there was no way to stand up from the ground, and there was no way to lift up the head that was held down by Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu is not a Na'vi person, nor an Avatar. There is no one behind the head, um, a neural link contact whisker similar to a USB interface. If you want to subdue this death beast, you can only rely on violence.

The Death God Beast really has enough physical strength, Dongfang Yu just held it still, and it struggled crazily, which lasted for nearly half an hour, before its physical strength weakened, and the extent of its struggle became smaller and smaller.

It wasn't until the end, when the sky was dark, that the Death Beast gave up completely and stopped struggling. Dongfang Yu smiled and jumped off the Death Beast's back, writing sharing eyes to stare at the Death Beast, and the four-cornered windmill turned slightly , an idea of making the other party surrender was passed into the consciousness of the Death God Beast.

The Death God Beast stood up trembling slightly, and followed Dongfang Yu with his head down. It would have been impossible for Dongfang Yu to make the Death God Beast surrender at the beginning, but now, the Death God Beast has been severely taught. If you don't want to be killed, you can only surrender.

With the Death Beast, Dongfang Yu got a prey, became angry, and grilled the meat to eat. The remaining corpses were naturally the Death Beast, and soon, under the tongue of fire, the meat was full of fragrance.

The planet Pandora is very dangerous. Colonel Miles emphasized this point to the mercenaries on the first day. In the original book, Jack was chased by the death beast and disappeared. In the end, Grace and the others could not find Jack to go back, and asserted that Jack No way to spend the night outside.

If Dongfang Yu walked alone, he would naturally encounter many dangers, and all kinds of animals that could kill people emerged in endlessly, but it was not like in the original book, where there were only vipers, wolves, and death beasts.

However, the God of Death Beast followed, but nothing dared to approach it without opening its eyes. After all, the God of Death Beast was also on Pandora, and it also belonged to the top ranks of predators.


On the other side, a group of Na'vi men with weapons, bows and arrows in the jungle rode on the three-meter-high Pandora Ridge horses, forming a cavalry team and marching through the woods. The leader was a proud Na'vi male, There was a ruthless look on his face.

Someone just reported that there was a flame not far from the territory, and it seemed that a human was approaching the territory.

For human beings, Su Tai is hostile. At the beginning, humans built schools for their families and so on. They just wanted their clansmen to move away from their home tree. When the clansmen refused, they pointed machine guns at their clansmen. They no longer knew that they were shot by humans. How many people of the same race have been killed, so Su Tai has an instinctive hatred for human beings.

Even though the human was not close to the territory, but only on the periphery, Su Tai also felt that he should deal with this annoying human.