Plane Elevator

Chapter 122: The waves are dark


In fact, when she first came to the plane of Avatar, Dongfang Yu's own plan was to take a look at the Virgin of Pandora, and then go to the earth to take out the Zombie King to study, but later when chatting with Jack, Dongfang Yu knew , They actually stayed on the spaceship for about six years.

For Dongfang Yu, the movie Avatar has been watched for almost ten years. Although he remembers some general plots, Dongfang Yu naturally can't remember many details. Dongfang Yu only remembers the opening scene. It's on the spaceship, and it will take six years to fly from the earth to Pandora? Dongfang Yu really didn't remember.

As a last resort, Dongfang Yu had to change her plan and let the scientists on the planet Pandora try their best to study it. Of course, the results were not as fast as those on the earth, but there was no other way.

The so-called plan can't keep up with the changes, it is talking about Dongfang Yu's situation, no matter what Dongfang Yu's plan was at the beginning, there will always be many small accidents slowly, and Dongfang Yu will adjust many details accordingly.

It's like putting a magic stick on the Na'vi people. Originally, Dongfang Yu's plan didn't include this link. After subduing the death beast, those Na'vi people regarded themselves as holy people. this step.

Parker's office, Dongfang Yu, Parker and Miles chatted, Parker wanted to dig out more things about gods and supernatural power from Dongfang Yu's mouth, and Dongfang Yu wanted to learn more about this plane from Parker's mouth In terms of technology and other aspects, naturally, the two seem to have met each other lately. If this was in Huaxia, they would probably want to chop off the chicken head and burn yellow paper immediately.

About half an hour later, there was a hasty knock on the door of Parker's office, which showed how eager the knocker was.

"Come in," Parker's heart moved. There were not many people in the base who dared to knock on his door like this. He had already vaguely guessed something, and said.

Following Parker's words, the door was pushed open from the outside. A middle-aged woman dressed as a scientist in a white coat hurried in, holding the zombie king's flesh and blood tissue that had just been sent out in one hand, and the other in the other. Holding a data report in one hand.

This woman is Dr. Grace, the person in charge of the Avatar project, a scientist, biologist, and botanist.

"Parker, where did you get this piece of flesh and blood?" After entering the office, Grace raised the flesh and blood tissue in her hand and asked Parker impatiently.

"Has the test data of this piece of flesh come out?" Parker didn't rush to answer what Grace said, but asked instead.

"The data is here, you can see it yourself, but you have to tell me, what kind of creature was this piece of flesh and blood tissue cut from?" Grace raised the data report in her hand again and said.

"That piece of flesh and blood contains the secret of longevity. We want to use this piece of flesh and blood tissue to develop a serum that can prolong human life. Does the doctor think it is possible?" He was not in a hurry to report the data in Grace's hand, because he Can't understand, Parker asked Grace briefly.

"Extend human lifespan!?" Grace was taken aback when she heard Parker's words. Obviously, these words had a great impact on her.

Immediately, Grace lowered her head slightly, and murmured, "This flesh and blood tissue has extremely high toughness. I believe that even firearms can hardly cause much damage. This is toughness that no creature can possess."

"Secondly, the activity of this piece of flesh and blood is very high, but it has almost stopped dividing. This is even more contrary to the laws of biology. Metabolism has almost stopped. Coupled with the extremely high activity, the cells of this piece of flesh and blood will almost never If you can really understand the mysteries in this piece of flesh and blood, and develop a serum that slows down metabolism, to a certain extent, it can indeed prolong human life... ".

Grace only analyzed it from a biological point of view, muttering to herself, but the final result shocked Grace. How can cells maintain sufficient activity while stopping dividing? In Grace's view, this is impossible.

Cells have their own lifespan and will continue to divide. After the nucleus in the cell splits into two, one cell will slowly become two, and the old cells will slowly die. This is the essence of all life. In the course of growth, no creature can be an exception...

For a creature, the number of cell divisions is fixed, that is to say, the slower the division speed, the longer the lifespan of the creature. After studying the flesh and blood tissue of the Zombie King, Grace found that this piece of flesh and blood almost violated the law of life. The law is general, cells have extremely high activity, but the speed of division has almost stopped...

If a person's lifespan is calculated in a hundred years, the splitting speed of this piece of flesh and blood may only be one percent of that of a human being.

Perhaps using data metaphors, the gap cannot be reflected, so what about a car traveling a hundred yards and a speed of one yard? A hundred yards is already fast, but one yard is almost the same as stopping.

If it is really possible to study the reason for the extremely slow division speed of this piece of flesh and blood and apply it to humans, then what will happen when the human cell division speed slows down by a hundred times? The lifespan immediately soared to thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, this is really eternal life...

"It really... really works... This is really a gift from God...", although it is said that biology does not have any high attainments, but it is a highly educated person who knows this simple biological theory. After listening to Grace's analysis, Parker was very excited, and even Miles' eyes were shining.

Longevity, food and clothing, strength, and a spouse are the most fundamental pursuits of life. There is no need for any reason. The more powerful a person is, the stronger the desire for longevity...

"Grace, stop all the work you're doing now, and research it with all your strength. You must successfully develop a serum that can really increase your lifespan," Parker said anxiously to Grace with an excited expression.

Longevity, as long as it really succeeds, the first person to carry out this research, if it really succeeds, then Changsheng will definitely have his own share.

Longevity, not to mention Parker and Miles, in fact, even Grace herself is looking forward to it. No one would think that their lifespan is too long. Although I can't understand Parker's ugly appearance, Grace can understand him. Feeling, nodded, turned and left.

Grace left and concentrated on researching the flesh and blood of the Zombie King. Parker thought about it, and then began to contact the earth. The super-light communication was sent directly to the earth. Soon, there was a response from the earth...

Although it takes about six years for a spaceship to fly from the earth to Pandora, if it is communication, it will not take long. Between the stars, a means of communication across space has long been researched. Otherwise, it will take six years for a message to be transmitted. Go back to the earth, what if we wait for the reply from the earth? Isn't it more than ten years after coming and going

The board of directors on the other side of the earth was also very excited to learn that Pandora had the hope of researching a serum potion for immortality. For those of them who have mastered huge wealth, they hope to obtain eternal life more than anyone else.

Although the communication is extremely fast, it would take too long to go back and forth with a spaceship. The board of directors of the earth immediately authorized Parker to continue the mining of superconducting ore, but we must also focus on the research of longevity serum, superconducting ore, It is related to the performance of the company, the longevity serum is more valuable, once successful, it is possible to use the longevity serum to control the entire federation.

"Parker, you must hurry up on this matter. It is related to the future of our company and the lives of all of us. I will call a group of top biologists from the earth now, regardless of the cost. In addition, the closest planet to Pandora There are also two good biologists there, I will contact them now, transfer them there, and start researching first, and I will be able to arrive at Pandora in about two or three months.”

"Okay," Parker nodded seriously, knowing that the board of directors attached great importance to this matter.

Earth, after the company’s board of directors finished communicating with Pandora, they immediately connected to the dwarf star closest to Pandora, and dispatched two top biologists to go to Pandora. Don't worry, after all, longevity has too much to do with it.

"Didn't Yanhuang Company claim to have recently developed a space-time spaceship, which is several times faster than ordinary spaceships? Hurry up and get in touch with Yanhuang Company, and at any cost, get a spaceship spaceship first, and then buy another A batch of the most advanced ion pulse weapons and a group of cutting-edge mercenaries." After thinking for a while, the chairman of the board of directors said to his secretary that the chairman felt relieved to watch the matter of Pandora himself.

"Okay," Mystery nodded, and quickly went to deal with this matter.

Pandora, after finishing the communication with the Earth Board of Directors, a smile appeared on Parker's face, the potion of longevity? Naturally, I have to research it, but after I research it, only I can use it. Otherwise, if those guys on the board use it, won't they always suppress me? longevity? Just have yourself alone.

Miles, after leaving Parker's office, he also began to plan in his heart. He is responsible for the armed forces of the entire base, Changsheng? Once the potion is really researched, it's time for him to snatch it by force.

Dongfang Yu also left Parker's office, what did Parker think? What was Miles thinking? What is the board of directors of the earth thinking? Dongfang Yu didn't bother to guess.

Dongfang Yu can figure it out even with his toes. They will definitely fight openly and secretly around the longevity potion, but these have nothing to do with him. Once he researches it, he just grabs the potion and leaves this plane. The Holy Mother, Dongfang Yu is not afraid of anyone, let alone believes that anyone can stop her.