Plane Elevator

Chapter 152: On swords


A few days later, Dongfang Yu was sitting in the backyard, the lyre was placed on the stone table, a distant and elegant tune flowed from his fingers, his mind and tune matched, and he became more and more peaceful.

Before the end of the song, the door of the nameless closed room was pushed open. Immediately, an invisible sword intent appeared and merged into the song meaning of Dongfang Jade. In this distant and elegant song meaning, there seemed to be a touch of The sound of swords.

The sound of the sword and the melody of Dongfang Yu blended into the melody out of thin air, but it didn't feel abrupt. On the contrary, it was a perfect combination. It seemed to have a new metaphor.

Dongfang Yu, immersed in the mind, can feel Wuming's endless flow of sword intent, like a sword to eliminate demons, with the power of the melody, it can help him cut off the empty thoughts and negative emotions in his heart.

After a long time, the song ended. Dongfang Yu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Wuming. The sword energy on his body was very weak, and his cultivation seemed to have almost completely disappeared. Sure enough, his skill has been crippled, but, From his body, Dongfang Yu could feel an endless sword intent, as if a seed full of vitality was thriving.

Looking at Wuming, although the appearance is still the same, but the mental outlook of the whole person is completely different. It is no longer the lifeless appearance before. Although the breath is weak, the sword intent in his heart is full of vitality , In Dongfang Yu's mind, a word flashed reflexively: break and then stand.

"Congratulations, Wan Jian Gui Zong's cultivation is just around the corner." Dongfang Yu stood up and congratulated. If Wuming can cultivate Wan Jian Gui Zong, it will be a good thing for Dong Fang Yu, at least it will be easier to deal with that Huo Qilin up.

"It's all thanks to your guidance." Wuming, although his expression was calm, gave people a natural sense of calm, not the previous lifelessness.

"The so-called pointing is just a matter of raising one's hand." Dongfang Yu waved his hand, not intending to take credit for it. He just thought of Wuming's sword intent just now and integrated it into his own song. Dongfang Yu asked Wuming curiously: "Sword cultivator, Experience the sword intent, can you cut off the obsession in your heart with the sword intent?".

"Sword Intent?" Dongfang Yu's words made Wuming slightly taken aback. Obviously, it was the first time Wuming had heard the term "Sword Intent". Appropriate, could it be that you are also a fellow swordsman?".

"Although I have a sword in my hand, I can't be regarded as a sword cultivator. I just heard a senior expert comment on the meaning of the sword." Looking at Wuming's expression, Dongfang Yu knows this world of wind and clouds, and there is no The so-called theory of sword intent, shook his head, and changed the topic.

However, there are also sword cultivators in Fengyun World, but there is no systematic and clear statement. Hearing the word Dongfang Yujianyi, Wuming is happy to see Liexin. Out of the question: "The senior expert you are talking about must be a senior swordsman. I don't know how he commented at the beginning?".

Looking at Wuming's appearance, Dongfang Yu can also understand his thoughts. As a heavenly sword, he is supreme, but the supreme being is also empty and lonely. He can't see any fellow swordsmen around him. Hearing Dongfang Yu's words this time, Wuming's heart There is a feeling that there is another village under the willows and flowers, and naturally I want to get to the bottom of it.

Dongfang Yu pondered for a moment. Speaking of the so-called sword repair theory, Dongfang Yu didn't understand it at all. It was all about the real world, where the information exploded, and all kinds of illusory theoretical knowledge emerged one after another.

Not to mention the way of the sword, even if it is the so-called cultivation, immortality, etc., people in the real world can imagine countless so-called realms. Coupled with the development and convenience of the Internet, countless people join in the discussion, discard the chaff and save the chaff, what kind of martial art? Cultivation system, what kind of cultivation body cultivation, immortal cultivation system, etc., can come up with several complete sets.

Now that Wuming asked, it would be inappropriate for Dongfang Yu not to say anything. After thinking about it, I don’t know if these things that I imagined out of thin air can really be useful. Nameless here, can also verify it.

"Back then, that senior expert once divided sword practitioners into four realms." Dongfang Yu sorted out her words before speaking.

"Oh? Four realms? Tell me?" Wuming's eyes showed a hint of interest.

There are countless master swordsmen in the world, but their specific strengths are mostly judged by their moves and cultivation, that's all. What is the so-called division of realms? There is actually a senior in swordsmanship who has carefully divided the realms

"The first stage is to have a sword in your hand, but without a sword in your heart," Dongfang Yu said.

"Why do you have a sword in your hand? There is no sword in your heart?" Wuming was slightly taken aback and asked.

"This is the level of people who are the first to come into contact with swords. Sword practice is just a rigid way of practicing swords. It's like an ignorant child who memorizes the Four Books and Five Classics by rote. He knows it but doesn't know why. It's just that he has the so-called sword moves in his hand. , but I don’t have the slightest understanding in my heart, because I have a sword in my hand, but I don’t have a sword in my heart, do you think so?” Dongfang Yu explained.

"That's right, it's reasonable. More than eighty-ninety percent of the sword practitioners in the world are in this realm." This explanation made Wuming nod his head, which is considered to have recognized the first stage of the saying that there is a sword in the hand, but there is no sword in the heart.

Immediately, Wuming asked again: "Then what is the second level of realm?".

"The second level of realm is called having a sword in your hand and a sword in your heart," Dongfang Yu said.

Without waiting for Wuming to continue to ask, he took the initiative to explain the characteristics of this level of realm: "Sword practitioners, who have honed their swords for ten years, gradually have their own unique insights into sword moves, and the moves they use are naturally no longer the same. It is a rigid death move, the heart and the sword become one, reaching the point where the human sword is one, even if you have a sword in your hand, you also have a sword in your heart."

"That's right! Of all the sword practitioners in the world, those who can reach this level can be regarded as good swordsmen. If they reach this level, they can be regarded as entering the hall." Hearing this, Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded in response.

Being able to get Wuming to admit that he is a good swordsman, it can be seen that the sword cultivator at this level is indeed very good. Immediately, Wuming was even more curious about what the so-called third level is.

"The third realm is called having no sword in your hand, but having a sword in your heart," Dongfang Yu said.

"There is no sword in your hand, but there is a sword in your heart?" These words touched Wuming's heart, and Wuming immediately looked down at his empty palm, as if he could grasp something faintly in his heart. I was much more anxious, and asked: "How can I explain this level of realm?".

Seeing the change in Wuming's expression, Dongfang Yu secretly exclaimed, these so-called realms, no one knows about these so-called realms in this Fengyun plane, but in the real world, they can be regarded as rotten theories, almost casually If you pull a few people out, they can also speak clearly to you.

From Wuming's expression, Dongfang Yu could tell that these theories imagined in the real world were actually feasible for these sword practitioners.

The first level has a sword in his hand, but no sword in his heart, Wuming looks calm, nodding his head is just approval.

But the realm of having a sword in his hand and a sword in his heart at the second stage made Wuming's eyes brighten a lot, and he nodded in admiration.

As for the third theory that there is no sword in hand, but there is a sword in his heart, even Wuming's face was a little anxious, and he asked himself urgently.

Thoughts turned, but for an instant, Dongfang Yu's mouth did not stop at all, and continued to explain the third level of realm to Wuming. There was no sword in his hand, but the mystery of the sword was in his heart.

"There is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart, which means that the sword practitioner has reached the state of transformation, comprehends the meaning of his own sword, and no longer sticks to the sharpness of the sword. Flying flowers and picking leaves, willows, trees and vines can all be transformed into peerless swords in the hands. A sharp sword, this means that there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart, and those who have reached this level are all rare, the talent of the sky, you should be in this state, right?".

"With sword intent in your heart, don't stick to the sharpness of swords anymore? Willow branches, trees and vines can be transformed into peerless swords in your hands?" Wuming, his expression seemed to be greatly touched, he muttered slightly, and said in his mouth He kept chewing on the words of Dongfang Yu.

For ordinary people, this sentence may not have any mystery, but to Wuming's ears, this sentence is like a mantra full of Zen principles. Every time he reads a sentence, Wuming feels that he seems to have gained something.

Seeing Wuming's almost bewitched appearance, Dongfang Yu was amazed at the strength of this set of theories, but felt that it was too ironic.

In this world of wind and clouds, warriors are everywhere, and there are not many swordsmen, but there is no systematic theory. On the contrary, in the real world, there are no real warriors who can develop internal strength, but such a theory is like a bad street. Thinking about it now, it's really ironic.

Is it because the martial artists in this world are all immersed in training, fighting for power and gain, intrigues, grievances and enmities, and have no time to sort them out? And people in the real world, who are full and have nothing to do, imagine these unnecessary things all day long

Or is it that people in this world cherish their own brooms and cannot form such a systematic theory? But in the real world, with the explosion of information and the convenience of the Internet, countless people can continue to discuss without reservation

Dongfang Yu himself didn't know what the reason was, or maybe it was a combination of both.

Wuming seemed to have something in her heart, and Dongfang Yu also knew that at this time, she was most jealous of being disturbed by others, so she didn't speak any more, and waited quietly.

After a full stick of incense, Wuming's aura suddenly changed, becoming deeper and more distant, and his eyes gradually became flat and introverted.

"Congratulations, you have achieved something, and you have made it to the next level." Feeling the nameless change, although his cultivation base is very low now, Dongfang Yu knows his sword intent, but it is more mellow, and he congratulates.

If it was normal, Wuming might still be humble or thankful, but now Wuming has ignored Dongfang Yu's praise, but there is a hint of pilgrimage in his eyes: "The senior swordsman said, the fourth level Boundary, what is it?"

"That's right, the old man also wants to know, what is the fourth realm!".

Almost at the same time, a slightly old voice sounded, and a figure flew in from outside the courtyard. Following the appearance of this figure, the space between heaven and earth seemed to be instantly filled with endless sword energy.