Plane Elevator

Chapter 172: Sales are booming


In Huaxia, a small village, a woman about twenty-three or twenty-four years old was staring at the computer screen intently, with some apprehension in her expression.

Because the village is tens of miles away from the city, it is inconvenient to make a special trip to the Chilong Mobile Phone Experience Center, so this woman can only choose online shopping to buy mobile phones.

Feeling uneasy, that's because the woman knows very well that today is the first day of Chilong mobile phone's release, the official website will definitely be maxed out, and the Internet speed in my rural area is not very good, can I squeeze in

Looking at the worn-out mobile phone on the computer table, the woman's expression became more and more determined. I have used this mobile phone for two years. Since I downloaded the Little Red Riding Hood mobile phone software, I and the little cutie are in the same mother-in-law relationship. Girl, cutie has already told herself that the mobile phone hardware has begun to age, and it wants a new home.

Yes, the mobile phone in the past was just for making calls, surfing the web, chatting, and watching movies. Now, the center of the mobile phone seems to have become a cute artificial intelligence program named by itself. The hardware of the mobile phone is like its home, the hardware The low-end configuration and aging make the little cutie often look silly, which makes women feel distressed.

Finally, when it was exactly nine o'clock, the woman who had been prepared for a long time frantically pressed the refresh button of F5 to refresh the official website of Chilong Mobile, and soon got a response. The mobile phone that appeared in front of the woman was exactly the three versions of the first generation of Chilong mobile phone.

"This? How can the internet speed be so smooth? Doesn't anyone buy it on the website?" She entered the official website of Chilong Mobile very smoothly, and the woman was very surprised.

But I can't control that much, the woman hurriedly picked a low-end version of more than 2,000 yuan, and left her ID card information, delivery address, etc. After paying, the system popped up a reminder to arrange delivery within 24 hours goods.

It wasn't until seeing this system prompt that the woman breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt very strange. Didn't anyone enter the official website of Chilong Mobile? Otherwise, how could it be so smooth

Although she doesn't know any computer programs, the woman also knows that if too many people visit a website, it will cause a great burden on the server. The official website of Long Mobile is very smooth, which surprised the woman who was already mentally prepared that she might get stuck.

In a certain city in China, at the experience store of Chilong mobile phone, the person at the front of the queue was a middle-aged man who looked about fifty years old. During the period, at least dozens of people asked him, bought his position, and even Some local tyrants offered a high price of tens of thousands, but the man didn't seem to be tempted at all, he just declined.

Looking at a watch on his wrist, it was a few minutes before the official sale at nine o'clock. The man's expression was filled with anticipation. Although the man wanted the Chilong mobile phone, he bought it today, not for himself. , but for his own mother.

The man's father passed away from cancer just a few days ago, and his mother was very old, and because of his father's death, she was depressed all day long.

With a body like his mother's, the knots in his heart cannot be untied, and the consequences would be unimaginable. It just so happened that Chilong mobile phones were officially launched today, and a flash of light flashed in the man's heart, and he had an idea.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, the security guards came out to maintain order. This middle-aged man was the first to enter the experience center of Chilong mobile phone. Before he had time to look at it, he ran directly to the counter and left his ID card information according to the staff's instructions. After paying 9,999 yuan, I directly bought the top-of-the-line Chilong mobile phone.

The mobile phone full of sci-fi feel is very comfortable to hold in the hand. After the man turned on the mobile phone and followed the instructions, he completed the moving of the mobile phone's auxiliary software. Then, he entered the top-level configuration version of the mobile phone, which has a unique image setting function.

Somewhat trembling, the man set the image of the mobile phone assistant software to the image of his deceased father, and immediately gave instructions to the mobile phone software to take good care of his mother for him, and then contact him anytime, anywhere .

After setting this command, the man mailed the top-of-the-line Chilong mobile phone to his mother.

"Hope, it can become my mother's new spiritual sustenance." After sending the mobile phone, the man prayed silently in his heart.

Elderly people who are nearly a hundred years old support each other, and the feeling of being together is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. The sudden death of one of them is definitely an unprecedented blow to the other person. Most of the old people can't survive for a month. , is the same as dying in depression.

It is precisely because of this concern that this middle-aged man bought the top-of-the-line Chilong mobile phone, and specially set his mobile phone auxiliary software to look like his deceased father, hoping to relieve his current mood. depression.

In the United States, because of the escort of the Bruch people, Chilong Mobile still has experience centers in several relatively large cities in the United States. Among them, the Los Angeles family, which is similar to that in China, has long lined up at the door. The grand scene, even the release of the fruit phone back then, was not so lively.

As the door of the experience center opened, countless phone buyers filed in under the maintenance of order by the security guards. Soon, many more people who bought mobile phones came out happily.

"Hey, brother, which version did you buy? How is it?" A black man already got his mobile phone and was fiddled with with his head down, while another black man in line couldn't help but want to look at it first. read.

"Hehehe, this phone from Huaxia is really cool. I bought the top-end version. Although it is expensive, it is worth the money. Look, this is the hot girl I set up." This black man fiddled with the phone , showing off the mobile phone in his hand like a baby, it turned out that he set the appearance of the mobile phone auxiliary program as a sexy black beauty.

"Snow!" The people in the queue naturally looked at the mobile phone in the black man's hands curiously, but when they saw the sexy black beauty, many people raised their middle fingers to express their disdain.

Of course, more people became active. It is indeed a very good idea to set the image of the mobile phone software as a beautiful woman. Well, black beauties are fine, but what about fair-skinned beauties with blonde hair and blue eyes

"Oh, cool, if this is the case, won't you be able to see such a beautiful woman every day in the future? Hahaha, I was still considering whether to buy the mid-range configuration version, but now, I decided to buy the top-end version. Okay." Well, others may not be able to appreciate black beauties, but this black man who opened his mouth looked at the beauty on his phone, but his eyes were shining.

In addition to the United States, there are Russia, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan...

On this day, the Chilong mobile phone was released globally, which caused an unprecedented rush to buy. Apart from those physical experience centers, the orders on the Internet are really overwhelming.

On this day, countless order information from China Dragon's head office was transferred to China Dragon's central computer like snowflakes. These are the delivery information sorted out by the Red Queen, although the top-up money is all placed in China. In the account of the dragon, however, the calculation of the official website of the Chilong mobile phone is personally in charge of the red empress.

Unless a supercomputer worth more than hundreds of millions is used as a server, ordinary servers really can't handle so many orders and visits, so the official website of Chilong Mobile is handled by Red Queen.

With the advanced computer brought by Dongfang Yu from the Avatar plane as a carrier, although it is not as good as a supercomputer, it also improves the computing power of the Red Queen a lot. It is just a few orders on the Internet, and the Red Queen said that she has no pressure at all.

"Really?", Han Ruoling is also one of the staff members of the technology department of China Dragon Headquarters, looking at the information compiled by the red queen, Han Ruoling's research shines.

With so many orders, there must be more visits, and the other party handled it with ease. This is not something that ordinary servers can bear. Sure enough, for people who have the mobile phone software of Little Red Riding Hood, can artificial intelligence programs be applied to computers?

These are only domestic orders, only online sales, and there is no way to do it abroad. However, China Dragon has already started to build branches in various developed countries. Once the branches are fully established, other countries You can follow suit in your online sales.

In short, in the following days, the whole world seems to be dominated by Chilong mobile phones. There are more and more Chilong mobile phones in the streets and alleys of the three versions. Not only young people, even the elderly, almost all have them. One, after some investigation, the data obtained is that the elderly seem to need a Chilong mobile phone more than the young.

In the past, smart phones were rarely used by the elderly. The main reason was that most of the elderly could not operate the smart phones. Another problem is that any desired operation can be controlled by voice. Is there anything more convenient than this

What's more convenient is that some empty-nest elderly people stay alone and are very lonely, but the Chilong mobile phone can become an important companion. The artificial intelligence program is almost perfect in emotional simulation, and it is difficult to detect it. It's just a program. In addition, the elderly who live alone can easily open online video with their relatives who are thousands of miles away.

There are also elderly people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It is very dangerous to walk out of the house alone, and they can't even walk home. However, a top-equipped Chilong mobile phone is like a personal butler , Once you realize that the old man is lost, etc., the mobile phone will automatically turn on the navigation, and use the voice function to bring the old man home. This solves the worries of countless couples about the elders with Alzheimer's disease.

Even, in the event of an emergency, the top-of-the-line Chilong mobile phone also knows how to adapt.

For example, if you encounter a car accident on the road, the driver hit and run, and a person is injured and lying on the road, the top version of Chilong mobile phone, even if you are in a coma and did not give instructions, the top version of Chilong mobile phone with high AI They all know how to call an ambulance for you. How many lives can this save

With the deepening of the investigation, the features of the three versions of Chilong mobile phones have also been unearthed. The top version of Chilong mobile phones is naturally more intelligent than other versions. This is a product of an era. Another wave of top-end mobile phone sales has been stimulated.

Again, the price is never the reason for hindering sales. As long as consumers feel that it is worth the money, or even more than the value for money, even things worth millions will have a good market.

The price of 10,000 RMB? It is indeed not low, but compared to its functions, many people even issued a statement saying that 10,000 yuan for this mobile phone is only the price of cabbage. , but also willing to spend money to buy.

Since then, China Dragon has gained a new title: the largest conscientious enterprise in this century.

(PS: This is the second chapter update today, and there is another chapter tonight. If you write quickly, it will be updated at 8:30 pm. Of course, if you write slower, it may be updated around 9 pm. Finally, brothers and sisters, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for everything you can ask for, your support is the biggest motivation for me to write down...)