Plane Elevator

Chapter 24: return


The jade face is like a crown, the long beard is like a sash, and his expression is calm. This figure that suddenly appeared, no one saw how he appeared. He is old, but the treasure looks solemn, but the skin is as rosy as a baby.

"You don't need to be like this. If you persist for too long, it is a demonic thought. Why do you have to be so hard to let go?" The man's voice was magnetic, and it sounded very comfortable. At this moment, he was standing in front of Li Qiushui, looking down at her , Peerless demeanor, make people feel ashamed.

Li Qiushui, upon hearing this voice, suddenly raised his head, his beautiful eyes widened in surprise, joy, shock, all complicated: "". .

"Wu Yazi!?", Child Elder, with a very excited expression, stepped forward and called out, unbelievable, didn't it mean that he has already run out of fuel and his life is not long? Looking at this appearance, where can you see a trace of oldness

"Master?" Dongfang Yu also stared at the Wu Yazi who had changed his image in astonishment, feeling a little unsure.

Is this really my master? The one with disabled legs? Can only hang himself in mid-air, old-fashioned, dying master? It's almost like two people.

"Why are you bothering?" Wu Yazi stretched out his hand, and gently stroked Li Qiushui's face. Immediately, several scars appeared, like several ferocious centipedes, which were left by Child Elder on her face scars.

"No! Don't look at me! Don't!", Li Qiushui couldn't help screaming when Wu Yazi undid his disguise technique, covered his cheeks with his hands, and kept backing away, not daring to let Wu Yazi look at him look like.

"Wu Yazi, are you alright?" Child Elder, with an excited expression, stepped forward a few steps. Originally, she had learned from Dongfang Yu that he only had about one year to live, and Child Elder had always been worried.

"Sister Wu Yazi", Wu Yazi bowed to Child Elder, with a personable demeanor, "The villain has been bothering you for a few days in Tianshan, I saw it when he did it just now, and his martial arts have indeed improved a lot compared to before, thank you The wizard sister teaches well, but the senior sister teaches the apprentice, but it is much better than the junior brother."

"They are all disciples of our own sect, so there is no need to thank you, besides, I also like you as a disciple." Child Elder waved her hand very readily.

"Master, has your injury healed yet?" Dongfang Yu asked, staring at Wu Yazi carefully.

It hasn't been long since I left Leigu Mountain, and the master has almost explained the funeral, for no reason, how could he be so energetic all of a sudden? What's more, why can my legs, which have been disabled for decades, suddenly be able to walk and run? This made Dongfang Yu feel uneasy.

"Qiu Shui, I came to see you because I want to tell you that I was the one who betrayed you back then. I also understand your suffering. I'm sorry. I didn't give you any happiness and wasted your life for nothing." Regarding Dongfang Yu's words, Wu Yazi didn't answer, but apologized to Li Qiushui, and bowed deeply to Li Qiushui while speaking.

"You, what are you doing..." Wu Yazi suddenly apologized so solemnly, Li Qiushui also felt something was wrong, and said a little at a loss.

"Sister Wizard, I can never repay your kindness to me in this life. You have always taken care of me like a big sister. If there is a chance in the next life, I will definitely repay you a hundred times." Turning around, Wu Yazi Said to Child Elder, also made a deep bow.

"Wu Yazi, what are you talking about for no reason? How are you? Has your body recovered?" Child Elder is not a fool, and Wu Yazi's words like confessing her last words made her feel deeply moved. Uneasy, combined with Dongfang Yu's words before, Child Elder also felt that something was wrong.

"Yu'er", finally, Wu Yazi put his eyes on Dongfang Yu, and said: "I am not a qualified master either. You have been practicing martial arts all the way. As a master, I have not done much. You are smart, if you think about it, this rivers and lakes will be your world."

"Master leads the door to practice in person. Master, you have helped me enough, but your body..." Dongfang Yu said.

However, before Dongfang Yu finished speaking, Wu Yazi raised his hand to stop his words, and said: "The time to be a teacher is running out, let me finish my speech."

Immediately, facing the cliff of Tianshan Mountain, Wu Yazi knelt down heavily, and said loudly: "As the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, I have acted recklessly and made no achievements in my life. I am really ashamed of the entire Xiaoyao Sect, and even more so, my master. I hope that today I am dying, and I hereby sin against myself, and hope that the descendants of the Xiaoyao Sect will not learn from me."

boom boom boom...

As soon as the words fell, Wu Yazi knocked his head heavily towards the sky nine times, and immediately bent over and did not move.

"Master?" Dongfang Yu's heart tightened, she stepped forward and called in a low voice, but Wu Yazi's figure was like a rock, and she didn't respond at all.

"Wu Yazi!", Child Elder and Li Qiushui's expression changed, and they hurried over.

At this moment Li Qiushui's martial arts are naturally much higher than Child Elder's, not to mention her peak Lingboweibu? Pressing a palm directly on Child Elder's body, Li Qiushui directly sent Child Elder flying.

"Don't touch him, he's mine!", Li Qiushui hugged Wu Yazi's body and screamed.

"Wu Yazi, you heartless person, how could you just leave like this!? I still have a lot to talk to you", pushing away the maidservants who surrounded her, Child Elder spitting blood and screaming loudly.

"Wu Yazi, why are you so cruel, leaving me alone and leaving? You are no longer in this world, what am I, Li Qiushui, still doing in this world?" Li Qiushui ignored Child Elder's yelling , but hugged Wu Yazi's body tightly, bowed his head and said affectionately.

don't want!

Dongfang Yu shouted, but how could his movements be faster than Li Qiushui? She was holding Wu Yazi's body, and jumped directly from the top of the huge cliff in Tianshan...

Li Qiushui died, and died in love with Wu Yazi. Although she did many absurd things during her lifetime, her feelings for Wu Yazi are unforgettable. Accompanied by Li Qiushui's death, the fight on Tianshan Mountain Nature also came to an end.

Child Elder didn't die, but seeing Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi die in front of her own eyes, she was the only one left among her peers in the school, and Child Elder was unhappy in the following days, but she only lived half of her life After many months, he died of depression.

About half a year later, Dongfang Yu put on a black long gown and went down the Tianshan Mountains after paying filial piety for the child elder with the gift of a junior in the school. The leader of the Vulture Palace and Su Xinghe fought together for the Xiaoyao Sect's affairs. reason.

But in a few days, Dongfang Yu, who was wearing a long black gown, came to Xingxiu Sea alone.

"You brat, you dare to avenge that dead ghost of Wu Yazi. I think you are still a fellow apprentice. Please spare your life and leave quickly." Ding Chunqiu, who was found by Dongfang Yu, waved his hand Fanning the goose feather, he said with a sneer.

"Old Immortal Xingxiu has boundless mana, how can a child with a yellow mouth like you be able to resist it? Leave quickly, otherwise, even if the old immortal yawns, he can blow you away."

"Death is imminent, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?".

"Ignorant junior, why do you need the old fairy to take action? I pick the stars to deal with him enough."

All the disciples of Xingxiuhai were flattering and flattering, and they really wanted to beat the gongs and drums.

"A group of jumping beam clowns", Xingxiuhai's disciples made Dongfang Yu frown, and with a little step, he appeared in front of Ding Chunqiu like a ghost, with claw-shaped palms, and clasped towards Ding Chunqiu.

With a frozen expression, Ding Chunqiu raised his hand and sprinkled a piece of poisonous powder...

To be honest, although Ding Chunqiu's kung fu is only first-class, not top-notch, but his kung fu of using poison is not bad.

Regarding poison, Dongfang Yu didn't have much research, but he could subdue all kinds of skills and martial arts. At this moment, Dongfang Yu was enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with a master like Murong Fu. The hand turned into a dazzling palm, and a palm was printed on Ding Chunqiu's chest, directly shattering his heart.

After killing Ding Chunqiu and fulfilling the promise with his master, Dongfang Yu got up and rushed back to Tianshan Mountain. Since the battle on Tianshan Mountain was over, the plot of Tianlong Babu has no inertia at all.

Murong Fu lives in Yanziwu in seclusion, from what Duan Yu said, he seems to be married to Wang Yuyan, and he will never care about Jianghu affairs again, Xiao Feng and A'Zhu live in seclusion outside the customs, herding horses and sheep, really happy.

Duan Yu, being the emperor of his Dali Kingdom, is very busy all day long. As for Xu Zhu, Dongfang Yu has never seen him until now, so he should be a happy little monk in Shaolin Temple, without all kinds of troubles .

"There is a laugh in the sea, and the tides on both sides of the river..." Riding a little donkey, after killing Ding Chunqiu, Dongfang Yu felt much happier, and couldn't help singing the tune of "Swordsman" and went leisurely. Go to Tianshan.

"Amitabha, Mr. Dongfang is very interested." However, a Buddha's chant on the side of the road interrupted Dongfang Yu's song.

"Ming Wang, long time no see, today is really destined." Dongfang Yu was slightly startled when he saw the monk on the side of the road. This person was the Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi.

"Mr. Dongfang, this little monk heard that you were going to Xingxiu Sea, so I came here specially to find you. Unexpectedly, I was a step too late. Congratulations, Mr. Dongfang, for unraveling the knot." Jiumozhi smiled and lowered his eyebrows.

"Ming Wang Gaoyi!" Dongfang Yu said admiringly.

Back then he was kind enough to guide him, but today he was afraid that he would suffer under Ding ChunQiu's hands, so he dared to come from Tubo for thousands of miles, it is indeed a sense of justice.


Jiumozhi was about to say a few words, when suddenly, in the void, a large metal box similar to a coffin appeared, and it only took a moment for it to turn from empty to real. Immediately, the iron door closed, and the large box containing oriental jade shot up into the sky. rises, turns into an illusion and disappears.

Jiumozhi raised his head to look at the sky, his mouth widened, and he was dumbfounded. This scene was unheard of, "Could it be? Mr. Dongfang? Has he attained Taoism and become a fairy?".

In Jiayin Building, the elevator dinged and stopped on the 18th floor. Dongfang Yu, who was wearing a black gown, looked at the familiar elevator with mixed feelings for a moment.

Myself, are you back? In the world of Tianlong Babu, I have been staying for almost a year, and finally came back

If it weren't for the ancient black long gown she was wearing, and the surging internal force in her body, Dongfang Yu would have almost suspected that what happened in the Dragon Babu that day was not a dream of her own.