Plane Elevator

Chapter 39: agreement



Dongfang Yu's palm drew a graceful arc, and immediately, a sharp arrow was firmly grasped in his palm. The movement was quick, but it carried a strange sense of beauty.

"Good!" Seeing that Dongfang Yu could even catch the arrows he shot, Legolas' eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise.

Although he was admiring, his movements were not slow, the bowstring was pulled quickly, and three arrows were shot out in a row, but these three arrows were easily caught by Dongfang Yu again, as if Dongfang Yu's The palm had long been waiting for Legolas to shoot the arrow into his palm.

Lingbo took small steps, Dongfang Yu tapped her toes lightly, her movements were elegant, and she came in front of Legolas almost in a blink of an eye.

Eyes shrunk, Legolas backed away reflexively, and at the same time flipped his fingers, a dagger appeared between his fingers, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, and pierced Dongfang Yu's chest from a tricky angle.

Legolas' reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but Dongfang Yu was faster, raised his palm and slapped it, and a strong palm force slapped Legolas' dagger aside.

Almost at the same time, a brilliant sword light flashed, and Legolas felt a chill in his throat, but it was Dongfang Yu's long sword, and the tip of the sword reached Legolas' throat.

Legolas' eyes shrunk almost like needlepoints, it was unbelievable that he would lose so easily in a single fight, he was a little discouraged, but then he was happy again, there was such a person who kept fighting with him, One's own fighting skills must be able to go one step further.

Holding a beautiful sword flower, Dongfang Yu put the sword back into the sheath, and his movements were elegant and noble. Legolas was also convinced of the defeat, and his skills were not as good as others, so there was no need to make excuses.

clap clap...

There was a burst of applause, and Thranduil, the king of the jungle, stood up from his throne, stared at Dongfang Yu in surprise, and said, "Mr. Dongfang is the most agile human being I have ever seen. You praise me so much, this is the first time I have seen such a skill in human beings after living for thousands of years."

With a smile on the corner of Dongfang Yu's mouth, she returned the etiquette gracefully. She didn't speak, but her heart became active. Tonight, Legolas suddenly said that his father wanted to see him, and then showed off in front of Thranduil. Goras was eager to practice a few moves duel, Dongfang Yu spent a lot of hands and feet, and finally defeated the elf prince.

Seeing Thranduil's appearance, she also appreciates herself very much. This makes Dongfang Yu's mind quickened, as long as she can talk, she has to find a way to rescue Thorin and the others. Time is running out, let alone What's more, I promised Gandalf that day to send these dwarves to the Lonely Mountain on time.

"Mr. Dongfang, I don't know if I can stay in the jungle kingdom. I hope Legolas can learn from you." Thranduil came to Dongfang Yu with dignity. Dongfang Yu paid more attention to it and asked him to teach his son.

Legolas was also slightly taken aback. At his current stage, he still needs someone to teach him? However, the strength of Dongfang Yu is enough, so Legolas did not refuse.

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord, but for the time being, I still have important things to do." After pondering for a moment, Dongfang Yu politely declined Thranduil's proposal.

"The important thing? Is it to accompany those arrogant and rude dwarves to the Lonely Mountain? Unfortunately, they will have to stay in my prison for the rest of their lives. With your self-cultivation, why should you be with these arrogant and rude dwarves? Your companions should be us elves, right?" Thranduil did not hide his anger towards the dwarves, and his voice was a little cold.

"The eagle soars in the sky, and the fish and shrimp dive in the bottom of the water. Their nature is like this. Why should the eagle look down on the smallness of the fish and shrimp?" Dongfang Yu also said calmly with an elegant smile on his face. Judging by his demeanor, he is more like an elf than an elf. Like a human being.

Dongfang Yu's words made Thranduy slightly taken aback, the smile on his face subsided a lot, there was a hint of thought between his brows, and even Legolas seemed to have realized something.

"The elves are elegant and noble, just like eagles soaring in the sky, and dwarves are like fish and shrimp, so why do eagles force fish and shrimp to be with them? Are fish and shrimp that leave the water still fish and shrimp? Dwarves are greedy and rude by nature. , disrespectful, but there is no lack of true temperament, and it may not be unworthy of friendship, what do you think?" Dongfang Yu said along the way.

Dongfang Yu's words, although Thranduil has lived for so long, this is the first time I heard it. The comparison between the eagle and the fish and shrimp is very appropriate. They are rude by nature, do we have to force them to be elegant and stick to words

Thinking of the dwarves walking, talking, thinking, and fighting like elves, for some reason, Thranduil felt as if some goosebumps had appeared on his body. That scene is really unimaginable.

"What you said makes some sense. Maybe it's because I'm not detached enough to think about the problem." Thranduil spoke in a rare way, agreeing with Dongfang Yu's point of view.

These words made Legolas look at Dongfang Yu in amazement. Can he make his father admit his mistake in words? Legolas, who also knew his father's character well, knew how incredible this was.

"Why did your lord imprison Thorin and the others?" Seeing that Thranduil's tone seemed to be relaxed, Dongfang Yu was overjoyed and asked.

"...", Thranduil didn't speak, could it be that he was frankly saying that he was just venting his anger

Thranduil's reaction made Dongfang Yu understand, combined with the original book, thought for a moment, and said: "My lord, you also know the temper of dwarves, it is difficult to talk to them calmly, not to mention Thorin's character? If there's anything I can do to help, just say so."

I have to say, the words of Dongfang Yu moved Thranduy's heart. After a little investigation, he knew the importance of Dongfang Yu in the hearts of the dwarves. Relatively speaking, he wanted to get back the white gem. Maybe there is really a breakthrough in Yu

"The treasures of Lonely Mountain are indeed astonishing, but I am not a dwarf, and I don't have too much obsession with those golden treasures. What I want is just a white gem, a gem that looks like white moonlight." Thrandu Yi was silent for a moment, then spoke.

Another white gem? Hearing the words of the white gem again, Legolas was a little curious, why was his father so obsessed with a white gem? It's just that now is not the time to ask questions, so Legolas just endured and didn't ask.

"White gem? How much is it worth to an adult?" Dongfang Yu asked.

"Incalculable," Thranduil replied without thinking.

"How much is that worth to the treasures of the entire Gushan?" Dongfang Yu asked again.

"The tip of the iceberg", Thranduil also replied quickly.

"Look, my lord, this is the contract I made with Sorin. As long as I can regain the rule of the Lonely Mountain, I will get one-fourteenth of the treasures of the Lonely Mountain. You said, if I ask for the white gem, Sorin will Won't you give it to me?" Dongfang Yu took out a contract and handed it to Thranduil for viewing.

The next thing will happen naturally. After all, Thranduil has no deep hatred for these dwarves. Instead of imprisoning them for a lifetime and letting them die of old age in Mirkwood, it is better to let them out. Maybe if they succeed, then I can also get Have you returned to the white gem

Therefore, Dongfang Yu and Thranduil hit it off very quickly, and Thranduil expressed his willingness to release Thorin and others, and even to a certain extent, the Jungle Kingdom would help them take back the Lonely Mountain, but the conditions must be Hand over the white gem to him. This contract is not with Sorin, but with Dongfang Yu.

Originally, Thranduil wanted to order the release of those dwarves, but Dongfang Yu stopped him. He said that once he gave the order, Thorin would definitely be aware of the agreement between the two, and perhaps with his arrogance, On the contrary, he refused to give the white gems to himself, so why didn't he act in a scene where he secretly rescued them

After thinking about it, Thranduy also felt that Dongfang Yu's words were reasonable, so he made the elves in the prison pretend to be unconscious, and the elves in the wine cellar were also drunk according to what he said.

Dongfang Yu took the key, pretended to be a thief, and secretly released Sorin and the others. Then, as in the original book, she rolled them into the underground river with a wine barrel and sent them out without anyone noticing.

"Tauuriel..." Thranduil, who was hiding in the dark in the wine cellar, watched Dongfang Yu leave with the dwarves in the end, and said.

"Your Majesty," Tao Ruier, as the captain of the guard of the Mirkwood elves, responded.

"Follow them, but don't attract attention, pay attention to their every move, and report to me exactly," Thranduil ordered.

"Okay", Tao Ruier nodded heavily and left quickly.

"Legolas, prepare your army for battle. As far as I know, there are a group of half-orcs following them. Once news of Tauriel's danger comes, we will clear the way for them." In order to get back the white gem, Thranduil didn't mind helping these dwarves, although he still didn't like them.

"Okay." Legolas also nodded heavily, and went to prepare for war.

All of a sudden, the elves in the entire Mirkwood became active, preparing for the next big battle.