Plane Elevator

Chapter 56: Cursed Oriental Jade


"I want to know, what kind of cooperation method do you want?" Dongfang Yu didn't rush to speak, but said to the man in the suit, also wanting to make sure what the man in the suit knows.

"My request is very simple." The man in the suit obviously had determined what he wanted long ago, and said to Dongfang Yu: "If what Zhang Xiaofeng said is true, the earth will eventually be destroyed by the T virus, and the forest will become The desert, the river dried up, and the zombies broke out, so I want to leave, if you can really leave this world and go to a parallel world, I want to leave with you."

"Your purpose is to leave this apocalypse? I can take you away with me, but what can I get in exchange?" Dongfang Yu asked back.

The elevator can take people across anyway, but can it take people back? Dongfang Yu has never tried it, and she doesn't know, but it doesn't matter if she can take him or not, because although she agreed verbally, in fact, Dongfang Yu never thought about taking him back.

That's right, after I want to become popular, I want to return to reality to build my own power. This man in a suit is also a good choice, but can he be used by me? Dongfang Yu didn't believe it.

Zhang Xiaofeng, after being arrested, did he ever have the idea of letting himself die and monopolizing the elevator? Dongfangyu didn't believe that he didn't have such an idea. After all, when Zhang Xiaofeng came with him, Dongfangyu was born and killed him. He couldn't let outsiders know the idea of the plane elevator. Although it was just an idea, Dongfangyu didn't put it into action.

If, taking this man in a suit back to modern times, with his abilities, knowledge of umbrellas, etc., will he gain power quickly by then, and what's next? Just trying to get rid of himself and monopolize the elevator, right? The probability of this is at least 99%, so it is impossible for Dongfang Yu to take him back.

Similarly, will this man in a suit really cooperate with him? Dongfang Yu didn't believe it either, as long as he had the chance, he would probably catch him, control himself, force himself to bring him back to modern times, and then get rid of himself.

"I don't know what you want?", the man in the suit, also not sure about Dongfang Yu's goal, asked back.

"Red queen, I want a red queen, how about it? Can you help?" Dongfang Yu asked.

"The Red Queen?" The man in the suit frowned, pondered for a moment, and said to Dongfang Yu: "Of course, as a deal, you take me out of this world, and I will help you get the Red Queen, so it's settled."

During the conversation, the man in the suit raised his palm, Dongfang Yu smiled, raised his hand in the same way, and clapped each other's hands. The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Happy cooperation!".

Can you cooperate happily? Dongfang Yu would not trust him, and similarly, the other party would not trust him either. This so-called happy cooperation was just a joke, as both parties knew that the other party was having his own ulterior motives.

But Dongfang Yu needs the help of the man in the suit if he wants to be popular. Similarly, if the man in the suit wants to escape from this apocalypse, he cannot do without Dongfang Yu. Therefore, although both parties know it well, at least the harmony on the surface Still have to maintain it.

The two sides made a verbal agreement. One year later, the man in the suit would exchange for Dongfang Yu to take him away after taking the red. Then, Dongfang Yu took Alice and left the temporary base of the umbrella. If the man in the suit helped him to win the red queen , I can't use myself, I don't need to stay in the umbrella for a long time, after all, the umbrella is the lair of men in suits.

Similarly, the man in the suit didn't want to spend more time with Dongfang Yu. With this year's time, I will verify some things well.

Alice, originally the Umbrella Company was determined to win, but it can be seen from the original book that the Umbrella captured Alice many times, and let her go on purpose many times, not just simply wanting to put her in the laboratory as a guinea pig , I want to see how she behaves outside.

Boom boom boom...

Alice was still driving the motorcycle, and Dongfang Yu was sitting behind her. After leaving Raccoon City, the outside world looked very harmonious, but Dongfang Yu knew that this was only temporary. In a few weeks, T The virus will sweep the entire United States, and in a few months, the whole world will fall.

"Dongfang, what kind of deal did you make with the umbrella man?" Alice asked while riding a motorcycle, her tone naturally not very happy. It can be said that as long as someone who comes out of Raccoon City alive, no one will Will have a good impression of the umbrella.

"It's not a transaction, it's just mutual use. As for whether I used him or he used me in the end, it's up to each other." Dongfang Yu put one arm around Alice's waist and said with a smile. With the touch of the palm, I can feel that although Alice's waist is slender, there is a sense of muscle explosion.

"You're using yourself as bait, so you're not afraid of being eaten, and you won't get anything?" Alice said.

"I'm the bait, but I hope to catch the fish so that he can't eat the bait," Dongfang Yu said with a smile.

"You are such a lunatic," Alice commented on Dongfang Yu's words.

Umbrella is the largest company in the world. It is no exception to say that its influence is comparable to that of a country. Dongfang Yu wants to compete with Umbrella Company? Isn't this crazy what is it

"I'm a lunatic? Why isn't the umbrella crazy? A lunatic will naturally use another lunatic to cure her." Dongfang Yu was not ashamed of Alice's evaluation, but proud of it.

"Perhaps, what you said is reasonable." After a moment of silence, Alice spoke in a rare voice, agreeing with Dongfang Yu's words.

After finally escaping from Raccoon City, Alice was in a good mood. She parked her motorcycle in front of a hamburger restaurant, went in and had a big meal, enjoying the food.

Having been busy all night in Raccoon City, at this time, even Dongfang Yu felt a little tired, and the hunger naturally emerged. Burgers, fried chicken legs, Coke, Dongfang Yu also opened their stomachs to eat, as if the two were in a competition. Yes, let's see who eats more.

In the hamburger restaurant, many office workers who got up looked at Dongfang Yu and Alice, their eyes widened. Where did these two starving ghosts come from

Both of them ignored the attention of the people next to them, but soon, the news on the TV attracted the attention of the two of them. The nuclear bomb exploded just now, and the media reported frantically like a shark smelling blood. Of course, These reports were all under the umbrella of intervention, saying it was a nuclear leak accident.

"Hmph!", watching the news report on TV, Alice snorted dissatisfiedly, then lowered her head and continued to eat.

Dongfang Yu also sneered at the reports on the TV, but the rest of the burger restaurant were all attracted, and there were even more discussions about the horrible nuclear leak that razed the entire Raccoon City to the ground? The citizens inside were killed and injured countless? This is the greatest tragedy of the century.

Dongfang Yu looked at Alice's earnest eating appearance, and took a closer look. Alice's figure is still very good, and her appearance can be regarded as upper-middle-class. The beauties of European and American countries are less weak than Chinese women, but A more sunny, exotic woman is also very attractive.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Alice asked in surprise, as if she had noticed Dongfang Yu's gaze.

"You are beautiful", Dongfang Yu spoke very directly and praised.

If it was a Chinese woman, she might be shy, but Alice thanked her generously. Compared with the reservedness of Chinese women, women in European and American countries are more open-minded.

Soon, the two were full, and called the waiter at the hamburger restaurant to check out. Alice looked at Dongfang Yu, but Dongfang Yu's eyes also fell on Alice. Immediately, the expressions of both of them changed It's a slight change.

"You two, who pays the bill?" Seeing that Dongfang Yu and Alice didn't intend to pay, the waiter at the hamburger restaurant seemed to realize something, and looked at them vigilantly.

"Don't look at me, I just ran out of the umbrella laboratory, and I don't have even a penny on me." Alice spoke first, and clarified: "As a man, don't you have any money on you?" .

"I originally carried some gold and precious stones, but I thought it was useless. Putting them on my body would be a hindrance, so I lost them all," Dongfang Yu said with an embarrassed expression.

"Then I have to call the police." It was just a breakfast, and the waiter at the burger shop also thought it was a joke to meet someone who ate the king's meal.

The waiter at the hamburger restaurant called the police, but Dongfang Yu and Alice were powerless to stop them. They both thought that the other party would have money.

At this moment, Dongfang Yu felt as if she had been cursed, a curse called "There is no money to eat in another world".

Yes, in the world of Tianlong Babu, there is no money to eat, and it is the same in the world of the Hobbit. Bilbo kindly took him in for a night, but this world of Resident Evil is even more helpless. He obviously brought gold and gems, but he Just throw it away.

So far, I have traveled through three planes, and each plane has no money to eat. Dongfang Yu really regrets it at the moment. It is good for me to keep two gold coins on me. In this biohazard world, T virus Sweeping the world, but there are still several months left, I just focus on the plot and ignore this small detail.

(ps: The collection has exceeded 5,000. To be honest, with the recommended recommendations of new books in a week, plus the strong push of categories in this half week, it is not bad to be able to exceed 5,000 collections. However, our recommendation tickets seem to be weak, brothers and sisters Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t write digressions asking for a recommendation ticket to be an eyesore, so will you forget to give me a ticket?)