Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 132: Things have changed


I had a long and frank conversation with Li Meilin, and we didn't end the conversation until her phone rang.

"Okay, I see, come down now."

Li Meilin hung up the phone, turned her head and said to me, "The target has appeared, let's go down."

"Yeah!" I nodded in agreement, slightly twitching the corners of my mouth, forming an arc of laughter on my left cheek.

For my private investigation and kidnapping of Luo Maolin, Li Meilin did not blame too much, but said that she should be informed in advance of this kind of thing, so that she could be prepared.

Standing at the entrance of the first hall of the office building, watching a little girl pull a large suitcase into the criminal police team, everyone became more vigilant.

Li Meilin gave a decisive instruction: "Turn on the signal shield to prevent the other party from touching the suitcase or the little girl. The technical team immediately controls all surveillance within two kilometers of the criminal police team and looks for suspicious persons."

Everything was proceeding step by step, but the little girl did not come to us and was stopped. The criminal police from the three technical teams conducted a preliminary inspection on her and confirmed that there was no problem before taking the little girl to us.

Looking at the innocent-looking little girl with the ponytail in front of me, I tentatively whispered, "Wang Lin?"

The little girl looked startled, looked at me suspiciously, and asked, "Big brother, how did you know my name is Wang Lin?"

Listening to her calm tone, my heart gradually relaxed, and I smiled and said, "I am your father's friend, and I am entrusted by your father to pick you up."

Hearing this, the little girl looked around, seeing that there was no Wang Yuanchao in the crowd, and asked, "Where's my dad?"

Without thinking, I said perfunctorily: "Your father is busy with something, so he asked me to pick you up."

The little girl gave a soft 'oh' sound.

I reached out and touched the little girl's head and changed the subject: "Did they bully you?"

The little girl shook her head and smiled happily at me: "No, the uncles are so kind to me, they not only bought me delicious food, but also bought me a big doll."

From the little girl's words and deeds, it is not difficult to see that Luo Maolin did nothing to hurt her after kidnapping her, so I was completely relieved. I gave Li Meilin a wink without leaving a trace, and motioned her to send someone to take the suitcase away for further inspection.

The technical experts invited by Li Meilin inspected the suitcase, and Wei Ruxue also did a comprehensive inspection of the little girl's whole body, and found no abnormality. It seems that the high-level staff of 'Seraph' is afraid of angering us and will act too radically, so they will show such sincerity.

Li Meilin hung on the epaulette and the walkie-talkie suddenly flashed: "Report to Team Li, a suspicious person was found on the rooftop opposite the building."

Li Meilin immediately replied: "Okay, I understand, continue to be vigilant."

"I'll deal with him." Now that I'm sure Wang Lin is fine, it doesn't make much sense for me to stay here. Although the 'Seraph' people didn't play tricks on Wang Lin, they sent people to lurk around the criminal police team. Taking this opportunity, I can just go out to help Ren Haojie and the others, and carry out my next plan by the way.

Li Meilin raised her eyebrows and looked at me: "Do you want me to send someone to assist you?"

I smiled comfortingly at her: "No, I'm still sure about dealing with Seraph's killer. Besides, it's easy to startle when there are too many people. If their people run away, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity. ."

"Then be careful."

"I see."

After I got out of the criminal police team, I stopped a taxi and the driver asked me, "Little brother, where are you going?"

"Go around the back of this building."

"Ah? Wouldn't it be closer if you went straight through the hall?" the driver asked in confusion.

My face sank, and I glared at him angrily: "Where does all this nonsense come from? You just drive your car."

Unexpectedly, my brother also became angry and sneered: "Hey! I hate you guys who think you are right with a few stinky money. I won't pull you today, get out of the car quickly."

I cursed in my heart, thinking, did this brother forget to take medicine when he went out

Before I could speak, my brother continued: "If you want to complain, feel free to call. I won't pull you today, so get out of the car quickly."

Looking at the more and more arrogant brother, I was also angry, grabbed his collar from behind, and slapped his temple with the other hand, slapped the brother straight in the eye. Venus.

I said coldly: "If you talk nonsense again, I will destroy you!"

This brother is also a grumpy temper, and he calmed down a little, and yelled and turned over to tear at me. I was completely aroused by anger, grabbed the front of his shirt, and violently dragged him from the driver's seat to the rear seat, holding him down with one hand and raising the palm of the other hand. For the sake of the knife, it slashed directly to his neck, knocking him unconscious.

"What a nasty guy." I couldn't help but feel amused that this kind of bizarre brother that I haven't met in a thousand years can even let me meet.

I squeezed into the driver's seat from the middle of the front seat, started the car and headed towards the back of the building. Entering from the back door, I took the elevator and went straight to the top floor. On the rooftop, I saw Lonely Killing with a solemn face, and two strange men lying on the ground. Beside them, a sniper rifle was lying quietly. and a rocket.

"I thought the people from Seraph showed their sincerity this time, but I didn't expect that they were waiting for us here." I laughed at myself. Judging from the scene, this move of Seraph It may have been a two-handed plan. If Luo Maolin could not be rescued, he would be directly killed with rockets. Even if we announced his identity, there would be insufficient evidence.

"Good girl is waiting for me, stand guard for the country..." The phone rang suddenly, I took it out and saw that it was Xiao Budian.

"What's wrong?"

The little voice sounded immediately: "Brother Chao, a special policeman is approaching you. Looking at their weapons and equipment, it seems that they are prepared."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, I called Li Meilin again and asked her what was going on

Li Meilin replied in a low tone: "It's a special police officer directly dispatched by the provincial department. The situation has changed, so hurry up and evacuate."

With Li Meilin's reminder, I realized the problem. Why did the special police from the provincial department suddenly appear here? It was obvious that someone was manipulating all of this behind the scenes, so it is not difficult to understand why Luo Maolin was able to successfully break into the police and take the position of the number one of the criminal police team.

I took out my phone and recorded a video of the scene, then turned to Gu Sha and said, "Senior, let's withdraw."

Gu Sha didn't ask much, nodded and agreed.