Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 135: When the water is clear, there are no fish


In my opinion, since people like Li Guofu dare to drug their artists, it is absolutely impossible to choose to commit suicide after the incident, and the red wine residue in the room is undoubtedly superfluous.

Although I don't know Lu Changran, from the fact that she was able to get involved with the high-priced secret flower case and ended up safe and sound, it shows that this woman is definitely not simple. Since she is not a simple woman, how could she be easily attacked by Li Guofu? What kind of people succeed

In the end, all speculations are just my speculations. As for what kind of person Lu Changran is, we still need to observe in person. So I asked Li Meilin, where is Lu Changran? I want to go see her.

Because Li Meilin had something to deal with, she arranged for Li Shengnan to accompany me to interrogate Lu Changran. I have no problem with that.

When it was just the two of us, Li Shengnan suddenly asked me if I knew Gu Sha. Although I was a little surprised, I kept calm and asked why

Seeing that I didn't hide it on purpose, Li Shengnan lowered his eyes and pondered, as if he had made a big decision, and said cautiously, "Although the past of Gu Sha is not visible, he saved my life not long ago. I thought I would never see him again, but I didn't expect that during the last mission, I found you two together on the surveillance camera." Li Shengnan suddenly stopped and looked at me expectantly.

Li Shengnan has always given me a sense of simplicity and integrity, but I have experienced all kinds of things recently, and I no longer dare to identify a person at will.

"Gu Sha was the former king of killers. He disappeared for ten years. I also accidentally met him in the high-priced secret flower case. We can be regarded as friends who are not friends."

Hearing what I said, Li Shengnan's expectant look turned into confusion. She frowned slightly and asked, "What is a friend who is not a friend?"

I smiled brightly and explained: "Lonely kill is arrogant, even if I regard him as a friend, he may not think so. Although he has lived in seclusion for ten years, he still likes bloodthirsty and fighting. In this regard, find him some wicked people, and kill these people without taking legal responsibility, this can be regarded as a kind of cooperation in disguise."

Li Shengnan's frown deepened, "Murder is murder, how can you not be held legally responsible?"

I asked back: "If you kill one person and save a hundred people, why do you need to take legal responsibility? The police can make great achievements by killing thugs, but should we take legal responsibility for killing these shameless killers? This is not a typical case of only allowing state officials to set fires. Are the people not allowed to light the lamps?"

Li Shengnan stopped talking for a while, opened his mouth, and finally stopped arguing with me on this issue.

I smiled at her: "Just kidding, let's go, let's meet Lu Changran."

When Li Shengnan took me to see Lu Changran, she looked a little sluggish, sitting on the corner of the bed with her hands around her knees, and most of her head was buried in her knees.

Li Shengnan gave me a questioning look, I nodded slightly at her, walked to the bed indifferently, and stared at Lu Changran, who looked pitiful. Since she wants to play silence, then I will accompany her to play.

From the moment I heard the name Lu Changran, combined with Li Meilin's tone at that time, I realized that this was definitely not an ordinary case. Li Meilin seemed to know something, but was reluctant to reveal it to me, but she chose to let me participate in this case, obviously with her own purpose.

Maybe I had preconceived that this was not an ordinary rape case. When I played the surveillance video I retrieved, I observed every link very carefully. The process of Li Guofu and Lu Changran entering the room naturally did not escape me. Eye.

We might as well assume that Li Guofu had drugged or drunk Lu Changran before, and he had drank a lot of wine, then when Li Guofu brought a beautiful woman like Lu Changran into the room, the first What will you do for a while

If it is a man who has already conspired to do something wrong, he will undoubtedly vent his desires for the first time, then how to explain the residual red wine that has been drugged in the glass? I think after Li Guofu succeeds, it is impossible to continue to sit in the room by himself and have a red wine bar

Furthermore, since Li Guofu dared to rape Lu Changran, how could he choose to commit suicide by jumping off the building inexplicably, these two points are obviously the biggest doubts.

Li Shengnan and I have known each other for a while, and she also knows very well that I have never been nervous about playing tricks when handling cases. Seeing me, she looked at Lu Changran silently. She didn't say much, and stood silently behind me. The atmosphere in the room was a little stiff, and I could clearly feel that Lu Changran gradually became heavy breathing under my meaningful gaze.

It took more than two hours. I had to admire Lu Changran's endurance. When she raised her head and looked at me with blurred eyes, the fleeting eyes in her eyes could not escape my eyes. .

"I don't have anything to say, I just want to be alone now." Lu Changran's red lips moved slightly, and his hoarse voice slowly spit out.

The corners of my mouth twitched in a strange arc. If it was another woman who would have behaved like this when they encountered this situation, I would understand. But as an artist, with such a reaction, I just want to say that Lu Changran's acting is so real, so real that I feel like he is acting.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. It seems very appropriate to use this principle to describe it.

I didn't answer, I still stood quietly in front of the bed, maintaining my original posture.

Seeing that I was unmoved, Lu Changran frowned slightly and repeated, "I already said it, I just want to be alone now."

I still don't respond.

Lu Changran suddenly burst into tears. I really felt pity for the appearance of pear blossoms with rain, but, the more she was like this, didn't it mean that she was abnormal

"What are you trying to do? Don't we stars need privacy?" Lu Changran's cry was filled with a little anger, "I now ask to contact my lawyer."

I grinned at her and said, "I'm not at all interested in your celebrity's so-called privacy. A murder case happened. As a public figure and the person involved, don't you think you should explain the situation to the police?"

"Even if I have to explain, it has nothing to do with you, and you are not a policeman!"

Looking at the angry Lu Changran, the smile on my face became even bigger, like the sunshine on a spring afternoon. Since she can clearly know that I am not a policeman, can she indirectly explain that she knows me

Although sometimes I am more narcissistic, but I still have self-knowledge. How could a 'movie song' three-residential popular star know such a little-known little person like me

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind, why am I somehow involved in this case? Will this case be another test for me like the previous ones? Or is there another conspiracy behind this case

I looked at her meaningfully for a moment again, and suddenly laughed when she was about to get angry again: "Lu Daxing is right, I am not a policeman, and I have no right to ask you about the case. Sorry, I was abrupt."

I bowed deeply to Lu Changran with a sincere expression on my face, then turned around and walked out, not to mention Lu Changran’s dazed behavior, even Li Shengnan, who wanted to learn from the side, was two feet tall. Monk, I don't know which one I'm singing.

"Hey! You just left?" Li Shengnan caught up and asked in confusion.

I kept walking and asked with a smile, "Otherwise?"

"But she didn't say anything."

"Didn't she say she wants to be alone? And she also said that I'm not a policeman. If I continue, I'll have to find a lawyer to sue me."

"Even if you're not a police officer, you're a criminal advisor to our criminal police team." Li Shengnan was a little excited.

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help laughing 'haha', reached out and patted her shoulder, half-jokingly: "Young man, don't get excited so easily, learn to be calm when things go wrong. Although Lu Changran has nothing. Said, but her reaction told me the answer."

"What's the answer, don't give a shit." Li Shengnan grabbed my sleeve.

"Didn't you find that Lu Changran is really a good actor? Do you think that even if she is willing to say it, how much of what she says is true and how much is acting?"

"Ah?" Li Shengnan looked at me in surprise, "You mean, Lu Changran has a problem?"

"Of course." I nodded affirmatively, and gave an inappropriate example, "If this happened to you, how would you feel?"

When I said this, Li Shengnan suddenly thought of what happened last time, his face turned pale with fear, and he was silent for a while before he said indignantly: "If it were me, I would definitely be grieved and indignant, and I can't wait to entrust the culprit to life. stripped."

"Then do you think that Lu Changran, as a star, after experiencing such a thing, is so normal? Don't you think that someone like Li Guofu who dares to do this kind of thing will suddenly find out in his conscience after he succeeds. , and then commit suicide under guilt?"

Under my perseverance, Li Shengnan blurted out without thinking, "Of course not."

"But this thing happened."

Li Shengnan's eyes lit up with excitement on his face: "You mean, Li Guofu didn't actually commit suicide by jumping off the building, but was killed by Lu Changran. The red wine left in the glass was also left by Lu Changran to confuse us? "

"As for whether this is the case or not, we can't be sure yet, but I'm sure that there is definitely something wrong with Lu Changran." I paused and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go around the Fengdu Hotel, maybe there will be An unexpected gain."

Li Shengnan's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and he agreed on the spot excitedly: "I'll drive, you wait for me at the entrance of the hall." After he finished speaking, he trotted and disappeared in front of me.