Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 14: Flirting with tall girls (2)


Just as the silver needle was about to pierce my neck, I suddenly opened my eyes and grabbed the girl's wrist in a flash.

The girl didn't expect that I would suddenly open my eyes, and I didn't expect that I would grab her wrist with lightning speed at the critical moment. No matter how hard she tried, the silver needle could no longer move forward, and the girl stared at me in disbelief.

"I didn't let you down, did I?" I grinned at her, a clear and bright light flashed in my eyes, where did I still look lewd and lewd before.

"You lied to me! Go to hell!"

As soon as the girl's voice fell, a strong force suddenly erupted on her arm, trying to bounce my hand away, but how could I easily let her succeed

My hand was like a pair of iron pliers gripping her wrist tightly, no matter how hard she tried, it still remained motionless.

The girl's eyes flashed fiercely. Seeing that my right hand was caught by me and couldn't break free, she immediately used the second finger of her left hand to stab my eyes.

I was provoked with anger, and when I turned my head to dodge her vicious attack, my left hand suddenly exerted force. The girl was in pain, and the five fingers of her right hand could not help but open, and the silver needle fell from her hand.

I quickly pinched the falling silver needle with my two fingers, and without stopping, pierced the silver needle into the girl's snow-white round thigh. The skin that was pierced by the silver needle was turning black and purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I sneered again and again, the silver needle was indeed smeared with poison.

The girl was terrified and wanted to break free from my control, but the strength in her body was getting smaller and smaller, and her face was getting paler. It seemed that if it continued like this, she would die in a short while.

I suddenly shouted: "Speak! Who sent you to kill me?"

The girl kept her mouth shut, but her left hand quickly took out a small red bottle from her pocket. It should be an antidote without asking.

With quick eyes and quick hands, I grabbed the little red bottle into my hands and pressed the girl under me, making her unable to move.

"I'll give you one last chance, who sent you to assassinate me?" I sneered at the corner of my mouth, "Speak up, live! Don't say, die!"

Seeing that I was really moving, there was a touch of fear in the girl's pupils, the fear of death. In fact, even a killer is not indifferent in the face of death.

"No one sent me here. I took over the task of assassinating you from the Secret Flower List."

"How dare you lie to me at this time?" I sneered, "Then go to hell!"

"I didn't lie to you, it's because you don't trust me!" The girl stared at me angrily, her voice getting smaller and smaller, and her pupils gradually lost their luster and became hollow.

Looking at the pretty face of the girl whose blood has almost completely faded away, her pale lips have become almost transparent, no matter if she lied to me or not, it is impossible for me to watch her die here. I don't care about killing people, I just don't want my hard-earned peaceful life to be disrupted so quickly.

Fortunately, the poison didn't seal the throat with blood, otherwise, even if I had the heart to save her, I would be powerless.

I opened the bottle cap, poured out a pill from the inside and pinched it in my fingers. The moment the girl saw the pill, she saw the hope of life at the same time, and hurriedly said to me: "Quick... give it to me."

I gave a narrow smile: "Don't worry, little baby, you fed me drink just now, and now I'll feed you the antidote."

As I spoke, I put the antidote in my mouth, and winked at the girl below me with a wretched face: "If you want the antidote, get it yourself."

The girl was pressed down by me and couldn't move, the only thing that could move was her eyes and mouth. Even if I don't control her at this time, I'm afraid that the medicinal properties on the silver needle will also drain the strength in her body.

"I swear that in the future I will pay back the humiliation I suffered today." Even now, the girl has not forgotten to threaten me, but the voice is so small that it completely loses the strength of the threat.

"That's for the future. Come on baby, let me detoxify you."

I put the pill in my mouth, and put my mouth close to the girl with a wretched face.

The girl's sweet tongue slowly stuck into my mouth to find the pill, and while I was feeding the pill into her mouth, I took the opportunity to hold the soft tongue and suck it hard.

I didn't feel that this was a fall. The girl came to assassinate me. Not only did I not kill her, but I rescued her with virtue and resentment. This should be regarded as her compensation to me.

After about ten minutes, I looked at the girl who was gradually recovering, and I laughed and joked: "The poison smeared on your silver needle is so bad that you can't see the blood and seal the throat. If there is a chance in the future, I will I'll get you some high-quality poison, and you're guaranteed to die."

The girl gave me a disgusted look, clearly displeased with my previous actions towards her.

I smiled indifferently, didn't I just ask her for a long kiss as compensation? It didn't take away her virginity.

In fact, she was lucky enough. If I were to be replaced by a real womanizer, I am afraid that with the face of an angel and the figure of a devil, it is still unknown whether she can keep her virginity.

I picked up the bottle and poured two glasses of wine, one of which was handed to the girl, and said with a smile, "Come on, let's continue the game that we didn't finish before."

"You're as beautiful as you think!"

"Could it be that you are the only one who is beautiful, and you won't allow me to think beautiful?" I winked at her, looking really bad.

The girl didn't continue to fool me on this issue and turned her head away from looking at me.

I moved my butt, pressed close to the girl, and shook her with my elbow: "Don't be so arrogant! You wanted to kill me first, but I not only didn't watch you die, but I also repaid the rescue with virtue. It's not an exaggeration to ask you for a kiss as compensation, right?"

The girl knew that she was wrong, turned around and snatched the glass from my hand, raised her head and drank it all, staring at me with a bad expression and asked, "How did you see through my identity as a killer?"

Instead of answering, I asked, "Why should I tell you?"

"You!" The girl was angry, her delicate body couldn't help shaking a little, and she didn't know if she was angry or was still brooding about what happened just now.

"It's not impossible to answer your question, but in exchange, you have to answer me a question. If you want to know anything else, we can continue to ask each other, how?"

The girl lowered her eyes and pondered, only to see long eyelashes covering her soft eyes. I have to say that this girl is really beautiful. If you compare her with Zhang Yating, they both have their own strengths and strengths.

I suddenly felt emotional, because of this murder, so many beautiful women suddenly appeared in my life, and I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse. Just take the example just now, if it wasn't for my background as a killer and seeing through the girl's disguise, I would have gone to the King of Hell to report.

The ancients said that it is not unreasonable that there is a knife on the head of the word color.

"Okay, I promise you, but I have to ask you questions first." The girl raised her eyes and stared at me fixedly.

"No problem!" I raised my hand, snapped my fingers, and readily agreed, "But can you tell me your name before we start? After all, we've already known each other, and I just saved your life in return for virtue. You don't even know your name, it's really hard to tell."

The girl thought for a moment and said, "My name is Yan Sitong, nicknamed the poisonous spider."

Hearing what Yan Sitong said, I almost spit out the wine I just drank, and pouted and said, "Poisonous spider? I think you are almost a stupid spider."

"Who do you call a stupid spider?" Yan Sitong was about to get angry on the spot, and a proud arc swayed on his chest because of his anger.

I thought to myself, this woman is the real big boobs and no brains. If it's so obvious, do you need to ask? And with a casual sentence, I asked her name and added a nickname. Just these two points can get me two questions in exchange, isn't that stupid? Of course, I won't tell her that.

I sat upright and said loudly, "You can start asking me questions now, and I will definitely tell the truth about everything I know, and I hope you can do the same."

Don't look at the uprightness of what I said on the surface, but in my heart I was thinking about innocuous issues and told her, and I was fumbling with her when it came to my past.

Yan Sitong tilted her head to look at me for a while, and said sarcastically, "A person like you who can tell a serious lie will know everything about me? Are you a liar?"

I couldn't help but give her a thumbs up, it seems that this woman is not too stupid.

"Didn't you pretend to be Miss Night Market to deceive me before? I'm just wisely fighting with you, not to mention deception. If you don't even have such a little trust, then we don't need to ask each other any more questions. Now, you can leave."

I blankly analyzed the cause and effect to Yan Sitong, and expressed my attitude at the same time.

"Okay then!" Yan Sitong compromised, "I ask you, how did you see through my identity?"

I smiled maliciously at her: "Although you are no different from those women in the night scene, the most obvious thing is from you, I don't see that coquettishness from the inside out. ."

"Secondly, you can accurately say that I drank three beers in four hours, indicating that you have observed me since I entered the bar, or followed me all the way to the bar."

Yan Sitong suddenly interrupted and said, "I said that you are poor in alcohol, so you followed my words and said that the three bottles of beer were drank in one go half an hour ago. In fact, it was not to make a big deal, but to set my words?"

I laughed without saying a word, and continued: "Which of the women in the night scene doesn't smell of alcohol? But you don't. People who don't drink in a place like a bar, except for the staff, are the most likely Sex is only a killer. And you deliberately took the glass from my hand and drank the wine, which even more exposed your intention to hide this."