Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 140: Little killed


"There is only one purpose to convene everyone so late for a meeting. I think the comrades are very aware of the three consecutive suicide cases and the impact. We will send people to covertly protect the other sensible members of the Liu Group. Due to the urgent and special situation, everyone Work hard." Without unnecessary nonsense, Li Meilin recounted the main content of the two meetings with a solemn expression.

Song Zhe swept Li Meilin secretly with his eyes, and said cautiously, "Team Li, if we spread our manpower out like this, will it affect the progress of the investigation of the first three cases? And from the homicides of the latter two cases. The clues obtained at the scene all point to the deceased's suicide."

Song Zhe's remarks were approved by most people, and it was generally believed that such a large-scale arrangement of police forces would have an impact on the investigation of the first three cases.

Li Meilin defied all opinions and refused to refuse: "No matter how difficult it is, after the order is issued, everyone must implement it seriously."

Song Zhe and the others looked at each other, and swallowed the words that came to their mouths. After working together for many years, they have long known Li Meilin's unique character, and now she is the leader of the criminal police team. If the orders given are not carried out, they will definitely be criticized.

When all the section leaders left in despair, Li Meilin's expression was extremely indifferent. If it wasn't for the fact that these section leaders were all senior citizens of the Criminal Police Force, she would have already let them pack up and leave.

Tonight, I can't reach my fingers in the dark night, and I don't know when the rain started to fall in the cold wind. I sat in the car and stared at the boundless night in a daze, and finally I was reminded by the ringing of my mobile phone.

"What's wrong with Sister Lin?" Calling me at this time, I instinctively thought that Li Meilin had something important to do.

"I have already arranged as you said, where are you now?"

"I'm busy outside, just tell me if I have something." I don't want Li Meilin to know that I'm just waiting for the rabbit in the small carriage. Although all I do is for her, I don't want her to thank me for it. or something else.

"It's alright, then I'll hang up first."

"Well, Sister Lin, please rest early."

After hanging up the phone, I fell into thinking again. Li Meilin has dispatched a large number of police forces to supervise and protect the senior personnel of the Liu Group in accordance with my proposal. I wonder if there will still be suicide cases tonight.

Not long after, a car was parked in another parking space not far from me, but no one got out of the car. I thought it might be someone from the Criminal Police Team, because I was worried, so I called Li Meilin to confirm it, and only when I got her reply did I feel relieved.

Suddenly there was a ticking sound on the windshield. It turned out that raindrops fell in the sky at some point, and the rain was getting heavier and louder. I suddenly had an ominous premonition that it might happen tonight. Issues. With a strong sense of unease, the long night finally came to an end.

"I don't love you because you're beautiful, I love you because you're kind..." I was shocked, picked up my phone and glanced at it, it was Xiaodian calling, could it be something wrong with him

"Little one..." I changed in a low voice, and for some reason, a strong sense of unease came to my heart.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while before a cold voice came: "Don't continue to participate in the police affairs, or you will be the next one to lose your life."

My face sank to the bottom in an instant, and I asked, "Who are you?" But the answer to me was a busy tone of 'dudu'.

I was stunned, and quickly called Ren Haojie and the others, informing them to rush to the place where Little Budian was guarding.

I drove all the way in the rain, and when I arrived at the red house community where Xiaobudian was guarding, there were already police cordoning off the periphery.

The people from the criminal police team knew me, and they didn't stop me when they saw me walking quickly with a bad expression on my face. The blood in my whole body almost dropped to freezing point when I fell into the water when I saw the icy-cold corpse.

"When we found out, the person was already dead." Song Zhe whispered to me.

I walked over and crouched down and picked up the little corpse, letting the rain wet my hair and clothes.

Seeing that I was leaving, Song Zhe said in embarrassment, "Luo Chao, you can't take his body away."

At this time, my heart was full of anger, and I couldn't help but have the urge to kill. I didn't even look at him, and continued to walk forward with no expression.

Song Zhe looked a little overwhelmed. He caught up behind him, grabbed my arm, and said loudly, "Luo Chao, you can't take the body away without Team Li's order. I hope you don't make it too difficult for us."

"I'll explain to Team Lee."

"No, without Team Li's order, you absolutely cannot take the body away." Song Zhe insisted stubbornly.

"What if I want to take the body away?"

Song Zhe was also provoked by my icy tone, "I want to see how you took the body away under my nose."

I shook my arm, bounced Song Zhe's arm, raised my leg and kicked him to the ground, my icy eyes shot at him, and said coldly, "I already said that I will explain to Team Li, If you are blocking me, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

Song Zhe curled up on the ground in pain. The rain wet his clothes. He pointed at me and shouted at the other policemen who were dumbfounded, "Stop him for me."

The policemen looked at each other, but eventually they surrounded me, blocking my way. Although we all know the relationship between me and Li Meilin, Song Zhe is their immediate boss after all.

I narrowed my eyes tiredly, and the moment I opened them again, a strong killing intent burst out from my deep eyes. Holding the little corpse, I moved my hand towards the policeman standing in front of me. The policeman standing in front of me was kicked upside down by me.

"Don't move, I'll shoot if you move again." Song Zhe got up from the ground at some point, holding a pistol in his hand, and aimed at me with trembling hands.

In the rain, I saw a black car coming towards us quickly. I turned around, my icy eyes fell on Song Zhe's face again, and he said coldly, "I hate people threatening me the most in my life, especially people who threaten me with a gun pointed at my head."

I swayed my foot and rushed towards Song Zhe. Before he could fully react, I kicked the gun in his hand and kicked him directly in the cheek with a back spin. Before Song Zhe could figure out what was going on, his eyes darkened and he passed out.