Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 142: Find out the truth (2)


"How is it? What clues did you find?" Seeing me staring at Song Yanyan's body for a long time without saying a word, Li Meilin couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

I slowly turned my eyes to look at her, with a dignified look on my brows, and whispered: "The face is blue-purple, the tibia is broken, and there are obvious streaks on the neck, which are characteristics of suicide by hanging. "

"In other words, Song Yanyan really committed suicide?"

I nodded and shook my head again: "The deceased had multiple scars on his body. I suspect that even if he committed suicide, he might have been coerced."

Li Meilin raised her eyebrows and said, "Maybe it's because Wang Jiao has domestic violence?"

"Then we can only ask forensic doctor Mao to identify the time when the wounds on the deceased's body formed." As I said, I stretched out my hand to cover the body again with a white cloth, and walked out of the bedroom with heavy steps.

In the living room, when Li Meilin and I came out, Li Shengnan took the lead to greet me.

I opened my mouth and asked, "What can I find from the surveillance video that I retrieved?"

Li Shengnan shook his head: "No, the surveillance shows that Song Yanyan has never left the villa."

I asked again, "Who called the police?"

"The nanny of the Wang family."

"Call someone over, I need to know something."

Not long after, Li Shengnan brought a woman who looked to be in her fifties and came to me and said, "She is the nanny of the Wang family, her name is Liu Cuilan."

Looking at the somewhat restrained nanny Liu Cuilan in front of me, I nodded slightly to her: "You don't have to be nervous, I asked you to come here just to find out something, not to have any doubts about you."

"Whatever you want to ask, feel free to ask. I have already explained everything I know before." Liu Cuilan's nervous expression eased a little, and it is not difficult to hear from her words that other policemen have recorded her before Confession.

"How long have you been a nanny at Wang Dong's house?"

"I came with you when the young lady married the master. It's just thirty years since I've been here this year."

"Thirty years?" I was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, "It's long enough."

In the past, it was popular for some big families to be ordained as dowry maids. I asked again: "I want to know what kind of person Wang Dong is in your eyes?"

"Master, he is a highly cultivated person. Over the years, I have hardly seen him lose his temper." Speaking of this, Liu Cuilan couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"And what about Mrs. Wang? What kind of person is she in your eyes?"

Speaking of Song Yanyan, Liu Cuilan showed a hint of hesitation on her face, and she was silent for a while before slowly saying: "Miss, although she has a bad temper, but she has a very kind heart. And suicide, I don't understand either."

Speaking of Song Yanyan here, I deliberately turned the topic to Wang Jiao, "What is Wang Dong's daily life like?"

"Master's daily life..." Liu Cuilan was obviously not comfortable with the way I asked, and after thinking for a while, she continued to answer in a low voice, "Master, apart from going to work in the company, the rest of the time is basically at home reading books, raising flowers, etc. Yes, even if I go out occasionally, I accompany the young lady."

"So do Mrs. Wang and Wang Dong have frequent quarrels, or do they occasionally have hands-on situations?"

Listening to my question, Liu Cuilan's expression changed. This time, after hesitating for a while, she said, "Usually it's the young lady who hits the master. He never fights back, he just hides in the guest room silently and sleeps alone."

From Liu Cuilan's words, it can be concluded that Song Yanyan is a woman with a violent personality. But didn't she say at the beginning that Song Yanyan was a kind-hearted woman with a knife mouth and a tofu heart? Don't these two points contradict each other

I stared at Liu Cuilan for a long while, and under my gaze, her eyes were dodging intentionally or unintentionally, and she did not dare to look at me.

"This little brother, do you have any other questions? If not, I'll go to other things first." Liu Cuilan asked me naively.

I suddenly grinned at her: "No, if Auntie has something to do, go to work first."

Liu Cuilan turned to leave when I suddenly asked from behind, "Auntie, who did you hear that I'm not a police officer?"

"Ah?" Under my half-smiling eyes, Liu Cuilan looked flustered, but she forced herself to calm down, "I just saw that you were not wearing a police uniform, so I guess you are not a police officer."

This answer is quite witty, but who said that if you don't wear a police uniform, you are not a policeman

The corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and I said with a smile, "Auntie, there is a type of policeman called a plainclothes detective, and I happen to be a plainclothes detective, not the little brother someone told you."

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Seeing Liu Cuilan's apologetic face, I smiled and waved my hand: "It's okay Auntie, you can go."

"Thank you, Comrade Police." Liu Cuilan seemed to have received an amnesty, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked away quickly.

Li Meilin's face was much more relaxed than before. Don't look at me for a moment, and said, "Why did you lie to her? Do you suspect that there is something wrong with her?"

I smiled lightly: "I don't have doubts, it's just that I haven't figured out some issues. Oh, by the way, let me use Katsuo for a while, no problem, right?"

"As long as it's related to the case, you can borrow it from anyone from the Criminal Police Force."

"Thanks then." After saying that, I walked out of the villa.

Li Shengnan followed me out of the villa, and complained dissatisfiedly: "Hey! I'm not something, you just borrow it as you say? Have you asked me for my opinion?"

I looked at her narrowly: "I didn't say you are a thing! It's just borrowed and used, and it won't break."

Seeing the ill will on my face, Li Shengnan realized it later, and rolled his eyes diligently: "You are not a thing, your whole family is not a thing!"

I laughed, and I still understand when I see it.

As soon as I got in the car, Li Shengnan asked me where to go? I directly told her the villa area where I am now.

Li Shengnan looked at me with a confused look, "Isn't Liu Zhentian's assassination in this villa area? Why are we going there?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just drive your car." I didn't want to answer her, so I just leaned back on the seat, closed my eyes and dozed off.

"You!" Li Shengnan said at the end, glared at me angrily, turned his head and started the car seriously.

Now that Li Meilin already knows where I live, there is no need to continue to hide it. And when I named Li Shengnan, I actually had my own plans.