Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 143: Investigate the truth (3)


When Gu Sha saw Li Shengnan who was following behind me, the expression on his face was very rich, but the latter was a little shy in his excitement.

"I knew that I would definitely see you again." Li Shengnan took two steps forward over me, looking at Gu Sha with eyes like water.

Gu Sha frowned slightly, but did not reply, but turned his eyes to me with a questioning look.

I gave him a wink without leaving a trace, and then said, "Senior, Katsuo is here to help me investigate these suicide cases. I think they are all family, so I brought her back."

The time we met was not too short, Gu Sha knew in his heart that I would never bring Li Shengnan over for no reason. Although I said so, I definitely had my own wishful thinking in my heart.

Gu Sha also cooperated, nodding at Li Shengnan: "Welcome to be a guest." Although there are not many words, it is not easy to be able to say it from his taciturn mouth.

Li Shengnan was stunned for a moment, then laughed happily, and thanked him in a brisk tone: "Thank you, I was very nervous before coming here, worried that I would disturb you and make you unhappy."

I interjected: "How come, such a lovely classmate like our Katsuo can come to us, senior he is too happy, how can he be angry?"

Li Shengnan looked at Gu Sha shyly, and when he saw his tense face loosened a little, he felt relieved, and rolled his eyes at me playfully.

I grinned: "Katsuo, I'll go back to sleep first, let the seniors show you around, just stay for lunch together at noon, and we'll go to the case when we've recovered enough energy?"

Li Shengnan thought for a moment, and readily agreed: "Alright, for the sake of your hard work in helping our criminal police team solve the case, I will reluctantly agree to you."

Looking at the innocent Lee Seung-nam, I laughed brightly. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that she has a crush on Gu Sha, and I still want Gu Sha to conquer her with a handsome man.

Back in the room, I called Ren Haojie and wanted to ask how the situation over there was handled? However, the voice that came back from the phone was that of a strange man, and this man's voice was very familiar to me.

"What did you do to the heroes?" The situation of Ren Haojie and others can be imagined when the phone changed hands.

An indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Didn't I warn you before to stop participating in the police affairs, you have to listen, now watching your brothers die one by one, are you satisfied?"

"Good, good!" I said three good words in a series, and the grief and anger in my heart could no longer be suppressed. "If you let me know who you are, even if you chase it to the ends of the earth, I will let you pay with blood!"

In the face of my threat, the other party chuckled disdainfully: "Don't worry, even if you don't come to me, I will find you, and we still need to make a break. By the way, I will remind you again solemnly. Once, if you continue to participate in the police affairs, the people around you will die one after another."

Listening to the busy tone of the phone hanging up, the blood in my body dropped to freezing point.

I tried to call Bu Zhigang and Wu Xianming again, but the result was that they were temporarily unavailable, and the luck in my heart gradually disappeared. Even if the three of Ren Haojie are not first-class masters, they have also injected serum into their bodies, and they have stayed with Gu Sha for a while. They can kill him without the three of them sending any information. This strength can be imagined. .

In this case, it is obvious that someone is behind the scenes. Although I know that the people who died one after another did not commit suicide, they are still very powerless.

I forced myself to calm down, starting with the first suicide case, and sorting through all the clues in my head again. In the first case of Li Guofu's suicide by jumping off a building, Lu Changran was involved and survived. In the second case of Wang relying on suicide, the suspect Song Yanyan committed suicide, and the clues were almost interrupted. In the third case, Qin Yanbin cut his wrists to commit suicide, and there is no effective clue for the time being.

So next? Will anyone still be killed

Until noon, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside, and Li Shengnan walked in, looking around my room curiously. Tsk tsk said: "Luo Chao, I didn't expect you to be a rich man who could afford a villa."

I didn't want to put the grief and anger on my face, so I tried to ease my emotions and smiled at her reluctantly: "Why did you come up?"

Li Shengnan rolled his eyes forcefully: "It's noon, come up and call you for dinner, or do you think I'm here to visit your room?"

It turned out that it was noon before I knew it, and I replied naively, "Oh, let's go, let's go eat first."

"What's wrong with you? You seem to have something on your mind?" Li Shengnan finally found out that something was wrong with me, and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about something related to the case. Let's go to dinner, we'll investigate the clues after dinner."

Seeing that I didn't want to say more, Li Shengnan suppressed his curiosity and silently followed me downstairs.

For an entire afternoon, Li Shengnan and I visited some friends who were close to her based on Song Yanyan's social network. From these people's mouths, I can conclude that Song Yanyan is not a violent person, on the contrary, she is a gentle woman with a good wife and mother.

Then the question arises again, why did the nanny Liu Cuilan of the Wang family lie to us

After I came out of the Perfect Gym, I said to Li Shengnan, "Shengnan, go back to the criminal police team and report the progress of the case to Sister Lin, and by the way, help me check Liu Cuilan's family background."

Li Shengnan tilted his head to look at me for a moment and asked, "Do you suspect Liu Cuilan will lie to us again?"

I nodded: "It's possible, because what she said was contradictory at the beginning."

"What about you? Where are you going?"

"I still have something to deal with. When the results of the investigation are obtained, let me know as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Watching Li Shengnan drive away, I stopped a taxi on the side of the road and went back to my residence. I found Gu Sha and told him about Ren Haojie and the three, and wanted to hear his opinion.

"The mobile phone has fallen into the hands of the other party. Heroes and the others are afraid that there will be more misfortunes than good luck."

Hearing Gu Sha's answer, the only luck in my heart instantly turned into despair.

Seeing my face turned ashes, Lonely said again: "Before seeing the bodies of the three of them, we should give ourselves a little hope, and think on the bright side, maybe the other party just controlled the three of them, not killed them."

I forced a smile: "I hope so."

Gu Sha pondered for a moment, and then said: "Well, we will act separately, you stay at home to continue the investigation, I will go to Xiaodian's hometown to see if I can find Heroes and the others."

Judging from the current situation, it can only be like this. I nodded in agreement, and warned: "Senior, be careful."

After Gu Sha left, I went back to my room, opened my laptop, and directly hacked into the monitoring system of the affiliated hospital where Lu Changran was located.