Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 146: Lonely killed


"Xiao Zhao, how is the patient's recovery?" The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, and a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked in.

This doctor is none other than the doctor on duty two days ago.

"Deputy Director Wang, this patient is a freak!" The nurse called Xiao Zhao excitedly reported my recovery to Deputy Director Wang, "He has not grown back except for the cut off tongue, and his face The wound and the broken hand tendon have basically healed on their own."

Deputy Director Wang chuckled and explained, "In every million people, there is one person whose body functions are different from ordinary people. If you come into contact with more of these people, you won't be surprised."

The little nurse nodded in understanding, "Then are they considered mutants?"

"It's an exaggeration to say that they are mutants. It's just that their body functions are different from normal people. For example, some people's bodies can conduct electricity, and some people's eyes can spray water."

"Hee hee, after listening to your explanation, I seem to understand." The little nurse smiled brightly.

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, I forgot the patient's case in the office. Please go and get it for me."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao agreed, turned and walked out of the ward.

Watching Xiao Zhao leave, Deputy Director Wang walked over and locked the door of the ward. At this moment, his kind gaze changed, becoming fierce and greedy.

With a sneer on the corner of Deputy Director Wang's mouth, he slowly took out a syringe the size of a child's wrist from his pocket and walked towards the hospital bed step by step.

I stared at the ceiling silently in a daze, as if I didn't see him.

Deputy Director Wang stood in front of me and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just need a little of your blood."

Seeing that I was unmoved, Deputy Director Wang thought I acquiesced, holding the syringe in one hand and grabbing my wrist with the other. When he was about to meet me, my eyes suddenly narrowed, I grabbed his wrist with a flip of my wrist, and pulled it hard, and Deputy Director Wang fell on the bed with a strange cry.

I rolled over and sat up, grabbed the syringe from his hand, pressed his head on the pillow with my left hand, raised the syringe and stabbed him in the neck. Deputy Director Wang wanted to struggle, but there was nothing comparable to my strength, so he had no choice but to let me insert the syringe into his neck.

After about a minute, Deputy Director Wang gradually stopped struggling, and the whole person became quiet. I reached for the pulse of his neck and found that he had no pulse.

I rolled over and got out of bed, took off Deputy Director Wang's white coat and put it on myself. After doing all this, there was a knock at the door, and I knew it was the nurse Xiao Zhao.

I moved Deputy Director Wang's body to the bed and covered it with a quilt, then I went to open the door unhurriedly. I stood behind the door, waited for nurse Xiao Zhao to enter the ward, and then locked the door again.

When the little nurse looked back at me, she pointed at me in surprise and was speechless.

I glanced at her indifferently, stepped forward to control her, and whispered: "Don't talk, as long as you cooperate with me well, I will not hurt you."

The little nurse glanced at the hospital bed in horror. Seeing that the white bedding was stained with blood, she already knew what had happened. She nodded desperately, looking at me pitifully with her almond eyes.

I let go of the hand covering the little nurse's mouth and asked her, "Are there police guards from the Interpol team at the door?"

The little nurse took a step back in fear and replied in a low voice, "Yes, there are two plainclothes detectives."

Seeing that I fell into silence, the little nurse dared to ask, "What did you do to Deputy Director Wang?"



I glared at her coldly, and the little nurse quickly covered her mouth, for fear that her screaming would arouse my dissatisfaction and be poisoned by me.

Thinking that the little nurse in front of me has been pretty good to me these days, my icy eyes eased a little, "Don't be afraid, as long as you obediently cooperate with me to leave, I won't hurt you."

The little nurse nodded quickly: "How do you need me to cooperate with you?"

"I don't need you to do anything, as long as you quietly follow me and leave the hospital."

"Well, as long as you don't hurt me, you can ask me to do anything."

Seeing the trembling look of the little nurse, I didn't say anything more, put on the mask, turned around to open the door, and walked out of the ward. Maybe the little nurse was really frightened by me and followed me silently, not daring to breathe.

When I got out of the hospital gate, I turned around and said thank you to her. I stopped a taxi and was about to leave, but the little nurse followed me into the car in a dazed way.

The driver turned his head and winked at us both maliciously: "Where are you two going?"

With the combination of doctors and nurses, it's no wonder the driver misunderstood.

I turned to the little nurse and said, "Go back, don't follow me."

"Oh." The little nurse replied, suddenly she mustered up the courage to look at me and asked in a low voice, "Where are you going?"

I didn't answer her, I leaned over to help her open the car door, and said expressionlessly, "Get down!"

When the little nurse got out of the car, I immediately closed the door and reported a place name casually.

"Okay!" The driver looked at me and saw my face was not good, so he didn't dare to continue talking nonsense and drove straight away.

Back at the residence, the living room was a mess, and the floor was covered with dried blood. I was shocked. Could it be that Gu Sha was attacked after returning

I hurried upstairs and checked every room, but I didn't see any trace of Gu Sha, and my anxiety grew stronger. With the ability to kill Gaoqiang alone, who can threaten him

I suddenly thought that the man in black took my wristband, mobile phone and other items when he left. With his face exactly like mine, maybe he could really let Gu kill him.

I took out Deputy Director Wang's mobile phone and plugged it into the laptop. After breaking the password lock, I quickly called Gu Sha. The phone was quickly connected, but there was no sound.

"Senior?" I asked tentatively in a low voice.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while before a woman's voice came: "Are you Luo Chao?"

The owner of this voice turned out to be Li Shengnan!

"It's me, how come the senior's cell phone is here with you?"

"Kill him alone... He's injured." Li Shengnan's voice sounded a little choked.

My heart sank, and something really happened. Trying to suppress the worries in my heart, I asked: "Where is the senior now, I will find you."

"We're at Team Lee's house now."

"Okay, I'll rush over right away." After hanging up the phone, I changed into a clean set of clothes and took a taxi directly to Li Meilin's house.

Although I had a lot of questions in my heart at this time, I didn't have time to ask them on the phone, and I didn't care whether there was another conspiracy behind it.