Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 148: new variable


"Katsuo, I'm in a meeting. If there's nothing particularly important, I'll call you back later." The other end of the phone was a little noisy, and Li Meilin's voice might be impatient.

"Team Li, don't hang up yet. I have something very important to ask you about, about Luo Chao." Li Shengnan was worried that Li Meilin would hang up because of the meeting, so he told me directly and handed the phone to him. I.

I took over the phone and tried my best to calm down the emotions in my heart, before I slowly said, "Sister Lin, I'm Luo Chao."

There was silence on the phone for a moment, and then Li Meilin's voice came again. There was less noise. Obviously, Li Meilin left the conference room and changed to a quiet place.

"Where have you been these days? Didn't I tell you not to run away?"

I curved my lips bitterly, and explained, "I won't be able to tell you this on the phone for a while. I'm at your home now. I'll explain it to you in detail when you come back."

"Also, I have an important meeting now, and I may go back later."

"I'll be busy with you first, and I'll hang up here first."

After hanging up the phone, I turned around and asked Li Shengnan, which hospital Wei Ruxue was in now? She told me that Wei Ruxue was sent to the central hospital for treatment after the accident. Because the specific cause of the accident had not been investigated yet, Li Meilin sent people to guard her 24 hours a day.

In this way, if you want to enter the ward without alerting the guarding police, the best way is to let the police or the insider of the hospital bring it in.

I set my eyes on Li Shengnan, and before I could speak, she said, "You don't want me to take you into the hospital, right?"

I grinned at her, only to hear her continue: "I want to stay and take care of Gu Sha, I don't have time to accompany you, you should find someone else."

My smile froze, and I scratched my hair in embarrassment. Seeing Li Shengnan's appearance, I was determined not to accompany me.

I had an idea, got into my mind, and said cheekily, "Although my senior has suffered heart damage, it's not as bad as Zhang Yating's attack. I estimate that senior's physique has been practicing martial arts for many years, and it may be in three to five days. Wake up. You also know that senior is bloodthirsty by nature, and he has never failed like this in his life, and there will definitely be a hurdle in his heart that he cannot overcome."

After listening to me saying so much without saying the main point, Li Shengnan glared at me impatiently: "What the hell are you trying to say?"

"You're so smart, you must know what I want to express." I flattered it first, and then persuaded me, "If senior wakes up and finds out that we don't have any news of the murderer, he will definitely feel unhappy in his heart, so It's not good for his recovery and vice versa."

Li Shengnan pouted his lips vigorously: "You said so much, but you want me to take you into the ward to see Sister Xue. I'll tell you what I said. Let him see me at first sight when he wakes up."

Looking at Li Shengnan's determined face, I couldn't help but feel relieved for Lonely Killing, and being able to gain the love of a simple girl like Li Shengnan.

"I'm afraid that Luohua is intentional and ruthless." I suddenly sighed, with a look of regret, "Even if you appear in the eyes of seniors every second, if you can't do what you like, it's basically useless. It backfired and was disgusted. It wasn't personal disgust for you, either, but a deep-seated rejection of the police."

In the words, Li Shengnan's firm expression was moved. I snickered in my heart, saying that the IQ of people in love is zero, and the IQ of people in unrequited love has dropped to a negative number.

I got up and walked towards the door, muttering to myself, "What a pity, what a pity."

When I opened the door and was about to walk out of the living room, Li Shengnan's voice suddenly sounded behind me: "Wait a minute."

The corners of my mouth gradually raised an arc, and when I turned to look at her, it changed to a puzzled look.

"I can help you with this, but you have to tell me how to eliminate the rejection of the police in Gu Sha's heart."

I raised my hand and snapped my fingers, and said in a brisk tone, "Of course it is to move the seniors with sincerity. This matter is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words. We can talk about it as we walk."

In order to gain the goodwill of Gu Sha, Li Shengnan finally agreed to take me into the hospital to see Wei Ruxue. If I can achieve a marriage between Li Shengnan and Gu Sha, I am very happy to lead this red line, so on the way to the hospital, I will give her a comprehensive analysis of how to impress Gu Sha.

With Li Shengnan's help, I was able to enter the ward with almost no effort. Seeing Wei Ruxue lying quietly on the hospital bed like a sleeping beauty, many questions arose in my heart.

I asked Li Shengnan, "Has Sister Lin injected serum into Sister Xue?"

Li Shengnan nodded and answered affirmatively: "I have been injected, otherwise the injury on Sister Xue would not have recovered so quickly."

"Then why haven't there been signs of waking up yet?"

"According to Team Li, Sister Xue's car accident this time has actually hit the brain hard. Although the effect of serum is miraculous, it can only rapidly differentiate cells and heal wounds, but not the brain."

I was silent for a moment, then asked, "Did the doctor say when I can wake up?"

Looking at Li Shengnan's expression of hesitating to speak, I knew that maybe the situation was not good. It took a while to hear her say: "The doctor said that Sister Xue may wake up in a month or two, or it may take a year or two, or she may never wake up again in her life."

"Damn it!" I cursed in my heart, clenching my hands and making a crackling sound.

After leaving the hospital, Li Shengnan asked me, "Where are we going now?"

I thought about it and decided to go to Wei Ruxue's house to see if I could find some clues. So, Li Shengnan drove the car with me again.

Although the community where Wei Ruxue is located is not as luxurious as a villa area, it is also a place within the Second Ring Road. The door lock was not difficult for me at all, and we entered her home easily.

As for Wei Ruxue's house, I have only followed Li Meilin once, so I can't say I am familiar with it. The living room is simple yet neat, even though Wei Ruxue has been lying in the hospital for more than two days.

On the bedside table in Wei Ruxue's bedroom, I saw a framed photo. There were two women standing in the photo. One was Wei Ruxue, and the other was Huang Ying, who was involved in the case of the headless woman's corpse.

How did the two of them know each other? Deep doubts arose in my mind.

Seeing me holding the photo frame in a daze, Li Shengnan walked over to take a look and said in surprise, "Isn't this girl Huang Ying? How did Sister Xue and the others know each other?"

I shrugged, "How do I know."

I suddenly remembered that in the case of the headless female corpse, I asked Li Meilin to investigate the family background of Huang Ying and Tang Yan, but in the end Li Meilin did not tell me the results of the investigation.

"Katsuo, now I can only trouble you to go back to the police station and help me investigate the family background of Huang Ying and Sister Xue. The more detailed the better, the sooner the better."

Knowing that there were variables in the case, Li Shengnan did not shirk, and readily agreed.