Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 165: The Extra Story of Huang Ying


My name is Huang Ying. My parents are medical researchers. Because they have been conducting various medical experiments in the laboratory for a long time, my body has been attacked by various radiations, which has affected me in the fetus.

After birth, the sequelae of radiation gradually emerged, and my childhood can be said to have been spent in the struggle against the disease. In order to cure my disease, in order to free me from pain, my mother spent nearly ten years developing a serum that develops human functions.

Although this serum can suppress the torment of the pain, it also leaves a sequela because of its imperfection, that is, the injector will fall into a state of madness from time to time and attack the people around him.

My mother went into a state of madness after experimenting with herself, killing all the staff in the laboratory. After waking up and realizing that she had made a huge mistake, she chose to commit suicide out of guilt and self-blame.

Wei Ruxue is my mother's medical student. After my mother left, another drug was developed that can calm down people who are in a state of madness in a short period of time. In order to avoid the same tragedy, my stepmother Li Xiandi always arranges a girl by my side to prevent no one from finding out when I go mad.

This kind of life continued without any danger until I went to college, but the tragedy still couldn't be completely avoided. When Tang Yan found out that I had signs of going mad, he planned to drug the fairy, making him fall into a coma.

Tang Yan controlled me with chains. I thought this episode would pass quickly, but we never thought that Xu Yuanyuan would suddenly return to the dormitory, and we happened to meet this scene.

Tang Yan was worried that my stepmother Li Xiandi would take anger at her because she carelessly forgot to lock the door, so she had the urge to kill and silence her, subdued Xu Yuanyuan and threw it in front of me, who was going mad...

In order to make up for the mistake he made, Tang Yan decided to destroy the body after asking Sister Xue for help, and even framed the crime of killing Xu Yuanyuan on her boyfriend Yang Biao. My stepmother, Li Xiandi, did not take too much. blame her.

Regarding the incomparable pain in my heart for the innocent deaths of Xu Yuanyuan and Yang Biao, with the comfort and assurance of Sister Xue, I gradually came out of my grief. Sometimes I really want to die, but if I die, wouldn't I be sorry for what my mother did for me

During the police investigation of this murder, I met a senior named Luo Chao who helped the police investigate the case. He really looked like a big brother who loved me very much as a child.

One day on campus, when the playboy Zhao Qian was sticking to me like a dog-skin plaster, I met Luo Chao again. While I was extremely excited, I decided to use him to pretend to be my boyfriend. It doesn't matter to me whether I can force Zhao Qian away. What I really want to see is that Zhao Qian can form a relationship with him because of this. At that time, I will come forward to help him resolve it. In this way, the time we can spend together in the future will increase, and it will become justifiable.

It's just that the reality did not develop as I imagined. He seemed to be very busy all day long. I went to his department several times to find him, but in the end it was unsuccessful.

In the new semester, a new roommate moved into our dormitory. Her name is Gu Xinyue, she is a very quiet little girl. The corners of her eyes are always full of vicissitudes that do not match her age.

Later, Tang Yan was assigned other tasks by my stepmother and left the school. And shortly after she left, rumors of revenge spread by the evil spirit in the dormitory building, and the fairy committed suicide for no reason.

After realizing it, I vaguely felt that this incident might have something to do with Xu Yuanyuan's death. My stepmother took me home during that time and strictly controlled my travel.

After some time in this haunted event, I went back to school again and started a normal life. Just when I decided to treat his appearance as a dream, he appeared in my life again. We pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend. After falling in love, we soon started living together. .

I don't know how my father found out about this, and was strongly opposed to our relationship. That night, I was picked up by someone from my family, that is, during that time, Gu Xinyue was killed. My father told me Luo Chao's true identity and told me that he was a killer. The purpose of approaching me was simply to think Wanting revenge, wanting to get our family's inheritance.

My heart is incomparably contradictory, one is the father who gave birth to me and raised me, and the other is the lover I love deeply. That is, that night, Luo Chao sneaked into my room in the middle of the night. In his sincere words, we both ate the forbidden fruit; when I said it accidentally, it was because he looked like I once When I met an older brother, Luo Chao's revengeful behavior told me that he was indeed approaching me with a purpose.

I don't know what exactly happened. My father took me to a building in the deep mountains overnight. Here I saw two people who were kidnapped by my father, Zhang Yating and Feng Nianjun with a big belly. .

My father told me that both women were pregnant and that the father of the child was Luo Chao.

At that time, my brain was short-circuited, and my mind went blank.

After a long time, I felt that my father had aged a lot in an instant, and he told me in great pain that in fact, all of this was his fault, but in the end, Baoying was still on his own daughter.

Serum, the purpose of research at the beginning was to relieve the pain of my illness, but later it became a means used by Li Xiandi to make money. She urged Huang Jianglang to set up a killer organization, and use these killers to eradicate the enemies in the process of growing the group, so as to achieve the purpose of maximizing profits. The increasingly ambitious Li Xiandi defeated the Liu Group and successfully acquired the Liu Group, becoming the largest commercial group in China.

At this time, Li Xiandi wanted to completely replace Huang Jianglang, so he sent someone to kill Gu Xinyue, deliberately aroused Luo Chao's hatred to the greatest extent, and wanted to use his hand to kill Huang Jianglang, and justifiably replaced him.

It's just that in the end, the devil is one foot high and the road is ten feet high. Unexpectedly, Wei Ruxue made an agreement with Li Meilin from the beginning, aiming to completely disintegrate the criminal group behind the scenes, so there was a scene that accompanied her from the beginning. killing game.

Huang Jianglang regretted that he knew his mistakes for a while, and caused countless crimes, but in the end, many things were beyond his control. Not only him, but also Li Xiandi, Wei Ruxue, Zhang Yating, Feng Nianjun and Huang Ying all committed crimes during this period, and ultimately could not escape the punishment of the law.

In the end, in order to protect Huang Ying, Huang Jianglang decided to make a desperate gamble. He kidnapped his daughter, Zhang Yating, and Feng Nianjun, and killed them one by one in front of Luo Chao.

Huang Jianglang saw a glimmer of hope in his heart when he saw Luo Chao's pained appearance of seeing the death of the three girls. Although he finally used the substitute to create a crime, he was really forced to save his daughter.

Many years later...

At the flag-raising ceremony of a Hope Primary School in a remote mountain village, the principal Luo Chao, dressed in a black suit, stood upright on the flag-raising platform. Looking at the hundreds of students on the playground, a gratifying smile gradually formed on his mouth.

"Students, the ancients said: People are not saints and sages, no one can do anything wrong! But the theme I want to talk about today is 'Don't do evil for small things, don't do good things for small things!' Because some faults happen, It will leave a deep scar in your heart, even if you can turn back, it will torture your heart at midnight, make you uneasy, make you feel guilty, and make you live in self-blame and remorse all your life..."

Among the teachers under the stage, Huang Ying and Zhang Yating and Feng Nianjun, who were standing beside them, looked at each other, and saw the regret for the past in each other's eyes.

Huang Ying smiled bitterly and whispered: "So now we can only do our best to atone for the mistakes we have made!"

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