Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 26: Ghosts in the video


Afterwards, looking at Li Meilin who was silent, I felt a little regretful that I should not have provoked her verbally.

If I don't provoke her, she won't pinch me. She doesn't pinch me, and I don't jump off the wall to kiss her. Later, Wei Ruxue told me that my kiss took away Li Meilin's first kiss. I was depressed for a long time.

If Li Meilin is a virgin, I can understand, how can she still keep her first kiss after almost 30 years of life? If you know this, I won't kiss her if she kills me. The first time I can't take it casually.

When we arrived in Wannan, we searched all the way, and finally found the information of one of the deceased. I never imagined that the deceased would live in such a remote village before he died.

The lock on the door was rusted and rusted, and I glanced in through the crack of the door, and the yard was overgrown with half-person-height weeds.

The old village chief told us that the deceased's husband had a car accident three years ago and became a widow, leaving her a five-year-old son. Not long afterward, a car came to the village, and two men in suits took the deceased and her child away.

Just became a widow and then went to find a man? I don't think it's that simple. So he handed the old village chief a cigarette, helped him light it, and then asked him, "Old village chief, didn't anyone feel suspicious at that time, so let's find out what's going on?"

The old village chief took a puff of cigarette, and his cloudy old eyes lit up a lot in an instant. He didn't answer my question, but asked me what brand of cigarette it was, how could it be so easy to smoke

I'm a bit dumbfounded. The brand of this cigarette is Honghe Road, and it's only 110 boxes. Seeing that the old village chief liked it, I immediately handed the remaining half of the box to him: "Old village chief, since you like to smoke, there are still half of the box left, so I will give it to you."

"I'm so embarrassed." The old village chief put the cigarette into his pocket with a wide-eyed smile, and grinned, revealing his mouth full of big yellow teeth.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are an old revolutionary who has made a lifetime of contributions to the motherland and the people. I will treat you as a boy and honor your old age."

I hurriedly flattered him, as long as the old village chief could tell me some valuable information, let alone half a box, he would be willing to give him one.

For my flattery, the old village chief is obviously very useful. He thought for a while and said, "Before Liu Da's wife left, she mentioned this to me. She said that a family in a big city was looking for a nanny. She would pay 3,000 Kuai a month for food and housing, but it must be She has to sign a ten-year contract with the family. After the ten-year contract expires, the family will buy an additional house for her and her son to settle in the city.”

I couldn't help but ask, "Is there such a good thing?"

The old village chief replied: "I thought it was impossible for such a good thing to happen at the time, and I also advised Mrs. Liu to be careful of being fooled by bad people. But Mrs. Liu insisted on doing her own thing, saying that she is poor, so what is worth cheating on? ? And that family also paid her three years' salary at one time, and let her use the money to settle down at home, and she will always be thinking about it in the future."

"Three years' salary? That's more than 100,000."

"Yeah, I was taken aback when I heard what Liu Da's wife said. It was more than 100,000 yuan. That's a big deal. In our village, many people can't save so much money in their lifetime."

There was a flash of enthusiasm in the eyes of the old village chief, and he continued: "I still felt that something was not right. Could it be that the family was looking at her five-year-old son? Laughing, she said that people originally planned to let her use the 100,000 yuan to find a good family for her son to entrust, but later because she was reluctant to bear her own son, they agreed after bargaining."

After listening to the old village chief, a lot of doubts arose in my heart. The big family is looking for a nanny, and the treatment is so attractive. Why not look for a person with a high diploma and high literacy in a big city? Why did you go to the countryside to find a widow with a low diploma and never seen the world

Why didn't she agree with Liu Da's daughter-in-law to take the child at first, but later agreed? Could it be that it was hard to get hold of it, and that it was actually deliberately dispelling Liu Da's daughter-in-law's concerns at the beginning? And their real purpose was her five-year-old son

I think this possibility is relatively high, because later we found the body of Liu Da's daughter-in-law, but her child did not know where it went. And according to the results of the autopsy report, the time of death of the deceased was about thirty-three months, that is, the victim was killed a few months after he left.

It seems that the murderer is not a single person, but a criminal gang. Their purpose may not be to find nanny for some big family in the city, but for their children. Otherwise, why are the women killed in the reservoir with their children? the widow

"Old village chief, didn't Liu Da have any brothers or sisters to contact his daughter-in-law? After more than three years of no news, just rest assured about their mother and son? Isn't that right?"

The old village chief exhaled a cigarette and said leisurely: "Liu Da has only one younger brother, and he is still a bachelor. He died unexpectedly shortly after Liu Da's wife left."

Also unexpected? The meaning of the old village chief's words...

"Old village chief, did Liu Da die unexpectedly?" I directly asked the question in my heart.

The old village nodded his head with a look of regret: "Liu Da was on his way home from get off work, unfortunately, he stumbled into the river and drowned. You said that a good person can drown? Almost all men can swim, which was really confusing at the time."

"Not long afterward, Liu Er also drowned in the same place. At that time, it was rumored that there were water ghosts in the river, and very few people took a bath in the river."

Two brothers drowned in the same spot? Is this very suspicious? Water ghost, this is nonsense.

"Old village chief, after Liu Da and Liu Er drowned one after another, didn't anyone feel suspicious and called the police?"

The old village chief threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and said slowly: "Of course, the police came to examine the bodies of Liu Da and Liu Er twice, and the results were both drowning and suffocation. There are no other injuries, and there is no trace of fighting with anyone. Later, the police also investigated for a period of time and ruled out the possibility of homicide.

I bid farewell to the old village chief full of doubts. Li Meilin and I went to villages in other county towns. The results we got were almost the same as what the old village chief explained. Several widows were picked up shortly after their husbands' misfortune, along with their children.

Another thing that puzzles me is that most of the husbands of the deceased have no siblings, and even some suffered misfortunes soon after.

I think this is definitely not a coincidence, but the other party did not want the relatives of the deceased to go to find her, so they sent someone to kill her relatives, causing a car accident or other accidents.

In this way, no one will report to the police because they cannot contact these widows who have been hired as nanny. The neighbors instinctively think that they have settled in the big city and are unwilling to return to the small town they used to live in. Local grief.

Why are all the dead widows? Could it be that they have been targeted since their husbands suffered a disaster

A horrific thought popped into my mind. The unfortunate deaths of these widows' husbands were actually planned by the criminal gang behind the scenes. They first targeted the target, and then created an accident together. Finally, they came forward in person, using high salaries to lure these widows with low diplomas and never seen a big world on the grounds that big families in big cities recruited babysitters.

If my guess is correct, this gang is really scary!

In a guest house, I told Li Meilin of my speculation and said to her: "I don't think this is a simple serial murder case, the criminal gang behind it may really aim to take the children of the deceased, and this organization may be a Criminal gangs that traffic in children."

Li Meilin pondered for a moment, and asked me in confusion, "But there are also a few dead people who have no children? How can this be explained?"

"The deceased without children are relatively young, and the other party can force them to go into prostitution and force them to become pregnant."

"If that's the case, why did they kill them in the end?"

"Maybe they were disobedient and wanted to run away, or maybe they contracted a venereal disease while picking up customers for a long time." Although all of this is just my speculation, I think the commonality of the deceased is too obvious.

"If it's as you guessed, why did the murderer deliberately call the police? Isn't this intentionally exposing their crimes?"

When Li Meilin asked me this, I was overwhelmed. As soon as these obvious clues involved the initial call to the police, they almost immediately overturned my inferences.

"Then I think there may be a conflict within them. The murderer deliberately wanted the police to get involved in this serial murder case, wanted to use the police's hands to dig out this criminal gang, or the murderer had other purposes!"

"If that's the case, why didn't the murderer report it directly to the police? Wouldn't it be better that we could get rid of their nest in one fell swoop?"

I don't agree with Li Meilin's opinion at all, "From the perspective of the other party's methods of abducting women and children, this must be an extremely large criminal gang. Maybe the person who called the police was also afraid of the organization's revenge, so he came up with such a scheme. Method."

Just as I was arguing with Li Meilin, her phone suddenly rang, and watching her face become heavy since she answered the call, I realized that something seemed to be wrong.

Li Meilin hung up the phone and said to me hastily, "Pack up, we'll go back to Fengdu now."

On the way, Li Meilin told me that a video suddenly circulated on the Internet, showing the dead reservoir keeper floating on the edge of the reservoir at night. The news of vampires harming people and evil ghosts revenge spread all over the place, and the reservoir became a place of great murder for a while, and no one dared to approach it.