Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 29: Weird Li Meilin


At noon, Li Meilin cooked herself, and I had another delicious meal there. It would have been a perfect meal if she hadn't finally forced me to wash the pots and pans.

Walking out of the kitchen, I didn't see Li Meilin in the living room, I pushed the door directly into her room, and it was still pink - pink curtains and wallpaper, pink wardrobe, pink bed with a pink rag doll.

Li Meilin lay sideways on the bed, fiddling with the rag doll's protruding nose with her jade hand, smiling gently at it. This rag doll was given to her on her 30th birthday this year. At that time, she despised me for being naive, which made me embarrassed for a while. I didn't expect that she would put the rag doll on the bed like a baby.

I held the corners of my mouth, and a narrow smile appeared in my eyes: "Don't you think of this rag doll as a spiritual comfort? If I knew this earlier, I should have bought you a male one."

Li Meilin fiddled with the doll for a while, and then sarcastically said, "Don't you know it's very rude to enter someone's room without knocking on the door?"

I didn't think it was wrong, and immediately went back sarcastically: "Don't you know that it is also very rude to let guests wash the pots and dishes?"

"Guest?" Li Meilin glanced at her mouth, "When did you ever consider yourself a guest so consciously?"

"So, I never thought it was rude to enter your room without knocking on the door." I said solemnly, walked to her bed and sat down, grabbed the doll and put it on my thigh Rude fiddling on.

"Give it back to me." Li Meilin snatched the doll from my hand dissatisfied, and held it in her arms like a baby.

I turned to look at Li Meilin, who looked disgusted. I don't understand why a thirty-year-old woman still likes ragdolls so much? So he asked with a smile: "You don't take this doll as me, do you? If that's the case, there's no need at all. If you need it, I can always..."

"Get out!" Li Meilin kicked me off the bed unceremoniously.

I stood up and rubbed the aching back that was kicked, and glared at her fiercely: "If you roll away, you won't be able to come back. Don't cry and beg me then."

After saying that, I turned around to leave.

"Come back!" Li Meilin shouted.

I turned around angrily: "What? Sorry? I tell you - it's too late!"

Li Meilin rolled over and sat up, still looking at me with disgust: "I have never regretted two words in my dictionary, and I'm not interested in little kids."

Seeing the black line on my face, Li Meilin laughed in a good mood. She got up and got out of bed, and when she walked past me, she smugly reached out and patted my shoulder: "Little boy, let's go, my sister will take you to the meeting, it will be an exercise for your growing up."

Seeing Li Meilin walking out of the room with her long legs in a coquettish manner, I suddenly had the urge to push her down and ravage her, telling her with the facts that the young master is not a child, but a fake. man. Even though I'm still a virgin so far, that doesn't affect the fact that I'm a man.

For the whole afternoon, I was dragged by Li Meilin to the analysis meeting of this serial murder case held by the police force. Originally, I, an outsider, should not participate in this kind of internal meeting, but because of Li Meilin's relationship, Luo Maolin also turned a blind eye, and other police officers would not say much about it, so it changed. Justified.

Li Meilin analyzed the progress of the serial murder investigation in detail to the participants. After speaking, her eyes fell on me, who was about to fall asleep, and a sly smile flashed in her beautiful eyes: "The entire investigation process Luo Chao has participated, and he will continue to analyze this case for the comrades, everyone applauds and welcomes."

I stood up quickly in the warm applause. After all, the people present were all officers of the police force. It is always right to be humble.

I nodded to the crowd with a smile, and said without being humble or arrogant: "Mr. Leaders, Li Meilin, the deputy detachment leader, has just reported the investigation process of this serial murder case to everyone in detail, so I will simply add a few words."

"First of all, all the current clues in this murder case point to the possibility that the murderer is a vampire, but I want to ask everyone, as law enforcement officers of the country, do you really believe that there are vampires in this world? If these victims are all After being killed by a vampire, how can you explain the large depression on the chest of the deceased? Could it be that the vampire will still torture the corpse after drinking blood?"

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, I continued to speak seriously and firmly: "When I examined the first female corpse that was discovered, I found that the two blood holes in her neck were neatly wounded, then it means that this is the victim Man-made wounds after the murder. So I believe that the murderer is not a vampire at all, but someone is pretending to be a ghost!"

"Then how do we explain the video that our police officer found on his cell phone after the reservoir administrator was killed?" A section chief with a national character was the first to ask.

"The video is obviously fake. Not to mention that the time and date of the mobile phone can be adjusted at will before shooting. The most obvious thing is that the victim in the video is not the same person as the female corpse we found. I want to ask this leader, you Have you read the case file?"

Asked by me in public, the national character face section chief was a little unhappy: "What does this have to do with whether I have read the file?"

The face is to be given, but the young man looks down on this kind of person who pretends to be a B with qualifications, and really doubts where he has the courage to ask questions.

"The victim in the video is the wife of the reservoir administrator, who is not the same person as the anonymous female corpse at all! You can ask such a question, the kid admires it!"

The elder of the National Character Face Section blushed and closed his mouth embarrassedly.

Song Zhe nodded at me and asked, "Comrade Xiao Luo, then I would like to ask how to explain the video of the haunted reservoir recently circulating on the Internet? Our technicians have identified it, and this video has no special effects at all. ."

"The video is not made with special effects, but it doesn't mean that the ghost of the reservoir administrator is real. I want to ask Uncle Song, if there really are ghosts in this world, why don't the ghosts seek revenge for the murderer? If ghosts can easily If you were photographed, why didn't you come to the Criminal Police Force to report the crime?"

"Not bad, not bad, Vice-Captain Li really did not see the wrong person. He is young, and his ability to analyze and judge is far inferior to those of us who have been criminal police officers for most of our lives." Song Zhe's flattery can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It showed my talent, and at the same time praised Li Meilin's unique vision.

I smiled slightly: "Uncle Song, you are joking, boy, I will inevitably ask the leaders present for their experience in the future. I also hope that the leaders will not hide their secrets. Even if you teach me this apprentice, you will definitely not starve to death you old people. master."

My remarks caused the hall to burst into laughter, and everyone was full of praise for me, saying that a hero is a boy, the future is unlimited, and so on. In fact, I know in my heart that these people can't say that they are all hypocritical.

"Through my investigation and interview with Team Li, we got a piece of information. After the death of their husbands, these victims were deceived into Fengdu by mysterious people under the guise of recruiting babysitters from big families in big cities. Most have children."

"But among the dozens of corpses, we haven't found any children's bodies, so I personally think that there may be a conspiracy behind this serial murder case, and the murderer is not a single person, but a criminal gang that abducts and sells women and children. !"

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of the conference room, and I felt that my butt was sitting all over the place. When I was about to go to New Vision Network Media to find Zhang Yating, Li Meilin suddenly stopped me.

"What's the matter? Captain Li?" I was speechless. This woman was a little abnormal today, as if she was relying on me.

Li Meilin gave me a rare smile: "Seeing that you did a good job at the meeting in the afternoon and didn't embarrass me, I decided to cook you a sumptuous meal tonight and treat you well."

I have a big head. If I were to do it normally, I would definitely agree immediately, but tonight I made an appointment with Zhang Yating. If I don't go to meet her, she won't tell me about the video.

After thinking about it, I think it is more important to meet Zhang Yating. Li Meilin's meals can be eaten at any time, but if Zhang Yating's pigeons are released, there is no guarantee that she will not get the real answer from her mouth.

"I can't go tonight, I still have something to deal with."

Hearing what I said, the smile on Li Meilin's face instantly stiffened, and then her face sank. The speed of her face change made me speechless.

Li Meilin said to me indifferently: "You have to think about it, not everyone can eat the food I cook myself, and once you miss today, you will never have another chance in the future."

"Sister Lin, I really have something to deal with tonight." I'm a little embarrassed, isn't this forcing me

"Remember what I said today." Li Meilin left a sentence and walked away indifferently.

I looked depressed and watched her back disappear from sight. What happened to her today? Are you coming to auntie or have menstrual disorders? He took the initiative to ask to cook a big meal for me, and even turned against me if I didn’t go? It looks like it's coming for real.

I stood there in a daze and pondered the pros and cons, and finally decided to see Zhang Yating. After the big deal, I went to coax Li Meilin, bowed my head and apologized, ceded the land and paid indemnity, even if I was forced to sacrifice myself.