Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 3: A smelly bedroom


"In the middle of the night, why did Yuanyuan pull her suitcase to the rooftop? Why didn't I hear anything when she went out? It shouldn't be." In the monitoring room, when Fairy saw the girl in the video pulling her suitcase to the rooftop After that, Nana started talking to herself, her fat face was full of confusion.

Hearing what she said, Li Meilin was shocked and asked, "Is this girl your roommate? What's her name?"

Fairy answered without thinking: "Yes, she is our roommate, her name is Xu Yuanyuan, and we usually call her Yuanyuan."

Li Meilin's eyes lit up, and a light seemed to flicker in her pupils, and then she asked, "Has she ever had a conflict with someone recently, or which boy did she get closer to?"

"Yuanyuan has a relatively easy-going personality. I have never seen her have a conflict with anyone, and she has never even blushed. As for which boy she is closer to, I really don't know, because she usually They all like to be alone.”

Fairy raised her hand and scratched her disheveled hair, then turned her head to the side and asked Xiaoying and Tang Yan, "Do you know?"

Xiaoying shook her head dully and said she didn't know, and the whole person looked sad. But Tang Yan frowned, as if trying to remember something.

Although I never said a word, my eyes kept searching back and forth between the three women. I felt that Tang Yan knew something.

Sure enough, Tang Yan slowly opened his mouth after pondering for a moment: "Xiaoying, Fairy, do you remember when the school started this semester, a senior from the Department of Physical Education sent Yuanyuan to the dormitory?"

Xiaoying looked at Tang Yan in confusion, but remained silent. But Fairy slapped her thigh excitedly after thinking about it with her head tilted.

"After you said that, I remembered. When the school started, a senior did send Yuanyuan to the dormitory. At that time, I also asked what was her relationship with that muscular man? Yuanyuan told us that the muscular man was Her hometown, a senior in the second year of the sports department. It's just that they rarely saw them together later, so I didn't think of it for a while."

Fairy looked very excited, and said a lot in one breath, accompanied by the voice, the fat on her face also shook rhythmically.

Tang Yan looked sideways at Li Meilin, and added: "This was when the school started. As for the relationship between the two now, we don't know."

Li Meilin frowned, and a gloomy look appeared on her handsome face: "What's that boy's name?"

Tang Yan shook his head: "I can't remember this. Yuanyuan, although she has a relatively easy-going personality, seldom tells us about her. As for the matter between her and the senior of the sports department, it has never been It wasn't mentioned to us."

"That senior seems to be called... Yang Biao..." Fairy interjected somewhat uncertainly.

Seeing that we cast suspicious eyes on her, the fairy laughed a little embarrassedly: "I am a nympho, and I have a deep memory of handsome guys, muscular men, little fresh meat and so on. I remember the senior self at that time. In the introduction, he said that his name is Yang Biao, and he politely asked us to help him take care of Yuanyuan."

Looking at Fairy's twisted appearance, I secretly laughed in my heart, her evaluation of herself is quite realistic.

"Are you sure?" Li Meilin asked again, staring at the fairy.

If what the fairy said is true, then this clue is very important to the police. Investigate the suspect through the victim's social network, and finally locate and find the murderer. This is a common method used by the police in solving cases.

Fairy thought about it again, and then nodded affirmatively: "Yes, that senior must be called Yang Biao. Because he is sturdy, I still have a deep memory of his name."

Li Meilin looked a little impatient, got up and said to the three girls: "You guys go back first, if you can remember anything, please let us know as soon as possible."

Now that we have new clues, we shifted the direction of our investigation to this sports boy named Yang Biao. Before leaving, I asked the fairy, "Do you usually sleep as heavy as you do today?"

Fairy blushed at my inexplicable question, and explained in a low voice: "No, I usually sleep very lightly, and I will wake up when I hear a little movement. Uh... why would you suddenly ask me? this?"

I smiled at her: "It's okay, I just asked casually."

When I asked Fairy this question, a strange light flashed in Tang Yan's eyes. This expression was not panic, but rather an expression of admiration. Although this subtle move is very secret, it was successfully captured by me.

Although I don't know why Tang Yan reacted this way, I secretly felt that she seemed to be hiding something from us.

And there is that girl named Xiaoying. After seeing the surveillance video, she never said a word from beginning to end. Compared with Tang Yan and Fairy, her reaction was too sad and heavy. Could it be that her relationship with the deceased was much better than the other two

Fairy said that she was a nympho, and was deeply impressed by little fresh meat, muscular men, handsome guys and so on. If Yang Biao is really a burly muscular man, coupled with his name, it should leave a deep impression on people. Why don't Tang Yan and Xiaoying have any impression of his name

In fact, I don't fully agree with Fairy's words, because before Tang Yan opened her mouth to remind them, she couldn't remember Yang Biao. And Tang Yan can have an impression of Yang Biao, why does he know nothing about his name

Maybe Tang Yan's real purpose is to tell us through the fairy's mouth some things that she knows but is unwilling to say it herself.

Suppressing the doubts in our hearts, Li Meilin and I quickly found the dormitory where the sports student named Yang Biao was based on the clues provided by the fairy.

This time, it was me who knocked on the door. I stood in front of the door and knocked for a long time before a cursed voice came from the bedroom: "Don't fucking knock, just kick the door and come in!"

I was speechless for a while, stretched out my hand and pushed hard, the door opened in response, but Li Meilin walked in first. I pouted and mumbled with some dissatisfaction: "Isn't it because you want to be crazy about a man, so you can't wait to rush to the boys' dormitory?"

Following Li Meilin into the bedroom, a strange smell of cigarette smoke mixed with the smell of stinky feet hit my nostrils. I saw Li Meilin's pretty face instantly darkened.

Not to mention her, even a big man like me couldn't help frowning, this stinky smell almost made the young man faint. I immediately slowed down my breathing rate to make sure I wouldn't get gas poisoning from inhaling the odor too much.

"Which one is Yang Biao?" Li Meilin asked coldly, frowning her brows, she could see that she was trying hard to endure the unpleasant smell in the bedroom.

Hearing a woman's voice, the four boys rolled over from the bed and sat up in unison. The speed was so fast that I was speechless. I couldn't help but wonder if they were pretending to sleep together before

Seeing Li Meilin in police uniform, the eyes of the four boys lit up instantly, like a hungry wolf seeing a naked lamb, and the four eyes were staring at her with scorching eyes.

Looking at the four naked boys in front of me, I despised them greatly, and I secretly said that they were really a group of animals with developed limbs and simple minds that only knew how to think with their lower bodies.

Being stared at so nakedly, Li Meilin's pretty face was covered in frost, and she asked again, "Which one is Yang Biao?"

"I am!" The four boys answered in unison, with a sensual expression on their wretched faces.

Li Meilin's pretty face became cold, and her voice became a little colder in an instant: "I will ask the last sentence, which one is Yang Biao?"

"I am!" The four boys answered in unison again.

I saw that Li Meilin was about to burst into tears on the spot, and she was short of breath. I didn't know if it was because of anger or because of the smell of this dormitory.

"Fuck! You three don't make a fucking fool of yourself."

A muscular man with a flat head cursed at the other three boys in dissatisfaction, but his glowing eyes stared at Li Meilin's chest hard, his throat squirming and swallowing saliva.

"This beautiful police elder sister, I am the real Yang Biao. I don't know what you have to do with me, elder sister?"

Li Meilin's icy knife-like gaze instantly locked on Yang Biao, and he was so frightened that he suddenly shivered.

"Do you know Xu Yuanyuan?" The extremely cold voice contained no trace of popularity.

"I know, she's my girlfriend, what's the matter?" Yang Biao answered succinctly, but the line of sight still stayed on Li Meilin's chest and couldn't be removed.

"She's dead!"

After Li Meilin finished speaking, she stared at Yang Biao with cold eyes, and she looked like she was looking at a vicious murderer.

"Oh, I'll die if I die..."

Yang Biao suddenly reacted, sitting up straight as if electrocuted, and exclaimed, "What? Who? Who are you saying is dead?"

"Xu-yuan-yuan." Li Meilin replied word by word, her eyebrows filled with deep contempt.

"How... how is that possible? This elder sister... you... can't you make this kind of international joke with me?" Yang Biao's expression instantly turned terrified, and his words were broken.

Li Meilin sneered again and again: "As a police officer, I don't have the leisure to come to such a stinky place to joke with you. Hurry up and put on your clothes, we need to investigate something from you."

After Li Meilin finished speaking, she walked out of the dormitory without looking back. Looking at her appearance, it seemed that she didn't want to stay in such a stinky place for a second longer.

I looked at Yang Biao sympathetically, then followed Li Meilin and walked out. I really couldn't enjoy this smelly boy. I even suspect that this unpleasant smell can be used to develop poison gas bombs. I really don't know how these four people survived in this environment.

Thinking about the refreshing and seductive fragrance that fills Xiaoying's bedroom, it's a world of difference. Is this the difference between a boy's bedroom and a girl's bedroom

But this is not the case in my dormitory, is it because the other party is from the sports department

I didn't understand a little, and I didn't delve into this issue. I instinctively thought that Yang Biao and several sports students were rather sloppy. Apart from this stinky smell, I didn't find anything unusual in their bedroom!