Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 53: the truth


At that time, in order to lure the vampire man to come to assassinate Zhang Yating again, we specially contacted Wei Ruxue to change her to a safe ward. This matter is strictly confidential in the entire hospital.

Regarding the unfortunate death of Zhang Hongwei and other four criminal police officers, to be honest, I just feel sorry for his death, because after all, we worked together.

Looking at Zhang Yating lying on the bed, her face had recovered a little blood at this time. Although she still did not wake up, her life was guaranteed.

"Sister Xue, when will she wake up?"

Facing my question, Wei Ruxue answered indifferently: "It's hard to say, maybe three or five days, maybe three or five months."

I frowned, this answer is really too general, the difference between three or five days and three or five months is huge.

"What method did you use to save me, who was seriously injured?"

I couldn't help but feel suspicious about this, and I didn't realize anything was wrong with my body in the extreme excitement during the fight with the vampire man last night. But later I was surprised to find that when I was attacked, my body didn't feel that kind of pain from fist to flesh.

With this doubt, I slashed my palm with a dagger, and the slight pain was almost negligible. And the next scene shocked me even more. The cut wound healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few minutes, there was only a faint scar left.

The vampire man said before he died that I was too... What was he trying to say

Although he pretends to be a vampire, he still bleeds continuously after being injured, but I somehow have the ability to heal wounds quickly!

"Sister Lin once told me when she promised you to rescue Zhang Yating that if one day she did something harmful to society, she would kill her with her own hands!"

I opened my mouth slowly, my bright eyes carefully probed Wei Ruxue's expression, paused for a while, and continued: "When I fought with the vampire man again, I found that even if I was hit, I hardly felt any pain. My body now has the ability to heal quickly, all these abnormalities have only happened since the last time I was injured, I would like to ask Sister Xue, what is going on?"

By the end, my tone has become a bit aggressive!

Wei Ruxue's expression was flat without any change, and after a moment of silence, she opened her mouth to give me the answer.

"At that time, your injury was no less than that of Zhang Yating now. If you just rely on conventional medical treatment, there is absolutely no possibility to save your life, let alone save you from the gate of hell."

"The reason why Mei Lin didn't agree with me in treating Zhang Yating at first was because the method of treating her was the same as yours. And what Mei Lin said to you, 'If she does something harmful to society in the future, she will be punished with her own hands. Killing' is actually the sequelae that you may have in the future!"

"What sequelae?" I vaguely felt that this matter was serious, so Li Meilin strongly opposed it at the beginning.

"Are you sure you want to know the answer?" Wei Ruxue's eyes flashed, "I think it's better not to know some things so clearly. Living too clearly will only make yourself very tired and worried. What do you think? ?"

Seeing the corners of Wei Ruxue's lips gradually raised, with a natural charming aura on her face, I only felt a bit of confusion in my heart.

However, it is definitely not my character to deceive myself!

After sweeping away the confusion in my heart, my eyes gradually brightened, like silent flames.

I calmed down and said firmly: "If you don't even have the courage to face the fear of the unknown, what's the point of life?"

Seeing my determined look, Wei Ruxue lowered her eyes and sighed softly, as if she was melancholy.

"In order to save you, I injected a serum into your body. This serum can activate dormant cells in the human body, enhance the human body's potential and strength, and the ability to heal wounds. The sequelae of this serum are also relative. , it can severely paralyze or even severely damage the nervous system in the human body, causing the body to gradually lose its ability to perceive."

"Actually, this is not the worst result. Since this serum is still in the research and development stage and immature, there is another possibility. While stimulating the human body's functions, it will greatly deplete the human body's vitality, and even cause Make the injector lose consciousness and fall into a state of madness!"

Wei Ruxue said here and closed her mouth, I can figure out what to say next without her having to say it.

Thinking of what Li Meilin said at the time, combined with what Wei Ruxue said, the injector will lose consciousness after falling into a mad state, and will do things that endanger society at that time.

"If that's the case, why save me? It's like saving a ticking time bomb!" Although I looked relaxed on the surface, there was a huge wave in my heart.

I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that one day if I go crazy uncontrollably, it will hurt the people around me. If someone I can protect with my life gets hurt in my hand, it's more painful than letting me die.

"Not to mention saving a ticking time bomb, even if it is saving a timed atomic bomb, Mei Lin will do the same, and there will be no hesitation at all."

Li Meilin's friendship with me is so deep

I couldn't help thinking, if one day I fell into a state of madness, would Li Meilin kill me with her own hands

I couldn't help laughing at this idea of mine. If there is such a day, Li Meilin's character will definitely not be soft-hearted, and I will never blame her!

"Sister Xue, will there be any omen before going crazy?" I suddenly asked her. This question is very important. If there is an omen, it will be fine. If there is no omen at all, I am not sure if it will hurt me when I go mad. innocent people.

Wei Ruxue looked at me and asked without answering, "Do you want to end your life with your own hands before going mad?"

I knew that my thoughts could not be hidden from Wei Ruxue's eyes, and I didn't deny it. I nodded and said, "I don't want to see Sister Lin's pain. If that day comes, I will choose..."

"Without my permission, no one can decide your life and death, including yourself!" Li Meilin pushed open the door and entered the ward with a blank expression, her firm tone was not to be rejected, and her brows were full of lingering stubbornness. .

"Sister Lin..." I called softly, as if I had knocked over the bottle of five flavors, the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy were mixed together, and the five flavors were mixed.

"Since Sister Xue can save you, there must be a way to help you eliminate this hidden danger. You don't have to worry at all."

I knew that Li Meilin was comforting me. If it was as simple as she said, she would not have refused to treat Zhang Yating at the beginning.

Since Li Meilin is unwilling to study this issue in detail, I will naturally not point to her without interest, so I changed the subject: "Is the press conference going well?"

"That's it! In order to eliminate social panic and the negative impact of public opinion as soon as possible, after a meeting of the superior leaders, this serial murder case was declared closed with the death of a vampire man. As for whether there are other criminal gangs behind him , the superior decided to form a follow-up special investigation team to conduct a secret investigation secretly."

Naturally, I have no opinion on the decision of the superiors of the police. I am just curious about how the police dismissed those reporters.

"Sister Lin, how did you send those reporters?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The information we have disclosed to the public is that the murderer's wife once cheated on the dead reservoir administrator, and after the incident, the derailed woman committed suicide by jumping into the reservoir, and the reservoir administrator's lover started to look after the reservoir from that time. "

"In order to get revenge on the reservoir administrator, the murderer did not kill him, but chose to let him live with anxiety all day long, which made him more painful than killing him directly. As for the female corpses salvaged in the reservoir, there are many murderers. The cheating woman killed over the years."

After listening to Li Meilin finish speaking, I couldn't help rolling my eyes, this explanation sounds very bloody!

Regarding this serial murder case, I always feel that there are still many questions that have not been solved. For example, in the later murder case, the deceased only had two blood holes in the neck, but there were no sunken marks on the chest, which was too different from the murderer's previous modus operandi.

Also, who cast the poison in the reservoir? Where does the poison come from? Was the original call to the police from a vampire man? What kind of criminal gang is hiding behind him? Why did he suddenly kill Zhang Yating

Li Meilin shot the vampire man to death, just to seal his mouth, and all the puzzles were interrupted.

But in the end, I learned the truth from Wei Ruxue's mouth!

Li Meilin looked at Wei Ruxue with a bad face, and asked coldly, "Why tell Luo Chao the truth?"

Wei Ruxue smiled: "I didn't plan to tell him originally, but now even if I want to hide it, I'm afraid I can't hide it."

Li Meilin frowned: "Why?"

"Because the blood stolen by the vampire man is not ordinary blood, but the serum that our hospital is vigorously developing!"

"What!" Li Meilin cried out, her face suddenly turned ugly.

I can understand why Li Meilin reacted so much, because once those serums flowed into the hands of criminals, the society would definitely fall into another uncontrolled chaos and fear.