Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 85: Insidious Zhao Qian


"Brother Chao, you can count on it. Brother Qian has prepared wine and is waiting for you."

As soon as I got out of the car, a young man greeted me with a smile, bowing his head and bowing his head in compliment.

Looking at the young man in suit and leather shoes in front of me, I curled my lips and said with a smile: "Dude, does your face look familiar?"

The youth explained with a smile: "I'm red hair, we've met before."

I suddenly realized that this guy is not the red hair with dyed red hair and a coffin tattooed on his arm. When I first came to the Dynasty nightclub to find fault, in order to behave in front of Zhao Qian, I yelled at me, and then I slapped my face.

Looking at the intern general manager's card hanging on his chest, I joked: "It looks like I'm doing well now, congratulations."

"Hehe, it's all thanks to Brother Chao, Brother Chao, please come in!" Hongmao said as he made way for me.

Not to mention the ability of the red hair, just this mouth can't make people ignore his existence.

Following Hongmao all the way up to the second floor, the door of the private room opened, and a thick plume of smoke floated out. I couldn't help frowning. I saw smoke lingering in the private room, and there were still cigarette butts on the ground. It seemed that before I came, there were other people in the private room discussing things.

I raised the corners of my mouth and said without smiling, "Brother Zhao, it doesn't look like you're in a good mood."

Zhao Qian raised his head, and there was a bit of bitterness on the corner of his mouth: "If such a thing happened in the Brotherhood, can I be happy? It made Brother Luo laugh."

"If Brother Zhao can trust his brother and be frank before, maybe I will have time to inform you in advance to prepare."

Being ridiculed by me, Zhao Qian blushed and said embarrassingly: "I can't be completely candid with Brother Luo, but I have a hard time. After all, I am not the only one who decides a lot of things. I hope Brother Luo can understand me."

Although what Zhao Qian said was a casual remark, it was not unreasonable. Even if he had the heart to be honest with me, for the fundamental interests, the princelings or other core personnel of the Seraph would not allow him to say anything to me.

I was too lazy to talk nonsense, so I said straight to the point: "I think Brother Zhao came to me for more than just drinking, right? Brother Zhao must also feel my sincerity. If you have something to say, just say it."

Zhao Qian lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment. When he raised his head again, the confused look on his face disappeared, "The killer who killed the leader of the provincial department is not ours."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows and stared at Zhao Qian, "Are you kidding me? When the police were besieging the Brotherhood, they were killed on the Brotherhood's territory. You are here to tell me that it wasn't yours who did it. have to?"

Zhao Qian calmed down and said solemnly, "We already got the news before the action of the task force. The members of the Seraph have left early, and those who were arrested are just some low-level personnel."

"Since you got the news ahead of time, why didn't you remove those people too?"

Facing my question, Zhao Qian had a look of helplessness on his face: "At first, I thought it was people from the Criminal Police Team who were investigating the Dynasty Nightclub, but later I learned through provincial connections that these people were a special task force sent by the provincial government. At that time, we already realized that something was wrong and made preparations in advance. However, the Brotherhood has been targeted, and in the end, we had no choice but to abandon them, or to give an explanation to the task force. "

I sneered: "So, those members of the Brotherhood who were arrested were all abandoned by you? You sacrificed them for your own safety?"

Zhao Qian didn't deny it, nodded and said: "This is also something that can't be helped. Giving up a brotherhood in exchange for the safety of others can only be done for the sake of the overall situation."

"I think it doesn't hurt to give up a brotherhood, right? Even if you are caught by the police, you can still build another brotherhood through your own rights."

Zhao Qian's face was a little ugly, but he explained patiently: "What we didn't expect was that our opponent sent his own killer to kill the leaders of the provincial government when the special team was besieging the Brotherhood stronghold. This is obviously a framing of the blame on us."

I stared at Zhao Qian for a while, but I couldn't tell from his expression that he was lying. If this is the case, then the guy who was easily captured by the special police to kill the leader of the provincial department might really have been sent by another organization. The purpose is to frame the blame and put the backers behind the Brotherhood to a point of no return.

Seeing that I was lost in thought, Zhao Qian continued: "Brother Luo, think about it, we have already planned to give up the Brotherhood to give an explanation to the task force, so why would we send killers to kill the leaders of the provincial department to provoke ourselves? What's the trouble? It's obvious that our opponent is framing us."

"Even if I believe Brother Zhao, it's useless. The arrested killer has already been escorted back to the provincial office by the special team."

"What?" Zhao Qian lost his voice in surprise, cold sweat seeping out of his forehead, "It seems that this is not going to leave us a retreat."

Just as I was about to speak, the phone rang. It was Li Meilin's call.

As soon as the call was connected, Li Meilin's low voice came in: "The prisoner was shot and killed on the way back to the provincial office, including the five special police officers who were in charge of escorting. , the impact is extremely bad, you hurry out of the Dynasty nightclub, lest they jump over the wall and attack you."

I didn't care about Li Meilin's worries at all, and comforted: "Don't worry, I have a sense of balance in this matter. I still have some things to do here. I will hang up first."

When I told Zhao Qian the news that Li Meilin told me, he immediately lost his mind and his face was extremely ugly.

The prisoner and five SWAT officers were shot to death at the same time, and the incident was reported, so it goes without saying that the bad effects were bad. And the backers behind the brotherhood such as Zhao Qian are even more difficult to argue at this time, and they are afraid that they will usher in the anger of the provincial government.

Seeing Zhao Qian's gaffe, I took the opportunity to comfort him with malicious intent: "Brother Zhao, rest assured, we have a common enemy. Although I can't control the development of the situation, I will try my best to investigate the truth."

Zhao Qian gave me a dull look and said in a low voice, "Then thank you Brother Luo."

"We are brothers, so don't say these polite words between us. I think Brother Zhao should have something to deal with at this time, so I won't bother, and I will make an appointment next time."

I smiled and said politely, but when I turned to leave, Zhao Qian suddenly stopped me, "Brother Luo, please stay, I'll give you a gift."

Zhao Qian took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, someone pushed the door into the private room and respectfully called Brother Qian to Zhao Qian.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of me, I looked at Zhao Qian in confusion, not knowing what he meant by what he just said.

Zhao Qian suddenly grinned at me sinisterly: "He is Lei Shi!"