Please Close Your Eyes At Night

Chapter 9: The body was cremated


Fairy's words can be trusted with seven points, because I don't think the font on the courier slip was written by the murderer himself. So how could a cunning and cautious person leave clues about him on this express list

Another point is that the fairy is tall and fat, and it is impossible to disguise as Xu Yuanyuan, who is slender and slender. If a slender person wants to disguise as a fat person, he can use foreign objects to fill it. This is also the reason why I said that the fake Yang Biao was probably the fake Xu Yuanyuan, but I didn't say that the fake Xu Yuanyuan was the fake Yang Biao.

And the reason why I took out the courier slip to show the three girls was because I had other intentions.

"Fairy classmate, when Xu Yuanyuan asked you to help fill out the courier slip, who was not present in your dormitory?"

Although I was the fairy who asked, my eyes fell on Tang Yan, who was emotionally disturbed, and Huang Ying, who was silent.

"At that time..." Fairy seemed to remember something, and her eyes slowly shifted to Tang Yan, "I didn't seem to see Tang Yan at that time."

When I asked Fairy who was not present at that time, I saw a strange light flashing in Tang Yan's eyes again. But when the fairy mentioned her name, her emotions stabilized inexplicably.

Tang Yan smiled inexplicably, raised his hand and stroked the hair in front of his forehead, swaying lightly and gently. It has to be said that she is a girl who is so beautiful that any man will fall in love, and it is difficult for people to associate her with a heinous murderer.

Before I could ask, Tang Yan said first, "I went to the playground to watch basketball at that time, and it really wasn't in the dormitory."

"Who is watching basketball?"

"I don't know." Tang Yan replied neatly, and added, "There are many irregular boys playing basketball on the playground every day. I can't know every one of them, right?"

I nodded, Tang Yan was right, so I asked again, "What time did you leave the dormitory?"

"I don't remember the exact time, it's probably around three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Then what time did you get back to the bedroom?"

"About five o'clock."

As for whether Tang Yan lied, go to the monitoring room to get the surveillance video and check it to confirm.

I suddenly turned to look at the fairy again: "Where were you when Xu Yuanyuan asked Huang Ying to go downstairs to help deliver the package?"

"Ah?" Fairy was startled again by the expression I asked, scratching her ears and scratching her cheeks for a while before replying, "I was sleeping in the bedroom at that time."

"Sleeping again?" I was a bit dumbfounded, is the fairy a pig? After waking up after the lunch break, help Xu Yuanyuan fill out the express order and then go back to sleep

Fairy smiled a little embarrassedly: "I don't know what's wrong. I seemed to be very sleepy that day. I just didn't want to go anywhere, I just wanted to lie in bed and get a good sleep."

I suddenly thought of the mobile phone number left on the courier note, so I asked, "Did you notice anything wrong with the recipient's cell phone number when you helped Xu Yuanyuan fill out the courier note?"

Fairy scratched the back of her head: "No, what could be wrong with the phone number?"

I turned my head and asked Huang Ying, "How about you?"

Huang Ying shook her head: "I didn't find any problems."

That's strange, why does the information displayed on the recipient's mobile phone number belong to Xu Yuanyuan

A flash of light suddenly flashed in my mind, and I asked loudly, "How many cell phone cards does Xu Yuanyuan have?"

"Two, is there any problem?" Fairy looked at me in confusion.

I picked up the courier slip and showed them to the three of them again, "Look, are the recipient's and sender's cell phone numbers both of Xu Yuanyuan's cell phone numbers?"

Fairy took out her mobile phone to test it, nodded and said, "It's true."

In this way, things make sense, Xu Yuanyuan's mobile phone may not be in the hands of the hunchback man, he just got one of Xu Yuanyuan's mobile phone cards.

I smiled and said, "Fairy classmate, could you please take us to the monitoring room?"

"Ah?" Fairy's fat face showed a hint of surprise, obviously not expecting that I would suddenly change the subject.

After leaving the dormitory, I spoke to the fairy again: "I just wanted to ask you a few questions alone. Have you seen that basketball model in the dormitory before?"

Fairy thought for a while, and replied firmly: "No!"

"So does Tang Yan have the habit of watching basketball?"

"I don't know this very well." Fairy's answer this time seemed a little hesitant, but I vaguely guessed something in my heart.

However, when we came to the monitoring room again to retrieve the surveillance video to verify whether what Tang Yan said was true or false, we found that the surveillance system had been manipulated, and all the previously saved surveillance videos had been deleted, and they could not be restored. kind.

"This murderer is so cunning, and he actually used his hands and feet on the surveillance. After deleting the surveillance video, we can't confirm the truth of what Tang Yan said. And the automatic coverage within an hour, then we can't find out who secretly is secretly through the surveillance system. Into the monitoring room."

Li Meilin turned her head to look at me while analyzing, and suddenly said with great interest, "It seems that you have met a real opponent this time."

I rolled my eyes, disapproving of what she said, but suddenly grinned at her and smiled: "So, you have already admitted that Yang Biao is not the real murderer?"

"This is just your wishful thinking." Li Meilin pouted, "Before you find the murderer you think, Yang Biao is the murderer."

I helped my forehead helplessly, feeling helpless about Li Meilin's point of view. Her meaning is obvious, that if I can't find the real murderer, then Yang Biao is the murderer.

This does not mean that Li Meilin deliberately framed Yang Biao, but the murderer was too cunning. After the murder, while destroying the evidence left by herself, she also deliberately created all kinds of evidence that Yang Biao was the murderer, confirming his conviction. The crime made it hard for him to justify it.

This is the first time I have seen such a superb method of committing a crime. I have to say that the murderer has completed a perfect crime.

"The clue is interrupted again, what do you think? Or should we go back and continue to interrogate Yang Biao's murder weapon and the whereabouts of the deceased's head?"

The reason why Li Meilin continued to investigate after identifying Yang Biao as the murderer was not to find the real murderer to overturn the case for Yang Biao, but to try to find the lost head of the deceased through me as much as possible. In the case that he could not find it, he could only continue to interrogate Yang Biao.

I frowned and pondered for a moment before quietly saying to Li Meilin, "You should see Yang Biao's attitude, and don't expect any valuable clues from his mouth."

The reason I say this is because during Li Meilin's interrogation of Yang Biao, his emotions were out of control for a while. And in the end, he didn't say a word. No matter how you interrogated him, he just didn't open his mouth. Even if you said he was the murderer, he wouldn't argue.

This really gave the police a headache and helplessness, so it is really difficult to know the whereabouts of the deceased's head and the murder weapon from Yang Biao's mouth.

"Then what should we do now?" Li Meilin has no choice now, the head of the deceased and the murder weapon are not found, and Yang Biao has not personally admitted that he is the murderer, even if he is caught, the case cannot be closed like this.

"Of course, we will continue to look for evidence that Yang Biao is not the murderer."

Li Meilin looked at me curiously as if she didn't know me: "I'm very puzzled. In the past, you tried hard to find evidence of the criminal suspect, but this time, why did you do the opposite?"

Looking at Li Meilin who looked like a curious baby, I couldn't help laughing and explained her confusion in a brisk tone: "Because the murderer this time is the most cunning one I have ever encountered."

"How?" Li Meilin suddenly became interested, her bright eyes staring at me quietly.

I didn't follow her in circles, and said directly: "In the past cases, there are not a few people who can not leave the police with clues to trace him after committing a crime. But have you ever encountered a person who not only All the evidence of the murder is destroyed, and the police can be successfully diverted to point all the clues to a scapegoat? And the crime of the scapegoat has been confirmed.

Li Meilin nodded and shook her head again: "It sounds like that, but I don't think Yang Biao was framed, I think all this was planned by him, and the truth is mixed up with us. judge."

"Haha..." I thought Li Meilin's analysis was really funny and asked her, "Why did he do this? What's in it for him? If all the police officers in charge of investigating this case were like you, he would have ten lives. Not enough to be shot."

My sarcasm completely irritated Li Meilin, her eyes widened and she said angrily, "What's wrong with me? Tell me clearly!"

"If you ask me to say it, I'll say it, then I have no face." I pouted and ignored her.

So far, all the clues point to Yang Biao, and all I have to do now is to find evidence that he is not the murderer.

So, in this case, how to prove that Yang Biao is not the murderer

First of all, we have to overturn all the evidence that Yang Biao is the murderer, which is not that complicated when I look back now. If my speculation is correct, then Xu Yuanyuan was killed between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Saturday, not the time period from 1:30 am to 4:30 am that we judged based on surveillance video.

It has to be said that this is the genius of the murderer. The murderer used the fake 'Xu Yuanyuan' to pull the suitcase to the rooftop and the fake 'Yang Biao' back to the dormitory to create an illusion that the deceased was killed between 1:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. The important evidence that can easily lock the murderer is the semen in the lower body of the deceased.

The disappearance of the head of the deceased has largely distracted our investigation direction, thus neglecting to check the real time of the deceased's murder, which we are really careless about.

"Where is Xu Yuanyuan's body now stored?" I now think of another way to prove that Yang Biao is not the murderer. As long as the time when Xu Yuanyuan was actually killed can be determined, all the previous evidence can be overturned.

"At the funeral home."

"Why in a funeral home? Shouldn't the body be pulled back to your police morgue?"

"At that time, the time of Xu Yuanyuan's murder had been determined through surveillance video, and the forensic doctor Mao examined her fatal injuries. Finally, the body was stored in a funeral home not far from your school, waiting for the victim's family to come and claim the body. It is also convenient for them to cremate the body!"

I really don't know what to say. It sounds like the police are very thoughtful on behalf of the victim's family. It was only when Li Meilin and I took forensic doctor Mao to the funeral home to investigate the real time of Xu Yuanyuan's death, we found that the body had been cremated.

The staff of the funeral home told us that in the afternoon, a man with a hunchback who claimed to be a family member of the deceased came to claim the body and asked the staff to cremate the body of the deceased, and then he would bring the ashes back to his hometown for burial.

"Is the hunchbacked man wearing a hat and mask? Almost his entire face is covered?" I think this hunchbacked man is the one who received the express package.

The staff member gave me a surprised look, obviously unable to figure out how I knew it, and then nodded: "Yes, he was still holding the formalities certificate issued by the public security department at that time."

I sighed inwardly, needless to say that I knew that the so-called proof was definitely false.

Seeing me walking out of the funeral home in a low mood, Li Meilin jokingly said, "My dear Mr. Holmes, this time you seem to have lost your opponent again?"

I suddenly stopped and looked at her with my head tilted: "Why don't you want to know the truth at all?"

Li Meilin smiled: "Yang Biao is the murderer, this is the truth in my heart."

I was a little annoyed, and sarcastically said in a bad tone: "Just because Yang Biao stared at your chest in the dormitory, you targeted him like this? As for your chest that is better than the airport, only a fool would Go stare. Do you think a fool like that would make such a perfect crime?"

Looking at Li Meilin's constantly changing face, my depressed mood finally cleared the clouds and saw the sky.

Mao Zhuqiang secretly looked at Li Meilin's face. He knew that if he was really held accountable, he also had an unshirkable responsibility, so he played a roundabout way.

"Li team, this time I was careless. At that time, the body should be brought back to the detachment laboratory for a thorough pathological test to determine the real time of the victim's murder."

Li Meilin didn't seem to hear Mao Zhuqiang's words, she still glared at me with a pair of almond eyes. Knowing that this time I stabbed the hornet's nest and completely angered this stubborn woman, I decided that thirty-six strategies would be the best policy.

"Forensic Doctor Mao, none of us want to see such a thing happen, but if it wasn't for the nod from your superiors at that time, you wouldn't be able to make your own decision. That... I still have some things to deal with urgently, so I won't go back with you. Now, we'll see you later." Having said that, I didn't dare to stop at all, and quickly smeared oil on the soles of my feet.