Please, Don’t See Me

Chapter 6


Shu Jin took the medicine and only slept for about an hour before waking up again.

He has slept enough, and now that the fever has slowly subsided, he can't fall asleep, especially when Sheng Xinghe stayed in the suite with him in the same room.

Noticing that he was looking over, Sheng Xinghe, who was working at the dining table, turned his head: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Shu Jin: "Yeah."

Sheng Xinghe got up and poured water for him.

Sheng Xinghe did not directly take water from the refrigerator for Shu Jin to drink, but turned on the drinking machine in the suite, stood there and waited for more than ten seconds, and then came over with a cup when the water was hot.

Shu Jin looked at his back, suddenly caught sight of the person who turned around, and immediately looked away.

Sheng Xinghe didn't realize it, he sat down beside Shu Jin and gave him water.

Shu Jin leaned back against the sofa cushion and took a small sip. The water moistened his slightly dry lips, making his voice seem less unpleasant: "How do you know I have a fever."

Originally, Shu Jin wanted to say, "How do you know I'm sick?" But he felt that his fever was not caused by illness, but caused by something else, so he put it another way.

"It's been a long time since you knocked on the door for breakfast." Sheng Xinghe said, "I'll be right back."

Shu Jin: "Oh."

The slightly hot water temperature warmed Shu Jin's heart, and then heard Sheng Xinghe ask plainly, "Shu Jin, haven't you been in another relationship in the past few years?"

Shu Jin's reaction last night did not seem experienced.

Although they had done it before, it was only a few times. Five years had passed, and Shu Jin had not made any progress. He would still bite Sheng Xinghe's shoulder and pant and cry in pain.

Shu Jin's eyelashes trembled: "Well."

He asked again, "How about you?"

After asking, Shu Jin was a little nervous, so he held the glass tighter and waited for Sheng Xinghe's answer.

He thought, there should be.

Because Sheng Xinghe has no reason not to fall in love.

Sheng Xinghe stood up, as if he had just asked casually, so he answered casually, "I don't have time."

After speaking, he returned to the table and turned his back to Shu Jin again.

Shu Jin sat for a while holding the cup.

When I lay back again, I was more awake, looking at the back of the sofa, I couldn't hold back the lightness in my heart.

For the next two days, they spent the next two days in the hotel. Sheng Xinghe occasionally held online meetings or answered phone calls at work. Shu Jin went back to the room to read on Sheng Xinghe's tablet.

The meal is called room service, and occasionally the outside restaurant is delivered to the room.

Since he packed up his luggage and prepared to leave and was brought back, Shu Jin's suitcase has never been opened again. He doesn't need to go out, and he doesn't need to change his clothes.

Sometimes he wears a hotel bathrobe, and sometimes Sheng Xinghe's shirt.

Sheng Xinghe's assistant never came to the suite again. Shu Jin guessed that she must have guessed their relationship, so she didn't appear in the boss's private area again. However, his colleagues sent messages one after another. It turned out that Lin Xiang had already told the people in the department that "Sheng Xinghe is Shu Jin's brother".

There were times when adults couldn't help gossip, but Shu Jin felt that there was nothing to be angry about. He just told them in those inquiries that he and Sheng Xinghe had not been in contact for many years.

Lin Xiang: [Even if there is little contact, your relationship must be very good, otherwise why would he leave you there to catch up. ]

Shu Jin: [I used to do something that made him unhappy. ]

Lin Xiang: [Is he a brother after all? If you admit a mistake, he won't blame you. ]

Shu Jin stared at the screen for a long time, then turned off the phone.

In fact, he had absolutely no idea what Sheng Xinghe was thinking.

Why stay with him, and why sleep with him. All Shu Jin knew was that Sheng Xinghe had asked the guest room to send him a beaten pill. If he hadn't called to ask for Sheng Xinghe's contact information, their reunion would have ended abruptly, and Sheng Xinghe would never have asked him to stay.

Sheng Xinghe has always been a very proud person.

Ever since he was a boy, since he was an orphan who was dependent on others, he has never taken himself lightly because of anyone or anything.

Shu Zhaoyuan took Sheng Xinghe back to Shu's house and took him to transfer schools.

Different from the high school in the town, the private high school in the city has very generous scholarships. Sheng Xinghe received it in the first semester, and there is no need for Shu Zhaoyuan to subsidize him at all.

Shu Jin went to school early and entered the first year of high school at the age of fourteen. Sheng Xinghe was only one grade higher than him. He had already completed all the high school courses by himself, and took the college entrance examination in his second year of high school.

Sheng Xinghe only studied there for a year, and he changed from "that good-looking one-eyed" in high school to "that super handsome scholar", and he was still a legend among the students long after he graduated.

Then came the university, and then Shu Jin rarely received news about Sheng Xinghe.

Shu Jin clearly remembered what Sheng Xinghe said on the day they broke up.

"If I start my life, then you won't be in my life plan, Shu Jin."

Later, for many nights, Shu Jin would cry late at night because of this sentence, and the heartache was unstoppable. He had to take many, many deep breaths so that he didn't want to cry out in pain.