Please Obey The Game

Chapter 11: Chu is broken


Gao Yan: "This is not the place to talk, come to my house first."

Yang Mian had no opinion, so he followed to Gao Yan's home in the city center.

Suihai City is a first-tier city. The average house price in the city center is 90,000 yuan. The second-hand house with two bedrooms and one living room is about 4 million yuan. It can be said that Gao Yan can buy his own house when he is just at the internship stage. Rich second generation.

Gao Yan waved his hand: "Left and right together, plus the money saved from odd jobs in the past, is just enough for the down payment, and the loan has to be repaid."

His mother remarried when his son was about three years old, and his father died unexpectedly just after he graduated from junior high school, leaving little inheritance.

Gao Yan used to be very serious in the second stage of middle school. He would not spend his mother's money to go out to work, and cultivated his current life as an all-rounder. One day later, Gao Yan suddenly figured out that he spent several years of living expenses on the house from calling his mother, just enough to make a down payment.

Gao Yan put on his slippers, dragged him to the kitchen and made two cups of chrysanthemum and wolfberry for the two of them.

Yang Mian took the chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, and said after a while, "Brother, have you started to maintain your health?"

Gao Yan looked at her: "Coke, Sprite, beer, what would you like to drink?"

Hearing this, Su Jiang raised his ears and shook his head sharply at Yang Mian behind Gao Yan. Gao Yan suddenly turned around, and Su Jiang squeezed out a smile as if twisting his neck.

Yang Mian was curious, but didn't know the situation, so he said, "I'm going to go back and stop drinking beer. I'm a little thirsty and want to drink Coke."

"Okay." Gao Yan went to the kitchen to pour Coke again, and filled it in a very beautiful glass, with bubbles still bubbling in it, and it was very refreshing to look at when it was cold.

Yang Mian happily took it: "Thank you—" Before she finished speaking, she saw several sinful little things inside. "As for? Goji berries in cola?!"

Gao Yan picked up the chrysanthemum and wolfberry that had been soaked before, took two sips, and did not answer.

Su Jiang laughed: "Goji berries are healthy, stay up all night and dance, just drink it."

Yang Mian pumped the corner of her mouth and took a big mouthful, but fortunately the taste was not too strange. She said: "I'll send you the link, and you can register and log in to find out."

Both Gao Yan and Su Jiang received the link. After clicking on it, they completed the registration and login and became official players.

Gao Yan asked: "Is it true to become a god after clearing the customs?"

Yang Mian said seriously: "The game has emphasized that it should be true."

"Has anyone become a god?"

Yang Mian hesitated for a moment: "No. How can it be so easy to become a god? It's a near death."

Gao Yan smiled: "God's game... It means to be a god's game? But why choose a human being to become a god? Why do you use such a strange way to become a god? The creator of the game is really a god? What is the reason for doing this? "

There is no answer.

Yang Mian smiled bitterly: "Players want to know the answer, but unless someone becomes a god, everything is unknown."

Gao Yan: "Then, let's talk about the main god-level players. The number one hot post in the forum is the only player in the world who has passed the main god-level difficulty—the game is still global? How many official players are there in total?"

Yang Mian: "The forum has roughly counted the number. The data is updated once a year. There are about 43,000 official players worldwide."

The number of official players was unexpectedly large, and Gao Yan thought it would not exceed 10,000 at most.

Su Jiang: "The death rate should be very high, but it didn't attract much attention."

Yang Mian: "The average number of deaths per second in the world is 1.8, and the number of abnormal deaths exceeds 60 million every year. Anyone who dies in the game is a perfect accidental murder in reality. Even the official players can't tell the dead. Either an accident or a game murder."

Su Jiang approached Gao Yan: "Brother, what are you looking at?"

Gao Yan raised his eyes: "The only main god-level player among the 43,000 players, Chu Shabi. The captain of the gods has passed two high-level god levels."

Yang Mian nodded: "I know him. He is a Chinese player. Our orthodox Buddhist and Taoist families know him. According to the orthodox metaphysics, he is a Tianshi-level boss, but unfortunately he never accepts disciples."

Among the 43,000 players, most of them were priests.

According to Yang Mian, in the orthodox metaphysics world, the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism are basically gamers.

Gao Yan: "I have seen him."

Yang Mian: "Who?"

Gao Yan: "Chu Shuangbi. He is in the same game field as us, but we are in the primary field, and he is in the advanced field, so he has never played against each other, but he saved me."

[The main god-level player uses rare props to forcibly reduce the promotion field to the primary field... ]

The only main god-level player, Chu Shabi. The man who suddenly appeared on the rooftop to block the axe that Hudong was slashing at his neck.

Gao Yan pursed his lips, subconsciously reached into his pocket, and when he touched the cold iron box, he was stunned. The iron box of fruit candy given by the landlord actually brought out? !

Su Jiang and Yang Mian are addicted to the forum, and there are actually popular science posts from members of the 'Gods', including Chu Suibi, Zhou Jinghua and Xie Sanqiu.

The three are all old core members of the gods, except Chu Suibi, who is a master god-level player, and the other two are pseudo-master god-level players.

Su Jiang and Yang Mian are arguing about who can advance the fastest. Both sides are optimistic about different people, so they hold their own opinions.

Gao Yan finished his tea quietly, and asked while the two were taking a breath, "Yang Mian, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Yang Mian: "Okay." She raised her hand: "If you have cold beer, please don't add wolfberry."

Gao Yan actually doesn't understand why some people don't love wolfberry, but he respects her choice: "Okay."

The meat and vegetables in the refrigerator are basically prepared by Sujiang, and he is responsible for making them. All the seasonings are complete. Gao Yan skillfully cuts vegetables, cuts meat and heats the pot, and quickly prepares the standard three dishes and one soup in an hour.

Stir-fried pork with green peppers, squid with leeks and shrimp with celery, and the soup is a common tomato egg soup. It's a very ordinary home-cooked dish, but Gao Yan's craftsmanship is good, and he can make home-cooked dishes at a level that is not inferior to that of a star-rated hotel chef.

Yang Mian almost slammed his head into the big bowl. He didn't feel full after eating half the pot of rice by himself, and finally blew two bottles of beer with Su Jiang.

Gao Yan also opened a bottle, and he threw goji berries into it after taking two sips.

At eight o'clock, Gao Yan sent Yang Mian downstairs and hired a car to take her back.

Yang Mian shook her hand: "Brother Yan, I'm going back."

Gao Yan: "Well, call me if you have anything."

Yang Mian: "Okay, bro." She hesitated for a moment, then said, "That... bro, does it count for us to form a team?"

Gao Yan looked surprised, as if he didn't understand why she asked this question.

"Forget it, it's okay."

Hearing this, Yang Mian immediately smiled and got into the taxi and chatted with him: "Well, let's make a team of three. How about the name is 'Gaosulu'? Lu's. By the way, I'll come back to you in two days."

It seemed that she was a little drunk, otherwise she wouldn't talk so much in normal times.

Gao Yan listened to her a lot with good temper, and then ordered the driver to take her home, and told Yang Mian to remember to call him back to report safety when she got home.

After sending Yang Mian away, Gao Yan stood there and watched for a while, then took out the box of fruit hard candies from his pocket, squeezed an apple-flavored one and put it into his mouth.

The full juice and sweetness quickly filled the mouth, sweet to the heart.

Gao Yan turned around and went back to the house.

In the first three days after the game came out, the weather was calm. Su Jiang also received a small show with two or three audiences. The performance fee was 20,000 yuan, and basically half of it was paid to Gao Yan for accommodation and food.

On the fourth day, three people found Gao Yan.

They are the 'artifacts' in the dungeon of 'Guanluoyin'. They used to be regular players, so they keep their memories. Now they are here to pay them and see if they can make an appointment.

Gao Yan accepted the payment but refused to cooperate with the next order, on the grounds that he needed time and experience to familiarize himself with the gods' playground.

The three returned without success, but they did not force it. After all, they could place an order on the forum and then find others to help clear the customs.

On the seventh day, Gao Yan received an invitation from the 'Gods'.

After Yang Mian heard the news, she hurried back from the dojo and stared at the invitation letter for a long time, envy and jealous but also took it for granted.

"There are very few people who can play the primary field to the intermediate A grade. I think Brother Yan's performance should be seen by the gods, so they will invite Brother Yan to become a new member of the 'Gods'."

Su Jiang Liangliang reminded: "New member reserve."

Yang Mian: "Isn't it a sure thing?" It's just a matter of time.

Su Jiang snorted, not very happy.

A few days ago, he was a little fan of the 'Gods', but now he is a little hostile. On the one hand, he felt that Gao Yan was taken away, and on the other hand, he felt that the 'gods' looked down on Gao Yan, and his mood was also very contradictory.

Yang Mian analyzed rationally: "Almost all of the members of the gods have entered the high-level field. If they bring them through the level, they can increase their experience points and ensure their life safety, so I suggest Brother Yan to accept the invitation."

Gao Yan nodded: "Yes."

Su Jiang muttered: "Then our team is going to be disbanded?"

Gao Yan: "There's no need to disband, they didn't let me report. They only send someone to take me when they say it. It's counted as an observation period, and only if you pass will you be considered a full member."

In this way, Su Jiang and Yang Mian could still accept it, and then they discussed who would come. All members were selected, except for the main god level, especially Chu Sianbi.

Because Chu Suibi never brought new people.

On this day, Gao Yan came back with a bottle of soy sauce in the supermarket. As soon as he walked out of the elevator door, he saw a tall and strange man standing at the door of his room.

The man turned his back to him and put one hand in his pocket. He was tall, measuring over 1.9 meters. His shoulders are wide and his legs are long, his body is tall and straight, and his muscles are looming under his fitted shirt. A small bun is tied at the back of the head. It is visually estimated that it is medium-length hair that is left to the shoulders. It is slightly brown and curled, which is very fashionable.

As soon as Gao Yan stepped out of the elevator, the man turned back immediately. Although his footsteps were kept to a minimum, the man found it, showing how vigilant he was.

The gaze that swept over was extremely sharp for a moment, and Gao Yan suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a large, cold beast, and almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Familiar eyes, familiar feelings, although fleeting.

The moment he saw Gao Yan clearly, the man's eyes settled down, hiding his extremely strong aggression. He raised a smile and said to Gao Yan, "Hello, I'm Chu Suibi, the one who brought you."

When he was talking, he put the phone back in his pocket without hesitation, the screen was on, and within a second, a teammate sent a message asking him, 'Have you seen your daughter-in-law? How about it? '

Chu Suibi lowered his eyes and stared at Gao Yan, the tip of his tongue pressed against his upper jaw, and the place in his heart was itchy and itchy.

He said to himself, how cute.

The author has something to say: Chu Gou has long known our Ayanda, but Gao Yan does not know Chu Gou.

About the daughter-in-law, I will talk about it later.

Comment red envelopes.

I'm thirsty, I need nutrient solution~~~

PS: I saw a very interesting comment yesterday, simulate it

Author: need nutrient solution~~

Reader (yellow face and thin skin): I really don't have a drop...