Please Obey The Game

Chapter 13: Nanako


A woman with a spine

When Gao Yan was thinking deeply, Chu Suibi beside him had already greeted him to move forward: "It's getting dark, go ahead and find a place to stay."

The entire courtyard was black, which caused poor vision under certain circumstances. Gao Yan didn't realize that it was already dark for the first time.

He also lifted his heels and walked to the wooden corridor, which is called the edge side in the architecture of the island country, which is a very ingenious design.

There is a string of wind chimes hanging on the roof of the corridor. If you don't look carefully, you will simply ignore the past. The shape is very strange. From a distance, it looks like a human face. The silk thread hangs down, and a small white wooden stick is tied to the bottom of the thread.

Gao Yan took two steps forward and saw that the small white wooden stick at the bottom of the red line was actually a bone of a finger. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he was lazy even pretending to be, he clearly showed you the viciousness, and he felt like he had nothing to fear.

Chu Suibi: "It's actually not bad, at least you know the danger at a glance, and the whole courtyard conveys the information of danger to you. Some playgrounds pretend to be no different from reality, calm and warm, but in fact there are dangers everywhere, and you may still The danger is not perceived."

Gao Yan nodded in agreement: "You will only pretend if you don't have the confidence. The real power is never showing off."

Chu Cuibi chuckled: "Carved pole." After a pause, he added, "I promise I'm not."

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, and it took a long while to realize the meaning of that sentence.

The carved flat pole is not very useful, but the sentence added after Chu Shaobi is still guaranteed. What does it matter to him whether he is used or not? Is it necessary to explain

Chu Suibi had already knocked on the door at this time. After knocking three times, the wooden door was opened from both sides, and a beautiful woman in kimono stood in front of him. The woman in kimono bowed to the two of them, with a polite and friendly smile on her face: "Welcome to Yamada's house, are you two also here to buy gall pills?"

Chu Cuibi: "Yes."

The woman in kimono: "Then, invite the two guests in." She led the two of them through a long corridor to a room, opened the door, and there were nine people sitting behind the door.

"Please come in."

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi walked into the room and found two empty seats to sit down.

The other nine people also looked at him at the same time, with scrutiny and caution in their eyes.

Gao Yan found that there were actually blond foreigners among the nine people, and after a while, he found that there were two people with Asian faces communicating in the island language.

Gao Yan's heart was clear. It turned out that the current game field players are from all over the world, not all of them from China.

The courtyard of the island country, the women of the island country, and the Sakura Temple that they came into contact with, indicating that the playground should be related to the legend of the island country. In other words, it should be more beneficial to the two islanders among the players.

The woman in kimono stood beside the main seat and bowed, and then said, "Welcome to the Yamada family house, since it takes time to make gall balls, so please wait for six more days. The Yamada family house has many guest rooms, which can provide accommodation for guests. Guests You can go out to town and see the cherry blossoms. But please don't move around at night and stay in your room as much as possible."

One of the two island players asked the kimono woman in the island language, and the kimono woman still smiled and replied in Chinese.

"The hostess is of course Nanako Yamada. She is busy making gall bladders. I'm afraid she doesn't have time to meet the guests. Please forgive me."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows, looked at the other players subconsciously, and found that they also understood the answer of the kimono woman.

Chu Suibi said in his ear: "The rules of the game are fair, and everything the NPC says will be automatically translated into a language we can understand, unless it involves games."

Gao Yan understood, no wonder players from all over the world can get together when they don't understand the language.

Chu Suibi continued: "The primary field is different from the novice field. Unless you know each other in reality, don't trust others easily. There is also a competitive relationship between players and players." He glanced at the two island players: "I was just testing. ."

Trying to use their native language to inquire about information that other players do not know, but the fairness of the game will not make such a mentally retarded mistake.

The kimono woman leaves, leaving room for players to talk.

Three foreign players joined the two island players and lowered their voices to communicate. After talking for a while, the five of them decided to form a team, and the two island players did know the legend of the 'woman with a spine-twitching'.

There are a total of eleven players, five people form a team, and there are six people left, four of which are Chinese. Of course, Gao Yan teamed up with two other Chinese people.

A white child introduced himself: "My name is Yu Xiaojie, and this is my second game."

Another young man followed up: "Tang Ze, the third game."

The two of them knew each other in reality, and they didn't plan to hide it.

Gao Yan followed with a brief self-introduction. Chu Suibi's real name was relatively loud, so he changed his name to Gao Delan.

Yu Xiaojie: "Gao Cuilan?" He asked amusingly, "Where is your brother pig?"

Chu Suibi turned his head to look at Gao Yan, with a smile in his eyes: "Brother?"

Gao Yan: "..." Covering his eyes with one hand: "We are brothers, he is my brother."

Yu Xiaojie's eyes turned back and forth between the two, and he smiled ambiguous: "Brotherhood, the resident people on Weibo understand it very well."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Ze hit Yu Xiaojie on the back of the head: "Shut up and say something." Then, he said to Gao Yan and the two: "Don't pay attention to him, just get down to business."

Tang is quite sincere and did not deliberately conceal the known situation.

"Before I came in, I deliberately checked a lot of legends about Sakura Temple. The most widely circulated is a love story. In the story, a nobleman fell in love with a poor girl, but was obstructed by the noble family. The nobleman suffered from an incurable disease. The fiancée gave up and broke off the marriage, and the poor girl did not give up her beloved, so she went to the Sakura Temple. It is said that there is a gall pill in the Sakura Temple, which can live the dead and flesh and bones, but it is extremely precious. The poor girl asks for death in exchange for the life of the man she loves. The cherry blossoms in front of the temple were dyed with the blood of poor women and turned into red cherry blossoms."

"The touching story was widely circulated, and the surviving aristocrat also mastered the know-how of refining gall pills, and the people of the noble family finally accepted the poor girl and became the only nobleman who would not be regarded by the family."

Gao Yan: "It doesn't sound like a problem." A beautiful love legend. "What is the surname of the nobleman in the story?"

Tang Ze: "Yamada."


Gao Yan: "What about reality other than legends?"

Tang Ze was silent for a moment and said, "Your senses are really sharp. Indeed, after the legend has been beautified, not many people have discovered the darkness under the story."

"Since then, every hostess of the Yamada family has been a poor girl, and every household has two wives. The first wife was a poor girl, but the poor girl usually died in childbirth around the age of 20. The second wife was a poor girl. The wives are not very noticeable, but they are all from nobles. Moreover, the name of every poor girl is Nanako."

The problem is already very obvious. The so-called beautiful love is actually very dark.

All poor girls named Nanako should have died.

Every head of the Yamada family married a poor woman named Nanako for some unknown reason, and married a noble woman after his wife died in childbirth.

And the first wife died pitifully without even being able to keep her children. When she died, everyone thought how lucky she was and how unlucky she was.

Gao Yan: "Only the hostess, Yamada Nanako, has not seen the male master or other servants. Moreover, the task of the game is for us to find the golden pillar that Nanako lost. The golden pillar should be a metaphor, but it is unclear what it is. What is it."

There is almost no clue, and the truth of the love legend of Sakura Temple has nothing to do with the golden pillar, and no useful clues can be found. The only thing that stands out is the hostess, but she is refining gall pills and may not appear until the sixth day.

Gao Yan looked at Chu Suibi, who was staring out the window in a trance. But when Gao Yan retracted his gaze, Chu Suibi immediately turned around to catch him: "Do you have any questions for me?"

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, not understanding Chu Shubi's attitude.

Chu Suibi showed a condoning smile: "Ask boldly, I will answer any questions, including private and private ones."

The words 'private and private' were deliberately emphasized, as if Gao Yan had been interested in him.

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows, smiled, and then asked, "Do you know how to clear customs?"

"..." Chu Suibi was helpless: "Brother, there is no shortcut to success."

Gao Yan squinted at him, the meaning is clear - you said it so well, it's like farting.

Chu Suibi suddenly laughed out from behind him, as if Gao Yan had done something or said something interesting.

Gao Yan paused, then raised his feet and walked forward.

They exchanged some basic information and guesses with Tang Ze, and then went to the guest room to stay and spend the night, and then go out to investigate the situation the next day.

Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie live in the same room, right next door. Chu Suibi and Gao Yan were naturally in the same room, sleeping on the tatami mats, so close that they could reach them by extending their arms.

When Gao Yan turned over, he was facing Chu Shabi.

Chu Shuibi closed his eyes, his breathing was almost steady, and his chest didn't rise much.

Gao Yan had to admit that the man in front of him was just according to his aesthetics, with a strong physique and handsome face, and a danger like a beast that was temporarily hidden.

When we first met, I almost got palpitations. The heart was tightly grasped by fear and shock, and the sense of danger was overwhelming, so that there was only one thought left before making any other response, and running away.

Gao Yan slowly closed his eyes, but at this moment, Chu Shuibi opened his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled silently.

In the middle of the night, Gao Yan was woken up. He heard the sound of 'dong dong', so close that he could no longer sleep.

When I got up and looked around, the sound was gone again, and there was no movement outside the door.

After sitting quietly for a long time, Gao Yan lay down. He just closed his eyes and heard the sound of 'dong dong'. This time, he heard the source of the sound clearly, just below his ears. Gao Yan froze, sat up slowly, and suddenly lifted the mat to reveal the tatami below.

There was a gap the size of a palm near the ear on the tatami, and under the gap was an ugly and terrifying face, grinning at Gao Yan.

"Did you steal Nanako's golden pillar?"

"Is it you? Is it you? You return, you return Nanako's golden pillar."

"Thief, thief, skin you, dig up your spine, and send it to a black temple, where thousands of people step on it and 10,000 people spit it out."

Gao Yan's face was ugly, and soon he found that the face in the gap was trying to squeeze out, and the words in his mouth became more and more urgent and louder, as if there were thousands of people chattering in their ears.

Gao Yan had a severe headache, and his hands and feet were weak, and there was a sense of fear in his heart that he couldn't resist.

The next moment, a big hand came from behind Gao Yan, covered that ugly face, and forced it back.

The author has something to say: Chu Gou: Thank you for giving the hero the opportunity to save beauty.

Ugly Face: I *****! !

Well, there are still red envelopes dropped in the comments~~~