Please Obey The Game

Chapter 15: Man lampstand


The surviving island country players refused to approach the side hall, nor did they dare to see his tragically dead companion. Gao Yan didn't know what happened to the two, so he had to go forward to check.

Chu Suibi followed him and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Gao Yan glanced at him and squatted down to look at the deceased: "Fortunately, I used to work in a slaughterhouse." After a two-second pause, he said, "I have also watched more in the morgue."

The whole live pig was neatly cut and dissected in front of his eyes, and the scene was bloodier in comparison. And the morgue faced the corpse every night, training him to be more courageous than ordinary people.

Otherwise, when watching the dead in Luoyin, Gao Yan would not be able to face it calmly or even overfulfill the task.

Chu Suibi frowned, staring at Gao Yan with a dark and ambiguous gaze, his expression tense, and he lowered his voice and said, "You... have you lived so hard before?"

"Fortunately, the secondary illness is more serious." Gao Yan touched his nose, shrugged his shoulders, and explained with a relaxed expression: "At that time, I felt that I was the only one left in the world, the sense of crisis was particularly serious, and I was unwilling to accept others. With the help of the slaughterhouse, I worked everywhere to pay for living expenses... But in fact, I stayed in the slaughterhouse for half a month, and left the morgue after only a week. Ahem, mainly underage."

In fact, Gao Yan is also full of embarrassment when he thinks of the extremely serious period of secondary illness.

At that time, he seemed to be stronger and more independent than other children of the same age, but he was actually consuming his healthy body in an overworked way.

Therefore, after the second phase of the middle school passed, Gao Yan suffered from many small problems, such as neurasthenia, poor sleep, low blood sugar, etc., which were not in the way but annoying.

This is also the reason why Gao Yan started the wolfberry at a young age.

Chu Shuibi: "I'm not too tired now."

Gao Yan shook his head: "No."

Chu Suibi was behind him, keeping quiet for a long time, and suddenly said, "I have a lot of savings, and I have several apartments at home, and I am planning to buy a car."

Gao Yan was stunned: "Huh?"

He thought that Chu Suibi was showing off, and then remembered that Chu Suibi seemed to live in the imperial capital, with several suites... Okay, he was indeed jealous.

For a person who is still paying off the mortgage, Chu Suibi has a house and savings, which is enough to make people jealous.

Gao Yan ignored him, but Chu Shuibi didn't want to let him go, and then said, "I saved the net worth for almost ten years, do you know what I'm going to use it for?"

Gao Yan turned around and avoided Chu Shuibi: "I don't know."

Know it works? It's not his, and he can't spend it casually.

Chu Suibi: "I save it for another member of my household registration book, I just want to save it for him. If he likes to buy a house or a car, it's fine, just give it to him."

Gao Yan looked back at the man behind him. The tall man squatted down without reducing his dangerous aura. He glared at the man with his eyebrows hanging, with a not very serious smile on his face, but the look in his eyes was serious.

Gao Yan blinked his eyes, just once, and his heart beat faster, well, two or three times faster. He turned his head slowly and said 'oh': "Do you understand the island language? If so, can you ask the surviving one what happened just now?"

Chu Shuibi sighed secretly, his sharp eyes slashed around Gao Yan's thin but attractive and sultry back, and only after he was satisfied did he say, "I understand a little bit."

"You know the principle of game fairness."

Gao Yan: "Yeah."

Chu Suibi: "The background of the game is beneficial to the players of the island country. For fairness, they will be attacked first. Logically, it will also be rounded. For example, we know the black temple through the grimace under the crack of the tatami, and the island country that is familiar with the background of the game The player reaches the black temple before any other player, triggering the goblin's hatred and being attacked."

Gao Yan suddenly realized, and at the same time was surprised by the importance of the game on the rules.

While focusing on fairness, don't forget logic, game developers (or gods) won't be Virgo, right

Chu Shuibi went to ask the live island players, and Gao Yan got up and entered the side hall. The side hall was black, the windows were closed, and there was no other lighting tools except for the faint light coming in from the open door.

The wall facing the door is full of portraits and photos, from the earliest yellowed portraits to black-and-white photos and color photos. The portrait is on the far left of the wall, and the light cannot shine, so it is not clear.

The black and white photos are all portraits, men and women, as well as children.

Gao Yan took a few more steps forward, almost sticking it to the wall, and saw the date of shooting and the name of the portrait written in the corner of a recent black and white photo.

The few black and white photos next to it are also the same portrait name and shooting date, and they are all surnamed Yamada.

It seems that the portraits and photos on the entire wall of the side hall are the names and portraits of the ancestors of the Yamada family.

Gao Yan seemed to think of something, and looked around the wall, but he didn't see a photo of the hostess named Nanako Yamada. He stopped, and in front of him was a black and white photo of a smiling middle-aged man.

Gao Yan thought for a while, then took off the photo and hid it.

Chu Suibi called him outside, and he didn't find more, so he simply turned and left. When he left, it was too dark to see the road, and he accidentally bumped into something, and subconsciously reached out to find a support.

The palm of his hand was attached to the soft object, the sticky and sweet liquid was all over his hand, and the tongue-like soft object licked his palm. I got goosebumps immediately.

In the blur, Gao Yan saw that the thing that was used as a support just now was a lampstand, but the lampstand was moving slowly. He remembered the disgusting touch just now, and his scalp tingled.

Just as I was about to go out quickly, I found that there were seven or eight lampstands around me, and the door of the side hall suddenly closed with a 'bang' at this moment. With a low curse, Gao Yan avoided seven or eight strange lampstands and approached the door.

There were more lampstands gathered at the door. Fortunately, these lampstands moved slowly. Although they tried to catch Gao Yan, they all failed. Gao Yan kicked over the lampstand in front of him, groped forward in the darkness, and ran over with a general sense of direction.

The surrounding lampstand could not catch him, so they tried to bite him. Gao Yan 'hiss' and his arm was bitten. Before he could wonder why these lampstands had mouths, he quickly tore the lampstands that were pasted over.

I heard the sound of 'his ho ho', gathered from all directions, like a swarm of insects rushing over.

Just as Gao Yan's left hand touched the willow branch between his neck, the door was called by Chu Shuibi to kick open from the outside, and the light shone in. The lampstand screamed in horror and fled.

Gao Yan caught a glimpse of the lampstand's true face from the corner of his eye, and cursed directly, "Fuck."

Although his scalp was numb, his hand movements were not ambiguous at all. Gao Yan took off the willow branch between his neck, caught the nearest lampstand, wrapped it around the lampstand's neck, and knocked it down to the ground. Then he kicked into the lampstand's chest with force, breaking his sternum and creating a big hole.

This is definitely not because Gao Yan is strong, but because the lampstand's body is too brittle—yes, the body.

The 'lampstands' that entangled Gao Yan and wanted to kill him were a group of deformed and terrifying things, with a human body and a lampstand on their head, and the lampstand was covered with candle wax. They have scars all over their bodies, their fingers are cut off, and a black hole can be seen in their throats in their open mouths, making hiss-ho-ho sounds but unable to speak.

This is man, once was, but is not anymore.

The 'lampstand' was afraid of light, and the 'lampstand' caught by Gao Yan struggled for a while and was unable to move. His body gradually melted into a pile of corpse wax like a lit candle.

Gao Yan: "The lampstand ghost."

The ghost in the island folk horror legend, also known as the human lampstand.

Legend has it that the father of a minister who sent Tang envoys disappeared in Tang Dynasty. The minister went to Datang to look for his father, but found his father who was made into a human lampstand in the inn. His father jumped into the sea to his death on the way back to China, and then there was a legend in the area to worship the lampstand ghost.

There is no record of the lampstand ghost in China, so the lampstand ghost is the legend of the island country.

Strictly speaking, the lampstand ghost is more like a kind of torture, similar to the torture of human beings, but it is more distorted and disgusting.

When he spoke, the lampstand ghost had melted into corpse wax, but there were still dozens of lampstand ghosts in the side hall.

Chu Suibi asked him, "Are you injured?"

Gao Yan shook his head: "No. What information did you ask?"

Chu Cuibi: "Go out first."

He asked Gao Yan to walk in front, and after he broke it, he threw something small into the side hall when the door was closed, and the pot immediately exploded inside.

But the lampstand ghost's vocal cords were destroyed, and the screams of terror were only faint calls, and when the door closed, it was silent, and there was no sound.

The island country players outside the side hall had already fled because of fear.

Chu Suibi said as he walked: "The island country players know the legend about the 'woman with a spine-sucking', so they found the black temple early in the morning, and when they were looking for clues in the side hall, they met Nanako Yamada. One of the players was slow. Get caught in one step."

Then, of course, Yamada Nanako was skinned and dismantled, the bloody spine was thrown into the temple, and the lampstand ghost was embedded in the wall.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Gao Yan looked back at the black temple, and saw a woman in kimono standing at the gate of the mountain, holding a pair of large scissors.

The distance was a bit far, and the woman in the kimono could not be seen clearly, but the eyes glued to her body were extremely cold.

"Gao Yan?"

Gao Yan returned to his senses and looked closely, the mountain gate was empty.

"I'm listening. You said just now that the Yamada family used to be prosperous and prosperous, and then married a beautiful woman. As a result, the brothers were separated, the family business was withered, and it fell overnight. Then what?"

Chu Suibi pried out the information from the island country players. The Yamada family once relied on gall pills to make prosperity for a while, but was later turned into a sunset by a beautiful woman, and even all the Yamada family members disappeared overnight.

Every poor wives die in childbirth. There is another saying in the island country. The Yamada family relies on killing the poor wives and children to obtain the gall pill formula to maintain their prosperity. That beautiful woman is the resentment of the dead Nanako. Come to avenge the Yamada family.

Nanako, whose revenge is over, is still wandering in Yamada's house because she lost her beloved golden pillar, and she will not reincarnate unless she finds the golden pillar.

Chu Shuibi: "What did you see just now?"

Gao Yan hesitated for a moment: "A woman."

Chu Suibi: "Is she prettier than me?"

Gao Yan: "???" What are you talking about, big brother

Chu Suibi: "You never looked at me when you were dumbfounded."

He lowered his head, put his face in front of Gao Yan, and asked in a coaxing tone, "Do I look good?"

The author has something to say: Aah, Chu Gou is so rambunctious again!

PS: I also want someone to save money to buy a car and a house for me. Today is also a lemon essence.