Please Obey The Game

Chapter 18: distortion


"Have you heard of human gall pills?"

At this time, the wind blew, and the wind chimes suddenly rang, and the ding bells were clanging. It was not very pleasant. The sound in the silent house had the effect of psychological intimidation.

Gao Yan was silent. He knew Rendanwan. When he used to write copywriting for the ghost forum, because domestic ghost stories were outdated, he inquired about foreign ghost horror themes, especially island countries.

The ancients of the island country believed that animal liver, gallbladder, bile and other substances are the best medicinal materials, which have great effects on human health and the treatment of diseases. During the Edo period, beef gall bladder and bear gall bladder were very popular pills.

Among this type of medicinal herb pills, Rendan pills are the most famous, with the best sales and the highest price. At that time, the price of a human gall pill was the monthly living cost of ordinary people, so most big families could afford it.

Human Gallbladder Pills, as the name suggests, are pills made from human liver, gallbladder, and bile.

Speaking of which, before the beheading was abolished in the island country, there was a hereditary family named Yamada, which was famous for beheading criminals. They take the internal organs of beheaded prisoners for processing, and then sell them for huge profits.

Gao Yan slowly spoke about the past history of the Yamada family, and guessed: "Is it possible that Yamada Nanako's Yamada has the same origin as the Yamada family that was at its peak in the Edo period? Player game background, what we want as guests Is the danwan you bought a human danwan? The six-day time limit is not the time for making the dandan, but the time for Yamada Nanako to capture the prey?"

Chu Shuibi nodded.

Gao Yan: "What do you mean by nodding?"

Chu Suibi turned around and applauded expressionlessly: "That's awesome."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, intending to get up and leave.

Chu Suibi quickly stopped him: "I'm really praising you."

In order to emphasize, Chu Suibi also raised the corner of his mouth and said how sincere he smiled.

With that sarcastic look of smirking but not smiling, if he hadn't seen his serious tone and not falsified, Gao Yan would definitely have broken up with him directly.

Gao Yan sat down cross-legged again and asked, "Mr. Chu has never praised anyone before?"

Chu Suibi: "I often praise."

Gao Yan asked casually, "How did the person who was praised reacted?"

Chu Suibi sighed: "Suddenly I started to hate me." He shook his head: "The middle-aged and widowed old man's mind can't be guessed, he hates scolding, hates praise, and is full of negative energy every day."

A WX group was established, and the name of the group was unanimously approved, and it was called the 'Lonely, Widow and Old Beasts' Salary Group'. Chu Suibi asked himself how much he condoned his teammates and friends, and naturally he did not object to them smashing his own place.

After speaking, Chu Suibi glanced at Gao Yan, and took the opportunity to say: "You are still young, if you have the chance to fall in love and get married, hurry up, it is best to get married within six months, otherwise you will be like those middle-aged and widowed men who can't find them. When I arrived at the companion, the uncle came here all day, it was cloudy and uncertain, and the mentality was distorted."

Gao Yan: "... Uncle?"

Chu Suibi: "Men also have uncles, don't you know?"

What do you usually pay attention to? Gao Yan looked away and changed the subject: "Mr. Chu, let's return to the topic."

For Chu Suibi, falling in love and getting married is the only real topic in life, but Gao Yan doesn't want to talk about it at the moment, so let's forget it for the time being.

Chu Shuibi regretted: "Okay, back to the topic - all your guesses are in the right direction."

Gao Yan: "Then, I probably know what the golden pillar that Yamada Nanako lost, and I can guess where it is. The rest is to hand in the answer. If I tell Yamada Nanako where her golden pillar is Where, how is the rating?"

Chu Cuibi: "C file."

At the lowest level, there are no rewards, leaving the game field alive, and the ending still hasn't changed.

Gao Yan asked again, "If I personally find her golden pillar and send it back, what's the rating?"

Chu Suibi: "B file." He began to smile, with a very obvious smile and undisguised appreciation in his eyes. "The 'Woman with a Backbone' game field has only the primary field, and there is no god in charge. The highest is the primary grade A. In all game fields, if you want to play the highest grade A, you need unexpected solutions."

For example, in the 'Guanluoyin' game field, Gao Yan solves the thousand-handed ghosts and ghosts while completing the basic tasks.

"But the standard of evaluation is not on the target you can see at a glance, but on the relevant but very easily overlooked places."

For another example, the high evaluation standard of the first game is actually ghost resentment, resolve ghost resentment, so that they can be reincarnated. Moreover, Gao Yan accidentally saved the 'artifact'.

Gao Yan nodded thoughtfully: "I can probably understand."

The unexpected solution... In fact, his main purpose is to make the dog more uncomfortable than the game.

Gao Yan began to think about how to clear the customs. Now he has a clue, and now he is considering the operability of some details.

"I need to go to the black temple again."

Chu Suibi said softly, "The rain has stopped." I don't know when, the rain that had been raining all afternoon finally stopped, and at this time, it was already late. "Let's go tomorrow."

Gao Yan responded.

Then, he said that he was going to go to Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie to discuss some matters, Chu Suibi lay down for an afternoon, and then said to follow along to exercise his muscles and bones.

As soon as the two of them opened the door, they saw Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie on the opposite side also opening the door. Obviously, their thoughts collided.

The two of Gao Yan entered Tang Ze's room, and as soon as they sat down, Gao Yan felt a strange gaze on his left staring at him, looking up, Yu Xiaojie was full of grief and accusation.

Gao Yan: "You shouldn't meet Nanako Yamada, right?"

Yu Xiaojie was so angry that he said, "That's not true."

Gao Yan smiled: "Since I haven't encountered it, why is this expression gone?"

Yu Xiaojie was in a trance, Gao Yan suddenly thought of a possibility, and asked in surprise, "Are you not—?"

Yu Xiaojie's eyes wandered, and his expression gradually became sad and angry: "Did I think so? Do I want to? I'm timid, you still scare me. Am I happy to run out without wearing pants?"

Gao Yan almost spit out the tea in his mouth. He knew that Yu Xiaojie was cowardly, but he never thought he would be so cowardly? !

Gao Yan thought that at most Yu Xiaojie was so scared that he spilled onto his pants, but he never expected that he would run back without putting on his pants, and finally asked Tang Ze to accompany the terrified him to the toilet.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have made this joke." Gao Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, but he was also apologetic for scaring Yu Xiaojie.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaojie waved his hand proudly: "It's okay, it's not the first time anyway."

Gao Yan: "..." What are the standards for Shenming game review

After some gag, the atmosphere eased a lot, and the four of them began to talk about business. Tang Ze spoke first: "Xiaojie and I walked around in the afternoon when we had nothing to do. We happened to find the study of Yamada's house and found a newspaper from the Edo period in it. There were advertisements for Danwan in the newspaper, and one of them was named 'Rendanwan'. ', from the Yamada family."

Gao Yan was surprised that the two of them had found the same information, so he continued: "We are about to talk about this, I think, I probably know what the golden pillar of Yamada Nanako is."

Tang Ze: "I guessed it too."

The two looked at each other, and when they were about to say it at the same time, screams and crazy cries for help suddenly came from outside the courtyard. The four of them looked stunned, and immediately got up and opened the door on the side of the room.

The position on the edge just happened to see what happened in the black courtyard, and other players also ran out to check the situation.

I saw a woman in kimono attacking Gao Yan in the bathroom in the middle of the courtyard. She held a bone scissors in her hand and slowly walked towards the player who was struggling to climb forward. corpse of the player.

Those two players were non-Chinese players from Asia. Taking advantage of the rain in the afternoon, when the other players were not moving, they secretly went out to find clues, but they missed the time and came back. They were chased by Nanako Yamada at the door of Yamada's house.

Yamada Nanako cut the player's flesh with the bone scissors in her hand. With a crisp 'click' sound, she cut off the player's spine, and then 'teared' and tore it out quickly and accurately.

Yu Xiaojie was trembling to save the player who was attacked, but was stopped by Tang Ze: "You will now be the target of her attack in the past. Besides, even if the boss is chased away, the player will not be able to save him."

The player's throat was cut with a large opening, and the blood was pouring out, and he was just waiting to die when he was rescued.

Yu Xiaojie had to give up, and then squatted aside and vomited with a blank face.

Yamada Nanako pulled out her spine and looked up at all the players with a gloomy smile. When she looked at Gao Yan, the smile became greedy.

When she saw Chu Shuibi, who was smiling but not smiling, she was stunned for a moment, then her smile became reluctant, and then she immediately turned and left, her back was a little like running away.

However, the players present were frightened by the scene just now, and could not notice the slight change at all.

The author has something to say: Chu Gou's care: #On the harm of hand speed to the body for many years of being single#, #On how to ensure mental health after being single for many years#, #pursuing three hundred strokes of the opposite sex#…