Please Obey The Game

Chapter 31: Great mercy


The players opened their mouths and stared at Gao Yan: "Are you a Taoist priest? A monk? No, even a Taoist priest and a monk can't be a ghost in the game field, and how many baby spirits are there... at least tens of thousands? ."

How can tens of thousands of infant spirits be saved

Gao Yan spit out two words: "Props."

what props

Heart Sutra, Great Compassion Mantra.

The reward brought out in the first game field was originally called the lost version of the "Dharani Sutra of the Heart of Great Compassion", which was introduced to the Middle Earth in the Tang Dynasty, and is the great compassionate heart of Avalokitesvara with Thousands of Hands and Thousands of Eyes.

It can be used three times and is not bound by any objective factors in the game field.

That is to say, no matter the level of the game field, no matter how many ghosts will be saved, no matter good or bad, all are equal, and all are treated with great mercy.

Apart from Chu Suibi and Su Jiang, the players didn't even know that he still had this item, so they were quite curious.

But Gao Yan walked into the wooden house, and the infant spirits seemed to like him very much, and did not have the same resistance as they resisted other players.

He walked in without hindrance, and then the door closed, and there was no movement inside.

Short-haired woman: "There are tens of thousands of infant spirits and six mummified corpses in it, but only Gao Yan is a stranger inside. Are you sure there will be nothing wrong?"

No matter how pitiful the past of baby spirits and mummies is, they are always ghosts in the playground.

Chu Suibi leaned against the pillar, ignored her question, and focused on playing with the Walkman in his hand.

It seems that as soon as Gao Yan left, he completely took away his warmth and smile. At this moment, he did not hide his indifference and arrogance.

Su Jiang replied in a low voice: "Brother Yan never does anything he is not sure about, and he will not put himself in danger. If he dares to go in, it means there will be no danger. Don't worry."

Gao Yan stepped into the wooden house, and the shrill laughter stopped immediately, and the yin card didn't move at all, as if everything he saw and heard outside just now was an illusion.

The windows of the wooden house are used for decoration and cannot be opened at all, so there is almost no light in the house.

Gao Yan stood there for two or three minutes before getting used to the darkness. He paused, then sat down cross-legged, looked up at the Yin card above his head, and suddenly laughed.

"I don't know if you can understand... After all, it's still an ignorant baby, and there may be some instincts to get close to people. But the baby spirit was abandoned by its parents, so there should be no expectations for its mother. If there is no expectation, it doesn't matter. liking and liking.”

So the finger bone that Nanako gave him was actually useless.

What really made the infant spirits have a good impression of him was actually the Heart Sutra in his pocket.

Gao Yan calculated in his mind the true role of the imprint of the gods, and the purpose of transcending the infant spirit was not entirely to get revenge on the dog game.

He took out the Heart Sutra from his pocket. The Heart Sutra was originally in Sanskrit, and it was introduced into China and translated into several versions. Among them, the most widely circulated was Gavan Dharma, and the earliest was the Great Compassion Dharani Sutra.

The origin of the scriptures is that of the 9.9 billion Ganges River sand Buddhas, and then it was recited by Guanyin thousands of kalpas ago, and it is used to transcend sentient beings.

So it is a very rare high-end item.

When he opened the scriptures, the words in the translation were obscure and convoluted. Gao Yan tried to read two lines, but found that they were smooth and did not feel difficult.

Gao Yan was a little surprised, but not too surprised. After a short pause, he continued to read the scriptures.

The reading process cannot be stopped or interrupted.

There were eighty-eight sutras in total, and it became more difficult as it progressed. Each word seemed to be worth a thousand dollars. It was hung on the tongue, with a soft tongue, so that he could not speak a single word.

By the end, the words were a little unclear.

Gao Yan sweated on his forehead, and the sweat fell down his forehead and landed on his eyelashes, almost blocking his vision.

His vision began to blur, and the words on the scriptures followed, and he had a splitting headache and his veins burst.

A clear and clean voice sounded in the silent wooden house, and the scriptures and Sanskrit sounds seemed to fall from the clouds in the sky, falling into the wooden house, and falling into the ears of the infant spirits.

They climbed out of the yin cards, or lay on the ground, or climbed on the pillars, ceiling beams, or simply quietly climbed onto Gao Yan's knees with their fingers in their hands, staring at him.

The scriptures came out of Gao Yan's mouth, turned into golden lotus flowers, and fell on the brows of Yingling.

The baby spirits stretched out their slender hands to grab the golden lotus floating in the air. They caught it, melted it into their palms, and giggled as if they had seen something strange.

Waving arms, giggling, innocent and harmless, like every new born.

A little baby reached out and tried to wipe the sweat off Gao Yan's forehead, but the sweat fell to the ground through the palm of his hand.

Infant Ling was about to cry.

Gao Yan sighed in his heart, while reciting the scriptures with difficulty, spit it out word by word, while catching a golden lotus flower and handing it to him.

The baby spirit burst into tears and smiled, and happily took the golden lotus.

Their figures gradually blurred, but they were reluctant to leave. Instead, they tentatively climbed to Gao Yan's side, touched his hand, and then slammed back. Seeing that Gao Yan was in pain, he was still smiling, and his smile was extremely gentle.

The love and happiness of the infant spirits are born from their hearts. They smile happily, babble, and waving their arms to climb over. Some touch Gao Yan's clothes and disappear, and some touch Gao Yan's hand. It's like grabbing the most beloved toy, and I'm so happy that I can't see my eyes.

There is also a bolder, lively baby spirit that climbed onto Gao Yan's body, kissed him, and then disappeared happily.

Gao Yan was a little stunned, but he still recited the Buddhist scriptures, but his heart became softer and softer, and finally he was full of tenderness.

Yingling's feelings are very direct, like and grateful, which cannot be faked.

When the last word fell, the infant spirits had already kissed Gao Yan and left with a smile.

In the wooden house, there are still golden lotus floating in the air, and in the air there is the family who built the wooden house Yin sign for the infant spirits.

The ghosts of a family of six looked quite kind in their lifetime.

They spoke Thai, but Gao Yan understood it unexpectedly.

They said, "Thank you."

Gao Yan: "No need."

"Thank you for saving the children trapped here, 13,025 baby spirits, you are the great compassion." The main speaker was the father of the family, who is also the most profound Dharma in the family. of.

"Their feelings are very direct and simple, and they tell me that they like you." He said: "They love you, not because of any external factors in you, nor because you have a heart sutra that can transcend them. It's because of you."

If Gao Yan chose to save the Infant Spirit in revenge for Goubi Games and Goubi Gods, or out of temptation for the imprint of the gods, then he wouldn't waste the Heart Sutra which only had three chances to use.

Even Chu Shuibi's evaluation is a heart sutra that can't be found.

Gao Yan saved the infant spirit out of great compassion.

They thanked them again, and then disappeared in front of Gao Yan, perhaps to reincarnate. After all, they were not at fault, and they practiced before their death.

As for the 13,025 baby spirits, after leaving the playground, they may have arrived at the place of reincarnation, waiting for the chance to be reincarnated again.

Gao Yan wanted to get up, but he fell back to his original position, his legs lost strength, and he simply sat back.

He thought about the scene he had just seen and the words he heard, and after a while shook his head in denial: "It's not a great mercy..."

Thirteen thousand and twenty-five baby spirits, but as a human being, they must be unbearable.

At this time, the door of the wooden house was pushed open from the outside, and a long shadow fell inside the wooden house, covering Gao Yan, who was sitting cross-legged on the spot.

Gao Yan turned around and saw Chu Suibi walking in with his long legs straddling him, stopped in front of him, then squatted down and hugged him again, the light scent of grass and trees lingered in his nose, lingering.

Chu Suibi: "Can't go?"

Gao Yan: "Just take a break."

Chu Shuibi: "Then I'll hold it."

Gao Yan responded in a small voice.

The two came to the door, Su Jiang was squatting at the door of the wooden house with his back to them, and in front of him was a splendid jasmine flower. The other players had already left, and after Yingling was overthrown and left, they followed, too late to say goodbye to Gao Yan.

Hearing the movement, Su Jiang turned around, waved to the two of them and said, "Just now, a five-year-old girl dragged me and handed something into Brother Yan's hands."

A five-year-old girl


Gao Yan: "What?"

Su Jiang got up, took out a string of white and beautiful jasmine flowers from behind and handed it to Gao Yan: "She said it was for you, and when she left, she left a message 'To my beloved mother'." He was quite curious: "Her mother is there In the cabin? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Gao Yan was expressionless: "She is the boss."

Su Jiang's curious expression was frozen, and the jasmine string in his hand was like a hot potato: "Isn't it?"

A five-year-old girl, who has never appeared before, and looks innocent and cute, not cruel at all, how could it be a boss

Gao Yan: "She is the boss of 'Wan Ying Skull' and a child who was filmed with a DV camera."

Su Jiang patted his head and suddenly realized: "She is the little girl in red who appeared in the wooden house! The 'babies' who issued the mission are the infant spirits, but the infant spirits, the ghosts under the villa lawn, and the male host are not the bosses of the playground. It's like Guanluoyin game field, Thousand-hand Ghost Buddha and Ghost Resentment are not game field bosses, the landlord is!"

Su Jiang is right, Yingling, the townspeople and the male host are not bosses. They are in a hostile relationship with each other, and they are subject to the causal restrictions of the game field, so the damage to the players is actually very limited.

So this is really a beginner field.

It's a pity that the configuration is too high, not like a beginner field, because the real boss didn't do it, she has been watching.

Asura appeared in front of the player, fearless, relied on, and did not lie in front of Gao Yan. She told the truth the whole time, but because it was too real, it made people think too much.

She denied that she was a 'baby', said that she was born a long time ago, and was born with the appearance of the underworld, and repeatedly emphasized that she was only five years old.

Because Asura is neither a human nor a ghost, let alone a walking corpse or a zombie, she is a demon born from the underworld.

The entire game field is under her control, but she can't surpass 13,025 baby spirits, so it can only be done by the players.

When he found out that Gao Yan possessed the Heart Sutra, Asura took the initiative to help him when the rules allowed.

Chu Suibi's additions and Gao Yan's own understanding pieced together the truth, and Su Jiang, who had heard the explanation, was shocked.

"Are all the current game bosses... so smart?"

She was really an innocent little girl, jumping up and running in front of him and sweetly calling her brother, polite and educated.

Even though he knew that there were a lot of ghosts in the game field, Su Jiang couldn't bear to refuse, but the most important thing was that he didn't detect malice in Asura.

Gao Yan took the jasmine string, lowered his eyes and stared for a while before saying, "Let's go."

The figures of the three gradually faded, and they left the 'Wan Ying Skull' playground.

In the entire game field, except for the soulless NPC, there is only the boss Asura.

The cloudy land was empty and cold, and the rain continued to fall incessantly, as thin as silk threads. A crow suddenly spread its wings from the roof of the wooden house, streaked across the sky like lightning, and landed on the palm of a small hand sticking out from the window.

"Yan Yan is so smart, I really like it."


Gao Yan stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately Chu Shuibi supported him in time, and jokingly said in his ear: "How about I carry you back to the hotel?"

"Just being careful."

The three of them walked out of the temple when a group of people walked in, and the tour guide introduced as they walked: "Nine years ago, the police seized more than 300 baby corpses in Baodeshan Temple, More than 1,500 baby corpses were found in the morgue. In the time that people have not yet seized, countless baby corpses have been burned without permission. Some people also use the molded baby corpses for profit, practice Gumantong, etc., However, it was later seized, and eminent monks were hired to pray for the baby spirits, create yin cards, and save them."

Su Jiang whispered: "The background is linked to the previous part."

Gao Yan also heard the background of Baodeshan Temple introduced by the tour guide. Indeed, as Chu Suibi once said, there is a part of the background that can be linked.

Fortunately, the more than 2,000 baby corpses in Baodeshan Temple were eventually managed by eminent monks and the government.

When the three returned to the hotel, Gao Yan and Su Jiang were quite tired, so they all went to sleep first.

Chu Suibi turned on the spare computer in the hotel, took out the card in the Walkman, and transferred the contents to the computer. Then he downloaded an audio clip and started processing it.

Gao Yan slept until dark, and when he got up, he saw Chu Suibi using the spare computer in the room.

It was Chu Suibi's hotel that was booked at the beginning, but this idiot booked two hotels on the grounds of lack of funds, and let Gao Yan choose whether to sleep with him or with Su Jiang.

Before Gao Yan made a decision, the little assist expert, Su Jiang, had slipped into the next room, locked the door, and said he wanted to call the guy from his house.

Helpless, Gao Yan shared a room with Chu Suibi.

Gao Yan got up and came to Chu Suibi: "Busy with work?"

He didn't look at the screen, peeped without permission, it was always impolite.

Chu Cuibi raised his head, glanced at Gao Yan, reached out and turned on the lamp, and the room suddenly became much brighter.

He beckoned: "Come here to see, what do you think?"

Gao Yan walked around in front of him, looked at the computer screen that was pushed over, and asked casually, "What is this?"

"I cut the audio."

Gao Yan was a little interested.

Speaking of audio, it is actually a small video similar to the vibrato platform. The sand sculpture videos I cut from somewhere are all gathered in one short video, and each small clip lasts about five or six seconds.

When Gao Yan saw it at first, he burst out laughing.

After a while, he found that each small video has only one sentence - "No wonder I can't get used to seeing other people fall in love".

Gao Yan's expression went through a process of solidification, stiffness, and indifference. He calmly watched the video and turned to look at Chu Shuibi: "What?"

Chu Suibi clicked the mouse to save: "This sentence is so beautiful, I think it can be selected as one of the top ten best sentences in the world. I recorded it before, can I cut it out and keep it as a souvenir?"

His Walkman has been cut, ready to be looped a hundred times a day, as a bedtime slumber.

"… "

Gao Yan was very calm: "I understand the truth, but why did you cut it into a video of ghosts and animals? It's still all sand sculptures."

Chu Suibi was silent for a while, then asked, "Don't you feel full of the power of love?"

He saw nothing but ridicule and contempt, full of power, whipping and torture from the heart, from the depths of his soul.

Chu Cuibi saved it, then opened a green window and clicked Send.

Gao Yan was startled: "Who did you send it to?"

Chu Suibi: "In the group. I lead by example and encourage them to fall in love more."

Gao Yan looked at Chu Suibi's smiling face, and narrowed his eyes slightly, why did he think this dog was intentional


Lonely and widowed old beasts begging for wages.

News #Top 10 Most Beautiful Sentences in the World. With a link #Audio.

The people in the group thought it was the audio from another health practitioner, but when they were about to click on it, they suddenly remembered the painful experience of straying into the trap in the past, so they looked up tremblingly - Chu Shuibi.

Oh wow!

The video of the old beast is definitely not nutritious, you can't watch it, refuse to watch it, and you must not be cheap.

So this video persisted tenaciously until four in the morning the next day, and finally some people couldn't help but click to watch it - after all, the style of the painting changed a lot, it really didn't look like the old dog forced the previous style.

The group members who clicked and watched went crazy, with red eyes and anger and withdrew from the group again.

The lessons from the past are right in front of you, and the other group members hold back... can't help it!

Curiosity killed the cat!

They clicked on the audio and got 10,000 taunts and injuries.

The content of the ghosts and the sarcasm from the soul hurt their self-esteem again.

Xie Sanqiu still didn't believe that Chu Shuibi could get this far, so he asked him in the group @chusuibi, "What does the audio message mean? What does that sentence mean?"

Chu Cuibi replied slowly, "Let's lead by example and encourage you."

Xie Sanqiu: "???"

After a long time, Chu Shuibi asked, "Aren't you asking who said that?"

Xie Sanqiu: "Who said that?"

Chu Suibi: "My little friend, he said this to other players when I was by his side. You can understand, he said 'other people are in love', who does this 'other' refer to, do you understand?"

Xie Sanqiu: "..." Punching his fingers, making you cheap, you deserve it.

The group members were extremely angry and scolded Chu Suibi, the old beast. They finally knew that this ghost video was not a mockery, nor did it come from Chu Suibi's deep love, and its fundamental purpose was to show affection!

What a beast! What a dog!

The group members quit the group in anger. Xie Sanqiu went to the forum. He wanted to accuse his boss of using the work group as a place to show affection, but he came across a new post—

[The Wanying Skeleton Pit Game Field, high-energy players will destroy the game field again]

Clicking in, there is a player who just came out of the game field called Wanying Skeleton Pit stating the process of the companion player taking them all the way to the snakeskin, the spark and the lightning show.

Not only did he tie all the shadow corpses into strings for the crows to eat, but he also saved the ten thousand infant spirits inside.

This Nima's snakeskin is walking, it is estimated that it is a giant python.

Xie Sanqiu saw that this operation was inexplicably familiar, very similar to Chu Gou's children.

He rubbed his chin and glanced sharply at the bottom of the floor, who replied to the landlord's words, but he did not describe the process of clearing the game field, but felt that a man named Gao in the game field endured the pain of giving birth for love, and the baby was five years old. .

Such touching love stories have attracted a large number of building builders, who responded uniformly: Listen to your nonsense.

Xie Sanqiu thought it was very interesting. It was the same game field with the same surname. The most important thing was that there was a particularly flamboyant old thing in it.

So Xie Sanqiu used the background authority to find the layer owner and extract a lot of information.

He rubbed his chin and smiled wickedly.

As soon as Yang Mian came in, he saw the black-skinned exotic boy smiling like a black chicken, trembling all over, and quickly slipped away, the former idol has long since been shattered.

The rest is just the black chicken essence with the same name and surname!

Two hours later, a new post on the Buzhou Forum was born. After a while, there were more than a thousand followers, and the tail of the post was followed by a torch sign and [hot].

This post is called - [Shock! A man surnamed Gao is suspected of giving birth to a baby girl alone. Five years later, another father finds out the truth. Is it true love? Is it tenderness? Or a deception?]

In this regard, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi are not aware of this.


At the end of the game field, the three of Gao Yan did not return to China immediately, but took advantage of the opportunity they had finally come over to play in the tourist area of Thailand.

During the period, Su Jiang's family suddenly arrived in the next province and city. As soon as he called, Su Jiang packed his luggage and flew over there. When he was leaving, he spoke to Gao Yan, but Gao Yan nodded and told him to be careful along the way.

So during the trip, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi were left alone.

Saying goodbye to Sujiang, Chu Suibi walked Gao Yan all over Bangkok, including some programs that would not have been known without the locals.

Gao Yan was quite surprised: "Are you familiar with this place?"

Chu Suibi: "I've been here twice before. This is a famous Buddhist resort. People all over the country believe in Buddhism. At the same time, there are many events such as witchcraft, magician, Gumantong, etc. Basically, I find a temple to If you worship inside, you may be able to enter a game field. However, most of the game fields in Thailand are beginners, and there are very few intermediate game fields, and advanced game fields and gods game fields have never appeared.”

Gao Yan frowned: "Why?"

Thailand has such a strong Buddhist atmosphere that they still believe in the Buddhist theory of reincarnation and reincarnation, and there are many practitioners of all kinds.

Chu Shuibi: "It doesn't have its own system of gods."

Hearing this, Gao Yan understood it after thinking about it carefully.

Because Thailand believes in Buddhism, also known as Hinduism, and its god system comes from India.

One of the six major god systems in the world is the god system of ancient India.

"Go and see their Buddhist temple here."

They went to the famous Buddhist temple here, where they saw the four-faced Buddha, and at the same time, they saw the statue of the god Rahu, who was dark and had only the upper body and was holding a ball.

Gao Yan looked at the statue of God Lahu, and suddenly said, "God Lahu is really a Yaksha, and he is also the patron saint of Asura Taoism, right?"

Chu Shuibi smiled and nodded, "Yes."

The author has something to say: Yes~~ The real boss of Wanying Skeleton Pit is Asura, and it is precisely because Asura is the boss that Gao Yan ruined the game field without any scruples. The boss is there, and the salary is there.

Gao Yan: No one can let me do a freelance job, not even a boss!