Please Obey The Game

Chapter 4: Ghost resentment


"… "

The silence was spreading. How did Zheng Weimin's pedestrians react when they heard the news, Gao Yan and the others didn't know or were interested in knowing.

Su Jiang scratched his head in confusion: "The thing explaining the rules is the Avalokitesvara. Now that it was taken away by the landlord, we can still hear it talking? Is it a boss or an NPC? But without the protection of advanced rules, three people have died, isn't it more dangerous now?"

He was so stunned right now that he couldn't understand the situation at all.

Zheng Weimin said that this is a dungeon that will never die, but three people died in just one day. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a novice-level dungeon protected by advanced rules.

However, the game clearly stated that this is a novice primary dungeon. For the fairness of the rules, it will never be deliberately wrong.

In addition, what puzzled him the most was the statue of Guanyin with eight arms and severed palms.

It is the NPC who interprets the rules, but it is also the one who protects the player.

Su Jiang: "What's going on?"

The three of Gao Yan had already come to the downstairs hall, but he did not stop, but continued to walk towards the first and second floors underground.

"I'm not sure either." Gao Yan had some guesses in his heart, but now the focus is on the 'master god-level player'.

Due to the appearance of the 'master god-level player', the primary field was upgraded to the advanced field as a restriction, and as a result, he was forcibly demoted to the primary field. How powerful is this master god-level player? !

The second floor was the basement. It was empty and unoccupied. The lights were pale, and the atmosphere was dark. No matter how light the footsteps were, it would be extraordinarily loud.

The door on the second floor was closed, and Su Jiang asked, "Do you want to open the door?"

Yang Mian walked to the nearest room, grabbed the door handle and tried to open it: "It's locked, it can't be opened."

Gao Yan: "Forget it, go to the first floor and have a look." After speaking, he turned around and went downstairs.

The two of Su Jiang followed and soon reached the entrance of the first floor. The entrance to the corridor was locked by an iron gate, which could not be opened without a key.

Yang Mian was closest to the iron door, and she put her ear to the iron door and listened for a while.

"There is movement inside, like the sound of wind." She spoke a little slowly, looking for a suitable description: "There is a sound of water, like a pile of sticky insects or a sticky octopus squeezed together. the sound of."

Gao Yan stepped forward and pushed the door. The iron door didn't move at all, and it fit tightly with the edge of the door. There was no way to see the scene inside from the edge.

He glanced at the keyhole: "The landlord should have the key."

The first floor could not be entered, the door on the second floor was closed, and the two floors were all very strange. The three were equivalent to returning without success, so they came to the fourth floor. The third floor is the hall, and the fourth floor is the residents who light Buddha incense in front of the door to exorcise evil spirits.

Zheng Weimin and the others seem to think that the venue upstairs watching Luoyin can get more clues, so they have been running upstairs since yesterday.

As for the residents on the fourth floor... Can there be normal people in the garbage game

Su Jiang knocked on the door first, and the door opened. "Hello—" He then gave a friendly smile.

With a 'bang', the door slammed shut, and there was a slight aftershock.

Su Jiang distorted a handsome little white face: "Am I ugly? Does he know that someone spent 1 million to buy my first night when I first debuted, and I rejected the price because of the low price? Why does he dislike me?!"

Yang Mian took a step forward: "I'm coming."

This time she knocked on a door, and the owner of the house was a 180-pound otaku. The otaku had no resistance to the girls in Japanese high school uniforms. As soon as he opened the iron door outside, he was immediately kicked back into the house by Gao Yan.

Yang Mian was stunned, and following Gao Yan's more tacit reaction, Su Jiang quickly jumped in and motioned Yang Mian to come in, then closed the two-story door.

The 180-pound otaku was held hostage without the ability to resist. He had a big face and was stunned. He didn't understand how he would encounter robbers at home.

Gao Yan went straight in: "What is living on the first and second floors?"

Hearing this, the otaku showed a look of fear: "You are also here to take risks? I advise you to leave quickly if you don't want to die. Some things can't be touched casually."

"What's living downstairs?"

"Ghost, didn't you come here to take the risk when you heard that the building was haunted? Many young people and city reporters would come here every once in a while, and they all died in the end."

In the coffin building, ghosts live in the same house, it is estimated that there are ghost guests living on the second floor. The haunted building in the otaku's mouth is the background of the game, and the adventurer is most likely the player's identity.

"What about the first floor? Don't lie to me, the people on the first floor are not ghosts."

The otaku's face became even more frightened. He swallowed and asked tremblingly, "Did you see that thing?"

Gao Yan said calmly, "We don't know, we want to go, but we can't go now." He pointed at Yang Mian: "You have the heart to have such a lovely girl die here?"

That was really unbearable.

The otaku scratched his head: "Actually, I'm also a new resident. I just moved in not long ago, and I don't know much about the legend of this building. I heard that a long time ago, this was a temple and enshrined a god statue. Later, superstition was broken, and the temple was It was demolished, and the foundation was rebuilt into a building. However, there were many accidents, so I invited an expert to come over and said that it is necessary to build a coffin building where Yin and Yang live together in order to quell the evil spirits.”

After a short pause, he added: "After the resident moves in, he has to light Buddha incense in front of the door every night to worship. The new resident does not know the situation, and there is a chance that something will happen. The first floor... The people who live on the first floor are not ghosts."

"To be precise, it was a group of monsters that condensed and condensed their grievances after they died."

Gao Yan: "Ghost resentment. What is the source?"

Otaku: "I don't know. I just came here, and I didn't understand many things."

Gao Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Is there a Guanyin statue in the building?"

Hearing the three words 'Guanyin Statue', the otaku shrank under the table in fright, and the whole person shivered: "No, there are no other Guanyin statues, no... Don't ask, you should leave quickly. Ask me again. I know, let's go."

Ask other questions, most of the otaku can't answer, and he is very cooperative with the ones that can be answered. In the end, there was nothing to ask, so Gao Yan got up and left.

When he came to the door, Gao Yan suddenly turned his head and called the man in the house: "Will you and the residents in the building go to the landlord's mother's funeral?"

"Ah?" The otaku replied blankly: "No... I won't go, I won't go this time."

Gao Yan nodded: "Thank you."

"No, no thanks."

The door closed, and the otaku returned to the living room and slumped on the sofa. Outside the door, the three of them stood in the deadly fourth-floor corridor.

Su Jiang asked in a low voice, "Are the residents in the building human? Are there living NPCs in trash games?!"

So upscale and realistic.

"It's not an NPC." Yang Mian said calmly: "The game limit is six days, and there are always people who live for six days but fail to complete the game mission, can't walk, can't die, because of the rules, they become temporary in-game and ghosts. The 'artifact' of peaceful coexistence. Not even NPCs, we are a junior field now and can easily get information, but in the future it will be difficult to get prompt information from the mouths of 'artifacts' and NPCs."

Su Jiang immediately felt shivering. He was trapped in a ghost building and became an 'artifact'. According to the settings given by the game, he became a guest, like an obedient puppet implanted with a program. It is better to be eaten by the landlord. , at least die in a gourmet way.

Gao Yan touched his stomach and said to himself, "I'm hungry, let's find out if there is anything to eat." He waved at Yang Mian: "If you have something to say, go back and ask the landlord for something to eat first. Something to fill my stomach, I am hungry and sleepy, and my limbs are weak.”

Yang Mian: "... Now there are not many young people like you who insist on eating breakfast."

She had not known what breakfast was for two years, so she didn't feel hungry until she got up early in the morning.

Gao Yan was noncommittal: "Really? Breakfast is good for promoting blood circulation."

When they returned to the fifth floor, they happened to see the landlord pushing the dining car to knock open room after room. Some rooms were violently kicked open when no one responded. After checking, no one could knock on the next room.

It turned out that because the three life-saving props were cancelled, Zheng Weimin had to share the same room in pairs to reduce the use of Buddha incense.

They opened the door one after another, stared at the cannibal landlord with displeased and wary expressions, and refused the lunch provided by the landlord.

On the other hand, Zheng Weimin took the lunch and glanced at Gao Yan before returning to the room. He felt relieved when he saw the three of them returning empty-handed.

Gao Yan: "Give us three lunches."

Landlord: "..." He stiffened his face, squeezed out a smile, and gave Gao Yan a small jar of fruit candy after giving out three lunches, holding back for a long time two words: "Gift."

Gao Yan looked at the landlord paradoxically: "Do you still bring real-world candy here?"

Landlord: "Import. Import through special channels."

He looked proud of "the channel that Dad has mastered, you trash can't imagine", and immediately thought of the dog who forced him to deliver candy to compare things, and his heart was filled with grievances.

Gao Yan took the three lunches and the small can of fruit candy, while the landlord pushed the dining cart back angrily.

Su Jiang took the three lunches, took time to look at the candy jar, and said in surprise, "Isn't this the fruit candy brand that you always keep, Brother Yan?"

He almost forgot that Gao Yan had low blood sugar, it was not serious, just eat a candy when he was hungry. However, I was in a hurry when I entered the game, and I didn't bring any candy with me. Fortunately, the landlord gave the same brand of fruit candy.

"It's quite human." Su Jiang muttered.

Yang Mian was absent-minded and didn't notice this.

The three entered the room and found that the room had been searched.

Gao Yan had expected it long ago. He said, "Last night we didn't order Buddhist incense but we survived. Zheng Weimin must have suspected that we had life-saving props, so he would steal it while we were out."

Su Jiang: "Fortunately, we sold the Avalokitesvara statue." After thinking about it, it suddenly felt like a good deal.

Gao Yan asked them to eat first, fill their stomachs, and then discuss other things. He put the can of fruit candy in his pocket, and when he finished eating, he opened it and took an orange-flavored candy and put it in his mouth.

The mellow taste and the full amount of fruit juice are indeed a brand that is usually eaten.

Gao Yan lay down on the sofa with his eyes down, his quiet appearance was extraordinarily well-behaved and gentle, his black hair fell obediently, his skin was fair, and his face was handsome.

He looked small and immature, like a freshman.

In fact, he had just participated in the internship after graduation from the university, but he calmly took the other two people throughout the whole process, which was simply too reliable.

Yang Mian cleared his throat: "Let me re-introduce myself. My name is Lu Yangmian, a professional financial analyst and a native of Suihai City. To be precise, I am the next head of the Changchun Taoist Temple in Suihai, and a Taoist priest."

Gao Yan raised his eyes, slightly surprised.

Inexperienced, Su Xiaojiang exclaimed: "Sister, why do you have hair?"

"...I'm a Taoist priest, not a nun. You still call me Yang Mian as before, and I don't have the surname Lu if I haven't officially transferred the property." Yang Mian took a deep breath and said, "I took the initiative to enter the game for the purpose of cultivation. I don't know, about the nature of the game, I don't know either. Because this is also my novice primary field, I may not live to the advanced field, so no one told me the essence of the game."

"The only thing I know is that death is real, and the rewards obtained by clearing the game are also real. At the beginning, I didn't take the initiative to explain that I was afraid of unpredictable people. It's better to pretend that you don't know anything. I'm sorry about this."

Both Gao Yan and Su Jiang understood Yang Mian's concealment and didn't care.

Yang Mian frowned: "And Zheng Weimin, I've heard of him before. He has a very bad reputation and often deceives newcomers, deliberately misleading information and killing many newcomers. The specific operation is unknown."

After speaking, she hesitated for a moment and looked at Gao Yan: "You seem to know Xuanmen very well... Do you go together?"

"No. I took over a lot of planning-related private work in the four years of college. For two years, I helped a spiritual forum write copywriting and checked a lot of relevant materials."

Su Jiang: "I testify that there is a whole row of folk books in Brother Yan's study."

After the two sides were candid, the relationship between them became more trustworthy.

Su Jiang asked: "Then will you continue to look for clues? This time, you should go upstairs to find it."

Gao Yan: "There are still four days, don't worry." He turned his head and asked Yang Mian, "Do you know the main god-level player?"

He wants to know the information of the main god-level player who triggered the hidden story.

Yang Mian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and replied, "Before I came in, there were no main god-level players."

In other words, the main god-level player may have successfully advanced in these two days.

"However," Yang Mian added: "If the person who is most likely to advance to the main god-level player should be from the 'Gods'."

"'Gods' is a team with only thirteen members. There are three pseudo-lord god-level members, and they are all high-level gods. Identity... er, I don't know, non-player identity can't get more information. But once If we leave alive, we are official players and can know a lot about the game and the gods."

"'Gods' is a legend." Yang Mian held her face with a longing expression. "Many people in our Taoism actually participated in this game. Basically, they all knew about the 'Gods', and their dream would be gone one day and they would be selected as new teammates."

Yang Mian doesn't know more about the game than they do. He is also a novice, and the starting line is the same, which is an absolutely fair rule.

Gao Yan: "You can do your own activities in the afternoon, Yang Mian, first give me three Buddhist incense sticks."

Yang Mian gave him three Buddhist incense sticks, and the remaining 17 sticks are still with him.

In the afternoon, Yang Mian and Su Jiang went upstairs to find clues, while Gao Yan was taking a nap.

In the evening, the landlord came to deliver dinner and stared at the player like pork. Gao Yan also received the same treatment.

Gao Yan: "Can you introduce an import channel to me?"

The landlord sneered: "Big face."

Gao Yan: "In business, we are familiar with each other once and for all. We both have a wonderful past. Why don't we deepen our communication and strengthen our relationship?"

The landlord didn't say a word, and drove the little broken dining car to run around—one or two are not a thing.

Gao Yan shook his head: "What can I do if I'm shy?"

Su Jiang and Yang Mian behind them were speechless, brother, are you blind

In the middle of the night, Su Jiang washed the dishes and put five or two uncooked rice at the door. Yang Mian ordered three Buddhist incense sticks and put them on the uncooked rice. Then, the three of them gathered around the living room after washing up. Because they had naps in the afternoon, they didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

Gao Yan: "Sujiang, didn't I ask you to bring melon seeds and green tea bags back? Take them out."

Taking advantage of the time when Sujiang was going to boil the water, Gao Yan went out with three Buddhist incense sticks, and came back after a while, just in time for the green tea to be brewed.

Su Jiang: "Brother, who did you go to?"

Gao Yan picked up the green tea and took a sip: "To solve Zheng Weimin, he is a trouble."

Yang Mian was stunned: "He is very cunning. He has a lot of life-saving tools, and it is estimated that he will not die."

"That's not necessarily true." Gao Yan grabbed the sunflower seeds: "Floyd said that gossip is human nature - chatting while nibbling, and going to sleep at almost no time."

Su Jiang was so happy that he grabbed the seeds and talked about all kinds of gossip in the circle. Yang Mian originally wanted to say that Freud didn't say that, but 'quack, quack' listened to the gossip while squatting on the seeds, and gradually became fascinated.

—What Freud said really made sense.

Su Jiang and Yang Mian fell asleep, and Gao Yan was awakened in the middle of the night as usual. There was an earth-shattering sound in the corridor, accompanied by Zheng Weimin's terrified yelling and cries for help. It lasted for more than 40 minutes, and the movement outside gradually died down.

Then came the crunching sound, the gnawing sound of bones being shattered and flesh chewing between canine teeth.

Gao Yan kept his eyes open until nearly early morning before falling asleep, only to be woken up by screams within two hours, so he had to get up.

Not surprisingly, Zheng Weimin died.

His body was hung upside down from the ceiling, his arms were torn off, his chest was slit open, and half of his internal organs were eaten.

It's still like killing a pig.

The remaining four players couldn't help but collapse, and the strongest backer fell. How could they leave here alive

One of the elite men and another woman suddenly remembered that there were still three Buddha incense sticks left, so they endured the pungent smell of blood and entered the room to search.

Unfortunately, the three Buddha incense sticks were not found.

While everyone was staring at the corpse, Gao Yan pulled out the three thin bamboo handles of Buddha incense from the bowl of raw rice at the door of Zheng Weimin's room.

Only Yang Mian noticed this scene, and at the same time found that the bowl of raw rice at the door of Zheng Weimin's room originally had six Buddha incense sticks.

The other three that came out should be the three that Gao Yan took out last night.

There are five or two raw rice in front of the door, three Buddha incense sticks for ghosts and spirits, and six Buddha incense sticks to attract evil spirits.

The author has something to say: Chu Gou: Even if the level of the game field is different, it can't stop me from giving candy to my daughter-in-law!

Landlord: Fuck your mother!

Author: If you say fattening, do you have the heart? Writers who don't comment will be wilted T_T

The five taels of rice and six sticks of Buddha incense in front of the door are fabricated, but generally, three, five, seven, and nine incense sticks are chosen for worshipping gods and ghosts.

Freud said that gossip is human nature.

——Floyd, I didn't fucking say that!

PS: Shou is not the main god, he is a novice. The main god player who appeared in the previous chapter is the attack.