Please Obey The Game

Chapter 42: Close the playground


"The story of the twin sisters in the title is probably clear, but what is the purpose of the girl with long braids? She also wants to rebuild the circus? Bury half of the player's corpse in a banana forest to refine it into a demon, and then feed it to the ghost woman, who What? What's the purpose?"

Gao Yan organized all the clues he had obtained, but some new questions arose.

The girl with long braids is too neurotic and perverted, so she can't figure out her thoughts for the time being, so she can't figure out the real purpose of the girl with long braids, let alone the ultimate purpose of the player's corpse buried in the banana forest.

Gao Yan wasn't perverted enough, so he couldn't figure it out.

But Chu Suibi understands, because he knows the bosses in the game field too well, and he has seen even the perverted ones. I am used to and familiar with, so I can easily figure out the boss's mind.

"The most obvious and simple reason is that she wants to resurrect the twin sisters."

Gao Yan felt even more unbelievable: "She killed them, and she has to work so hard to resurrect them?"

"She likes them. It has been written in the diary, and the word 'like' has appeared several times. The girl with long braids appreciates the twin sisters, because they are equally perverted and vile, and have common hobbies - love of curiosity and blood." Chu Sui Bi said meaningfully: "They appreciate each other, calculate, hunt each other, and enjoy the process and the result."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "Where did you see it?"

Chu Suibi pointed to the last page: "Here—'I know, they are revenge on me', the girl with long braids calculated the two sisters, and used the elimination system to make the competition between them more intense, which eventually led to the two of them fighting each other. Killing. They know that the girls with long braids are plotting against them, and they know that they have become a show in the eyes of the audience, and the more intense they fight, the more excited the audience is, and they enjoy it."

The twin sisters are the same people as the head of the group. The more the audience and the warmer the eyes are on them, the more excited they will be.

So the sisters don't mind themselves being the protagonists of the show, they are treacherous and clever, cunning and murderous.

The audience cares most about who is eliminated, but no one knows, not even the head of the group, so the show failed, the head of the group was obsessed with madness, and finally she was left alone in the circus.

She took the stage to perform her last show, and the actor was herself.

The twin sisters took revenge on her at the last moment with the team leader.

Gao Yan whispered: "If the truth is indeed as you said, then neither the audience nor the girl with long braids can find the 'missing' sister? Not even sure about her death? Her skin was peeled off and sewn on the trunk, no Did anyone see it?"

At that time, the human skin and tree trunk had not yet merged, so it should be very easy to identify.

Chu Suibi: "My sister killed my sister in the morning, and my sister in the evening. Under normal circumstances, people don't turn into ghosts so quickly unless they use some black magic."

Gao Yan: "Black witches are prevalent in Southeast Asia, especially in small places where there are no restrictions on forbidden black witches, and the circus has seen a lot of treacherous things in their travels. The sisters are very smart and may have learned special black witches. My sister When she killed her sister, she used the black witches' forbidden technique... This makes sense why she hid her sister's body in the trunk of the tree. One of the ways to achieve longevity by being one."

The two sisters have a very strange relationship. They hate each other and love each other. The competition is so fierce that they want to kill each other, and they will use forbidden techniques to try to revive each other after each other dies.

The elder sister died that day, and the younger sister was killed at dusk. The audience found the body of the younger sister, but they could not find the elder sister, and the result could not be determined for a while.

The girl with long braids may have thought about recovering her sister's body to lead out her missing sister, but not long after, her sister's body also disappeared and was buried under the roots of a tree but no one knew about it.

Then, the girl with long braids figured out the revenge of the twin sisters, so she put herself on the stage as the last show.

After their death, the twin sisters were still scary. They both practiced through forbidden techniques. Maybe it was because Goubi Games saw their perverted aptitudes, so they hired them to guard a promotion field.

It's a pity that the apprenticeship was unfavorable, and when he encountered Chu Shabi, he was killed.

The girl with long braids was also recruited by Gobi Games after her death, but the level of the game field was too low, so she cooperated with Asura to upgrade the game field with the power of King Asura. And her purpose is not only to find out the original result, but also to resurrect the sisters.

But the most fundamental purpose should not be so simple.

"But it makes sense." Gao Yan let out a sigh of relief, and then asked, "You said 'the most simple and simple reason', in other words, there is a more important purpose for what the long braid does."


"Have you guessed it?"


Gao Yan nodded and stopped asking.

Chu Shuibi's eyes were cold: "Where's Asura?"

Gao Yan: "I haven't seen her."

After yesterday, Asuro has not shown up.

Chu Suibi lowered his eyes: "The boss of the promotion field is famous for playing with people's hearts and is notorious."

Gao Yan instantly understood what he meant by saying this: "Do you doubt Asura?"

At first, he thought that this sentence was referring to Asura, and when he suspected that the girl with long braids might also have a problem, he aimed at her again. After all, what the girl with long braids does is indeed 'playing people' and 'notorious', and she talks too much.

Now it is confirmed that she is also one of the bosses, so it is natural to suspect that the long braids should be.

But—he remembered that Xiao Guanyin said 'it's notorious in the game field' at the beginning, it would be wrong if he was referring to the girl with long braids, she was not qualified to let the whole game field know her notoriety.

In addition to Asura, only she is qualified.

If this sentence refers to Asura, then what they should be most wary of is not the girl with long braids, but Asura.

Gao Yan put away the diary: "Look at it again."

They moved on, searching for other rooms, and the entire fifth floor was sealed off, with many small rooms filled with circus props, and they would trip over if they were caught off guard.

After turning around for nearly twenty minutes, Gao Yan and Chu Suibi searched almost all the rooms on the fifth floor, but they still did not encounter Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie.

Gao Yan: "Isn't it on the fifth floor?"

Chu Shuibi: "The two island players aren't here either," he shook his head and deduced, "Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie will definitely go to the fifth floor to search, they know that there is something strange on the fifth floor. The same is true for the chrysanthemum bell, but we don't If you see it, it means they have been arrested."

Gao Yan: "Didn't something happen?"

Chu Shuibi: "No signs of fighting, no blood."

As soon as he thought about it, he pulled Gao Yan's wrist and ran into the nearest room, targeting the window. Pushing open the window, he looked down and saw that the girl with long braids and Asuro were playing ball in the courtyard.

They seemed to be aware of Chu Suibi and Gao Yan upstairs, and looked up in unison. The girl with long braids still smiled brightly, while Asura greeted him with a waving hand holding the ball.

The two girls behaved so indifferently that one shuddered.

"It turns out that there can be a window on the fifth floor..." Gao Yan thought thoughtfully, and then said calmly, "They know that we saw the diary and photos, and that we guessed it."

But without fear, why

Chu Cuibi stepped on the window, half squatted on it, stepped out with one foot, grabbed the window frame with one hand, his eyes fell on the building pattern outside, and he looked around for a place to rest.

"Come up, we have to jump down"

Gao Yan was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Chu Suibi: "The door outside is closed, the windows will disappear, and the entire fifth floor will become a closed space. If we don't go out, the two of us will be trapped inside like Tang Ze and the others."

Hearing this, Gao Yan's eyebrows jumped fiercely, and without hesitation, he jumped to the window frame, and squatted side by side with Chu Shuebi.

"Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie are trapped inside?"

"If you don't find them after you go out."

The window is not small, but the space is very narrow when two big men are squeezed together.

Chu Suibi turned his face to the side and asked him warmly, "Are you afraid?"

Gao Yan shook his head: "I believe you."

Hearing this, Chu Suibi laughed: "Do you need me to take you?"

Gao Yan glanced at the height, the fifth floor, about 15 meters, but there are many obstacles below, at least with his skills, as long as he is more flexible, he can land safely when he finds his footing.

"Need not."

"I'll jump first and catch you below."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Shuibi let go of his hand, leaned forward and fell down. He stepped on the foothold like a dragonfly and quickly landed on the grass. Then he turned to look up at Gao Yan, and shouted loudly, "Come down."

Just as Gao Yan was about to jump down, he suddenly felt that the palm supporting the windowsill seemed to be pushed down by a thrust. Looking up, he found that the wall above his head was slowly falling, and the walls on the left and right were gradually closing in on the middle.

Gao Yan jumped and jumped to the protruding shelter downstairs. Because this is a Gothic building with a red roof, there are many flying buttresses, vaults and other designs on the outside, which can be used as a foothold.

Jumping and climbing, or stepping on flying arches, or hanging from the eaves of the window, the body is as light as a swallow, flexible and agile, and every time it is about to fall, it can stabilize the body and use the inertia to jump down.

Chu Suibi was fascinated by the sight on the lawn. Gao Yan, who was jumping between the eaves of the flying arches and windows, looked like a bird, with graceful posture and no lack of vitality.

Asura also stood by his side and looked up at some unknown time, opening his mouth slightly and looking fascinated.

One big and one small stared at Gao Yan with infatuation.

When the girl with long braids saw this scene, she pouted and rolled her eyes, she was mentally retarded.

When Gao Yan landed, Chu Suibi and Asura hurriedly stretched out their hands to catch him, but Gao Yan was a little unsteady at the beginning of the landing, stumbled a bit, and steadied himself before the arrival of one big and one small. When he looked up, he saw Asura slumped in front of him without stopping.

"… "

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "Asura?"

Chu Shuibi, who braked in time, was very contemptuous, and he snorted in a timely manner.

Asura slowly raised his head, his big eyes filled with tears, stretched out his hands, and said pitifully in a glutinous voice, "Dad, hug."

Gao Yan stared at her for a while, then bent over to pick up the too delicate and beautiful little girl, and asked warmly, "Does it hurt?"

Asura shook his head sensible: "It doesn't hurt that much."

In other words, it still hurts.

"Wait a minute to wipe some medicinal wine."

Asuro's small arm wrapped around Gao Yan's neck, quietly turned his head and showed a provocative smile at Chu Shuibi: "A little bit."

Chu Cuibi's face was expressionless: Unfilial daughter.

Gao Yan asked her, "Asura, are Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie on the fifth floor?"

Asura: "Who are they?"

Gao Yan: "Player, my teammate."

Asura: "Okay, I remember them. They are indeed on the fifth floor, and there are two other people. I said it once, you don't have to ask again."

Gao Yan: "I didn't find them just now."

Asura retracted his hands and pointed to his fingers: "They are in a closed space, you are not inside. If you don't jump down in time, you can see them."

"What is the fifth floor?"

Asura fixedly looked at Gao Yan, the latter also looked back at her, her pupils were very dark, as beautiful as black gems, Lingling was cold, clean and calm, and it didn't matter much when she heard that her teammates were locked in the closed space on the fifth floor fluctuations.

It's not that Gao Yan is too indifferent, but that he already knew about it.

Knowing that she was the boss of the game field, she still hugged her as if nothing had happened, asking questions without humiliation, without threats or prayers, as if it didn't matter whether she answered or not.

... It really doesn't matter, Yan Yan can find the answer anyway.

Asura was a little discouraged, but then he felt that Gao Yan was very smart, and he loved him a little more.

"A closed space." Asuro kicked his calf and explained actively: "Where time and space are closed, the fifth floor is the stage for circus performances."

Gao Yan: "This house is not a circus, but the fifth floor?"

Asura chick nodded as if pecking at rice: "That's right!"

Gao Yan and Chu Suibi glanced at each other, and at the same time they looked at the girl with long braids. The latter always had a bright smile. Seeing that the player finally looked at him, he said happily: "Are you willing to participate in my show? I'm ready. A grand," she gestured with open hands: "a very grand performance, the audience will love it."

"What show?"

"Confidentiality, if you say it now, it will lose the mystery, right? But I promise, the audience will be very surprised, because this is a unique and grand performance, and I have been preparing for it for 80 years!"

Chu Suibi: "Eighty years? Are you ready to celebrate your eighty-year death anniversary?"

The diary records the time that the girl with long braids died eighty years ago.

The long-braided girl glared at Chu Shuibi: "You killed the children I admired the most. If they didn't die, I've found them now and re-established the circus."

Chu Suibi covered his mouth with the back of his hand and despised the girl with long braids: "Who are you talking about? I don't know anything."

The girl with long braids: "Stop pretending, the only main god-level player in the Shenming game field, Chu Shuibi."

"I'm sorry, my name is Ai Yan, I'm a beautiful girl, Gao Yan's girlfriend, the person I like the most in my life is Gao Yan." Chu Suibi perfunctoryly denied the words of the girl with long braids, and at the same time did not forget to seize the opportunity to ask Gao Yan confessed and took the opportunity to compare his heart.

The girl with long braids said in a low voice: "It is said that the main god-level player Chu Suibi is also known as Chu Laogou..." She looked at Chu Suibi, "The gods are sincere and do not deceive me."

Chu Suibi clarified seriously in Gao Yan's ear: "Slander, everything is slander. Dogs hate me more than gods, dogs more than games, and dogs more than ghosts. When they get the opportunity, they will spare no effort to smear me. It's really sinister."

Asuro looked up at him, seeing that the latter's expression was very serious and he really felt that this alias was deliberately smeared by the game, and he couldn't help showing an indescribable expression.

Gao Yan comforted him: "I believe in you, you are the best."

Chu's broken heart has softened, it doesn't matter if the whole world slanders him, as long as Gao Yan believes.

Asura Thriller: How the fuck are you clueless

Gao Yan: "It's been a long time to see people's hearts, if it's a rumor, it won't stand up."

Chu Suibi was so complacent that he was so confident that he couldn't see himself clearly and couldn't recognize reality.

Asura: Love makes people blind.

Taking advantage of the moment when Chu Shuibi didn't pay attention, Gao Yan responded quietly to Asura: "No way, my boyfriend has to spoil him."

Asura: Toothache, stomach bloating, and heartache.

The girl with long braids quietly looked at the fake family of three in front of her, consisting of players, god-level players and bosses, and thought of something very fun and interesting: "I'm starting to look forward to the sixth day now, the gods. Level players are a bonus, and I'm excited."

After saying that, she nodded, affirming herself, and then walked towards the house, leaving a sentence when she passed Gao Yan: "As a player, do you even have a good impression of the boss? You are nothing like Chu Suibi, One compassionate, one violent, how long can you go?"

"I'm curious, hee hee."

As soon as the girl with long braids left, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Asura nestled in Gao Yan's arms for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "Yan Yan, do you hate me?"

Gao Yan: "Will you kill me?"

Asura: "Of course not!"

Gao Yan: "So, will you try to keep me in the game field?"

Asura hesitated for a moment, then said dejectedly: "I understand that it is not possible."

Gao Yan smiled: "Thank you."

Chu Shuibi clasped his hands and stared at Asura coolly, but did not interrupt their conversation.

Gao Yan: "You are the boss and King Asura. You have things you want to do, and I also have things that I want to accomplish. It's just a different position. I won't force you to give up your long-planned plan. , also, if we happen to be antagonistic and hostile, I will not give up because of it.”

Asura: "Yes, you are right."

Gao Yan: "Asura, I don't fully trust you."

Asu Luoming knew that Gao Yan's attitude was normal, but she was still a little sad.

She really likes Gao Yan.

“Jasmine skewers…”


"If it's Gao Yandai, it won't tighten. People other than Gao Yan will be strangled if they wear jasmine strings."

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression was gentle, so it seemed that he had misunderstood Asura.

Then, Asura said something in Gao Yan's ear, and then quickly kissed Gao Yan while Gao Yan was stunned, then slipped down and ran away quickly.

Before Chu Laogou didn't react, he fled quickly to avoid being killed on the spot.

Hehe, Yan Yan's skin is really smooth.

While running with his short legs, Asura covered his mouth with his small hands and smiled until his eyes narrowed.

With a 'smack' sound, his left foot stumbled on his right, and he fell to the ground. The atmosphere was awkward for a long time before she got up, and this time she ran away faster.

Gao Yan burst out laughing.

Chu Shuibi: "She said about God Lahu?"

Gao Yan: "Did you hear it?"

Chu Cuibi: "The voice is not too small."

Gao Yan: "Well, she mentioned Lahu Tianshen. So I understand, the purpose of the girl with long braids, the grand performance and twin sisters. Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie are not locked in a closed space, and everything will be fine for the time being."

Chu Suibi stretched out his hand, rubbed the spot where Asura had kissed just now, leaned forward to cover it, and whispered, "Even if it's a child, I'll care."

Gao Yan lowered his eyes, the corners of his lips deepened, and stood still, looking over his eyes as if condoning his lover's vexatiousness and overly possessive desire.

This look makes it even more irresistible.

Chu Suibi hugged Gao Yan tightly, buried his head between his neck, and said with a low smile, "You are indulging me to become more excessive."

Gao Yan blinked, thought for a while, and said, "I should be able to stand it."

Chu Suibi took a light bite on Gao Yan's neck: "Don't tease me."

Gao Yan lowered his eyes: "I heard your heartbeat, very soon."

Chu Shuibi sucked in a breath, let go of Gao Yan, spread his fingers and raked his hair, feeling a little impatient. At this time, he wanted to smoke again. He subconsciously touched his pocket, it was empty, and he pulled it out again, glancing playfully. Gao Yan couldn't help but grit his teeth and said fiercely: "You are teasing you before you get revenge on me."

Gao Yan: "Yes, I learned from you."

retribution. Chu Laogou, who has always been rougher than the sea, finally got his retribution one day.

Chu Suibi: "The talent is high enough, I'll teach you other things after I go out—" After a pause, he put up with the rant, he wasn't afraid of Gao Yan's return, but he was afraid that he couldn't hold back.

Gao Yan closed it when he saw it, and stopped talking to stimulate him.

Right now, Chu Suibi couldn't react for a while, and when he got used to it, Gao Yan would no longer be his opponent.

"Cough cough." Gao Yan coughed twice and returned to the main topic: "Wait for Xie Sanqiu and Yang Mian to come back, tell them the matter, and then discuss how to clear the customs."

Chu Suibi had nothing to do with Gao Yan, and said helplessly: "The girl with long braids knows my true identity, it should be recognized through Asura, and the dog does not know it yet. The promotion field will not be taken advantage of, but there is a pull. Hu Tianshen is here, so it’s hard to say.”

Gao Yan nodded, and the two entered the living room of the house to wait.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Xie Sanqiu brought Yang Mian back. The latter had several bloodstains on his body, but he was quickly cured.

Xie Sanqiu is also a pseudo-lord god-level player, even if he doesn't know the spells in Southeast Asian and Chinese witchcraft, there are other healing props.

However, Gao Yan was a little curious about why Xie Sanqiu healed Yang Mian's wound when he was not in the banana forest, but waited until he returned to the house for treatment.

Xie Sanqiu glanced at Yang Mian: "Let her hurt a little bit and have a better memory."

Yang Mian touched his nose and hid beside Gao Yan embarrassedly.

Gao Yan: "What?"

Xie Sanqiu: "How can she say that she is also a Taoist priest. I heard that she is the next master of a Taoist temple, but she was chased by a few ghosts in the banana forest, and she was almost killed."

Yang Mian replied in a low voice: "I was besieged by five spirit monsters at the same time. Those spirit monsters were all refined with black witches. They used to be very powerful players, and their level was also very powerful. I was able to support them for an hour, and I even killed them. One of them is not too weak."

Xie Sanqiu glanced at her and laughed: "If I hadn't rescued you, would you have survived? Are you killing that monster? You just want to die together!"

Yang Mian rationalized the loss and did not dare to refute.

Xie Sanqiu: "I asked you to exercise, I didn't make you work hard!"

After holding it for a while, Yang Mian still retorted: "I'm really measured, at most bleeding and injury, it's not that serious."

Xie Sanqiu looked at her coldly, and Yang Mian surrendered: "I shut up."

Yang Mian stopped talking, Xie Sanqiu said: "The ghost woman is devouring the contents of the banana forest, nearly ten of them have been devoured in one afternoon. The digestion is very fast and the strength increases, so I quickly bring Yang Mian out. , I told other players when I left, but I didn't believe it much."

When they left, several other players were still trying to find clues in the banana forest, while the ghost woman was hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to act.

Gao Yan: "The ghost woman will devour all the monsters in the banana forest before the sixth day, and she may become a demon by then."

Xie Sanqiu sat down and asked directly, "Do you know the background of the game field?"

Gao Yan: "I know."

Xie Sanqiu glanced around the living room: "Where are Tang Ze and Yu Xiaojie?"

Chu Cuibi: "On the fifth floor."

Xie Sanqiu paused, "Is something wrong?"

Chu Shuibi: "It's okay now."

At this time, two Buddhist monks appeared at the door with the help of a player from another team. As soon as they saw Gao Yan and the others, they immediately started chattering.

The Buddhist monk helped heal the wound on the player's body, and the player happened to know some Chinese and was able to communicate with the Buddhist monk and Gao Yan.

The player was a man in his thirties, named Galawa.

Galawa said: "We met in Banana Grove, and at the same time we met Kuntranak, she was no longer trapped in the condition of 'celibacy' and rushed towards us. Three of my teammates and another Buddhist monk were caught by her. Captured, we can't confirm if they are still alive."

Gao Yan: "Should be still alive."

Galawa hurriedly asked, "How are you sure?"

Gao Yan had a sullen expression, pondered for a moment, and finally said, "I can probably infer the complete background of the story, and I also know where the bodies of the missing elder sister and younger sister are." After a pause, he continued, "I can tell you."

Galava: "Any request, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree. I hope to save my teammates."

The teammates who went to the promotion field together are dead friendships, and they are precious. After all, going to the intermediate field may not necessarily meet teammates who cooperate with each other.

The other two Buddhist monks also agreed at the same time, they were willing to tell all the clues, and they were more willing to help, as long as they could save their teammates.

Gao Yan: "Before that, I have something to say in advance, you'd better prepare yourself mentally."

Gao Yan's expression was very solemn, which made everyone nervous involuntarily.

Chu Suibi behaved very calmly, but Xie Sanqiu, who was familiar with him, could see a bit of seriousness from it. There must be something wrong with the game field that Chu Suibi could take seriously.

Galava: "Go ahead."

He unconsciously used the honorific title.

"There are traps in this playground."

"Even if we pass the customs, we may not be able to get out! Because the game field may be closed."