Please Obey The Game

Chapter 44: Rebel (four more)


Players already know the complete background of the question, there is no need to infer from the questions and answers, and the two sides have now torn their faces, and the answer to 'Turtle Soup' is no longer important.

What matters is how to get through.

Chu Suibi's suggestion is to kill the boss. Anyway, he has done a lot in this matter, and he has a lot of experience.

But falling in the ears of other players is as shocking as a sudden thunderstorm falling on the game field. It is too late for them to hide from the boss. How dare they kill the boss

Yang Mian raised her hand and asked: "The two bosses, one of them is King Asura, and there are also ghost women, body bag ghosts and Tuyul, especially ghost women. On the sixth day, she will eat a banana in the banana forest. More than a hundred spirits and monsters, their strength has risen sharply. We can't do it with just the few people we have now."

Chu Suibi and Xie Sanqiu didn't answer her, so Yang Mian turned to look at Gao Yan: "Brother Yan, what are your plans?"

Gao Yan: "Me? If killing the boss is the only way to clear the level, then of course you choose to kill the boss. But it's really not that easy. Fortunately, the leader of the game field is a girl with long braids, so it's enough to kill her."

Galava: "Don't worry about King Asura?"

Gao Yan lowered his eyes: "I'll take care of it."

He and the other two Buddhist monks suddenly remembered that Asura was very close to him. Although he appeared to be very close and loved, he was an Asura who was cunning and good at manipulating people's hearts.

Galawa told the two Buddhist monks, exhorting Gao Yan to pay attention to Asura and not to trust her too much.

Hearing this, Gao Yan smiled and thanked him, but did not explain the matter.

"The goal is to deal with the girl with long braids. Since she has a lot of helpers, let's fight back one by one."

"incite defection?"

Gao Yan murmured: "Yeah, you said that you were all killed before you were alive, and you were full of resentment. How could you still be willing to stay under her hands after death? It happened to be the familiar image of folk ghosts, causes of death, weaknesses and fears. , you all know, so isn't it easy to instigate a rebellion?"

No - it's not that easy, it's just as easy as you think it is.

Gao Yan clasped his hands: "Then... let's make a more detailed plan, welcome everyone's comments, and encourage everyone to actively participate."

Yang Mian pressed her excitement: "I have an immature suggestion."

Gao Yan nodded: "Speak."

Yang Mian: "Should we ask about the family's relationship? The braided girl and the twin sisters are not related by blood, and they certainly don't have any relationship with the ghost woman. That's the question, the ghost woman, the body bag ghost and Tuyou. Does it matter?"

Gao Yan gave her an approving look: "I'll ask you questions later."

Yang Mian: "Hehe."

Dangdang - it's six o'clock.

Gao Yan looked up at the stairs in unison, and after a while, there was no girl with long braids. It seems that she is really angry, and age is a mine belt that women can never touch.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from behind and gradually approached, and when everyone turned around, they saw the body bag ghost with an axe appearing in front of them.

Chu Shuibi looked up at the body bag resentful spirit standing in front of him, and said hello lightly, "Hello."

Body Bag Wraith: "..." The dismantled limbs are still aching.

It was silent for a moment, and moved its heavy steps to avoid Chu Shuibi and turned its head to him, which shows how unattractive Chu Shuibi is.

Although last night, Chu Shuibi didn't use the coffin nails to make it go away, but it was still a whole night of pain after having its limbs chopped off and being punished by acupuncture again. So when I saw Chu breaking the jade, I instinctively began to fear.

The body bag ghost stood silently in the living room, not speaking, and the upper body was wrapped in an old body bag, and the head and expression could not be seen clearly, making it impossible to judge.

Gao Yan was the first to break the silence: "It's head was cut off, its trachea was damaged, and it couldn't speak, so if you have any questions, ask now."

Galawa and the two Buddhist monks looked at each other and fell into deep thought, while Yang Mian instantly understood the meaning of Gao Yan's words, her eyes lit up, and she immediately circled in front of the body bag spirit: "Do you and Tuyul have any relationship? blood relation?"

The body bag resentment moved a little, it wanted to answer this question has nothing to do with the question, but it couldn't speak, it could only use gestures to express yes or no. Given the constraints of the playing field rules, it chose to gesture for affirmation.

Gao Yan's lips curled slightly: "Is Tuyul the child of the ghost woman Kuntranak?"

The Body Bag Wraith made a 'yes' gesture.

Galawa and the two Buddhist monks suddenly realized that the girl with long braids and the twin sisters had no blood relationship with other ghosts, but there were still three ghosts in the house that were related.

This kinship is the body bag wraith, the ghost woman and Tuyul.

Back then, the ghost woman was a clown girl in the circus. She got along with the tall and strong animal trainer, and successfully became pregnant and gave birth to a living dead baby, Tuyul. Later, the tall animal trainer was killed as the next show, followed by Tuyul.

Therefore, the three members of the family were all harmed by the girl with long braids.

It is absolutely impossible for them to be without resentment!

Xie Sanqiu probably guessed what Gao Yan and Chu Suibi wanted to do, so he asked, "Is the game field on the sixth day limited to the fifth floor?"

The Wraith of the Body Bag hesitated for a moment. It felt that the question was beyond the scope of its answer, but its IQ was not enough to make it realize that it could choose to remain silent and refuse to answer.

So just after a moment of hesitation, it made a gesture of affirmation.

Gao Yan: "Sure enough. No wonder girls with long braids will arrest players and trap them on the fifth floor."

Chu Shuibi: "The whole game field is closed because there is too much movement, and it is difficult to guarantee that it will not attract the attention of the dog than the gods. There are six times in total, and each time it is safe, it means that the closed game field is not that wide."

Because the game field on the sixth day is on the fifth floor, and the fifth floor has long been set up as a closed space, and it is only necessary to catch all the players on the fifth floor before the sixth day, and it will not be so easily discovered by the gods.

Galawa and the two Buddhist monks asked questions separately, basically around their teammates. Although they were known to be safe for the time being, they hoped that their teammates would not be harmed during this period.

Of the seven players present, everyone except Chu Suibi used their daily questions.

So they looked at Chu Shabi, and Chu Gou lived up to their expectations, he asked, "How did the girl with long braids die?"

Everyone was stunned, this question is not right.

The question is wrong, you should give an example of the specific method of death and then ask whether, otherwise, the body bag ghost will have no way to answer.

The result is that the body bag ghost did not show any action, because it was the player who asked the wrong question, so his silence did not violate the rules of the game field.

Galava suggested: "How about... another way of asking?"

Chu Shuibi smiled but not smiled: "No need."

Galawa and the two Buddhist monks looked at each other, all feeling very inexplicable.

Gao Yan knocked on the armchair and glanced at Chu Shabi with a thoughtful expression.

Yang Mian was a little inexplicable, and felt a little thought, so she quietly asked Xie Sanqiu.

Xie Sanqiu glanced at her and said, "You should think in the most despicable and shameless direction."

Yang Mian: Forget it, it's definitely unexpected.

Gao Yan touched his stomach and looked up at the ceiling: "I'm hungry."

Chu Suibi got up and urged the body bag grievance spirit to let his wife come back to cook quickly. This family of ghosts seems to be a ghost woman who knows how to cook.

Body Bag Wraith: If it could talk, it would have been fired.

A group of spicy chicken players!

After finishing dinner, the players discussed each other, then went back to the room, and then there was no other movement.

As a result, the long-braided girl who was hiding in the dark and peeking couldn't figure out what they were thinking. She asked Asura, "Do you know what they are thinking?"

Asuro glanced at her, took out the candy that Gao Yan gave her in the last game field, and said with little concern, "It's nothing more than a way to pass the level."

The girl with long braids looked at Asura: "Do you like that player named Gao Yan?"

Asura: "Of course I like it, didn't I tell you? I was waiting for the player with the imprint of the Goddess of Mercy to appear a hundred years ago. If it wasn't for him, how could I have crossed the underworld?"

If she wants to be in charge of the ghost realm, she naturally needs merit, and the underworld is the stepping stone to obtain merit.

The girl with long braids pretended to remind her unintentionally: "I thought you would forget our cooperation because you liked him."

Asura smiled sweetly and said, "How could it be? Do I seem to give up my own interests for the player? I am Asura."

Blessed and virtuous, Asura who is not loved by the God of God but acts recklessly.

The girl with long braids stared at Asura fixedly. The latter responded with the same sweet smile. After a long time, she also showed a bright and strange smile: "I hope our cooperation can last for a long time."

Asuro tilted his head and said, "It won't last long, this is the last time we will cooperate."

The girl with long braids smiled unchanged: "That's right, after all, I'm useless."

Asura: "You pay attention to Chu Shuibi, he is a master god-level player, and he is not so easy to deal with."

Girl with long braids: "Of course I will pay attention to him, he ruined my acting plan."

Asura sat quietly with the candy in his arms, listening to the long-braided girl's constant complaints and angry curses, and after a while, she became nervously excited.

Licking the candy in small mouthfuls, Asura was thinking about when Gao Yan would come to her.

Gao Yan is very smart, he must know her purpose.

Asura narrowed his eyes with laughter, thinking of Gao Yan, his heart felt like he was dipped in honey.


At ten o'clock in the morning on the fourth day, Gao Yan and Yang Mian saw Galawa and two Buddhist monks, who were black and black, and they said hello and sat down for breakfast.

Before eating breakfast, Galava handed Gao Yan a tin jar the size of a palm: "We caught twenty of them overnight, and they are all still alive."

A tin jar holds a gecko.

Gao Yan: "It's hard work."

Galawa shook his head, while the two Buddhist monks put their palms together and bowed to Gao Yan and said the Buddha's name. "Hope you can rescue our teammates," they said.

Gao Yan: "I can't promise Yin Ya, but I will try my best."

This is also enough. Galawa and the two Buddhist monks thanked again without being stupidly aggressive.

Seeing this, Yang Mian understood.

"Baby cries, chicks chirping, and geckos chirping all lead to ghost wives."

The gecko captured by Galawa and two Buddhist monks was used by Gao Yan to draw out the ghost woman.

Gao Yan: "Ghost women are more vicious, and I will be responsible for instigating the rebellion."

Chu Shuibi: "I will solve the body bag grievance. It just so happened that it didn't answer my question yesterday. I feel resentful and really want to take this opportunity to trouble it."

Everyone was silent, this excuse was a perfunctory one, it would be better to simply say that he just wanted to beat the body bag grievance spirit.

... I don't know how the big brother in the body bag provokes this beast.

Yang Mian: "Let Tuyur leave it to me. I think the ghost woman and the body bag grievance follow the words of the girl with long braids. It is Tuyur. It is a breakthrough."

Gao Yan nodded, and when they parted, he gave her the finger bone that Nanazi gave him to represent his mother's longing.

"Although the function is very tasteless, it is effective for Tuyul."

Because Tuyul has a mother, he yearns for motherly love, and ghost women and body bag wraiths care about him but may not know how to express love.

Galava and the two Buddhist monks were responsible for staying in the room and watching, paying attention to the movements of the girl with long braids, and remembering not to touch her alone. If you encounter it, there is no need to resist, and she will kidnap the player.

The body bag grievance spirit spent a lot of time hiding in the warehouse, Chu Shuibi said to Gao Yan before solving it, "I'm not at ease when you enter the banana forest alone, I'll follow you when I solve this thing."

Gao Yan thought about it for a while, and felt that Chu Suibi had multiple insurances beside him, so he agreed: "Okay."

So the two of them went into the warehouse to find the body bag grievance spirit. From the outside, the warehouse didn't look big, but when they got inside, they found that there was something special.

The warehouse was dark and there was not a trace of light, except for a small bulb in the middle. After the switch was turned on, the orange light showed the darkness and crampedness of the warehouse.

Darkness pervades every corner, and the faint light makes the terrifying shadows looming in the dark, adding a more terrifying atmosphere.

Gao Yan: "I can't see clearly."

Chu Shuibi: "It's really dark."

After a moment of silence, there was a rustling sound in the darkness, and after a few seconds, two beams of strong light lit up, making everything in the darkness invisible.

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Chu Suibi beside him: "Did you bring a flashlight?"

Chu Shuibi: "Aren't you?"

The two looked at each other and smiled. Before entering the warehouse, they thought that it might not be too bright, so they both found two strong-light flashlights from the house, but neither of them expected to be so tacit.

The body bag grievance was standing silently in the corner of the warehouse, and was quite angry when he saw two players breaking into its private area, but due to the rules, players would not attack unless they were single.

So it still stands quietly in place.

Chu Suibi and Gao Yan approached it, the body bag resentful spirit involuntarily took a step back.

Gao Yan sighed: "Why do you feel like we are forced to be prostitutes?"

Chu Cuibi: "Forcing the good to be loyal is more like, we are here to instigate rebellion."

Gao Yan thought about it and thought that what he said was quite right, that he just put gold on his face a little bit.

Chu Suibi laughed, his body suddenly moved, and he shot in front of Gao Yan, subduing the corpse bag resentment in the blink of an eye, and the latter didn't even have time to react.

Gao Yan's pupils shrank, and even his fingertips were trembling slightly. He couldn't even see Chu Chu's movements, and the body bag resentful spirit that had caused him to flee in embarrassment was subdued before he even had time to raise his axe.

This is the gap, the gap between him and Chu Shuibi, and even at this time Chu Suibi's ability is suppressed at the peak level of the junior promotion.

If he is standing here as a master god-level player, he may not even need to take a step forward, just move his fingers. Asura feared him, girls with long braids feared him, and even dogs feared him more than gods.

Chu Suibi snapped his fingers in front of Gao Yan: "Return to God."

Gao Yan's eyes rolled for a moment, and he fixedly stared at Chu Suibi's face: "This seems to be the first time that you have made a move in front of me. In the previous game field, you either used fire to deter you, or you were not in front of me. I feel like I'm missing a treasure."

Chu Suibi: "Are you complimenting me?"

Gao Yan: "Praise you."

Chu Suibi: "Am I handsome?"

Gao Yan: "No one can compare to you."

He smashed Chu Shuibi with sweet words, but the key was that Gao Yan still had a calm expression on his face, with a serious look in his eyes, which was simply overwhelming.

"If I had seen your skills earlier, I would have asked you for guidance earlier, but fortunately, it's not too late to start now." After speaking, Gao Yan looked at Chu Suibi again and sighed, "Brother Chu, you should It's a treasure."

At the end, he pursed his lips and smiled again, with a little pride: "It belongs to my treasure."

Gao Yan teases me! To die! Chu Suibi shouted wildly in his heart, Gao Yan is cute! The sultry, sweet-talking Gao Yan is even cuter! !

Chu Suibi coughed a few times, and pretended to be serious with a sullen face: "I'm not that good, you are my treasure."

The surface is calm and calm, but in fact, he has already started to draw up a long list of wedding banquets in his mind. As for not considering the auspicious days, that is because he is familiar with the good days suitable for marriage in the past three years.

Gao Yan pinched the tip of his ear and lowered his eyes: "I still think you are better."

The Wraith of the Body Bag swears that if it hadn't intentionally increased the struggle, the two wonderful players in front of them might have been chatting until dark on the topic of 'you are the best, no, you are the best'.

Gao Yan said softly: "Do business, love affairs, and talk about it after you go out."

Chu Cuibi smiled and was extraordinarily kind and kind.

When Gao Yan said 'love affairs', he was really eloquent. This 'love affairs' really is the most meaningful thing to talk about after going out. Otherwise, how can this stinky and trashy playground be suitable for love affairs? Woolen cloth

This kind of 'love thing' is to be shared.

Chu Suibi had already listed the shared list, and he was waiting to go out to catch up, and this shared list repeated 90% of the names of the people on the wedding invitation list, which was quite miserable.

While thinking about it, Chu Suibi did not forget to step on the head of the body bag Wraith, and took out a coffin nail and placed it in front of it.

Seeing that the coffin nail that could kill him was taken out, the body bag grievance was no longer calm. Although it can't actively attack the player now, it can escape.

Chu Shuibi exerted a little force under his feet, but he was stunned to step on the corpse bag and the ghost's lower body jumped and the upper body was like a mountain topping on the top, motionless, as if a salted fish was standing upright.

"I asked you a question yesterday, and you didn't answer, just my question. To be honest, I feel discriminated against."

Body Bag Wraith: "???"

Chu Suibi: "Girls' hearts are very fragile. If they are discriminated against, they will be injured. If they are injured, they cannot be cured unless you compensate."

Body Bag Wraith: "!!!" Your mother is sick!

Chu Suibi: "I can feel you scolding me... The resentment is even worse." He raised his foot and kicked it down again, and a hole appeared in the head of the corpse bag resentful spirit. And he continued to say expressionlessly: "Compensation? Otherwise, I will kill you."

Body Bag Wraith: "..."

Seeing that it didn't answer, Chu Shuibi suddenly shot and stabbed the coffin nail into his heart. As soon as he pierced the body bag, the spirit of the body bag was terrified and frantically struggled.

Just at this moment, Chu Suibi suddenly stopped: "Do you want to pay?"

pay. The corpse bag grievance made a gesture to express his willingness to compensate, and he could do anything, just begging not to kill it.

Chu Shuibi regretted a little: "Actually, even if you continue to stand still, I won't kill you immediately, but will remove your limbs and cut off your head. When the girl with long braids stitches it up for you, I'll come back to you. ."

The body bag grievance was stiff all over, and dared not resist any longer.

The player in front of him is very strong, not only strong, but also beasts. It could clearly feel that Chu Shuibi actually didn't want it to promise compensation, because the evil spirit was too strong.

Chu Suibi really wanted to kill it, even if he didn't cooperate.

"It doesn't make any sense." Chu Shuibi got up, played with the coffin nails between his fingers, and smirked at the corners of his mouth. "Do you want to kill Long Braid? Oh, it's your head."

Hearing this, the body bag spirit hurriedly shrank into the corner without answering immediately.

Of course it wanted to kill the girl with long braids, but it was also really afraid of her, afraid of her before and after death.

"If you promise, I will help you untie the body bag on your body. As for Tuyur, someone will steal his bones."

The body bag wraith was moved, but remained silent, and it wanted more benefits.

Seeing this, Chu Shuibi sneered: "Yan Yan, do you see it? Ghosts are insatiable." After speaking, he tore off one arm of the corpse bag and said, "To be honest, I prefer you to refuse. I can justly torture you."

The Wraith of the Body Bag hurriedly waved its arms to express its willingness to cooperate, and it agreed to assist the player if the player could kill the girl with long braids.

Chu Suibi and Gao Yan were not worried that it would cheat, as long as Tuyul's bones were in their hands.

To solve the body bag grievance, the two went to the banana forest. At this time, Yang Mian appeared alone in the storage room on the fourth floor, waiting for Tuyul's sneak attack.

Intuyur is a little devil, and Yang Mian has experience in dealing with little devils, so Xie Sanqiu can rest assured that she will deal with Tuyul alone. As for himself, he ran to steal Tuyul's bones while the braided girl and Asura were not around.

Downstairs, Galawa and two Buddhist monks entangled the girl with long braids and Asura respectively. The former tried to lure Galawa to the fifth floor, while the latter was attracted by the profound Dharma of Buddhist monks.


Gao Yan and Chu Suibi first walked through the banana forest to the cemetery. When they left the warehouse, they took the wraith's axe with the body bag.

After splitting a hole, the axe was pulled out, and bright red blood sprayed out immediately, but fortunately, it did not splash on the body in time.

Gao Yan took a few steps back, waiting for the blood in the trunk to slowly drain away, and finally Chu Shuibi took the axe and split the trunk by the middle. Inside, a naked, blood-colored flesh-like object fell down and landed on the ground, looking particularly disgusting.

"Preserved very fresh." Gao Yan commented.

They dug the ground at will, and they saw another corpse fused with the root of the tree less than half a meter deep, which was also lifelike.

"If you hadn't killed the souls of these two sisters, I'm afraid you would have been resurrected today. And they will become more powerful and terrifying. With their twisted personalities and the perverted girls with long braids, this game field will soon become It will level up and become a player's nightmare."

After a pause, Gao Yan said, "What are you going to do with them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Chu Suibi turn on the lighter.

"… "

Chu Suibi: "The unpurified yang fire can't be used, that's my sign, and the dog will definitely recognize it in the game. Anyway, these two don't have souls, just use props to light them. The spirit of the tree fuses together, and it may really become a new monster in a hundred years."

As he said that, he threw the lighter out, the fire touched the bright red blood on the ground, and the raging fire ignited instantly. That blood was even scarier than oil, and in the blink of an eye, the crooked neck tree and the two corpses were surrounded by fire.

Gao Yan watched silently for a moment: "If that's the case, why not burn the more than 100 half-body corpses in the cemetery together."

Chu Suibi looked back at him and said indulgently, "Okay."

After several teams of players excavated, almost all of the graves in the cemetery were dug up, and they were not filled again, so Gao Yan dug up a few more graves and set them on fire one by one. Surprisingly, the burning process went smoothly.

Gao Yan stood at the foot of the hillside and recited the rebirth mantra along the way, hoping to help these players reincarnate smoothly.

He didn't see the souls of the players, so he didn't know that players with the Avalokitesvara imprint could indeed transcend the souls by reciting the Mantra, but the effect was far less than the Heart Sutra.

But transcending more than a hundred souls is enough.

After the recitation, the two returned to the banana forest. Gao Yan suddenly asked: "Why do you carry so many lighters with you? Are these lighters props?"

Chu Shuibi: "That's right. The props are all taken from the high-level field and can be copied indefinitely. Originally, they were useless, but they just happened to store Yang Huo." After a while, he took the initiative to explain: "It weakens my mark. , and only burns the filth, without hurting the soul. You can use it if you don't want to attract the attention of dogs and gods."

The power of his own yang fire is huge. Unless it is to anger him or to clear the scene, Chu Suibi will not use it. Most of the time, it is used to scare ghosts, otherwise, a lighter.

"Soul Fei Piao San is too much, there is no deep hatred, it can't be used." Chu Suibi said lightly.

This is his restraint on himself. He possesses great power, but he must not indulge himself to abuse it. He follows the path of violence, but he cannot be a violent person, or he will be swallowed by the abyss one day.

There are not a few players who take the path of brutality and killing, but only Chu Suibi walks to the position of the Lord God, which is related to his cruel and severe restraint on himself.

Gao Yan: "Can a lighter be copied infinitely?"

Chu Cuibi: "Yes."

Gao Yan sighed: "The way to get rich."

Chu Suibi seriously suggested: "Actually, I have two ways to make a fortune here that I want to introduce to you. Would you like to accept it?"

Gao Yan: "Come and listen."

Chu Suibi: "I will marry you, and I will take a few properties and saved belongings as a dowry. In turn, if I marry you, I can give it to you as a dowry."

As long as it is the same account, he is very easy to satisfy.

Gao Yan said immediately: "Anyway, you are sincere, and I have to save up dowry or betrothal gifts."

Chu Suibi was moved: "It's good to have a heart, I don't care."

Gao Yan: "That won't work, I can't bully you."

To be honest, Chu Suibi really didn't care, and even wanted to beg Gao Yan to stop caring about the dowry.

This has to be saved for Gao Yan. I don't know how long it will take for the two of them to get married!

Old people really can't afford it, so they want to get married quickly!

Gao Yan pondered, this is really not good, he has to figure out how to make money.

Can not be wronged boyfriend.

The author has something to say: Boyfriend—Chu Laogou shouts: I’m really not wronged!

Hey, that's actually the case. My words in these four chapters are almost 30,000 words. If you count them as 3,000 words per chapter, that's ten chapters, ten more! ! (shock: awesome!!!)

There will be three more chapters tomorrow, 20,000 words, and there will be seventeen updates! ! ! Seventeen more! ! ! ! (Broken voice: I love you!!!)

Two more than fifteen more! ! !

PS: There are indeed fifteen chapters in the archives, but there are only fifteen chapters, and seven chapters have not been updated for two consecutive days. The old man of wealth expressed his sadness.

But these are not big things, mainly because I don't want you to spend money.