Please Obey The Game

Chapter 5: Evil Guanyin


The landlord quickly squeezed in with a trash can and a mop 'DuangDuang': "You guys are so kind - oh? Today's meat is pure."

Gao Yan: "Is there any difference?"

"Do you think there is a difference between the meat of domestic pigs and wild boars?" The landlord replied angrily, but he had a good harvest today and he was in a good mood.

Gao Yan: "Wild boar is a protected animal, I haven't eaten it, I don't know."

The landlord who was choked back glared at him angrily, then turned around to clean up Zheng Weimin's body, and whispered happily: "Good thing, the meat of the advanced players is a great supplement. Hehe, I'm so lucky today, there is actually a promotion. Players are hiding in the novice field, making money... making money."

"Is Zheng Weimin a promoted player?" Gao Yan heard this important news and asked: "A promoted player appearing in the dungeon of the novice field should be considered a violation of the fairness of the rules."

The landlord gave a sly smile: "Since he appeared in the novice field, that is the fairness recognized by the rules." Then, he hummed: "If it weren't for the return to the primary field, it would be strange for you newcomers to survive."

Hearing this, the expressions of the others changed drastically, but they did not dare to talk to the landlord as freely as Gao Yan.

They looked at Gao Yan expectantly, hoping that he would ask the landlord more questions on their behalf, preferably to ask how to clear customs.

Gao Yan chuckled: "You are right."

The landlord was stunned for a moment, then snorted and left with Zheng Weimin's body in his hand. Before leaving, he kindly announced the remaining time: "There are still three days left."

The rest of the people were in a heavy heart, and a delicate woman suddenly burst into tears: "I don't want to die!!"

Nobody wants to die.

After the elite man and another white-collar woman couldn't find the Buddha incense, they gloomily grabbed the skinny man who had almost no presence in the team: "You usually walk closest to Zheng Weimin, and you took the last three Buddha incense? "

The skinny man threw the two of them away: "If you want to talk about being close and obedient, you are better than me, why don't you say that you took the Buddha incense? Besides, I am not the first to find a body—fuck! The hell knows Zheng Weimin. Where do you usually hide the Buddhist incense? We must have been overshadowed by him, and three kinds of life-saving props have been canceled, and no life-saving props were found yesterday..."

He suddenly remembered something, turned his head and stared gloomily at Gao Yan and the three of them: "The three of you are alive without Buddhist incense, you must have secretly found a life-saving tool."

As soon as this statement came out, the other three were reminded.

The four players who originally followed Zheng Weimin turned their attention to the three of Gao Yan, with different expressions and flickering eyes.

Gao Yan smiled: "Even if we have life-saving props, you can't take them away."

Yang Mian took out a sword hilt from her backpack, slowly drew it into a wooden sword three feet six inches long, and poked at the sofa with her backhand, actually poking a hole in the leather sofa.

The four 'ordinary' urban young men and women were all stiff, staring at the wooden sword and the petite and lovely Yang Mian, and took a step back together.

Su Jiang applauded: "Sure enough! What kind of sword is this?"

Yang Mian: "The peach wood sword is specially designed for exorcising evil spirits. The retractable peach wood sword I specially customized is easy to carry and necessary for breaking through at home. If you are interested, I will give you the contact information later."

Su Jiang rubbed his hands together: "I want a copper coin sword."

"A few k's." Yang Mian compared his gestures: "There is also the best five emperors' money sword customized at noon on the fifth lunar month of the first Jiaziwu year, and the effect is the best. We are professional to do this."

"It's okay, money is not a problem, I'm worth more than 100,000 yuan."

The elite man and the white-collar woman stepped forward: "We are willing to share the information searched in the past two days, please save our lives."

They were really going crazy. The successive deaths made them on the verge of collapse, and their nerves were always tense. Now the only pillar is not only dead, but there is no life-saving props in their hands.

Zheng Weimin, who was regarded as a pillar, took advantage of them. Instead, the trio of Gao Yan, who had been ignored and abandoned by them before, have been living easily and safely until now, and they dared to talk to the strange landlord.

Maybe they can really successfully pass the customs!

The delicate woman and the slender man hesitated for a moment, and both opened their mouths to ask Gao Yan and the three to help save their lives.

In return, they are obedient and more willing to share the leads they find.

Gao Yan was disappointed: "We can also search for the clues you know."

The white-collar woman said quickly: "Not necessarily. Some clues have already been destroyed by Zheng Weimin... Yes, he warned us to destroy them immediately if we get clues, saying that it is to prevent someone from being selfish. Oh, it seems that the real selfish person is him. Own."

Su Jiang: "Brother Yan?"

He and Yang Mian had nothing to do with each other, and the main decision rested with Gao Yan.

The other four looked at Gao Yan eagerly, hoping that he would nod in agreement.

After a long while, Gao Yan spoke slowly: "It's not a problem to keep you two days, but you must be obedient."

The four of them couldn't wait to agree: "No problem! We promise to be obedient!"

"I mean being obedient, you can't object to any of my decisions. If you don't trust me, leave on your own. If someone tricks me behind your back, even if you return to the real world alive, I will kill you." Gao Yan Yundan The wind spoke harshly.

Although the tone was light, even a little gentle, the cold eyes showed that he was not joking.

The four of them suddenly stunned: "We all understand that we will never dare to make small moves."

Gao Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Go ahead and say it."

He let everyone else into the room, and then asked Yang Mian and Su Jiang to go to the lobby to get the tape recorder at the front desk.

The two obeyed the instructions and went to the downstairs hall to retrieve the tape recorder.

Gao Yan took over the tape recorder and pressed the play button, and replayed the explanation of the rules when the first day came.

[Welcome to the game of gods~]

[Primary promotion field: Watch Luoyin.]

[Reminder: Be careful not to get too close to dirty things. If you die, the gods are not responsible.]

Everyone's face was ashen, and they found something strange - the primary promotion field!

White-collar woman: "I remember that it was a copy of the rookie primary field at the beginning. Everyone here should have played the game, right? It's okay if you haven't played it, at least you all know the difference between the novice primary field and the promotion field, which is equal to 1 and 10, zero. The difference between level and full level, there is a gap in the middle. There are also dungeons. Generally speaking, dungeons are used to increase experience points, obtain rewards, etc., and there will be no huge damage value."

The elite man obviously understood, and said with a gloomy face: "Zheng Weimin is right, the dungeon will not die. But this game is not a dungeon at all, but a very difficult and dangerous promotion field!"

Su Jiang suddenly realized, looking at Gao Yan and Yang Mian, their expressions did not change, obviously they had expected it.

The two of them had doubted the difficulty level of the game before, and it turned out that there was really a problem.

Only Zheng Weimin was involved in it, because he was the only player to advance, and it is estimated that he had played more than two or three games.

Gao Yan: "It used to be a promotion field, but now it has become a primary field. It's just that the dungeon benefits and advanced rules protection that didn't exist in the first place have been cancelled, and the actual difficulty has been reduced."

Hearing this, some people present recalled the news that they heard yesterday morning 'the advanced field was forcibly demoted to the junior field'. Due to the rules, the promotion field was also forced to be demoted to the novice junior field.

They breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily. Although the situation was not optimistic, as long as it was not a dangerous promotion field, they were somewhat relieved.

Gao Yan: "Now let's talk about the clues you found."

The four elite men looked at each other for a while, and the white-collar woman spoke first: "I searched on the sixth floor, and no one lives there. I went in and searched the room inside, and found that this building was first built in the 1930s."

"At that time, it was said that locals and non-locals rented together, and the fifth and sixth floors were allocated to non-locals, and the two sides were clearly distinguished. Later, one after another died, they died in the room, hung upside down from the ceiling, and both arms were missing. After it was published in a tabloid, the building became a ghost building, and no one dared to live in it anymore. Until the last ten years, only some young students, live broadcasters, and tabloid reporters came here to hunt for novelties, and basically all of them disappeared. ."

The above is what the white-collar woman found, about the predecessor of this building.

Elite male: "I'm on the seventh floor, and no one lives there. The corridor is full of furniture and garbage, and the corners are full of cobwebs. It's obviously been abandoned for a long time. The door is closed, the keyhole is rusted, and it can't be opened without a key. Open the door. I wandered outside the corridor for a while, and then…”

He remembered the picture, his face paled, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead: "I found a layer of dark stains on the door of each room, I dug out a piece to check and found that it was actually dried blood. But the seventh floor looks at least It has to be unoccupied for decades, and even if the blood dries up, it should have weathered long ago. At that time, I wondered if someone actually ran in like us out of nowhere and died."

"I ran away in a panic and accidentally kicked a tin can placed in the corridor. The lid of the tin can was not tightly closed, and the contents inside came out. It was an old accounting book and several broken banknotes. , Huang Fu, and a few glass beads. I took the account book, and out of prudence, I thought about it myself, so I didn't have time to tell Zheng Weimin."

Gao Yan: "Did you see it?"

The elite man nodded.

Gao Yan: "Did you find out?"

The elite man was stunned for a moment. In fact, he thought that Gao Yan would directly ask him to take out the account book, just like Zheng Weimin, but Gao Yan did not.

He was questioning him, and that seemed to be trusting...

"In front of the account book are some trivial daily expenditure records. When I turned to the beginning of the month and the middle of the month, I found that there were two more expenditures. One was to buy Buddhist incense, tribute and some paper money. The owner of the account was complaining about the monthly expenses. Extra cost. And what seems to be a birthday present for the bookkeeper's daughter, but I remember something odd."

Gao Yan: "Can you take it down?"

"Okay." The elite man nodded: "On June 8th, xx, Yin. I have enough money to buy a pig. On June 14th, xx, Xiaoyu. The pig has been selected, and it's upstairs. Next to room five. She will be very happy to be able to take her to the garden tomorrow."

Su Jiang rubbed his arms: "Why does the word 'meat pig' make people so uncomfortable?"

Everyone present thought these two words were harsh, because most people would use 'pig', 'domestic pig', and 'wild boar' to refer to livestock.

Adding the word 'meat' as a description is generally used to distinguish its edible function.

"The fifth room downstairs should be the fifth room on the sixth floor, and the people living in it should be people. So 'meat pigs' refer to foreign tenants who can eat and buy and sell freely... people!"

Yang Mian concluded that it was terrifying to hear it in the ears of others.

What the hell is this place? How terrible and cold-blooded were the local residents who used to live here to buy and sell tenants who are also human beings in such a natural and bland tone

Also calling it a 'meat hog' is horrible.

The elite man's face was ugly: "I thought I was wrong when I saw it at the time. I read it back and forth several times and found that it is indeed the case. The local residents of this building seem to be offering something, and they have to spend a fortune every month. Money to buy tribute. But I don't know how to buy... buy meat pigs, what does it have to do with birthdays, do they eat people?"

Gao Yan looked at the thin man and the charming girl: "How about you?"

The skinny man: "I went to the ninth floor. I went with Zheng Weimin. The landlord lives on the top of the building, so we can't go up. The ninth floor is a very empty space, not a room. There are Buddhist shrines and gods. Tables and other things, like the venue of 'Guanluoyin', are gradually being arranged into a mourning hall. There is a coffin in the center of the mourning hall, and in the coffin lies the landlord's mother. We originally wanted to see it, but every time we approached The coffin will be flustered for no reason, feeling that something very bad will happen, and fear forces us to walk over to see the coffin."

This is also important information, the landlord's old mother who died young.

Jiaojiao Nv: "I, I'm on the eighth floor, but the situation on the eighth floor is similar to the seventh floor. I'm actually very scared and dare not go in and see. So I hide at the entrance of the corridor every time. Yesterday afternoon, I happened to see two workers carrying it. A statue went to the ninth floor. At that time, I wanted to go out and talk to them and ask for some news so that I can come back and explain. But,"

She swallowed in horror, "I suddenly found that the workers were walking silently. They carried such a heavy statue up the stairs and walked five floors without breathing or footsteps. It was so weird. I didn't dare to make a sound, so I just hid. I took a peek at the door and found that the statue they were carrying was a huge Guanyin statue. But the Guanyin statue was very strange, with a dark body, hundreds of arms behind it, and some drums on the arms. The tumor that grew up was terrifying and disgusting."

"I've never seen such a disgusting Avalokitesvara."

Just listening to the description makes me have a panic disorder, it's disgusting.

Gao Yan thought quietly, summed up the clues given by the four, and slowly connected all the events in his mind, trying to figure out the whole thing.

"This is a coffin building, yin and yang live together, and people and ghosts live in the same house. From the time it was built, it was a ominous sign. Some areas in Fujian and Guangdong have the custom of worshipping ghosts and gods on the 15th day of the new year, which should be to appease people living in the same house. Resentful ghost."

The others quietly listened to Gao Yan's analysis.

"The source can be traced back to before this building was built. The original site was a temple, and the temple was a deity worshipped by local residents. This deity should be the strange and huge Guanyin statue. Later, the temple was torn down and the foundation was smashed, but the worship The custom of the evil Guanyin has not been broken, and it is still carried out in this building."

"The people who died here are sacrificed by incense, candles and paper money, and the ghosts and ghosts in Coffin Town."

Su Jiang: "Shouldn't we worship the Evil Avalokitesvara?" He scratched his head, puzzled: "Then how do you worship the Evil Avalokitesvara?"

Yang Mian pursed her lips, her face ugly.

Elite men and white-collar women also realize how disgusting this custom really is.

Su Jiang muttered to himself for a while, and gradually realized the truth, so he silenced, and he felt disgusted.

Gao Yan: "The tributes are people, outsiders."

When non-local tenants think that local tenants in the same building are xenophobic and superstitious, they do not know that the other party secretly evaluates them.

Feeling that the value is almost the same, so I spent money to buy it and worship the evil Guanyin to fulfill my wish.

"Guanluoyin may not actually worship Guanyin, but the boss in this game is the evil Guanyin, so he will definitely worship Guanyin - Zheng Weimin has always emphasized this point. As a promotion player, he should know a little bit of the inside story." Gao Yan's topic changed: "Watching the Fallen Yin is a ghostly technique. You can talk to the dead or go to the underworld to play."

"Youdifu also has a nickname, You Garden."

The elite man raised his head abruptly: "Touring the garden?! It is mentioned in the account book that June 15th is the birthday of Nannan, and we will take Nannan to the garden! This makes sense why the garden needs pork pigs, because they want the evil Guanyin belt. They go to the underworld, and the tribute or reward is living people!"

Everyone was horrified when they heard it.

"Pervert, what's the fun in the underworld?"

"Crazy, a good living person kills a living person as a tribute just to go to the underworld?"

The four elite men were puzzled and felt sick.

Instead, Yang Mian nodded: "It's really fun."

The four elite men stepped back again, away from Yang Mian.

Su Jiang looked at Yang Mian for a while, then turned around, his back was lonely: "Another big eagle and cute girl."

Yang Mian: ... Why do you say 'again'

Gao Yan: "Fengdu Underworld is not hell... The former fire trees and silver flowers, thousands of miles of peach blossom forests, the beauty is not inferior to fairyland. Therefore, in some regions, a visit to the underworld is also called a garden."

Yang Mian nodded: "That's what I want to say."

Many people confuse the underworld with hell, thinking that the underworld is a spooky place.

In fact, in real Taoist books, these are two separate places. Hell is equivalent to a prison, while the underworld is just a government office.

Gao Yan: "To get back to the point, the custom of worshipping the evil Guanyin by the local residents has been preserved, and they are very worshipped and superstitious, killing many outsiders. The fire cannot be covered by paper, and more and more people die, so naturally there will be more suspicions. In the end, no foreigners dared to come and live. There are fewer people, and the rest are local residents, and people are greedy and their desires are endless.”

Therefore, the residents of the other floors died, perhaps by cannibalism, or by the evil Guanyin whose flesh and blood could not be satisfied.

All in all, these are decades ago.

The rest are still entrenched in the old-fashioned unit building, only the 'artifact', the player, the ghost and the evil Guanyin.

The author has something to say: explain it, it is a junior promotion field at the beginning, which is more dangerous. Zheng Wei used props to deceive players, which also reduced the danger of being promoted to a certain extent, such as life-saving props, etc., and he was using other players' dead backs to keep himself alive. His explanation in the first chapter is actually inconsistent. One, they said that the copy will not die, and that if they are disobedient, they will die. How can the rules be so chaotic.

So Gao Yan didn't believe in Zheng Weimin at the beginning. As for other players, there was no way to believe it or not, because they were afraid and hugged him if they had thighs.

The main god-level player first raises the level and then forcibly lowers it, so now it is the primary level of the ordinary level, and it is not that dangerous.

Next is the clearance of Gao Yan's show operation.

Learn about the game field level:

Dungeon (it won't die, those who gain experience really won't die. For example, if Guanluoyin is really a dungeon, the couple at the beginning will not die even if they are disobedient)

Novice primary field - primary field - primary promotion field

The promotion field is more dangerous, and the primary promotion field can be compared with the intermediate field.

Then there is the intermediate field, the promotion field, and the advanced field.

There are three levels of ABC in each common level of the game field, but it is not very obvious.

The highest level is the highest god playing field involving gods.

In addition, no matter what level of the game field, once the gods are involved, it is more dangerous and has different levels.

For example, watching Luo Yin involves gods, even the primary field is more difficult than other primary fields, and it can have primary, advanced and advanced fields at the same time.