Please Obey The Game

Chapter 52: Seven people


Chrysanthemum Hualing asked curiously, "Are you so careful about others and care about everything?"

Gao Yan: "Only for those who have bad intentions against me."

This answer was rude, but it was impossible to refute.

It was indeed Hualing in Juli who did not act kindly, and couldn't blame Gao Yan for deliberately targeting her.

Gao Yan is gentle by nature and is used to taking care of others. For example, Yang Mian and Su Jiang are taken care of by him as younger brothers and sisters.

But he is also a bargain, and he was deceived countless times in his early years when he was running around for life.

Therefore, Gao Yan can't tolerate being used and calculated, otherwise he will not fight with the dog until now.

Chrysanthemum Hualing rationalized the loss, and stopped saying other words to stimulate Gao Yan, but told about what she encountered when she entered the game field.

"My identity is an island Chinese painter. I got lost and wandered to the ancient town with my servants, and temporarily stayed in the ancient town. During the day, I searched for a long time and didn't see a hotel. I asked passers-by that there was no hotel. Passers-by guided me. When I came to Chen Qingshan's mansion to ask for a tower bone, he wouldn't let me say anything else."

Gao Yan: "My situation is similar to yours." After a two-second pause, he continued to ask, "Have you seen other players?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "No. After I came in, I walked around the mansion and found that there was another player besides Chen Qingshan. At night, when I found the figure of the player, I sneaked out, and it turned out that the player was you."

Gao Yan frowned, there must be other players in the intermediate field, but this time the players will not gather in the same place.

"I guess intermediate players can hide their identities."

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "You mean that the intermediate players have their own identities to hide their players' identities? No, you and I are both outsiders, and the game has always been fair. The townspeople also mentioned that the ancient town is closed, and there are almost no outsiders. Break in. Since you and I break in as outsiders, the other players should also be outsiders and cannot hide their identities."

Gao Yan pointed out: "This game field is set up like this, what if the next game field is not? In the case of not being able to distinguish who is the player, who is the NPC and the boss, I am afraid that some people will fish in troubled waters to increase the difficulty of customs clearance."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "A large-scale horror escape werewolf killing game?"

Gao Yan reminded her not to speak a word.

Chrysanthemum Hualing said other information, and Gao Yan, based on the information she gave, decided to tell her the clues hidden in the folk songs.

Hearing this, Chrysanthemum Flower Bell murmured, "There are so many gods involved? It seems very troublesome."

Gao Yan was noncommittal.

The two walked together, and they were going to go back to the yard separately, but they heard a sound in the middle.

Gao Yan and Juli Hualing looked at each other and walked towards the source of the sound without saying a word. The two came to a large courtyard, and when they stood at the door, they heard the voice. It was a folk song sung in a local minor tune.

Chrysanthemum Hualing didn't understand. Although she could speak Mandarin, she didn't understand the dialect.

"What did you sing?"

Gao Yan: "Country ballads, village ballads in the reminder. This voice... belongs to Chen Qingshan."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Go in and have a look."

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately extinguished the fire and walked in with a white paper lantern. Gao Yan also followed quietly, frowning slightly when he saw white paper lanterns hanging on the corridor of the large courtyard.

Ordinary people will not hang white paper lanterns under the eaves, unless there is a funeral at home.

The windows are paper-pasted, and through the light, you can see that the room is full of countless figures, who come and go in a hurry, and there are many footsteps and confusion.

The folk songs came out from the house, accompanied by the sound of footsteps and the sound of building wood, it was very lively.

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "It's all human?"

Gao Yan placed the white paper lantern on the lawn, walked outside the corridor, avoiding his shadow from the firelight, then climbed to the roof and lifted a tile to look down.

Chrysanthemum Hualing re-painted a black cat shikigami and released it, and jumped onto the roof lightly instead of her. After sharing her eyes, she also saw the scene in the room and couldn't help but be surprised.

But I saw that there were seven or eight strange dolls about two meters in height walking around the house, some pulling saws, some chopping wood with hammers and axes, and beside them were brightly-colored wide clothes and Bamboo skeleton semi-finished product.

These quirky dolls were wearing ancient clothes, and some were also wearing the official uniforms of the city god.

These weird dolls are tower bones, but I don't know if the tower bones in the house are people or something else.

Or, there is nothing in it.

Singing folk songs in a soft female voice is a tower bone in the image of a female aunt, two meters high and one meter wide, with a huge and smooth head. She was cutting wood with a saw, singing folk songs as she cut.

Sometimes the cacophony of separatism overshadowed her singing, and sometimes it was the other way around.

When the song "The evil spirit ran under your bed, and the seven members of the family died", the other tower bones would shout in unison, and the tower bone in the image of the female aunt would cover her mouth and let out a piercing joyful laughter.

After shouting three times, the tower bones stopped, and the female aunt continued to sing. When she sang 'Diao Zai Ye, Weng Zai Shen', the lyrics suddenly changed, and it became 'The man who peeked on the roof broke his long neck'.

Gao Yan's complexion changed, and he quickly rolled off the roof by the night.

At the moment when the corners of the clothes fell off the roof, a saw penetrated the roof tiles and cut the black cat in half. After a long while, a snow-white, smooth and huge head emerged from the roof, and after turning around twice, nothing strange was found.

Then, it saw the black cat with the roof cut in half, so it muttered and sang in an eerie little key: "A black cat! The black cat peeking from the roof was cut in half."

It patrolled again slowly, and didn't find any abnormality before drilling back.

There was silence in the house for a moment, and then there were whispers, as if the other tower bones were asking about the female aunt, and the female aunt was answering the question.

Gao Yan rolled off the roof and quietly landed on the lawn. He immediately picked up two white paper lanterns and stuffed them into Chrysanthemum's hand, and then led her to jump to the broken roof again and lie down.

"Get down and don't make a sound."

Although Chrysanthemum Bell was puzzled, she was very cooperative and quickly lay down on the black roof, trying her best to completely melt into the darkness.

Not long after, a white impermanent tower bone pushed open the door and walked out, and walked around the courtyard, as if looking for someone. Finally, he stopped on the lawn where Gao Yan and the two had just stood, and just stepped on the place where the white paper lantern had just been placed.

The white impermanence tower bone looked up at the roof, and when it came out, it found that it was almost three meters tall. The roof is four meters above the ground, and as long as you take a step or two back and look up, you can see two white paper lanterns lying on the roof.

In the darkness, Gao Yan and Juli Hualing were perfectly hidden in the night, but the two white paper lanterns couldn't hide it.

As long as the white paper lanterns are found, Gao Yan and the two cannot escape.

Bai Wuchang took a step back, and the huge soles of his feet fell on the lawn, overwhelming the tender grass.

Gao Yan couldn't help holding his breath, his heartbeat was fast, and he was still not sure whether he and Juli Hualing could escape surrounded by seven or eight tower bones. He stared at Bai Wuchang Tower Gu, the other party couldn't see him, but Gao Yan could.

The roof is dark, and there are firelights under the eaves.

Bai Wuchang Pagoda took two steps back. After standing still, he slowly raised the white paper lantern, which just illuminated Gao Yan's eyes.

"Master Gao, it's almost dawn, and the frame of bones hasn't been erected yet. What are you stealing outside?"

When Bai Wuchang Ta Gu heard the scolding, he immediately put down the white paper lantern and walked into the house, while Gao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and the palm of his hand tightly holding Yang Liu's soft whip was full of cold sweat.

Bai Wuchang is also known as Qiye and Gaoye in the folk, and it is side by side with Hei Wuchang, and the latter is also known as Baye and Diaoye.

The 'Gao Ye' someone shouted in the room just now was another name for Bai Wuchang.

Gao Yan whispered: "Go."

He picked up two white paper lanterns and wanted to take Chrysanthemum Bell down again, but the other party used Shikigami to take him down. Seeing this, Gao Yan didn't say anything, and left the yard immediately after landing.

After walking a long way, Gao Yancai said, "The one who shouted just now was Chen Qingshan."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Have you seen it?"

Gao Yan shook his head: "I can hear the voice. And he is a craftsman who makes tower bones, so it's normal in the house. I just don't know what happened to the seven or eight tower bones."

Chrysanthemum Bell said coldly, "Seven."

Gao Yan: "What?"

"There are a total of seven tower bones in the house. I counted them carefully, and one was dead and never moved. Do you think the number seven has anything to do with the seven in the folk tale of 'a family of seven dead'?"

Gao Yan remembered that she was very excited when she sang "The Seven Dead in a Family", and stopped singing three times in a row. He also guessed that it was not a coincidence, but it was difficult to come to a conclusion now.

After thinking about it, Gao Yan chose to tell Juli Hualing all the clues in the folk songs.

Juli Hualing was surprised: "Why did you tell me suddenly?"

Gao Yan: "You saved me twice."

Once on the wall just now, once on the roof, and twice, Chrysanthemum Flower Bell rescued him with a black cat shikigami.

Gao Yan will avenge his revenge, but he will also repay his kindness. He is very grateful to Juli Hualing for saving him twice.

"I'll pay you back, but save your eldest sister. I still remember what you guys did to me."

Gao Yan waved his hand, but still escorted Juli Hualing safely to her courtyard before leaving. He went back to the house and lay on the bed, staring at the bed tent, thinking about Chu Shuibi falling asleep.

The next day dawned.

Gao Yan got up, very hungry. He didn't eat all day yesterday, and he ran out at night and bumped into two groups of ghosts. The amount of exercise caused him to wake up hungry early in the morning.

After Gao Yan finished washing, he first found a candy and put it in his mouth. After his body was strengthened, some minor problems such as stomach pain and low blood sugar were cured, but the habit of eating sugar was still preserved.

After stretching, Gao Yan went out, left the yard and went to the yard where Chen Qingshan lived.

On the way, I met Juli Hualing and went to Chen Qingshan's yard. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw him squatting on the doorstep and cutting a wooden stick. When Gao Yan and the two walked in, they heard him without raising his head. "The food is in the house, and the cost of room and board will all be counted as one piece."

Gao Yan lifted his feet and went into the room for breakfast. He has now accepted Chen Qingshan as a very normal person.

Lively, the entire ancient town and the townspeople are so real, as if a closed ancient town is so weird in reality, where strange events happen, there are normal humans, and there are ghosts waiting for an opportunity.

The intermediate field is really different from the beginner field.

Gao Yan sighed in his heart, his mouth didn't stop, until he was full, he went out to sit on the steps and bask in the sun.

After a long while, he narrowed his eyes and asked sleepily, "Chen Qingshan?"

Chen Qingshan responded.

Gao Yan: "How do I get the materials for making the tower bone?"

Chen Qingshan: "Two elements, bone and skin."

Gao Yan: "Bamboo bones and paper skin?"

Chen Qingshan: "Yes."

Gao Yan: "It doesn't sound difficult to obtain."

Chen Qingshan raised his head and stared straight at Gao Yan, his eyes were cloudy, revealing a strange look: "It's not difficult to get outside towns, but there is no bamboo and paper in the ancient town."

Gao Yan was surprised: "No?! How did you make the tower bone before?"

Chen Qingshan showed a strange smile: "How do I know? I am responsible for reminding me that they will bring it to me, and I will make it. I don't care what the material is or how I brought it, as long as the skin and bones are complete, I will take the rest. Anything can be substituted."

Gao Yan's expression returned to indifference, and when Chen Qingshan saw that he was not scared, he returned to his expressionless expression, and continued to cut his wooden stick with his head down.

Gao Yan suddenly asked: "Can a wooden stick cut from wood be used as a bone?"

Chen Qingshan: "No, it's easy to break. It's easy to burn when it's too hot."

Too much, these two words also appeared in folk songs.

[The boy passed the fire to eliminate the disaster, and the great immortal died in the sea of fire.]

Erzai is a puppet. After the wandering gods have traveled all over the world, they have to walk through the fire before returning to the temple. The pylons that follow behind the puppets are also too hot, if the material is not fireproof, it will burn.

Gao Yan: "I remember that the 'skin' for making tower bones is not paper, but linen."

Chen Qingshan: "The linen will also burn, but not with 'paper'. 'Paper' will not burn."

Gao Yan: "Don't you know what the materials used to make tower bones are?"

"I know, but I won't tell you. Anyway, you will know it yourself, as long as everyone knows it. Even if you don't know, they will guide you and let you know." Chen Qingshan said with ridicule and malice: "I really want a tower Bone people, not you outlanders."

Gao Yan: "I see."

He stood up, thanked Chen Qingshan and went out.

When Gao Yan and Chen Qingshan were talking, Juli Hualing stood at the threshold behind them and listened. When she heard the words 'I understand', her eyes flashed, and after a long hesitation she followed.

Chrysanthemum Hualing couldn't understand the dialect Chen Qingshan used when he spoke.

This is the scary and real thing about the mid-level field. Players can no longer understand any language and dialect of any country. However, for fairness, the game field generally does not allow players to enter the environment of unfamiliar languages alone.

Either don't understand it all, or understand it all.

Chrysanthemum Hualing can understand Chinese, but not the dialect. The game field's judgment on this point is a bit rough and simple.

In addition, she took the initiative to enter the game field of 'You Bodhisattva', and the shortcomings came out.

After leaving Chen Qingshan's mansion, Gao Yan did not go deep into the alley, jumped to the roof when turning a corner, and shook off the chrysanthemum bell who was following.

Although they have cooperated, they are not partners who can trust each other with their backs, at most they are allies who can take a knife at any time.

Gao Yan came to the lively street, wandered around a lot, and found that there are many large and small temples in the ancient town.

Sometimes, when you turn an alley, you can see a small temple, and when you turn a house, you can see a big temple.

There is no doubt that people in the ancient town worship and believe in gods.

Gao Yan also learned from the Spring Festival couplets, lanterns and other items sold on the street that yesterday was the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, 'the fifteenth day of the first lunar month'.

In the folk songs, in addition to the fifteenth and twenty of the first month, there are still five days left.

It just happened to be the last day of the players' six-day survival time.

In front of you is the Qingshan Linganzun Palace. The palace is located on the bank of the river. It is majestic and majestic.

Fireworks are lingering, and there is a fire next to the pagoda where the paper money is burned.

A few pieces of colored paper and bamboo strips were faintly visible on the edge of the fire. Gao Yan stopped in front of a piece of colored paper and bent over to pick up the piece of colored paper and a piece of bamboo strips.

The touch is a little different from ordinary paper and bamboo strips. Gao Yan was too busy to think about it. He put the paper and bamboo strips in his pocket and continued to walk into Qingshan Palace.

Listening to the fortune teller's shout, the closer it gets, the louder it gets—

"Fortune-telling! Fortune-telling! Don't give money if you're not good! If you're good, double it!"

Gao Yan thought which idiot would be fooled

As a result, he was entangled by the fortune-teller and forced him to spend money to tell his fortune. Gao Yan raised his fist and swung it over: "Yu Xiaojie, your skin is too itchy?"

Yu Xiaojie dressed as a fortune teller immediately jumped up, threw away his eating guy, and ripped off the goatee on his chin, shouting in surprise, "Gao Yan, you can recognize me when I'm fully armed? Okay, amazing."

Gao Yan: "You have a loud voice, it's really hard not to hear it."

"Hey." Yu Xiaojie scratched the back of his head: "It means that it is useful for us to interact for half a year in reality."

Since they came out of the promotion stage, Yu Ze and Yu Xiaojie used their respective connections to find Gao Yan's location, originally thinking of multiple friends and multiple paths. As a result, the two of them rented a house nearby after being entertained by Gao Yan once, and came over from time to time to grab some food.

The dinner table and banquet are the easiest places to breed friendship. After sipping on dozens of bottles of cold beer, the relationship will heat up.

Gao Yan later assumed that the two were friends and partners, but he didn't expect Yu Xiaojie to be in the same intermediate field as him.

"Yu is not here?"

"We're not in the same game field, we're separated." Yu Xiaojie said, "We originally wanted to enter the game field together, but I didn't know what went wrong, so I ran into this game field. Fortunately, I met Brother Yan, you. , otherwise I would be so lonely alone."

Gao Yan: "Why did you go to the gate of Qingshan Palace to swindle and cheat?"

Yu Xiaojie: "How can this be called swindling? I do know fortune-telling, and I'm very clever."

Gao Yan: "You do the math for me?"

Yu Xiaojie: "I know from your face that you are lucky."

Gao Yan: "What about them?"

He was referring to the endless stream of pedestrians at Qingshan Palace.

Yu Xiaojie smiled and said, "Then I can't see it. The dead have no fate. To see the number of the dead is to embarrass me."

Gao Yan's heart skipped a beat: "Dead?"

He looked at the lively pedestrians. They were either in a hurry or with pious faces. The hawkers shouted, the buyers bargained, the children cried, and the mothers coaxed the children. Such a lively world is all false

Under the blue sky and the sun, the cold light shrouded the earth.

Gao Yan: "No one alive?"

Yu Xiaojie: "No."

Gao Yan believed Yu Xiaojie's words, because he and Tang Ze had both learned fortune-telling, so he knew how to look at people's faces.

At the beginning, Tang just saw that Gao Yan met with bad luck and turned into auspicious talents and made friends with him without saying a word. Yu Xiaojie's ability to see pictures was not as good as Tang's, but he was considered a master.

Gao Yan also knew that the ancient town was weird when he saw the strange wandering spirit meeting last night, but he didn't expect that the intermediate field would be so generous. The residents of the entire town were NPCs.

Gao Yan: "Where are you staying?"

Yu Xiaojie: "It's here."

Gao Yan: "Qingshan Palace? Live inside or outside?"

Yu Xiaojie: "I came at an unfortunate time, it was just dark, and then I found that all passers-by looked dead. Then I met Miaozhu, and I asked Miaozhu where the nearest hostel was. Miaozhu said that there was no ancient town in the town, so I was in the temple. If you stay here, you must not be discovered by other people, you must not make a sound when you enter the temple, and don’t speak no matter what you see.”

Gao Yan: "So you stayed in the main palace of Qingshan Palace last night?"

The two walked forward and stepped into the gate of the main hall of Qingshan Palace, and the pilgrims next to them came and went past them with pious expressions. The hall was filled with white smoke, and everyone who came in deliberately kept their footsteps soft, and their words became softer.

The main hall enshrines the statue of King Qingshan.

Yu Xiaojie lowered his voice and said: "I hid behind the statue of King Qingshan. When it was dark, the door was closed, and there were whispers at the door. I thought it was weird and put incense ash on my forehead, and then hid. I saw it behind the statue. During the day, the pilgrims, the little Taoist priests in the temple, the temple priests, the green faces and the fangs, broke into the temple to look around, they should be looking for me."

"In the second half of the night, I heard the beating of gongs and drums again, getting closer and closer. At that time, there was nothing in the temple, so I jumped down and peeked through the crack of the door, and saw the grand scene of the wandering gods meeting outside. I just arrived at the statue. When going back to the temple after the fire—"

Yu Xiaojie pointed to several large and small statues placed on both sides of the statue of the King of Qingshan and said, "These are the statues, and there is no statue of the King of Qingshan in them."

Gao Yan also told Yu Xiaojie what happened to him yesterday, and said at the same time, "I saw the Wandering God Society that you saw. Fortunately, you didn't go out last night. They will shred the living people and things that have the breath of living people."

Yu Xiaojie: "It's quite dangerous." After a moment's pause, he continued, "So this game field's clearance requirement is to survive the sixth day?"

Gao Yan didn't answer and asked, "What did Miaozhu want you to do yesterday?"

Yu Xiaojie thought for a while and said casually, "He asked me to help find paper that won't burn."

Gao Yan nodded: "That's it."

Yu Xiaojie was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted: "Damn it! It's not just my customs clearance requirements, right? Looking for paper that won't burn?!"

Gao Yan: "It should be. The first resident of the ancient town that each player comes into contact with will step into the trap based on the living place they provide, and the way to clear the customs is exactly what they asked for."

He thought he would be fine as long as he survived six days. It seems that the intermediate field is not so kind.

Gao Yan: "My customs clearance requirement should be to assist Chen Qingshan to complete the production of the tower bone. Chen Qingshan will naturally take care of the production, but he needs materials. The material of the tower bone is paper and bone. You also need paper that doesn't burn."

Yu Xiaojie: "Meaning, the non-flammable paper I'm looking for is actually the material for making tower bones?"

The author has something to say: The previous chapter mentioned that the tower bone is a god statue, or a hollow god statue to be precise.

There is also the bad saying that the tower bones are generally ghosts and the like, which is actually not correct. This is true in some places, but not in some places, but most of the tower bones are ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

The tower bone in Taiwan has the third prince of Nezha.

PS: The Qingshan Palace in the text is not the real Qingshan Palace, and the plot of the Black Qingshan King will not appear.

I am not very familiar with the local gods in the north, so I will only talk about the local gods in the south. The gods in the south, especially in the Cantonese region, have one thing in common. Most of the gods they believe in are officials or heroes who have contributed to the people in history.

For example, King Qingshan is Zhang Dan, a general who fought pirates in the Southern Song Dynasty, such as Mazu, such as the King of Sanshan.

These local gods are basically local people combined with some historical figures or made up or added gods and ghosts according to their achievements, and then made gods and built temples to worship them, becoming gods in folklore characteristics.

(The more classic one is the Han Gong Temple in Chaoshan. Han Yu was demoted to Chaozhou and did things to benefit the people. After he left, the local people built the Han Gong Temple, which is still a well-preserved scenic spot.)

There are many statues and temples in the Cantonese area, and they often worship on the 15th day of the first day. Many people think that this is superstition, but in fact it is just traditional customs and respect for ancestors and great people.

Of course, there are indeed many older generation who are very superstitious, and there are fortune tellers who are very accurate, but I always feel that the other party uses some big data, high probability and other means to speculate.

Too bad I couldn't understand it.

PPS: I will write some interesting information that I found in the writing, and if you are not interested, you can block the writing.

PPPS: Chrysanthemum Hualing definitely has a role to play. She and the dead sister have a cause and effect with Gao Yan, which will be resolved sooner or later, and she and her sister are important roles in helping Gao Yan grow up.

As for his behavior and actions, it depends on the personality and position of the person.

Gao Yan cooperates with her, but it is not indifferent.