Please Obey The Game

Chapter 55: Yingong Temple


"What's the meaning?"

"Just kidding." Chrysanthemum Hualing suddenly turned her head to the side with a playful smile.

Yu Xiaojie glared and murmured, "I seem to be able to do it again..."

The cold goddess is suddenly playful and cute and the most deadly, anyway, Yu Xiaojie is in love again.

Gao Yan: "What did you see?"

Chrysanthemum bell stopped smiling: "The beams are crowded with 'people', invisible 'people', but my shikigami saw it, so I can see it too. Those things found that I saw it, and ripped mine to pieces. Shikigami. The next target is us, but fortunately run fast."

Gao Yan: "That should be the soulless souls enshrined in the temple. There are no living people in this town, but during a certain period of time during the day, it stays on the fifteenth to twenty years of the first lunar month decades ago, a six-day cycle of reincarnation. . At this time of day, there are living people in the town, and there are murderous people murdering people."

So during this time period, the beams of Yingong Temple were crowded with dead souls. Those dead souls are the ghosts enshrined on the columbarium niches, but they have become extremely ferocious due to the lack of incense for a long time.

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Do you know why I said that what I found was 'required'?" She said word by word: "Because I also saw two naked, slippery humanoids above, with their skins gone. The blood stained the beams red. They wriggled on the beams, and the ghosts grinned and scattered incense around them. What was the scene like?"

She thought about it and found a suitable adjective: "Like a snake that has been skinned and sprinkled with salt, they are howling, but the sound is actually very weak. Roll in front of the black cat, I can clearly see the mouth Local Zhanghe wrote, and the mouth shape is the four words 'according to every request'."

If there is a request, there must be an answer.

Yu Xiaojie guessed: "Could it be that the two naked humanoid creatures Hua Ling mentioned were after asking for what they wanted... and they were willing to do so?"

Gao Yan: "It seems that there is no other possibility." After a pause, he said again: "Do you think it is possible that those two humanoids were the players who were trapped in the coffin of Yizhuang yesterday?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "I can't be sure, but if you follow this line of thinking, the two players were trapped in the coffin in Yizhuang last night... 100% of them died, and I heard the sound of cracking silk, which was probably torn off. Human skin. The skin is left behind, and the naked body is thrown into the Yingong Temple—wouldn’t it be a wish?”

Yu Xiaojie: "Yin Gong Temple and Qikou Coffin Village are both so cruel, but the bamboo bones and paper have to be taken from these two places... We used incense sticks to worship Qikou Coffin Village by mistake, but it is not necessarily safe. If you pay the balance without damage and make a peaceful transaction, you might get hacked, not to mention get some bamboo bones. As for the Yingong Temple, it was torn to shreds as soon as you touched it, how do you get it?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing was thoughtful, and an idea vaguely floated in her heart, but it was not perfect, and she could not tell clearly, she decided to wait for Gao Yan to make a decision.

Gao Yan: "Actually, it is not difficult to get it safely."

Yu Xiaojie: "Is there a way?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Tell me about it."

"Yin Gong Temple." Gao Yan pointed to the temple in front of him: "We will respond to any request."

Chrysanthemum Hualing's heart skipped a beat, and she instantly felt that she could see the moon when she saw the clouds and mist, and her originally vague thoughts finally became clear. She said, "In Yingong Temple, ask for bamboo bones?"

Gao Yan added: "There is still paper."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Why do you still wish?"

Gao Yan pressed his fingers: "The two corpses on the beams of Yingong Temple should be the wishes of the things in the Yizhuang where the seven coffins are parked. What they asked for... Maybe it was paper."

Yu Xiaojie: "What do you mean?"

Gao Yan narrowed his eyes: "I can't say it too clearly now, but I still have to know what happened to the seven coffins parked in Yizhuang. Qingshan Palace Temple Zhu said seven members of the Yizhuang family were killed by evil spirits, where did the evil spirits come from? Why do you want to kill them? In the folk minor tune, the phrases "worship the evil, worship the evil and worship the green hill", "after worshiping the green hill and get rid of the evil spirit", why do you worship the evil evil? Is it possible to worship the evil evil when you have something to ask for, and then you will regret it when you get the benefits, so Worship the green hills and get rid of evil spirits."

Yu Xiaojie: "The following two sentences are 'The evil spirit ran under your bed, and the seven members of the family died.' Combined with the facts, the evil spirit is against the Yingong Temple, and the seven family members are against the Yizhuang and the seven coffins. The temple worships the evil evil spirits and asks for a wish, but at the end of the day, they are unwilling to repay the promise, or the price of repayment is too high. They repented and went to worship the Qingshan King, and asked the Qingshan King to get rid of the evil evil spirits who harmed the innocent.”

"It makes sense!" Yu Xiaojie punched the palm of his left hand with his right hand, suddenly realized, and immediately wondered: "But King Qingshan can't do evil? King Qingshan is a city god, a mountain god, and has administrative and judicial rights. Logically speaking, he is the supreme in the ancient town. The gods, should not let the evil spirits succeed."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Perhaps the wish and fulfillment between the two parties is a contractual relationship, and King Qingshan is inconvenient to intervene."

In Chrysanthemum Hualing's world view of gods, the so-called gods should be more just than compassion and justice. Ghosts are evil, and if the gods want to intervene, they must understand the cause and effect.

For example, a family of seven in the folk tale has a causal contractual relationship between making a wish and repaying the wish, then it is a natural rule for debt repayment.

Even the gods have to follow this rule, cause and effect.

"What you said makes sense." Yu Xiaojie agreed with Juli Hualing's words.

Gao Yan smiled, and then continued on the previous topic: "We were asking for papers in Yizhuang, and not long after we left, a player broke in. It sounds like a complete coincidence - Hualing followed them and was found, and in turn was caught Tracking, we thought so before. But we followed all the way, and we didn't find anyone?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "You mean that the players who broke into the Yizhuang after us are most likely not following us, but... Yingong Temple?"

Gao Yan thought openly and guessed: "The seven coffins parked in Yizhuang, the things inside make a wish to the Yingong Temple and ask for paper... They already have bamboo bones, so they need to make paper for the pagoda bones, so they ask for paper when making a wish. The raw material of this kind of paper is very special, it is made of leather, and it happened that two players came from the Yingong Temple. The things in the Yingong Temple do not know what method they used to deceive the players into the Yizhuang and complete the contents of the seven coffins. willing."

Chrysanthemum Hualing added: "Correspondingly, the contents of the seven coffins in Yizhuang have to be repaid, so they returned the player's body. Is that right?"

Gao Yan: "Just guessing."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "The next step is verification?"

Gao Yan smiled, and then they both looked at Yu Xiaojie together.

Yu Xiaojie was taken aback: "Let me figure it out, there is a quarrel today."

Gao Yan praised him: "You are really good at fortune-telling."

Yu Xiaojie: "..."

Gao Yan: "Don't worry, I'm just asking you to inquire about some things. People come and go at the gate of Qingshan Palace, and the news is the most. You can help us find out about the strange things that happened in Yizhuang before the seven members of the Yizhuang family died, and Yizhuang. At the Yingong Temple in the back, get some more news."

Yu Xiaojie: "How about you two?"

Gao Yan lowered his eyes: "Isn't there a loyal old servant in Yizhuang? I'll go look for him."

Chrysanthemum Hualing thought for a while and said, "I'll contact other players."

Yu Xiaojie: "Have you found them all?"

"That's not true." Juli Hualing pursed her lips and smiled: "But I can find it, it's not difficult for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, another black cat popped out of her cuff. The black cat ran forward, and suddenly it broke into countless black butterflies and flew towards the center of the ancient town.

Yu Xiaojie was surprised: "Hua Ling, your shikigami is very useful for listening to news and finding someone."

He decided to spend some time studying Qimen Dunjia after he went out.

Chrysanthemum Hualing nodded towards them: "Then, I'll go first."

Gao Yan: "We will meet at the gate of Yingong Temple in two hours."

Yu Xiaojie and Juli Hualing agreed at the same time, then turned around and walked in two different directions. Gao Yan watched them leave, and then walked towards the gate of Yizhuang.

Arriving at the gate of Yizhuang, Gao Yan did not push the door in, but dodged into a path overgrown with weeds, followed the path to the end, where there was a desolate hut.

If it wasn't for two or three pieces of laundry hanging out at the door of the hut, I would have thought it was an abandoned house. There were still broken urns at the door, the windows were all broken, and the cold wind poured in and made a 'woohoo' sound.

The sound of footsteps is still very clear in the dead space, no matter how soft it is.

Gao Yan stood at the door, next to a urn that was half a person tall, the broken door opened with a squeak, and an old woman came out.

She was very old, with gray hair and a hunched back. There were only two dark holes on her face where the eyes were supposed to be, as if the eyes had been gouged out.

"Yizhuang, seven coffins, former servants?"

The old woman was shocked, and subconsciously followed the source of the sound and 'looked' over: "Who?"

Gao Yan: "Outlander."

Hearing this, the old woman's expression was dazed for a while, then she sat down gropingly, and after a while, she said, "Outlander? Why did the outlander come to me again? I have been here for three or four years. ."

Gao Yan: "Apart from me, is there anyone else here?"

Old woman: "You are the second one to find me here in three or four years."

Gao Yan asked curiously, "When was the last one here?"

He guessed in his heart whether he was a player from the same game field and could find the old woman here, indicating that the other party had obtained enough information.

The old woman shook her head and 'looked' to Gao Yan: "In a certain six-day reincarnation before."

Gao Yan's eyebrows jumped, and he looked at the old woman suddenly: "What did you say?"

The old woman beat her calf, paused for a moment when she was tired, then continued to gently beat her calf and said, "Am I still alive, don't I know it myself? I know, I understand it in my heart, but they don't want to understand, they would rather Continue to deceive, repeating reincarnation every six days, again and again, how many times... I can't even count myself."

Gao Yan walked to the old woman's side and squatted down, looking at the bottomless and desolate trail, with abandoned houses on both sides of the trail.

Even if it is abandoned, it seems that the strong traces of life can still be seen from the stone road, the urn at the door of the house, and several pots of fresh and colorful flowers and plants.

"Do you remember what happened before you were alive?"

"Remember. Although they all forgot about me, I didn't."

"Qingshan Palace and Temple Wishes mentioned you."

"It must be that you asked about Qikouzhuang, and he just mentioned the old servant who prepared the thin coffin for that family of seven."

The old woman is right, it seems that she is familiar with the people and things in the town.

The old woman: "I remember them all, but they all forgot. After another reincarnation, it is estimated that my existence will be completely erased. Because I am still awake, they cannot tolerate the existence of sober people."

Gao Yan: "Everyone in the town is gone?"

The old woman fixedly 'looked' at a beautiful flower fluttering in the wind not far away, her old face was covered with a layer of loneliness: "No, no."

Gao Yan: "Why not?"

The old woman said vaguely: "The evil spirits are making trouble... The King of Qingshan is not blessed..."

Gao Yan: "Does King Qingshan not bless? Does King Qingshan mean that he doesn't bless the townspeople? Why not bless? Could it be that the whole town has an irreconcilable cause and effect with the evil spirits?"

The old woman said a few words of 'injustice' again and again, but she refused to say anything after that.

Gao Yan had no choice but to give up, and instead asked, "Why is there a repeated cycle of reincarnation every six days in the town? What is the function of the tower bone in each cycle? What are the townspeople doing? What is the purpose?"

The old woman shook her head and waved her hand, and after a while, she said in a daze: "Bodhisattva... Bodhisattva bless you."


Gao Yan was shocked, he didn't expect to hear the word Bodhisattva from the old woman's mouth.

Because the name of the game field is 'You Bodhisattva', it is actually the Youshen Club. There are no Bodhisattva-related gods in the Youshen Club, including walking around the ancient town and seeing no gods other than local gods, not to mention Bodhisattva, Western Buddha and other gods.

He couldn't figure out the 'Bodhisattva! Buddha! ', but heard about the Bodhisattva for the first time in an unexpected place.

"Where is the Buddha?"

"In my heart."

Gao Yan frowned, quite puzzled.

The old woman has a deep meaning: "The Bodhisattva of great compassion and compassion, the Bodhisattva who guides believers to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, the Bodhisattva in the hearts of believers does not need to be enshrined, does not need to repay, and does not need to pay any price—"

She turned her head abruptly and stared straight at Gao Yan, the two dark holes on her face seemed to be able to see things, strange and terrifying. She raised her voice slightly, rather harshly—

"Bodhisattva! Bodhisattva!"

"Greatly merciful and compassionate Bodhisattva! They worship the King of Qingshan, and their hearts are directed towards the Bodhisattva - but the Bodhisattva never opens his eyes, and the Bodhisattva does not want them!"

"No Bodhisattva!"

The old woman hurriedly got up, picked up the flowerpot placed on the threshold and smashed it out, tore down the half-height urn, and kept babbling and mixed with some words to drive away Gao Yan: "Let's go, foreigner. Old lady, I have a clear grievance and grievance. , you just came, you didn't do anything, the old lady can't take revenge on you. But if it wasn't for that stranger... if it wasn't for him! How did the Bodhisattva get in? How could they abandon the gods they believe in?"

"There is borrowing and repayment, and there is coming and going. It is just right! If they get what they want, they must fulfill their original promise."

"An unjust and compassionate Bodhisattva deceived everyone!"

Gao Yan was driven out five or six meters away, stood quietly in the same place and watched the old woman talk for a long time, then stopped in the same place, like a dried statue, without moving for a long time.

The old woman seems to be frozen in this deserted and long alley, forgotten by everyone, old and desolate along with the ruined houses, she seems to be the only frozen and dead 'person' in the ancient town, she seems out of place.

But the truth is quite the opposite, she is the only real existence.

The old woman stood still for a long time, and stepped into the house with her short body stooped. The cold wind blew through the broken window, making her cry.

Gao Yan stood there for a few minutes, turned to leave, passed by the Yizhuang where the seven coffins were parked, and heard a slight noise inside, but he didn't stop. Back near Yingong Temple and waited for the arrival of Juli Hualing and Yu Xiaojie. After about half an hour, Juli Hualing came back first.

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "I found the players, there are 87 players in total."

Gao Yan was surprised: "Why so many?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "Two of the players are from our group, and the remaining eighty-five players came in at other times, but they were trapped in the game field and couldn't get out."

Gao Yan: "They didn't clear customs?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing shook her head: "No, now it's an 'artifact' in the game field, and because of the special nature of the game field, even if they are trapped for more than six days or even several years, as long as they find a way to leave, they can still clear the level. They I found the other two players first, and they wanted to come to find us. Also, the two players who broke into Yizhuang yesterday were our group."

"There have been players hiding in the past, which caused other players who have been in the game field for a long time to find them, so that those people missed a lot of information and died unfortunately. In addition, according to those old players, if there are two more reincarnations, They might be assimilated into townspeople."

Listening to Juli Hualing's explanation, Gao Yan suddenly thought of the primary promotion field that Su Jiang had experienced. It was also a reincarnation game field. The players kept repeating the game field time for six days. And mentality was slowly tortured to collapse and crazy.

However, there are still some differences. For example, every time the promotion field in Sujiang restarts Samsara, the number of players is certain. From the outside, the promotion field should still be closed.

The intermediate field of 'You Bodhisattva' is the opposite. The game field restarts and reincarnates, the NPC's memory is rewinded, the behavior is repeated, and the player still has memory but cannot clear the level. At the same time, the game field is constantly pouring in new players to replenish fresh blood.

Chrysanthemum Hualing squinted her eyes and spat out the shocking news she had inquired: "I heard from the first batch of players that someone had cleared the level at that time. Before that, there was no setting for restarting Samsara in this intermediate field. ."

Gao Yan reacted quickly: "man-made or accidental?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing was slightly surprised by Gao Yan's calm reaction and the rapidity of pointing out the key points, but she took it for granted, after all, he had been very smart in the previous promotion field.


Gao Yan: "Player behavior?"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "You know?"

Guessing alone is not so precise, unless Gao Yan finds any useful clues.

Gao Yan: "I found the old servant of Yizhuang, and got some interesting clues from her."

Chrysanthemum bell nodded and was about to continue asking when Yu Xiaojie suddenly came back.

Seeing the two of them from a distance, they waved their hands to say hello and ran over at a quicker speed. Yu Xiaojie said, "I heard it, didn't I say it before? Yizhuang was not a Yizhuang before, but it was actually an old Zhuangzi who made paper. Now there are seven coffins parked in the hall. , the family of seven in the coffin has a special paper-making recipe, but this paper-making recipe is really not passed down by the ancestors."

Yu Xiaojie took a breath and exhaled again, and continued: "Suddenly I learned a special papermaking technique, and suddenly I have an old recipe for papermaking. They said that it is likely that they went to the Yingong Temple behind Lao Zhuangzi to ask for a wish. After two or three years, the seven members of the family suddenly became restless and anxious. They worshipped the Qingshan King, the Nvnv Temple, and the Nvniang Temple, etc., and lost a lot of their wealth, and they wanted to move out later. They all died violently."

"I listened to the tone of the temple blessing. He seemed to have seen the corpse with his own eyes. He said that he and the Taoist nun of the Nv Aunt Temple had been there. Originally, it was customary to give a thin coffin and bury it first. But the family of seven wanted to I still wish, so no matter who goes, they can't carry the corpse. When the coffin is carried, the coffin board will fall. The board will be carried, and it will break in half, and those who have touched the corpse will be unlucky."

"After a long time, no one dared to touch them. The old servant bought seven thin coffins, but couldn't bury the seven corpses, so they had to park them in the old village. The old village became a righteous village, and they died horribly. , full of resentment, often come out to make trouble, the nearby people moved away. Even this area is deserted. "

It's probably pretty much what they had guessed before.

Gao Yan: "Where is the Yingong Temple? Is there any news about the Yingong Temple behind Lao Zhuangzi?"

Yu Xiaojie: "It's all the same. It's similar to what you told us before, Brother Yan, but I don't know what's going on. I always feel that they are perfunctory me."

Chrysanthemum bell interjected: "How do you say?"

Yu Xiaojie: "I feel. It doesn't involve much. Once you mention Yingong Temple, there will be Yizhuang, and when you mention Yizhuang, there will be Yingong Temple. It seems that the two are tied together and have a relationship with each other, but they are only related to each other. Miaozhu and Nvmiao Taoist aunt give me the feeling that... they are trying to separate the relationship!"

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Clear the relationship between the townspeople and Yingong Temple?"

Yu Xiaojie: "Yes."

Gao Yan nodded: "Let's go, let's enter Yingong Temple."

Chrysanthemum bell lowered her eyes, while Yu Xiaojie shrugged and did not object. The two followed behind Gao Yan and entered Yingong Temple again, pushed open the temple door, and the temple was calm and harmless, just like all ordinary temples.

But the three people present knew that there was something on the beam, and it would die if touched. The so-called Yingong Temple is a huge trap with an abyss beneath it, and sharp knives stand like mountains.

Gao Yan held three incense sticks, and Yu Xiaojie took them over as soon as they were lit.

Yu Xiaojie: "Come on, come and find me when you want to." He waved his hand: "You have a good mind, if you get entangled, I really won't have a chance to pass the customs. So I'll come, at least if I get entangled. You two come to save me."

Gao Yan smiled, not robbing him of the chance to make a wish.

"Then you can make a wish with confidence."

Yu Xiaojie's eyes lit up: "Hey! As soon as I heard this, I knew that Brother Yan was going to play dog games again."

Gao Yan: "Please ask for the bamboo and paper for making the tower bones. The time is limited to ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Yu Xiaojie: "Yes."

He stepped forward, knelt down and made a wish on the columbarium in front of him.

Gao Yan reminded him by the side: "If there is really a request, I will agree to any request."

Yu Xiaojie said one by one.

Juli Hualing watched this scene, her eyes flickered, Yu Xiaojie trusted Gao Yan very much.

Knowing that it was said that the price of repayment was extremely high, Yu Xiaojie still blurted it out without hesitation, really trusting.

Because they are teammates

Yu Xiaojie put the incense stick on the incense burner, stood up and asked Gao Yan, "What's next?"

Gao Yan: "Let's go."

After saying that, he left the Yingong Temple, and the other two followed, walking a long distance. Yu Xiaojie looked back and found that the gate of Yingong Temple was slowly closing in front of him.

"Is that what the promise means?"

Gao Yan: "The incense stick hasn't gone out, so it should be agreed. Just come over at ten o'clock tomorrow morning to get the bamboo bone and the paper. Now let's find the other eighty-seven players."