Please Obey The Game

Chapter 57: I have regrets in my heart


Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin couldn't help looking at him: "Listen to you, there is indeed a flaw, so you have come up with a way to break the repetitive cycle of the game field?"

Gao Yan: "I think too much, I just have some ideas."

Wang Xing slapped the table and was overjoyed: "It is better to have an idea than a waste without an idea!"

Everyone present: ... Okay, he scolded himself in it, what else could they say

Gao Yan: "Yu Xiaojie made a wish at Yingong Temple to make the paper and bamboo bones for the pagoda bones. We have to get them tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, both Wang Xing and Zhao Huiyin felt bad.

Wang Xing: "You guys are too daring. Originally, you wanted to test the Yingong Temple. But this move was not very clever. How could the wish made by the Yingong Temple be so easily repaid? Now you have to pay for your life, even if you don't go, Things from that temple will also come to you."

Gao Yan: "It's okay, it's done."

Wang Xing: "There are more than 100 evil spirits in Yingong Temple. The players who killed the entire town at the beginning would definitely not be able to handle it. I can't guarantee that other players are willing to take risks to help you offend the evil spirits in Yingong Temple. "

Zhao Huiyin: "But if you really have a way to break the repeated reincarnation of Qingshan Town, I can help you deal with Yingong Temple."

Wang Xing: "Add me, but no matter if you can do anything, I will help you."

Wang Xingxing emphasizes loyalty, and he has helped many players in his peers at the beginning.

The local Tibetans used props to trap Qingshan Town and other players, and when the other unknown players were besieged by the townspeople of Qingshan Town and the evil spirits, it was they who worked together to save Wang Xing.

After Wang Xing was rescued, although he hated what Jizo did, he still worked hard to rescue other players who came in from the reincarnation field, and finally organized them all to tide over the difficulties together.

In the same way, if Gao Yan and the others encountered a life-and-death difficulty, Wang Xing would not force other players to help Gao Yan and them, but he would take the initiative to help. This is probably the important reason why eighty-six players are willing to believe Wang Xing's words and have not collapsed so far.

There is an honest but not bad-hearted, and the backbone of the principle is very strong, and the flame of hope will not be extinguished no matter how weak.

Gao Yan has met many good-hearted people like Wang Xing before, and it is because of their help that he can make his life not so bad under the premise of being a minor.

Therefore, Gao Yan has a good impression of Wang Xing.

"Thank you very much, but don't worry, we can handle it ourselves." Gao Yan smiled, then changed the subject: "You know Chen Qingshan, right?"

"The craftsman who is known as the first tower bone in Fujian, the only person in Qingshan Town who can make tower bone. I don't know his real name, but his nickname is Chen Qingshan." Zhao Huiyin said.

Gao Yan: "Why is it called Chen Qingshan?"

Zhao Huiyin hesitated and said, "Because he is responsible for the production of the tower bones of the Qingshan King Youshen Festival once a year, and because of his good craftsmanship, he is nicknamed 'Chen Qingshan'."

Wang Xing: "Is there something wrong with him?"

Gao Yan: "A little suspicious."

Wang Xing: "Why don't I call someone to observe him secretly?"

Gao Yan: "Don't bother, just a little doubt."

Wang Xing waved his hands again and again: "It won't be troublesome, just talk about it. Except for the new players like you, the other eighty-five people have nothing to do, and the whole Qingshan Town has almost been figured out. We also suspected Chen Qingshan before. Whether it's a breakthrough, but people lie on his roof for more than a month, but they haven't seen anyone walk out of the house, so it can be seen that there are many houses."

Gao Yan thought thoughtfully: "Really? By the way, Hua Ling and Xiaojie, are you still going back to Chen Qingshan's mansion?"

Juli Hualing and Yu Xiaojie said that they did not want to go back for the time being because they wanted to stay at Wangxing to learn more about things. At the end, Yu Xiaojie asked, "Brother Yan, do you want to go back?"

Gao Yan: "I want to go back, I live there."

Wang Xing: "You can live here, it's very safe."

Zhao Huiyin also said that there are many rooms in the courtyard, and there are still a few vacant rooms, which can be lived at any time.

Gao Yan: "I just go back to solve the little doubts in my heart."

Hearing that, Wang Xing couldn't hold back any longer. After talking with him, he saw that it was getting dark and sent him out in person. In the end, Gao Yan returned to Chen Qingshan's mansion alone, while Juli Hualing and Yu Xiaojie stayed.

The chrysanthemum bell suddenly stopped Gao Yan, when Gao Yan turned around, he saw a black cat jumping in front of him, and when he looked closely, the black cat had landed on his shoulder.

Juli Hualing: "The black cat empathizes with me. If something dangerous happens on your side, I will be aware of it. When necessary, it can also save your life."

Gao Yan raised his eyebrows: "I have nothing to exchange with you for now."

"No need." Juli Hualing said, "In this game field, we are teammates."

Gao Yan looked at her in surprise, he thought that Juli Hualing was just walking with them and would never form a team with anyone, let alone call each other teammates.

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell stressed with a stern face: "It's only temporary."

It's awkward to emphasize, but it's much cuter than the original, scheming and mature look.

Gao Yan laughed: "Anyway, thank you... teammates?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing turned her face away in response, and then waved him away: "Go back quickly, it's getting dark again, and if you are seen by the townspeople, you will be torn to shreds. Come over early tomorrow to meet up with you. ... teammates meet, we will wait for you at the entrance of the Nv Aunt Temple."

Gao Yan: "Okay. I see."

After speaking, he left with the black cat on his shoulders.

Juli Hualing raised her hands and covered the lower half of her face with her sleeves. She lowered her eyes and turned around and almost bumped into Yu Xiaojie who was behind her. She quickly took two steps back: "Why are you blocking the back?"

Yu Xiaojie rested his hands behind his head, a little condescending: "Teammate, of course he is standing behind him for protection, Sister Hualing?"

Chrysanthemum Hualing emphasized: "It's only for now!"

"Okay—for now—it's just!" Yu Xiaojie deliberately stretched his tone and laughed at the flower bell in the chrysanthemum. In view of the relationship with his teammates, his attitude was much closer, but there was also less affection between men and women.

When the two walked back to the courtyard, Juli Hualing asked him out of curiosity, didn't he have a hazy affection for himself and between men and women before? Why has it disappeared all of a sudden

Yu Xiaojie spread his hands: "No way, I can't shoot at my teammates."

Hearing this, Juli Hualing raised her wide sleeves to cover her face again, thinking to herself why these people like to put the word 'teammate' on their lips so much? Aren't you ashamed at all

Unconsciously, she asked, only to receive Yu Xiaojie's shocked and indescribable expression.

Yu Xiaojie was surprised: "Why are you ashamed? Teammates are not wives!"

Chrysanthemum Bell: "… "

Yu Xiaojie looked at Juli Hualing, who was covering her face, and found that her face and eyelids were all red, so she couldn't help but be even more shocked: "Are you shy?!! Are you really shy?!!"

WOC! ! Who would have thought that a straight black girl who looked cold and scheming would be so shy because of the word 'teammate'? !

This is too... cute! !

Chrysanthemum Hualing hurriedly covered her face completely with her wide sleeves, and left in a hurry, leaving another sentence before leaving: "Don't be too affectionate, you're just a teammate in the game field! How can I become the name of the dignified witch? What about someone else's partner?"

Yu Xiaojie, Wang Xing, and Zhao Huiyin were silent in unison: ... the contrast between high and cold is the most deadly.

When Gao Yan left, it was almost dark.

Pedestrians hurried on their way, and the door of the house began to close. Gao Yan watched the people on both sides of the street, and suddenly thought that Chen Qingshan had told him, "I will go to the townspeople's house when I have time".

Now is a good time.

Thinking like this, Gao Yan released the black cat on his shoulders. Juli Hualing had a trace of empathy with the black cat, and empathy would not work unless his life was endangered. When empathy is weak, it is easy to establish new empathic relationships with others.

The art of controlling the paper and carrying the spirit is really difficult to say, and it is really simple. For example, establishing an empathic relationship is the simplest art. In Qimen Dunjia, the art of controlling the paper and carrying the spirit is a basic operation.

Yu Xiaojie has learned the technique of dungeon armor. Gao Yan asked how to establish an empathic relationship out of curiosity, and now he can just use it on the black cat.

The black cat jumped to the fence and moved forward lightly and nimbly. Under the fence, Gao Yan walked slowly, what he saw was a straight street, and at the same time there was a black cat's line of sight, as if there were invisible 4D glasses connected in front of him, with two different perspectives at the same time.

Gao Yan's mind flashed, the black cat jumped from the wall to the eaves, then jumped down, and landed on the stone table and flower stand in the yard. The yellow pupils swept through the courtyards of four or five houses and the decorations in the rooms.

Occasionally, the black cat was reprimanded and driven away when the owner came out.

The black cat jumped down from the high eaves, landed with four palms, then leaped lightly, landed on Gao Yan's shoulders, fell down and closed his eyes, as if resting.

Gao Yan closed his eyes, filtered through his mind what the black cat saw just now, and then suddenly opened his eyes, and found a subtle strangeness - a godless thing in countless frames of scenes.

Qingshan Town is a place where gods are worshiped. Every household believes in local gods, but they can't find anything related to gods in their homes.

Gao Yan has been to the Canton and Cantonese areas of the capital of Fujian, and has seen some places there, many temples, and every door has a statue of a god or a gossip mirror, and there is an incense burner hanging on the door. Even in hotels, there will be a statue of Guan Gong and an electronic magic card at the front desk.

And none of these things appeared in the homes of the townspeople in Qingshan Town, and the actual situation was obviously inconsistent with the worship of gods by the townspeople.

The reincarnation time is six days, from the 15th to the 20th of the first lunar month. At this time, it is the time when the ghosts of Yingong Temple are in trouble, but the townspeople are still fine. when.

However, there is nothing related to gods in the family, which means that the current cult of gods is only superficial, and the so-called wandering spirits may be obsessions.

After the 20th day of the first month, the plague swept the entire Qingshan Town. The townspeople may have gathered in the Qingshan Palace, and they were eager for the Qingshan King to perform another miracle to save their lives. Unfortunately, the miracle did not occur, and all the townspeople died.

The obsession before death should be very strong, otherwise it will not easily fall into the player's set.

Countless temples have been built throughout the town, filled with many local gods. Correspondingly, there should be a lot of things related to gods in the townspeople's homes. However, Gao Yan didn't see it, so he can boldly guess that this situation only appeared after the death of the townspeople.

Before dying, the townspeople prayed for the blessing of the gods, but they were not blessed, so they must have died with resentment and obsession.

After that, the player named 'Jizang' trapped the townspeople in a six-day reincarnation in order to gain belief, and during these six-day reincarnations, the townspeople should not hold grudges against the gods they believed in.

The result is the opposite!

In the original trajectory of the townspeople in Qingshan Town for the first six days, they did not resent the gods, nor did they worship the Bodhisattva. The six-day cycle of reincarnation now has more resentment and bodhisattvas that shouldn't be there, so this cycle of reincarnation is not without flaws.

Perhaps the player named 'Jizang' can create a more perfect reincarnation, but his purpose is for faith, so he can only create a reincarnation with a gap.

This is probably the reason why the old woman retains her memory and is not confused.

- There is a gap in the repeating cycle!

This gap is the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva that should not exist in the game field and Qingshan Town.

As Gao Yan walked forward quickly, he murmured: "... where is the key? Is the space closed? No - it's not the same as the promotion field of 'Turtle Soup', it looks rough in comparison, and the space is not closed. - Time doesn't either. Time doesn't stop, and it's not a cycle that repeats itself, it's supposed to keep going. So—"

Gao Yan stopped, looked up at the corner of the full moon on the horizon, and suddenly realized: "False! This is a big lie!"

No wonder Goubi Games and Goubi Gods acquiesce to the 'repetitive reincarnation' in the intermediate field of 'You Bodhisattva'. The fundamental reason is that there is no so-called 'repetitive reincarnation', and the truth is just a grand hoax.

The real 'reincarnation' should be the stagnation of time and space, completely closed to form a loop, a loop that never ends and repeats forever. Once you reach a certain point, such as zero, after reaching zero, everything goes back to where it was and repeats itself again.

The closed space ability of God Rahu and the 'space reorganization' presented to him by Asura can actually be done, but Gao Yan's 'space reorganization' is too short to be able to achieve it temporarily, but the principle is that it can be done. arrived.

On the other hand, the 'reincarnation' of Qingshan Town is actually just a huge scam.

Because the space and time of Qingshan Town have not been closed, the space is still open to the outside world, and new batches of players can come in. Time also passed forward, and the players in the game field were not affected. They knew that four years had passed by.

In the final analysis, the 'reincarnation' of Qingshan Town is just a psychological deception carried out by the players using the obsession of the townspeople during their lifetime.

Including the old woman also mistaken it for reincarnation, the truth is just the self-deception of the townspeople.

Gao Yan: "From the appearance of the 'Bodhisattva', to the resentment of the townspeople towards the gods, and the strange attitude of the old woman and Chen Qingshan, it can be seen that they are just self-hypnosis. The so-called 'reincarnation' is fundamentally There is no possibility. They are just deceiving themselves again and again, repeating the past, trying to find relief from it?"

"Why? There are borrowings and repayments, the causes of life, the consequences of death, fairness and justice, and even the gods can't intervene in changing the rules, but they still don't give up."

Before he knew it, Gao Yan had returned to Chen Qingshan's mansion, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as the door was closed, the sound of gongs and drums was heard in the distance - the wandering spirits began again.

Before returning to his courtyard, Gao Yan went to the room where Chen Qingshan made the tower bones. It was still brightly lit and full of voices.

Those tall, treacherous, and deformed figures walked back and forth, very busy, and the terrifying folk tunes floated out from the mouth of the female aunt, and when they sang 'after lifting the empress and worshipping the green hills, after worshiping the green hills to exorcise the evil spirits', Chen Qingshan sang along with them. When they got up, the remaining tower bones also sang in harmony, which sounded a little lively and happy.

The saw and the hammer rang at the same time, and there was a rattling sound, which sounded unpleasant, even a little unpleasant. But what's inside is very enjoyable and enjoyable.

The female Gutagu sang: 'The great immortal died in the sea of fire... There is a little mouse eavesdropping at the door, little mouse—'

Another rough male voice sang in dialect: "It's not a little mouse, it's a black cat. A little black cat tied with paper, a little black cat that is neither noisy nor noisy, peeking at the door, and the firelight elongates its shadow. I see, its tail—"

Gao Yan looked at his shadow subconsciously, and sure enough, he found that the firelight in the house cast his shadow on the paper-pasted window, and the contents inside could be found just by looking up.

Immediately afterwards, the female Gu Tagu retorted: "It's not a little mouse, it's not a little black cat, it's a person. A foreigner, a foreigner eavesdropping at the door—"

Under the reflection of the firelight, a huge head moved to the window, and through the blurred window paper, you could even see the white, fat, round head of the female guta bone, like a head that was pricked by magnified paper.

As soon as Gao Yan raised his head, he was directly facing the huge eyes of the female guta. The unwavering, cold and inorganic eyes made the scalp numb just by looking at each other.

The two sides stood still for two seconds at the same time, and the buzzing and rattling in the house stopped instantly. Two seconds later, the loud noise of window paper and wood cracking broke the deadlocked silence.

Gao Yan quickly backed away, a large two-meter-long saw cut through the window, and then slowly retracted it. The window with a large hole burst suddenly in the next moment, and a smooth and huge head emerged from the window, and the round and cold eyes rolled around and hooked directly on Gao Yan on the lawn.

It muttered and said in dialect: "A stranger! I saw it, my head is stuck, and I can't get out."

A male voice in the house exclaimed: "Girl, don't move! The windows are about to be crushed, the walls are about to be crushed by you, and the whole house will collapse by you!"

The female aunt's reaction was very slow, and she was still struggling to get out: "Go out, the female aunt wants to go out."

Cracks appeared in the walls, sand and dirt fell, and the room was in chaos. Everyone seemed to be trying to persuade the aunt to stay calm, and then tried to pull the aunt's head out of the stuck window.

Gao Yan pursed the corners of his lips, pressed his fist to his mouth and coughed twice, but he couldn't hide his smile.

The female aunt stopped moving, and the things in the room also stopped moving, the atmosphere was a little stiff, followed by rustling whispers, mixed with quarrels that erupted from time to time.

The general idea is 'outlanders are laughing at us', 'we are being laughed at', 'no, only the girl is stupid, he is laughing at the girl'.

Gao Yan changed direction, left the lawn, went to the door and knocked, the movement inside became louder, and he seemed very surprised.

He knocked a few more times, and shouted: "Chen Qingshan? I know you're inside, let's talk?"

'Ah, looking for Chen Qingshan. ',' Phew - not looking for us. ', 'Yeah, do we still tear him apart? ', 'No, I don't want to go out. '

Gao Yan: "..."

The few tower bones in it seem to be quite lively? Dare to love is social fear.

After a long while, Chen Qingshan opened the door and slipped out, then closed the door again, standing on the steps with a white paper lantern in his hand and staring at Gao Yan for a long time before saying, "Come here at night to find me, and accidentally Was hacked to death, believe it or not?"

Gao Yan: "I don't think it's that easy."

Chen Qingshan: "Arrogant."

Gao Yan: "I came the night before yesterday."

Chen Qingshan: "That black cat?"

Gao Yan: "My teammate's."

Chen Qingshan said with a dark face: "It seems that you know a lot of the secrets of Qingshan Town. How dare you come to me alone? I can call the tower bones in the house at any time now and chop you into pieces."

Gao Yan: "If you really mean that, you won't waste your time with me."

He simply sat on the steps and patted the seat next to him to invite Chen Qingshan, who sat down after thinking for a moment. Gao Yan looked back at the female aunt whose head was still stuck in the window. She was peeking, and when she noticed his gaze, she pretended to look away as if nothing had happened.

Gao Yan laughed softly and said, "They are all gods that Qingshan Town once believed in."

Chen Qingshan snorted coldly, neither denying nor confirming, and glanced at Gao Yan coldly, letting him speak for himself.

Gao Yan: "The Nvnv Temple in the downtown street, the Qingshan Palace in the east of the city, the Chenghuang Temple in the west of the city, and the Niangniang Temple in the city... Nv Gu, Gao Ye, Diao Ye, Baibeu Ye, Bai Lingtong Sansheren and... Qingshan Ling'an Zunwang ."

Chen Qingshan was silent.

Gao Yan: "A long time ago, the gods should have liked the people of Qingshan Town very much. They are pious, simple, and hard-working and kind. They believe in and worship all the gods in the town, especially the King of Qingshan. Qingshan Town is like a paradise with three sides. Surrounded by mountains, surrounded by rivers, surrounded by mountains and rivers, even the gods sincerely bless this paradise."

Under the faint firelight, Chen Qingshan's eyes were full of compassion and a trace of nostalgia.

Gao Yan paused for a moment before continuing: "It's a pity that people are greedy. The existence of Yingong Temple and the need to respond to their needs have encouraged the laziness and greed of the townspeople, and gradually wiped out their kindness and simplicity. Laziness makes them despise the importance of life, and greed makes them look down on the importance of life. They take the protection of the gods for granted. When the cause and effect are so entangled that they cannot be reconciled, the gods lament but do nothing."

"The gods of the past have actually fallen. They only exist in Qingshan Town by relying on a trace of obsession and the former incense friendship. I hope to save Qingshan Town with the last ounce of ability. The god, or the King of Qingshan, the city god who once blessed the whole town, accompanies the town without vanishing, and accompanies the townspeople to immerse themselves in lies, just not wanting to give up those people who once trusted them."


The noisy tower bones in the room all quieted down, and the awkward female aunt who was curious but not open-minded did not struggle anymore, her round eyes stared straight at her, still cold and inorganic and without a trace of emotion.

God statues and idols are originally dead objects, and there is no way to show any emotion, so naturally no one knows the compassion hidden under the indifferent idols.

As a truly qualified god, one should be impartial and selfless, with both compassion and a heart of stone in order to maintain fair rules.

Chen Qingshan: "The pagoda bones and idols are dead objects, but after living for a long time, they have received too much incense and belief, how can they have no feelings after accumulating over time? They are all blackened and yellowed, but the statues that are enshrined are still clean. If they are dirty, someone will wipe them, and if the color fades, someone will repaint them. Every year, there is a grand tour of the gods. The statues of the gods traveled all over the Ten Alleys and Nine Streets, gongs, drums and firecrackers blared in unison.”

"Adults, children, elderly and women, with vegetarian food and Buddhist incense, kneel in front of the statue, pray devoutly, and express their wishes and expectations. Those wishes, beliefs and awe, heavy and full, are carried on their shoulders, and go to the back. I saw with my own eyes that kindness disappears, simplicity disappears, and greed floods the originally simple world. When the gods cannot satisfy their desires and greed and are abandoned, when the gods see that the people who were blessed in the past are entangled in karma but can't do anything, when the gods hear the people The gods are no longer gods when dying prayers and petitions are indifferent."

The townspeople resented that the gods no longer bless them, why didn't the gods feel sad about the townspeople's abandonment

When the gods who uphold the rules of justice and do not intervene in the rescue are hated, why not complain that they are beyond their power

Chen Qingshan: "There are no gods in Qingshan Town, not one."

Gao Yan: "Then what are you? What are the seven tower bones in the house?"

Chen Qingshan: "An old friend who has regrets in his heart."

Gao Yan was silent, and after a while he said, "Do you know what the obsession of the townspeople is?"

Chen Qingshan: "Alive."

At that time, the townspeople prayed for the protection of King Qingshan, and the purpose was to live. After his death, his obsession continued, and he continued to wander around the town as he did before, carrying the statue of the King of Qingshan around Qingshan Town.

- They want to live, they want to be reincarnated and continue to live.

Chen Qingshan thinks so firmly.