Please Obey The Game

Chapter 59: True obsession


Quietly listening to the conversation between Gao Yan and Zhao Huiyin, Juli Hualing covered her nose with her sleeve and lowered her eyes to cover her deep thoughts.

She was very smart, and she could naturally think of anything that Gao Yan could think of.

At first, some information was less available, but with the addition of Gao Yan, Wang Xing and others, those missing information and unfamiliar folk customs, myths and legends of gods have been completed.

Then, Chrysanthemum Hualing thought, what was the original purpose of the Wandering Spirit Society

What is the difference between the initial obsession and the final obsession of the townspeople of Qingshan Town

Chrysanthemum Hualing heard Gao Yan say: "The important things have never been bamboo bones and paper, tower bones and god dolls, nor the Wandering Spirit Society."

Zhao Huiyin asked, "What is the important thing?"

Gao Yan: "Customs clearance conditions."

Chrysanthemum Hualing's eyes flickered slightly, and she suddenly felt blessed and understood.

At the moment of realizing it, she felt a little melancholy in her heart. It was a surprising but reasonable clearance condition.

Zhao Huiyin was curious, and when he wanted to ask again, he heard a loud noise from the Yingong Temple, as if the roof had collapsed and the floor had been smashed out of the tiankeng.

Then there was a silence, which lasted for only a few seconds. The roars and loud noises suddenly intermixed, and the ping bells and pongs kept ringing. When you got closer, you could see the dust shaking from the window cracks.

The ghosts in Yingong Temple and the seven ghasts in Yizhuang should be biting each other, new hatred and old hatred.

Zhao Huiyin was a little worried: "Yu Xiaojie has been in there for a while, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Gao Yan frowned, stared at the closed temple door and said, "Wait a while."

They waited at the door for a while longer, and heard that the melee inside seemed to become more intense, and Yu Xiaojie hadn't come out yet.

Gao Yan calculated the time and felt that it was beyond Yu Xiaojie's time frame, so he immediately said, "Open the door! Don't worry about the chaos between the ghost and the ghost, and find Yu Xiaojie as soon as possible."

Zhao Huiyin and Juli Hualing immediately stepped forward when they heard the words, and Gao Yan had already touched the temple door with one hand. When he was about to push it open, the temple door opened a crack, and then Yu Xiaojie slipped like a fish. come out.

Gao Yan glanced at him and quickly closed the temple door.

A 'bang' sound was deafening in the ears of the player, but it was actually too weak to be ignored under the cover of the loud noise in the temple.

Gao Yan looked at Yu Xiaojie and felt relieved when he found that he was not injured.

The four of them retreated in unison, sat on the steps, and chatted with their backs to the gate of Yingong Temple, mostly asking about the situation in Yu Xiaojie's temple.

Yu Xiaojie: "As soon as I went in, the doors and windows were closed, only two faint candles were lit, the gloomy wind was blowing, and the bloody aura was blowing in my faceā€”don't think that I'm talking about books and I'm just talking big, I'm only knowledgeable about languages. Guan, the description is not real and scary enough."

Gao Yan: "Don't beep, say the point."

Yu Xiaojie pouted: "Okay, the point is that as soon as I entered, the ghosts inside threw the 'bamboo bones' and 'paper' to my feet, and the bottom bones of the dark coffins that the ghosts had been lying on for hundreds of years were still there. There are bloody 'human skins', and I think I know how ugly my face was when I saw that pile of stuff. It wasn't over, I didn't have time to vomit, those ghosts started to turn their faces and didn't recognize people, and couldn't wait for me to make my wish, as soon as I swarmed them want to tear me apart-"

Zhao Huiyin: "And then what?"

Yu Xiaojie: "Don't interrupt - I've been on the lookout for them. As soon as I sensed danger, I quickly pushed open the coffin board and released the seven ghasts lying on top of the Arhats in the coffin. When they saw the ghosts, they hated each other and immediately ripped them apart. Hurry up and hide in the coffin to take a peek, and I am very excited to see them tearing apart fiercely."

Gao Yan: "Is that why you came out late?"

Yu Xiaojie spread his hands: "I was stuck in the middle of them at that time, and I was a living target when I moved. There was no way, I had to hide in the coffin and run out when I found an opportunity."

Gao Yan: "You watched it for a long time, can you tell who is better?"

Yu Xiaojie: "At first, I thought that the ghast of Yizhuang would definitely lose. After all, there are hundreds of ghouls in Yingong Temple, and they bear countless lives and injustices, but the result is that the ghast of Yizhuang is unexpectedly strong. , to face the ghosts in Yingong Temple, and not lose the slightest."

Gao Yan thought thoughtfully: "It means that we can expect a lose-lose result."

Yu Xiaojie nodded.

The group of four sat leaning on the steps, with their backs to the Yingong Temple, the deafening sound of fighting in the temple, Gao Yan and Yu Xiaojie outside were relaxed and commented on the situation inside the temple quite leisurely.

Chrysanthemum Hualing sat beside her, stroking the black cat in her arms, and commenting on a sentence in a warm voice from time to time.

Zhao Huiyin turned back to look at the Yingong Temple, which closed the temple door tightly but knew how chaotic it was by listening to the sound, and then looked at the relaxed Gao Yan and the three, thinking that if there were tea and melon seeds, they would probably have kowtowed by now. .

"Have you all been like this before?"

Gao Yan was slightly surprised: "What is this like?"

Zhao Huiyin: "Instigate alienation, use strength to fight cattle or something, don't do anything yourself, let the ghosts tear it up by themselves."

Gao Yan shook his head: "Of course not, special methods are used in special circumstances, and measures are taken according to local conditions. We don't usually do this, we always follow the rules, focus on customs clearance and never do anything, and the gods can testify."

Zhao Huiyin: "It turns out that it is a coincidence."

He said how could a player be so good at provoking ghosts and then the fisherman would benefit? Even if there is, it is estimated that this method is not often used, otherwise the car would have overturned long ago.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yu Xiaojie kept silent. He thought of the game field of 'The Woman with a Backbone'. Gao Yan smashed the whole game field with Nanazi himself, and also instigated people to run away.

No matter how you look at it, it's not according to the rules.

Yu Xiaojie glanced at the gentle and harmless Gao Yan, thinking how could he be so embarrassed to say that he never does anything

Gao Yan listened for a moment, and suddenly said, "No movement."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the Yingong Temple had quieted down, and there was no sound at all. Obviously, the dispute was over. Just don't know who wins and who loses, or is it really a lose-lose

Chrysanthemum Hualing got up: "Go in and have a look."

Gao Yan stood up, brushed the dust off his clothes, then stepped forward, walked in the front and in the middle, and pushed open the temple door.

As soon as the door was opened, the rotten smell and dust that had been accumulating for a long time suddenly rushed towards the face, accompanied by a cold breath, which was so cold that people shivered.

Gao Yan pushed open the temple door, and the temple door opened. Due to the angle, the sunlight could only find half a meter away from the threshold. The depths of Yingong Temple were still dark and drenched in ink.

Yu Xiaojie: "No sound, I can't see the situation."

Gao Yan lifted his foot and stepped in, just after leaving the place where the sun could shine, there was a cold wind blowing from the left side, and out of the corner of his eyes, he could swipe through the thick fog to reveal his hideous face, as well as the traces that came from him. Undisguised strong malice.

Gao Yan's brows twitched, the forward movement did not stop, but the direction of his feet changed. He took a step forward with his left foot and immediately rotated, supporting his body and using inertia as a force. He lifted his right leg and swept across it with a thousand force. , and directly kicked the ghast out of the thick fog.

Nearly seven months of military training and the battle experience of being beaten by Chu Shuibi on the head can be considered a real use. The ghast was kicked out and slammed into the wall, only to hear a rustling The sound and the sound of wooden sticks breaking turned out to be cracks in the wall, and the wooden part was directly broken.

Sunlight leaked in and illuminated Yingong Temple.

When the four of them got used to the darkness, a little light was enough for them to see the situation in the temple clearly.

I saw that at least seventy or eighty of the hundreds of urns placed on the wooden frame of the Buddhist shrine were broken. There were broken bones all over the floor, and there were two naked and bloody strips on the side. Move again.

Gao Yan snorted and broke the dead silence: "The snipe and the clam compete and both lose."

So in the end the fisherman profited.

He looked at the only thing in Yingong Temple that had not been destroyed, a table of the Eight Immortals with two bloody human skins and two coffin floors on the table.

During the torn process between Yingong Temple Yinhun and Yizhuang Evil Soul, they did not suffer any damage.

Yu Xiaojie narrowed his eyes and smiled: "What I asked for yesterday was delivered to me today, and I really did what I asked for."

After saying that, he was about to go up and pick up the pile of things, but just as soon as his hand touched it, the Yin Feng roared, and more than a dozen Yin souls who still had fighting power roared and rushed towards them.

Yu Xiaojie's face turned cold, and he took out the props to fight with them. Without hesitation, Zhao Huiyin stepped forward to help him.

Chrysanthemum Kazuo stepped aside, but released her shikigami to help.

Her physical strength and combat power are not good, and she will be crushed in the neck within two seconds of participating in the battle in person. Fortunately, the fighting power of the shikigami is very strong.

In particular, she also recruited the souls of the two players who were jointly killed by Yingong Temple and Yizhuang into Shikigami according to local conditions. The Yingong Temple was beaten to the point that the ghosts were powerless to fight back.

They all floated to the red beam, lingering and refusing to go, and would not let them leave unless they could avenge the player.

The gate of the temple was hung up again, and Gao Yan and the others could not get out.

Yu Xiaojie squatted on the table of the Eight Immortals, rolled up his sleeves, his face full of excitement and eager to try: "Brother Yan, how about we demolish the entire Yingong Temple?"

Yu Xiaojie used to be afraid of ghosts, and he was a coward when he was in the primary field. The first time he met Gao Yan was in Nanazi's primary field. At that time, he was a coward who even had to be accompanied to the toilet.

But I don't know if Gao Yan turned on some terrible switch. Yu Xiaojie's later performance in the game field was keen to abuse ghosts.

The more insane the way, the more excited he was, and the whole person galloped in an uncontrollable direction.

Gao Yan asked the others, "What do you think?"

Chrysanthemum Bell: "It's possible."

Zhao Huiyin: "If it doesn't provoke revenge... Forget it, the hatred value has already exploded. Destroy it, even if it is considered for the next batch of players who come in. But the Yingong Temple has too much human life debt, and it may not be easy to do so. destroyed."

Chrysanthemum Hualing: "I think taking advantage of the illness is killing me, Yingong Temple just happened to fight with the evil spirits of Yizhuang, and it happened to be the weakest time. We have so many props, and we can always find a way to completely destroy it. Otherwise, wait. Their vitality is restored, and they will definitely seek revenge from us. Back then, the entire Qingshan Town was killed by them. Could it be possible for our players to do such a thing?"

Gao Yan: "You are right." Then he looked up at the red beam: "That beam is the backbone that supports the entire Yingong Temple. If the backbone collapses, the entire temple will collapse."

Chrysanthemum flower bell: "The beam is yin, and it is nourished by yin and soul, and it is also watered with blood. It is yin and evil, and it is not easy to destroy. Unless there is something with strong yang energy that can be suppressed and destroyed. Or fire is best."

Gao Yan: "I think so too."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Have props?"

Gao Yan: "It happens to be."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "Then let's hold off the other ghosts first, and do we need my shikigami to send you up?"

Gao Yan shook his head: "No need."

The height of the beam is only about four meters. He can get on it. Of course, the most important thing is that he does not need to climb the beam to take risks.

Yu Xiaojie: "Are you going to start destroying the temple now? Then I'll put away the bottom bones of the coffin and the two 'papers'." He looked down at the two human skins at his ankles as he spoke. : "I was shy, although I was mentally prepared before and I knew what the raw material of 'paper' was, but when I really saw it, I was still shy."

How can you not respond

That's human skin! And it is the human skin that was ripped off from the player!

The corpses of the original owners of human skin were still lying twisted on the legs of the Eight Immortals Table, and their souls were still attached to the shikigami of Chrysanthemum Flower Bell. Although they could not speak at this time, they still had consciousness.

Now they are going to use the human skins of the players to make tower bones, and then they will put them on and follow the townspeople of Qingshan Town... Thinking about it, I feel a chill, and goose bumps rushed to my arms and neck. Yu Xiaojie rubbed it. Arms shivered.

Gao Yan: "Don't take it if you should."

Yu Xiaojie was stunned for a moment: "Is it okay?"

Gao Yan: "It's useless anyway, because these two things are not the raw materials for making tower bones at all."

Yu Xiaojie and Zhao Huiyin suddenly raised their heads and stared at Gao Yan. The former couldn't believe it, while the latter had guessed, but when he heard it, his blood was still surging, and his mood was uneasy.

Four years ago, when the first players entered the 'You Bodhisattva' intermediate field, the first players got the information about the raw materials of the tower bone. Until now, almost all players firmly believe in this information.

Zhao Huiyin didn't believe it at first, but it was because of the very affirmative and direct instructions of Qingwang Palace's temple congratulations and the female aunt's Taoist aunt, that he was very convinced.

It's just because everyone is trapped in the game field and can't get out, so no one has the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the tower bone raw materials.

Zhao Huiyin hesitated: "The townspeople of Qingshan Town have no reason to lie to us... I really can't figure out what reason they have for lying to us that the raw materials for making the tower bones are these things. Even if they want to kill the player, it should be easy, no need to spend a lot of time. In the beginning, their purpose was to have a tower - unless!"

"Unless they were also deceived! They were deceived from the beginning, the townspeople of Qingshan Town and all the players were deceived!"

As for the person who deceived them, who else is there besides the Tantric player? !

Zhao Huiyin gritted his teeth, wishing he could immediately kill the Tantric player to take revenge.

The other party not only trapped all the players, but also left such wrong information to deliberately mislead and kill many players, which can be punished!

Chrysanthemum Hualing interrupted their conversation: "Let's go out and talk again, those ghosts are starting to get restless. Time delay will make them riot, which will affect us."

Gao Yan took out the lighter that Chu Shuibi gave him. The lighter stored the diluted yang fire, which was the most yang thing, and it was perfect for burning the beam.

Yu Xiaojie and Zhao Huiyin teamed up to hold back the ghosts who still had the strength to resist. Juli Hualing also directed her shikigami to help from the side, while she retreated to the corner to watch the battle.

'Click', the sound of bone cracking was crisp, Juli Hualing looked down and found that she accidentally stepped on a fragile hand bone, and this hand bone was the evil spirit of Yizhuang.

Next to the hand bone is the skull of the evil spirit of Yizhuang, and half of the skull's face has grown blood and flesh, which looks particularly ferocious and terrifying.

When the ghast saw that his hand bones were smashed, he rushed up angrily, targeting Chrysanthemum Flower Bell's neck.

Chrysanthemum Hualing lowered her eyes and looked at the ghast skull rushing towards her. When she reached her shoulders, a black cat jumped out of her sleeve, bit the ghast skull, and fell silently into the darkness, with a weak chewing sound. , but no one noticed.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, not forgetting to control the two shikigami to deal with the ghosts, and her eyes fell on Gao Yan's back and the lighter in his hand, which was the breath of yang fire.

"Old dog Chu..." Chrysanthemum Hualing whispered, and the black cat walked out of the corner slowly, licked her mouth quite contentedly, and returned to her sleeve.

Gao Yan consulted the opinions of the two skinned players. After agreeing, he set the two human skins on fire, grabbed them without changing his face, and threw them on the beam. The human skins burned very fast, and the fire got bigger.

When the beam touched the yang fire, it poured into the oil pan like water, and black smoke began to emit not to mention the sizzling sound, but it was not completely burned.

The power of Yang Fire is terrifying, even if it is diluted Yang Fire, as long as the item is ignited, it will burn, and it will not be extinguished until it is completely burned.

And the beam was covered with skin and couldn't burn it immediately, which shows its strong yin qi.

Gao Yan saw a little spark on the beam and turned his head to Yu Xiaojie and the others and said, "No need to fight, let's go."

After Yu Xiaojie and others heard the words, they didn't want to fight anymore, changed from attack to defense, and gradually walked towards the temple gate. Chrysanthemum Flower Bell's two poses were so powerful that they directly smashed the temple door into a hole, but there was no need to bother to open the door.

Yin Hun regards the beam as his life. Seeing the fire, he doesn't care about the player at all. He just wants to jump on the beam to rescue, but as soon as he encounters the Yang fire, he is immediately burned.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiaojie and Zhao Huiyin ran out first, followed by Chrysanthemum Flower Bell, but her two shikigami remained in the temple.

The two shikigami voluntarily stayed in the Yingong Temple, intending to be burned together with the temple.

Gao Yan: "I can bury you alone and save you, but you don't want to leave?"

After the two players thanked them, they still refused, because there was no need to be buried alone, they did not want to stay in the game field, this was not their hometown.

Seeing this, Gao Yan didn't force it, but fortunately, the diluted yang fire would not hurt the soul.

So he walked towards the gate of the temple under the escort of the two players. Under the influence of the long-braided diary, the ghast of Yizhuang, who had been seriously injured, had a surge of hatred for Gao Yan, and he was going to smash his body and bite him to death.

Because of the sudden incident, especially the ghast, who was a little clever and entangled the two players alone, causing Gao Yan to be alone.

The three ghasts attacked from different directions, which surprised everyone, and there was no time to help. Yu Xiaojie immediately drank it, and even Hualing in Juli changed his face.

At the critical moment, a short whip of willow branches smashed the ghast in the face and sent it into the fire. Gao Yan turned around and kicked the other ghast into the yang fire to roast, and then stepped on it and smashed it. The skull of the last ghast was finally crushed a few times, and the bones were directly crushed into powder.

"Take me as a weak chicken if you don't do it?" Gao Yan said with a smile on his lips, and then walked out of the temple gate.

Walking down the steps, the beam broke into two halves in an instant, the entire Yingong Temple collapsed, and the yang fire spread, burning all the filth. In the firelight, Gao Yan had a calm smile on his lips, as if there had never been a moment of panic, everything was under control, and it was awe-inspiring.

Yu Xiaojie didn't feel anything different, but he thought the picture was very handsome.

Zhao Huiyin was surprised, Yu Xiaojie and Juli Hualing met very powerful players, so even if he thought Gao Yan was very powerful, he was not surprised. He is different. Although he has met many players, he clearly knows the gap between Gao Yan and ordinary intermediate players.

There are differences in every level of player.

There are also intermediate players, there are high-end players like Gao Yan who directly destroyed Yingong Temple and Yizhuang, and there are players who died the next day. The gap has always been there, and Zhao Huiyin used to think that he was at least an above-average player.

Now that I see Gao Yan again, I feel that this is the real high-end player.

Chrysanthemum Hualing raised her arms, her purple sleeves covered the tip of her nose, and she lowered her eyes and remained silent.

She almost lost control just now, because she couldn't let Gao Yan have an accident, absolutely nothing.

Yu Xiaojie: "Brother Yan, are you alright?"

Gao Yan brushed his sleeves: "It's okay, let's go to Chen Qingshan now."

Yu Xiaojie: "Why are you looking for him?"

Gao Yan: "I want a tower bone."

Yu Xiaojie: "He has a tower bone there? Why do you ask the player to find the raw materials for making the tower bone since he has it?!"

Gao Yan: "You keep these questions for now and ask him later."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "You mean how many puppets you saw that night?"

Gao Yan: "Yes."

Chrysanthemum Flower Bell: "So it is."

Zhao Huiyin didn't understand, but knew that they were silent for now. They met Wang Xing and other players on the way to Chen Qingshan's mansion.

When Wang Xing saw that they were all right, he heard that he was going to find Chen Qingshan, so he talked to the other players, and the players went back, while Wang Xing followed them to find Chen Qingshan.

On the way, Zhao Huiyin told him that both the ghost of Yizhuang and the ghost of Yingong Temple were burned down, including the Temple of Yingong.

Wang Xing: "??? Are you talking about a book? Or am I not awake?"

Zhao Huiyin: "..."

Without further ado, he punched Wang Xing in the eye. The latter was caught off guard and grinned in pain.

When Zhao Huiyin wanted to punch me again, Wang Xing waved his hand quickly: "Don't don't - I know it's true, I didn't dream, so please don't punch me in the face. It's not easy to find a wife!"

Then, Wang Xing was amazed, patted his thigh and praised Yan for doing a good job.

"I can't get used to the two places that are destructive to people, such as Yingong Temple and Yizhuang. I originally wanted to take people to copy those two places before I was assimilated. It was a good thing before I died." Wang Xing spoke out his original plan in a carefree manner.

Hearing this, the rest of the people were a little touched.

Wang Xing: "But you should first solve the two scourges in advance. It is a merit. By the way, why are you looking for Chen Qingshan?"

Zhao Huiyin said that he was going to get the tower bone, Wang Xing was stunned, and then heard him talk about the raw material of the tower bone and the fact that the tantric players cheated the whole Qingshan Town, Wang Xing suddenly darkened his face and did not say a word.

Gao Yan: "The tower bone is a god, representing a god. It travels in the countryside, crosses the fire, and patrols the town. The identity of the protector has been cast a bloody and cruel shadow."

Wang Xing: "It's my fault that I didn't figure it out."

Gao Yan shook his head: "I can't blame you. Qingshan Town, the townspeople, the Wandering God Society, and the tower bones are all weird and weird. Plus they deliberately guide them, it's not surprising that they believe it."

After all, he was convinced at the beginning. Because of his weird behavior, he gave himself psychological hints from the beginning, and felt that the tower bone was a dangerous and terrifying thing, so when he heard that the raw material was such a bloody thing, he felt that it was indeed the case.

Moreover, people have some fears about idols and idols themselves, and the atmosphere is exaggerated, and they are convinced that it is normal.

Gao Yan whispered: "If I hadn't discovered their true obsession, I wouldn't have guessed the truth."